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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 28

by T. S. Hill

  “That’s the story?” Lori asked.

  “No. That’s exactly what happened.”, Sasha, said back to Lori. “In detail, too.”

  “Rosita started laughing. “I can only imagine! You, Amante! With dos fingers, up to here in your mouth!”, she said, raising a clenched fist. “What did you think? Eh? I’m choke on pussy and fingers?”, She started laughing and within a few seconds, Lori was laughing between clenched teeth and holding her jaw tightly. Finally, it quieted down.

  “Serves you right Cowboy, for leading Annette on like that.”, Lori spoke slowly while still holding her jaw. “Still, it wasn’t half as bad as what I did to Sash, when we first met her. I don’t know how she ever forgave me.”

  “Aw, piece of cake, Lori.”, Sasha said waving her hand at Lori. The way I came on to Stan, I don’t blame you.”

  Lori was giggling and holding her jaw, and trying to speak at the same time, even though it was obvious that it all was causing her significant pain.

  “Cowboy, we’ll have to find a way to make this up to Annette.”

  “Make up what?”, Annette turned to Lori and asked.

  “Putting you in that whole predicament.”, Lori replied to her. “Shug, you and Cowboy, both of you, should have your asses kicked, for teasing Annette like that.”, she said. Then turning to Annette, “And you had no idea about the four of us, and how things were?”, Lori asked her.

  “None!”, Annette answered. “I thought that you were all the flirtiest bunch of women that I had ever seen, coming on to your boss like that. Then you all told me that you were independent contractors, and Lori was Tagg’s business partner, and wow! That did seem over the top of anything that I had ever experienced. Then Sash is like, going to give Tagg a foot massage, so I figured, what the hell? Everybody else is going after him, why not me too? And from there, everything got weird, and kinda went crazy.”

  “It certainly did.”, I added.

  “Lori, I understand that you can be pretty badass when the mood strikes you. Are you going to hold any of this against me?”, Annette asked.”

  “Nah, girl!”, Lori strained to express between her teeth. “It’s all cool. Were you thinking of trying to become one of us?”, Lori asked her bluntly.

  “I don’t think… Not now… Sasha told me about you all, and, I’m not experienced in… Not really… I just don’t know! So, maybe, and maybe not. Are you guys asking me to, you know?”

  “No.”, Lori simply said.

  “We, just met you.”, Rosita added.

  “You really don’t understand yet, girl.”, Sasha added.

  “You actually have no fucking idea!”, I blurted out. I still haven’t figured this out. Our dust hasn’t even settled yet. We don’t even know for sure what we’re doing just yet. No new members for now! I’m sorry for leading you down the seductive road of voyeurism, Annette. But right now, you’re trying to figure yourself out, and reintegrate into civilian life, and we are all trying to iron out the wrinkles and norms of our relationship.”

  “Oh, I didn’t say I was ready to sign on as a lifelong crew member sir!”, Annette shot back. “This is one unusual set up, that you all have between you. I wasn’t asking to join. I was asking if you were asking me! I got my answer. So, for now, I’m good. I fully realize that I’ve got shit to sort out. And, I honestly don’t think that I’m cut out for the lifestyle that you all embrace. Meanwhile, you’re all cool people, and I like hanging out, and working with you. If we can just continue that for now, I can live with it! How about you guys?”

  “I’m good!”, Sasha jumped in.

  “Sure.”, Lori shrugged, holding the ice pack, that Rosita had fixed for her, to her jaw.

  “We’ll see.”, Rosita said cautiously.

  “We need the help with the paper work, and your trigger finger is always welcomed.”, I said. You’re easy on the eyes, and easy on the ears too, so why not Annette?”

  “Good!”, she said with a big sigh. Then we can just put this incident behind us?”, she asked.

  “Nothing is ever behind us.”, Rosita spoke softly to her. “We always carry the past with us. Some days it is heavy, and some days it is light. Then on dark days, when our minds have clouds, it is a burden. But you Senorita Annette, you will find your way to take your past with you, so that it does not cause your feet to stumble. Does Rosita make herself understood?”

  “Oh, very clearly, Rosita.”, Annette said, looking directly into Rosita’s eyes. And then, I think that I may have seen that sparkling eyes thing that Annette sometimes does. They both smiled faintly at each other. And although I didn’t catch on, to what was going on between them, I knew that they did.

  “How long until Al gets back?” Lori asked.

  “We don’t know for sure.”, I replied. “He’s got some kind of chopper trouble, and Ray Belcher is flying out around daylight I imagine, to pick him up from Birmingham, and bring him back here. It’ll still be another hour and a half, at least, before Buster’s mercs arrive.”

  “Al’s crazy as hell, if he flies with Ray Belcher!”, Lori groaned. “I’d rather fucking walk back to Louisiana, than fly ten feet with that fucking lunatic!”, she forced out between her clenched teeth, then grimaced in pain.

  “Lori, we need to get you in to see a doctor. Your jaw may be broken, or something serious.”, I told her.

  “We could be attacked at any minute by that SOB, Cowboy. We can’t spare anyone away from here right now. When the mercs show up, you can take me in to the hospital though. I won’t argue then.” I knew that she was right, and I didn’t argue with her.

  “So, what are we going to do until the mercs get here to stand guard?”, Lori asked.

  “We could process evidence paperwork.”, Sasha offered.

  “Not at four o’clock in the morning!” Rosita protested.

  “Play truth without dare.”, Annette suggested.

  “What’s that?” Sasha asked.

  “Like truth or dare, except there is no dare.”, Annette explained. We all agree on a question, then we draw straws or roll a dice to see who comes out on the short end. They have to answer the question truthfully, they have no choice, because there is no dare. Then, you draw, or roll the dice again, and the next poor looser has to answer the question. After that, everyone brainstorms again and comes up with a new question, and the process repeats itself, until you run out of time, or someone refuses to truthfully answer the question. If you are chosen, and you refuse, you lose.

  “It could be fun.”, I commented.

  “I’ll play!”, Sasha piped up, enthusiastic as always.

  “I am willing.”, Rosita answered.

  “I can’t talk anymore.”, Lori whined. But, I’d love to listen in.

  “Okay, then,”, Annette, piped back up, “Sasha, Tagg, Rosita, and I will play, and Lori can be the referee if there is a disagreement!

  “There is a board game on the top shelf in the kitchen.”, Rosita said. “I will see! Maybe there is dice!”

  Rosita jumped from under the blanket where she had been sitting next to Lori, and padded off rapidly toward the kitchen. Even though I had already had a roaring orgasm that night, the sight of her nakedness rapidly wiggling off to the kitchen, made my cock stir and my pulse quicken. Of course, just the sight of Rosita naked was enough to give most healthy men a heart attack. So, what can I say? Momentarily, she returned and tossing a pair of dice on the coffee table, she scampered back beneath the big blanket, and snuggled close to Lori. On the other side of Lori, Annette was cuddled close, and had put her arm around Lori’s shoulders, cuddling and comforting her.

  “So, who has a suggestion for a question?”, Annette asked. “How about, how many sexual partners have you had?”

  “Nah, that’s no big deal!”, Sasha remarked.

  “Something about the quality then?”, Annette asked.

  “Something about sex for sure!”, Sasha piped in, laughing.

  “How about who, or what, was the most intense sexual encounter o
f your life?”, Rosita suggested.

  “I like that!”, Annette spoke up in a perky voice.

  “How about this?”, Sasha jumped back in. “Tell us, in detail, about your most intense sexual encounter, and all about the person with whom you had it.”

  “Yes!”, Rosita said, excitedly. That is it!”

  “But that’s not a question.”, Anette pointed out. “That’s direction. I already almost stepped in it, following Tagg’s direction tonight! It has to be a question!”

  “Okay, how about this?”, Sasha began defiantly, “With whom, did you have your most intense sexual encounter, and what were the details of this person’s persona, and what were the details of the encounter. The minute details!”

  “Now, that is a question!”, Annette said excitedly in a loud voice. “All in favor of the question that Sasha just asked, say aye!”

  “Aye!”, the remaining three of us said.

  “The question is adopted!”, Annette, announced excitedly. “Now we roll the dice to see who has to answer it. The lowest number has to truthfully answer the question, and as Shug stated, in minute detail! Who wants to roll the dice first?”

  “Me!”, Said Rosita, scooping up the dice and tossing them back across the top of the coffee table, without even shaking them. The dice bounced several times across the table and ended with a five and a four, turned face up.

  “Nine!”, Annette called out excitedly. “Who’s next?” Without saying a word, I scooped up the dice and rattled them loosely in my hand, before tossing them out across the table top. They stopped abruptly, and Annette called the roll, “Woah! A three!”

  “Holy fuck! You’re screwed Babe!”, Sasha chided me. I caught Lori faintly smiling at me, with her ice pack propped against her jaw, and she winked.

  “I wanna go last!”, Sasha piped up.

  “Okay, I’ll go next then.”, Annette agreed, picking up the dice, shaking them and then dropping them to the table.

  “Whoa! A four!”, Sasha called out gleefully, as she was getting into the spirit of competition.

  “Last roller up!”, Annette called out. Sasha picked up the dice, and looked around the table at all of us.

  “I wonder who is going to have to tell their true story?”, Sasha drawled. “At this point, it’s Babe, unless I roll a snake eyes. Double ones for me, or a tie with Babe, at three, or Babe has to tell all.”, she lined out what we all already knew, but it added to the drama and excitement of the game. She began to slowly shake the dice, with one hand cupped over the other, then she picked up speed, and finally dropped the dice from above the table.

  “Eight!”, Sasha and Annette both shouted excitedly.

  “Tagg has to answer the question.”, Annette announced.

  “I bet this is going to be some story!”, Sasha quipped.

  “It will be a good one!”, Rosita said calmly. I leaned back, and crossed my arms, looking around the table at the three gaming women, and Lori.

  “Ladies, get comfortable. This story is going to take a while, and goes back to my first year out of high school.”, I began. “Aug and I had gone to New Orleans to attend fire school, but the classes were full, always at the end of the first and second years, there are failures and drop outs for various reasons. So, we decided that we could wait it out, by taking our first two years courses at the local junior college. It was there, at the beginning of the second semester of my freshman year, that I met a most unique young woman, the likes of which I have never met anywhere again. Like I said, I was a freshman, and she was a freshman, eager to prove to the world that she could make it, just like everyone else, but there was a difference between her and everyone else in that freshman class. In fact, she was different from every other student in that junior college.”

  “The day that I met her, I was late for class, and she was standing in the middle of an intersection of two sidewalks. As I rushed past her, not really even paying attention, she called out to me, ‘Excuse me!’, she said. ‘Can I ask you something?’ ‘What is it? I’m late!’, I called back to her, turning around and continuing to walk backwards toward my class.”

  “And that, is when I really saw her, for the first time. She was what people call a natural beauty. Medium complexion, no makeup, plain, simple clothes. Long, beautiful, natural blonde hair. Long shapely legs, and a trim and fit body. Her arms were wrapped around a stack of text books and notebooks, and her beautiful, delicate hands and fingers, held them close to her chest. Her dark brown eyes, had a strange appeal that pulled me in. Once my eyes locked on hers, I couldn’t take them away. But there was something else also, that was odd in the way that she looked at me.”

  “I stood frozen, staring at her for a moment, and then she spoke again, with a voice sweet as angles. ‘Hello? Are you still there?’, she called out again. That, sort of snapped me out of the trance, which suddenly confronting her beauty had put me in, and I stammered back to life. ‘Yes! Um, what is it you want to ask?’, I replied to her, but not in the hurried voice that I had first addressed her with. Slowly, I began walking back toward her. The closer I came to her, the more her beauty bloomed before me. I kept moving forward, until finally I was standing almost toe to toe with her.”

  “At that point, I was totally lost in her eyes.” ‘Can you tell me if the Burns building is to the left, or to the right from here?’, she asked me, ever so sweetly. ‘Yes! Yes, I can tell you.’, I responded to her, still entranced by her eyes. Another moment of silence passed between us, and then her brows bunched up slightly, and she looked troubled by something. ‘Well, which is it?’, she asked, hesitantly. ‘Oh, yes!’, I said excitedly, snapping out of the spell that she had me under, for the second time. ‘It’s to your right. My left. That way!’, I said pointing.”

  “She smiled and almost giggled. ‘That way, to my right?’, she calmly asked me. ‘Yes! To your right.’, I responded, as I regained my composure a bit. ‘Do you have a class there?’ ‘Spanish 101, the teacher is Allen? I think.’, she said, as she turned to her right. Just then, at the flick of her wrist, a folding red and white stick unfurled from her right hand. And, she began moving along the sidewalk toward the Burns building, with the stick extended before her.”

  “I started after her, ‘Hah! Me too!’, I lied. ‘Can we walk together?’ I thought that I heard her snicker lightly, as she answered me. ‘I don’t know. Can we?’ ‘If you don’t mind, then I think we can!’, I replied, finally ungluing my feet from the sidewalk, and rushing to catch up to her.”

  “At that point, the look in her eyes, the red and white cane, her question for obvious directions; none of it, had soaked through my infatuation with her looks, and registered in my conscious brain. ‘I’m Tagg. Tagg Hill.’, I eagerly introduced myself, as we walked along. ‘I’m Mary Ellen Hartley, Tagg.’, she replied, ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you.’ ‘It’s a real pleasure to meet you Mary Ellen! I mean, it’s my pleasure. The pleasure is mine. You know, I’m really happy to meet you!’ She giggled and seemed to slightly blush.”

  “Then, as we arrived at the entrance doors to the Burns building, her cane must have touched the threshold of the door, because she stopped. I pulled the door open, and then she began waving her cane around, inching forward. ‘You’re really pretty!’, I blurted to her. ‘I’m blind.’, she bluntly replied to me. Her comment totally flew over my head, and around my ears. ‘Yes, you are! You are totally gorgeous!’, I replied to her.”

  ” She just stood rigid, looking straight ahead, and pulled her red and white cane back up beside her. ‘I said, I’m blind!’, she said to me, in an exasperated voice. ‘What happened to the door? Wasn’t it right in front of me just a few seconds ago?’ ‘The door?’, I replied, still mesmerized by her beauty. ‘Oh, the door!’, I added, at least partially coming back to my senses. ‘Yes, I have it right here.’ ‘Did you open the door, Tagg?’ ‘Yes! Yes, I have it in my hand. Do you want me to shut it back?’ ‘It would be really gentlemanly of you, if you would just hold it open while I pass thro
ugh.’, she said, tersely.”

  “Once again, she had caught my attention to her beauty, controlling my thought processes. ‘Sure! That’s what I mean, or meant. I opened it for you. So, go ahead, while I hold it open for you.’ She took three steps through the door and then stopped again. ‘Which way is the class room, Tagg?”, she asked. ‘I... don’t know.’, I answered honestly. ‘I forgot!’, I lied again. ‘You forgot where B one is?’, she asked.’ ‘Oh, no. I just remembered. It’s to the right and the first room on the right.’, I answered her. ‘Do you get lost often Tagg?’, she asked me, as she turned right, and started toward the entrance to the east wing of the building.”

  “I had to rush to catch up for the second time. ‘Not usually.’, I replied, walking along beside her. She was smiling. ‘About three more steps and then take a right.’, I told her. ‘Oh, you finally figured it out?’, She asked me. ‘Figured out what?’, I shot back. ‘That I’m blind.’, she said bluntly. ‘Maybe you told me that.’, I mumbled. ‘Did I tell you that you’re beautiful?’ She giggled and smiled. ‘No., she answered. ‘But, you told me that I was totally gorgeous.’ ‘Well, you are!’, I told her as she eased through the classroom door. ‘You are totally gorgeous, and beautiful!’ ‘Tagg, could you help me to an empty seat, so that I don’t beat up everybody’s shins with my cane, trying to find one?’ ‘Sure!’, I replied, putting my arm around her shoulders, and my hand on the one opposite of me. She shrugged my arm off, and then whispered in my ear, ‘Just take my elbow, Tagg. I only need a little guidance, not propping up.’ I quickly adjusted, and guided her to an empty seat, taking the one just behind her for myself.”

  “When the instructor passed around the attendance sheet for everyone to sign in, I wrote, I want to register for this class, beside my printed name and signature. When I passed the sheet forward, Mary Ellen asked me to fill in her name. I quickly wrote Mary Ellen Hartley, and passed the sheet back to her. ‘It’s Mary Ellen Hartley.’, she whispered back to me. ‘I’ve already written it on the paper.’, I told her. ‘I thought you couldn’t remember anything, even your classroom.’, she chided me in a whisper. Even her whisper voice was like angel’s breath.”


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