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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 34

by T. S. Hill

  “Are you ladies doing okay up there?”, I asked.

  “Yes, we’re just rocking along, enjoying each other’s company and having some good, girl talk discussions.”, Rosita replied.

  “Good discussions, about what”, I asked.

  “Oh, Cajun food, menstrual cycles, the size of your prick.”, came her reply. I should have known better than to have asked. When she said “girl talk”, I should have let it lie.

  “I’m looking at taking an exit, for a bathroom break, and stretching our legs.” I called out. “From the roadside signs that we’ve past, it looks like the next exit might be a good place.”

  “We could definitely use a break!”, Annette’s voice broke in.

  “Just take the next exit then.”, I replied. “I’ll follow you, but pick a place with a parking lot big enough to handle this big motorhome.”

  “Copy that!”, came Annette’s reply. I could hear Rosita giggling in the background. I imagined that Annette took the walkie-talkie from Rosita, after her comment of talking about Cajun food, menstrual cycles, and the size of my prick. By now though, I had almost quit trying to second guess women’s thoughts, and usually wasn’t shocked or disturbed by what came out of their mouths.

  We were now a good three hours into the trip, and considering breaks, had at least two and half hours more to go. I knew everyone would need to eat again fairly soon, even though our lunch was a very late one. I looked forward to getting back to my bayou tree house, and a regular schedule for meals and sleep. At least, I was hoping for that. I had also been hoping that the turmoil of Houston, would be left behind, and that my women and I could get back to some hot sex. But, with this crowd at the treehouse, I wasn’t sure how that was ever going to happen.

  Refocusing on food, Rosita and I chose a chicken specialty restaurant next to the mega convenience store where we had stopped. While Annette and I filled the tanks of both vehicles, Rosita and Mrs. Baker walked over to buy our late dinner. Since everyone, except Al and Naomi eventually got out to stretch, and catch some fresh air, Lori volunteered to climb back aboard the motorhome to sit with Al, while Naomi took a break. I was just around the back corner of the motor home topping off the fuel, when Naomi and Sasha returned from the store, and paused at the back of the big coach, just out of my sight, but within earshot.

  “So, what’s it like working for Tagg Hill?”, Naomi asked Sasha.

  “I don’t work for him.”, Sasha quickly answered. “I’m an independent contractor.”

  “What do you do?”

  “Data mining. IT stuff.”, Sasha answered.

  “What is it that you all do? I mean, Mr. Hill and Mr. Longworth and all the other people?”, Naomi asked her.

  “Ah, just corporate stuff. Business inquiries. Stuff like that.”, Sasha replied.

  “What about the two women in the Hummer?”, Naomi pried further. “Are they some kind of guards, or security, or something.”

  “Yeah, something.”, Sasha replied. “You ask too many fucking questions. Annette is Al’s personal assistant. Rosita is with us. She’s also an independent contractor. Lori is a business partner. Mrs. Baker is Al’s housekeeper. And Al is our best business client, and one of Tagg Hill’s best friends, so don’t fuck up with Al. You take very, fucking good care of him, and don’t worry about anything, or anybody, else.”

  “Wow!”, Naomi popped back. “You guys must do some exciting stuff.”

  “Hah!”, Sasha replied, “You couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams.

  “So, I guess a hot guy like Tagg, has a steady?”, Naomi asked, changing direction of the conversation.

  “You would guess right.”, Sasha quipped back.

  “Is it one of you girls?”, Naomi dug further.

  “Like I said, you ask too many fucking questions.”, Sasha barked at her. “You just make damn sure, that you take real, fucking good care of Al Longworth. You get him back on his feet, and in a few days your happy ass will be back in Houston with a fat paycheck. But, don’t fuck this up, and don’t get too fucking nosey!”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be nosey!”, Naomi shot back apologetically. “It’s just that my life in Houston is so boring, and taking this side job, seemed exciting. And, Tagg Hill is just so dreamy and all. You guys all seem to get along, and be very supportive of each other. Plus, you all seem to be such cool people. Sometimes, I just want to say ‘fuck it all’ and get out of that hospital. But then, where am I going to go, and what am I going to do? Fuck if I know! Don’t blame a girl for wondering about possibilities.”

  “It’s all cool, girl.”, Sasha told her. “I’ve learned in life to never say never. Boy, I have! But let me tell you two things to make this little adventure successful for you. Keep your sights off of Tagg Hill, and like I’ve already told you, take really good, fucking care, of Al Longworth. Another piece of advice, always keep your options open.”

  “Thanks, Sasha.”, Naomi replied.

  “Let’s get back on the fucking bus. We need to be rolling.”, Sasha told her. Since there was no more talk, I assumed they headed back toward the door.”

  Back on the bus, Lori said that she wanted to ride with Annette for a while so they could have a talk, and Rosita asked to take a turn at driving the motorhome. So they swapped places. I watched as Sasha familiarized Rosita with the controls and gave her tips. I had nothing to add, except an admonishment for everyone to be safe. After a few miles further down the road, I felt like Rosita was handling the big rig like an old hand, so I went back to sit with Sasha. It was well after dark now, and since we hadn’t encountered any trouble to this point, I didn’t expect any. But, trouble wasn’t to come in the form that I expected. Does it ever?

  While everyone was eating it was quiet. Then it got even quieter. I went back to check on Al, and he was sleeping. Naomi said that he ate good, and seemed to be in good spirits. Mrs. Baker was reading one of the novels that she and Naomi had been talking about earlier. Despite Sasha’s admonishment to Naomi, she still looked at me like she was licking her lips, even though she wasn’t licking her lips. It wasn’t a look, that I was unfamiliar with. It was pretty much the same look that Annette had looked at me with, the first time that I met her, when she also first did that sparkly eyes thing. Moving back to the front, Rosita was still cruising along fine, so I sat back down with Sasha.

  Just then, Rosita called out to me, “Amante! I don’t like this!” I jumped up and rushed to the cockpit, followed closely by Sasha.

  “What’s wrong?”, I blurted out, as I entered the cockpit.

  “Amante, I don’t like driving this big thing. It’s beginning to make me feel a little panicky.”, she replied.

  “Okay!”, I sighed, once again relived that it wasn’t Milinni trouble. “Just take the next exit, and we’ll swap out at the stop. Sasha picked up the walkie-talkie and radioed Annette and Lori, telling them of the unplanned stop, but not why we were swapping off drivers again.

  “Babe, can I take another turn driving?”, she asked me. “I love driving this big mother!”

  “Sure, Sash.”, I replied. “What is it about driving this rig that you love so much?”

  “It makes me feel powerful. To be in control of this big thing, with all of its power, gives me an in charge feeling, not quite like anything else I’ve ever done. And, I’m fully aware of the responsibility that goes with that. It’s just a fucking awesome feeling and experience!”

  “Yes! I think that is exactly why I’m feeling panicky!”, Rosita said, flipping on the turn signal for the approaching exit ramp. At the stop, she and Sasha traded out the cockpit, and grinning from ear to ear, Sasha headed us back down the on-ramp to I-10. Back in the lounge area, Rosita and I settled into the swivel lounge chairs. I locked mine in place and reclined it, closing my eyes.

  “Are you okay, mi amante?”, she asked me.

  “Just a bit stressed Rosita.”, I replied.

  “I thought so.”, she replied. “I could tell from your voice, when you an
d I discussed the chicken restaurant. And your eyebrows get a little knotted up too.”, she said with a little tinkling giggle in her voice. Next, I felt her soft hands on my cheeks, as she reached over the back of my chair. Gently she massaged my cheeks and temples. Her touch felt miraculously soothing. I guess that you’ve known me the longest, eh Rosita?”

  “No, Amante.”, She replied in a soft soothing tone. “Aug and Sally, and Al, and even Mrs. Baker have all known you longer than your Rosita. But your Rosita, has come to know you the best.”, she said, shifting her gentle massage to my neck. I took a deep breath and releasing it, melted into the chair.

  “I’ve missed you neck and shoulder massages Rosita. Ever since I came home with Lori, they’ve been missing. Were you punishing me for bringing her back with me?”

  “No. I did not think of that. But yes, I was mad at you for bringing her back, because I was in love with you. If I had thought to punish you by cutting out your shoulder massages, I would have!”, she said sassily. “But, I did not think of that. We have been so busy, with sex and shooting guns, and flying on helicopters, and having fashion shows. That is what happened to your neck and shoulder massages, mi amante.”. she said sliding her fingers across the tops of my shoulders.

  “I meant between you three women, Rosita. You have known me the longest”, I replied. “I could kick my own ass for wasting so much time between us. The two years that you continually came on to me and I stayed hands off, not mixing business with pleasure. I had the hots for you the whole time, and every time that you rubbed my shoulders for me, I was wishing it could go further, and that your talented hands wouldn’t stop with my shoulders. I wanted to grab you and kiss you and just totally ravish your body. I totally had the hots for you from the first time that opened the front door and there you stood.”

  “That was past and it is gone now/”, She replied. But tell me, what kind of things beyond your neck and shoulder rub did you dream of me doing with my hands?”

  “I just didn’t want you to stop there. I wanted you all over me.”, I replied. Rosita’s hands left my shoulders and I felt them rest on my chest as she began unbuttoning my shirt, then tugging my shirttail out, she undid the last buttons and laid my shirt open. Her soft, warm hands began gliding over my chest, massaging my pecs. “Mmmm”, I moaned softly. “You certainly know how to manhandle my stress.”

  “Man handle?”, she asked rhetorically. “I don’t know about man handle, but I know how to handle my man.”, she whispered to me seductively, then slowly slid the palms, of both of her hands, down my abdomen, pressing her breasts around my head.

  “All over you like this?”, she whispered, trailing all of her fingertips back up my tummy. The muscles in my stomach spasmed at her stimulating touch, and I felt my cock stir against my pants leg.

  “Yes, Rosita!”, I gasped. “Just like that! That’s exactly how I imagined it beginning.” She continued to slowly draw her fingertips up my torso, until she pulled them up my neck and the sides of my head. Then her hands left me. I could hear her clothes rustling, as she moved around, and next I felt her bare breasts brushing over my face. Her hands were once again playing over my chest, her fingers combing through the black hair. Each fingertip delivering a delicious tingle to my skin, evoked a warm, fuzzy feeling from deep within me. My lips pursed as I instinctively kissed the soft supple skin of tits. Then she pulled away again, and I opened my eyes. Rosita stepped to the side of my chair, then leaned in to me, presenting her luscious tits to my mouth. I hungrily took her beautiful right nipple in my mouth, squeezing it with my lips, as my tongue swirled over its surface, causing it to become firm and erect. “

  “Is this what you wished would happen next? Is this what you wished for, when you weren’t mixing business with pleasure?”, she cooed at me.

  “Oh yes, Princess!”, I groaned, turning in my chair and grasping her bare waist with both of my hands. I rubbed my face over and around both of her fabulous tits, then latched on to her left nipple sucking it in between my lips and pulling it outward. My lips released her erect nipple with a loud pop, and I ravaged over both of her breasts with my mouth and tongue. Rosita took my head in her hands and tilted my face up. She stared deeply into my eyes for several seconds, not saying a word. Then suddenly she plunged her mouth to mine and our tongues shot out to meet each other. She squeezed my head against hers and I pulled at her waist, as our tongues danced and tangled, almost violently against each other.

  When our kiss broke, we were both panting breathlessly, and we spent another several seconds holding on to each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Then, turning loose of my head, she pulled the lever to upright my chair, stepping around to the front of it. Placing her right knee on the seat cushion, between my legs, and grasping the back of my head, she raised her body upright, thrusting her chest forward, then pulling my face between her firm and ample breasts. Her fingers plowed through the hair on the back of my head as nuzzled and kissed her gorgeous tits. My hands grasped her bare waist and steadied her as she perched on that one knee.

  “Is this what you dreamed about after you interviewed me to be your housekeeper?”, she asked in an innocent and sweet voice.

  “I did Rosita! I did!”, I groaned.

  “But you wanted more, didn’t you?”

  “Yes!”, I moaned, kissing my way across both of her delicious mounds. Slowly she pulled away and lowered herself, placing her lips on my neck, and flicking my ear with her tongue.

  “You wanted to wake up in the morning to my kisses being planted all over your body, didn’t you?”, she cooed in a sweet teasing voice. That comment almost startled me out of my arousal, because it was totally true. Everything that Rosita had said, had been absolutely on target. How could she have possibly known my thoughts so well? My hands still at her waist, I gently pushed her back, our dark brown eyes locked on each other’s.

  “How could know so much about what I was thinking?”, I asked her.

  “Shhhh.”, she whispered, placing a finger to my lips. I kissed her finger, then she lowered her mouth to my chest and began planting tiny kisses, nibbles and licks across its width. Easing downward, her lips sweetly caressed over my abdomen, making it flinch once more, as I gasped.

  “You remember this from your dreams also.”, she whispered matter-of-factly. “And as I would stand before you to collect my payment, you would imagine this.”, she said, kissing around my navel, as her hand deftly unbuckled my belt.

  “Oh yes!”, I groaned. “I did. I did wish that you would drop to your knees, and do that.” Releasing the waist snap of my jeans, she slowly pulled down the zipper.

  “But you would have stopped me, mi amante. You would have said, ‘it is not proper to mix business with pleasure.’, wouldn’t you?”

  “I would never do that now, Rosita.”, I moaned to her.

  “Rosita will find out if you have grown wiser now, or not.”, she said teasingly, while she tugged my jeans down. I raised my hips from the seat cushion, and she smoothly slid my jeans off of my hips, then down below my knees. My now fully erect cock bounced in the air, swaying up just before Rosita’s face.

  “I don’t know if you have grown wiser or not, but something has grown!”, she said smiling with wide open eyes. “And if I had done this,”, she said, closing her mouth over the head of my turgid cock and swirling her tongue over its flared head, then pulling her mouth away as her lips smacked, “would you have stopped me, and told me to leave your cock alone?

  “Oh hell, I hope not!”, I said to her with after sucking my breath in between clenched teeth.

  “Well you would have!”, she snapped at me angrily, grabbing my cock tightly with her right hand. “Because you were the stupidest, smart man, that I ever knew!”, she said, beginning to slowly stroke my throbbing hard cock. “But, you are also the sexiest smart man that I know. So, I will forgive you, for being so stupid.”, she said, sliding her lips back over the head of cock, and giving it another tongue swirl. My breath abruptly, an
d involuntarily, sucked in again, then I spoke.

  “But, I’ll never forgive myself.” I told Rosita, as she held the shaft of my cock against the palm of her hand and flicked the tip of her tongue up and down it’s length. “

  Every time I look at you, every time I touch you, kiss you, fuck you, or taste you, I think about all that we have missed for two years or more. Ohhhh wow!”, I moaned as she flipped her tongue back and forth across my cock, just beneath its turgid and flaring head. “Every time you touch me, or suck me like this!”, I said quivering all over as she plunged her mouth over my cock. “Oh I will never forget.”, I sighed, looking down at her. Rosita lifted her mouth off of my cock and raised her eyes to me, smiling, and still stroking my cock.

  “And I will never let you forget it.”, she said. “I will cover you with reminders, every day, for the rest of my life. Reminders like this.”, she said, gently taking my balls into her left hand, and fondling them. Suddenly she stopped stroking my cock and gripped it firmly with her right hand.

  “Amante, I can feel each of your heart beats in you cock. Your life essence is in your cock too, and I want it in me.”, she said sweetly, parting her pretty lips once again over the head of my cock. As she began lovingly stroking my shaft again with her right hand, her left continued to gently fondle my balls and sack. Her mouth began working its magic on my cock, as only Rosita could. Soon her lips were against bottom of my cock, with its length extended over her tongue and deep into her throat. As she quickened the pace of her affections to my pulsing shaft, I felt tingling signals dancing along my inner thighs, telling me, that the pressures to release had begun to build, deep within me.

  “Oh, Rosita, my princess,” I moaned, “I will never forget anything about you, or us.” Her pace quickened as her lips and tongue attacked the head of my turgid cock. Her hand’s firm grip now rapidly stroking its shaft.

  “Cum for me, Amante!”, she whispered with her lips pressed against the fully flaring head. “I want to swallow you, again.” I felt the muscles in my legs involuntarily tense as the ecstatic wave of orgasm began to convulse through my body.


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