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Brazen Ecstasy

Page 4

by Janelle Taylor

  “Do you wish me to punish her for an accident?” he asked, baffled. “She learned a great lesson; surely she will be more careful now.”

  Shalee decided not to argue his valid but mistaken conclusion. “You are right, my husband. Perhaps I am being silly. Maybe my spirits are plagued with a desire to return to busy life, like Makakin. The winter has been slow and long. Perhaps I am simply tense and bored,” she laughed to excuse her behavior and attempt to change the subject.

  “Perhaps I should take away your restless spirit and great energy,” he jested, igneous eyes burning like two smoldering black coals.

  “When we have eaten and Wi goes to sleep, I will remind you of your generosity, my love,” she playfully announced, passing her hands over his shoulders and down his arms to grasp his hands. “Do you really know how much I love you and need you?” she murmured passionately, feeling an odd need to remind him.

  “If your words did not tell me, your eyes would, Little One. Perhaps I should go and fetch our son so we can eat early. My body grows hungrier for you than for wasna.” He grasped her face between his hands and kissed her soundly.

  As his lips eased over to nibble at her ear, her hand moved to touch his groin. “You are right, my love; he strains with eagerness and hunger,” she whispered, drawing a moan of desire from him.

  “Do you ever grow weary of me, Gray Eagle? Do you ever desire to have another woman to sate your great needs?” she abruptly asked, stunning him.

  He leaned back and gazed into her limpid eyes. The imploring look there increased his astonishment. “You speak with an honesty and concern that confuse and alarm me, Shalee. I have no need for another woman. You are the air I breathe and the food of my body. How could I ever grow weary of possessing only you? You are my love, my life, my heart,” he vowed huskily.

  She smiled, tears glistening in her.eyes. “A woman needs to hear such things, my love. Sometimes the showing of such feelings is not enough. Women are foolish and weak creatures,” she declared, laughing and kissing him.

  He chuckled heartily and shook her playfully. “Hear me well, woman; I need no other female to care for me in any way. How can a man grow weary of a female who is fresh and exciting each time he possesses her? Where would my body gain strength to sate another female once you have lain with me? You leave no space for thoughts or desires for another. Is that not true for you?” he teased, tugging upon her braid.

  “It will always be that way for me. No man shall ever touch my heart and life as you have. Still, it is the Indian way to take more than one wife or woman,” she reminded him.

  “Only if one woman cannot fill his needs. Such is not true with us. You are the only woman I need or want. When Wi sleeps, I will prove this to my doubting wife,” he taunted, a beguiling and promising grin claiming his arresting face and entrancing eyes.

  She flung herself into his possessive embrace and hugged him tightly. She was indeed foolish; Leah was no threat to their great love, no woman was. It would always be this way between them, for their hearts were bound as tightly and securely as the arrowhead to a slender shaft. She sighed contentedly, snuggling up to his warm and inviting body. His heady aura invaded her senses. Flames of desire licked greedily at her smoldering womanhood. Her breasts grew taut with need. Her lips ached to have his ravish them.

  Ever so lightly and provocatively she stroked his firm chest with her parted lips, her warm and ragged respiration calling out to him. Tremors passed over her as she sought his lips to fill the yearnings upon hers. Following several devastating kisses, he struggled to gently break her hold around his waist. “I will return shortly,” he huskily declared, then quickly left their tepee.

  As promised, he was at her side within minutes. He lifted her shapely body and carried her to his mats. With undeniable eagerness, he began to undress her. “What about our son and the cooking?” she halfheartedly debated with the powerful needs within them.

  He grinned. “Bright Arrow will remain and eat with my father,” he mirthfully announced, completing his chore. As he jerked his own garments off, she laughed.

  “Did you tell him why you wished our son to remain there?” she asked, her face flushing with desire and lingering modesty.

  “He is wise; he knew without words. He is also kind, for he yielded to our great needs,” he cheerfully replied, coming to lie beside her.

  Within moments, they were ensnared by the silky strands of love. As his lips enflamed her from head to toe, his masterful strokes drove her into frenzied response. Over and over he plunged into her receptive body, her lips encouraging him to claim them time and time again. He halted briefly and withdrew to enable his mouth to ecstatically torment her breasts. Then, he tenderly drove his manhood home once more, steadily increasing his depth and intent.

  The peak attained, her body was assailed by the relenting shudders that conquered it. Just after he exploded within her and was intoxicatingly draining every drop of his release, Leah called from outside the sealed flap. Startled by her voice and untimely interruption, he stiffened and halted his movements. “Sha?” he nearly shouted in annoyance.

  “Running Wolf went to the meeting lodge. Bright Arrow is sick. I did not know what to do,” she related her words in English.

  The beautiful moment spoiled by her no doubt devious intrusion, Shalee also tensed in moody irritation. Gray Eagle gazed down at her and shrugged his shoulders in appeal. “Bring our son here while I dress,” Shalee suggested to cover her vexation. “If he is ill, I must tend him,” she added, her vivid disbelief clear to him.

  He nodded and arose to pull on his garments. He unlaced the flap and faced the white girl with her demurely lowered lashes and bowed head. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Gray Eagle, but your son cries with a stomachache. I have no medicine to give him. It is not permitted to enter or approach the meeting lodge.” Thus she promptly issued her nettlingly valid logic.

  Without speaking to her, Gray Eagle brushed past her and headed for his father’s tepee. When he found his son lying upon the mat clutching his painful stomach, he knew why Bright Arrow had not come to the tepee himself. He comforted his son as he lifted his taut body to carry him to Shalee. Once more he ignored Leah as he swept past her bearing his light and precious burden.

  Leah returned to Running Wolf’s tepee and danced around in glee. Running Wolf couldn’t have assisted her scheme better if he had fed the child countless fruit pones himself! How timely his trip to the meeting lodge had been! Leah had listened to the sounds of passion sifting through the hides of Gray Eagle’s tepee for a while before selecting the best time to dispel their fiery union. But she hadn’t counted on their passionate joining’s being so entrancing they couldn’t hear her call out as they found such blissful relief! She had planned to interfere at the most critical moment, but had been denied that malicious pleasure. Still, the peaceful aftermath had been ruined.

  Leah halted her merriment to drop upon her sleeping mat, opposite from Running Wolf’s. Images of Gray Eagle tortured her mind and body and vanquished her happiness. Overwhelming lust coursed through her body for that perfect specimen of manhood. As wanton thoughts filled her mind, her body flamed with needs long denied during her enforced celibate slavery. Her breasts ached and her lips craved a mouth to torment and pleasure them.

  Dusk filtered into the tepee as she squirmed in frustration upon the sleeping mat, pleading for slumber to halt the fierce cravings of her wanton body. As she unconsciously wiped glistening beads of anxiety from her upper lip, her hand brushed against a swollen breast. The accidental contact drew a sharp intake of air and a soft moan from her parted lips. How she longed for Gray Eagle to caress her body and to ravish her, laying waste to her aching desires. Entrapped in her world of heady desire, she failed to hear the silent return of Running Wolf.

  Low moans and tell-tale breathing came from the white girl smoldering from the flames of unrequited passion. Leah had miscalculated Running Wolf’s potency or ability to mate with a woman. He was
still virile and desirable. Suddenly his member throbbed with a fierce craving to sate himself with the captive girl who could not refuse him any wish or command. Seized by overwhelming desire, off came his garments. Astonished by this sudden surge of new life, he eyed the protruding member, then smiled as he lovingly stroked it. After two years of vexing impotency, he was dizzy with the heady reality which throbbed within his hand. Bedazzled, he could do no less than prove his sexual prowess had mysteriously returned.

  He went to Leah and lay down. Frightened by his sudden appearance and by his naked body upon her mat, she tried to roll aside. “Hiya!” he ordered her to prompt obedience. The tone of his commanding voice and the determination in his eyes warned her to submit to whatever he wanted. She whined and pleaded, knowing her plans would be foiled if this old man ravished her. Running Wolf grinned as he yanked off her dress and breechcloth.

  His eyes glazed with rising lust as they fell upon the ripe, full breasts. He lay upon her, sucking greedily and none too gently upon them. His wrinkled hands roamed her body, testing its appeal and need. He parted her thighs and pushed a finger into her moist recess to check its preparation. He chuckled as he withdrew the finger covered with wetness. Still, Leah pleaded for release. Not wanting to be distracted or swayed, Running Wolf’s hand covered her mouth briefly as he demanded, “Iyasni,” for silence.

  Terrified by the strength in his body and her precarious position of enslavement, she willed herself to silence and submission. Her safety and truce were too vital to endanger by resisting him. She suppressed a scream as he drove into her body, which felt shock, because of her lengthy abstinence. He halted momentarily as he smiled his pleasure at her supposed previous purity. Then, he diligently worked upon his pleasure. His manhood was large and firm for his age and size. As easily and skillfully as he had plundered enemy camps, he plundered her body.

  Her lustful moisture made his fierce drivings easier. Back and forth his hips drove until he spewed hot liquid into her body, each spasm felt by the enraptured Leah. Her tight womanhood sent him into a frenzy as he ravished it. As his body reeled with the force of his successful task, he chewed painfully upon her erect nipples.

  Yet Leah did not cry out. Strange, but after the initial sharp entry, her womanhood greedily accepted his savage invasion. As he moaned with satisfaction and excitement, curious delight filled her at her power to so move this important man. He was like a small child; and she, a savory treat. Over and over he helplessly sampled her delights, creating strange feelings within her. She realized the powerful chief was crazed with pleasure from her body. Like some starving animal, he was voraciously devouring her and sating his hunger. The pain had given over to a pleasant and thrilling sensation. Each time he drove into her, it was like stroking sensitive nerves that tingled and begged for more caressing. The oddest part of all was when he began savagely to pound his manhood into her and to gnaw upon her aching breasts—the rougher he became, the greater her pleasure! The agony soon became intoxicating; the delightful pain became an addicting drug that she craved more and more.

  As one unfamiliar with savage joinings but who had been denied any recent union with a female, Running Wolf did not recognize a bewitching fascination in the actions of the white girl beneath him as she arched upwards and coaxed his throbbing manhood to forcefully stab into her inviting recess with even greater power. He nearly went wild with desire when she grasped his graying head and moved his mouth from breast to breast as if denying one sweet mound more satisfaction than the other. He was dazed and enflamed when she writhed beneath him, her longings increasing with more and more pain. As his torrid member exploded within her eager and demanding body, he sucked and chewed upon each nipple until it was raw. Yet Leah never resisted this treatment; her actions pleaded for more, enslaving him.

  When they lay spent upon the mat, Leah savored this mysterious and exhilarating experience. If Running Wolf could incite her to such mindless delights, imagine what his virile and strong son could do to her body! Whatever it took, she would bring Gray Eagle under her control and spell. The chief was sleeping peacefully. Leah propped herself upon her elbow to study him more closely. Evidently he wasn’t as old as she had imagined. In fact, Running Wolf hadn’t lost all his ruggedly handsome looks and physical appeal. She hadn’t noticed before, but he was very appealing: his face and his body.

  Her eyes traced every line of his still robust frame. As they touched upon his manhood, she realized it was large even in its limp state. Her gaze glued to it as if willing it to new life. Deliriously heady about these wonderful new sensations, Leah’s fiery body resisted sleep for a long time.

  The following day, Leah and Shalee carefully avoided each other, each fearing the other would read emotions that both wanted to remain hidden until brought under control. That night, Leah and Running Wolf repeated their animalistic joining. Another day passed as Shalee and Leah successfully prevented any meeting between themselves.

  That night, Leah realized something new and enthralling; the chief was watching her and trailing around her like a male dog after a bitch in heat! It was obvious the greedy old hound couldn’t wait until bedtime! So, the lowly white slave had powerful magic between her legs! That realization sent shivers of malicious pleasure over her. With a little effort and time, she would have him eating out of her hand. She would weave a tight spell around him and soon he would be her slave! Then, she could do as she pleased, as long as she pleased him upon his mats. She would possess a great hold over him. Once drugged by her, he would obey her every whim or risk finding a limp body beneath him! She would become an intoxicating habit he would not resist or deny. When.he was bodily enslaved to her, she would entice him to buy a white slave to do the chores, allowing her more time and energy to see to his other needs. She smiled.

  The flap already laced tightly, Running Wolf sat down beside her as she completed her last chore. Never had any female, white or Indian, so matched his sexual prowess or lusty appetite. He could hardly wait to take her again. His palms itched; nervous perspiration gleamed upon his body. He licked his lips in anticipation. His manhood throbbed to be released from the now tight breechcloth. He was too mesmerized by her behavior to recognize the danger or the shame in his carnal lust.

  Leah seductively and tauntingly unlaced her doeskin dress to expose her breasts to his gleaming eyes. When she felt he had tormented them sufficiently, she unknotted his breechcloth and let it fall from his body. She grasped the member and delighted in its warmth and hardness. Soon, the vicious union was taking place for the third night in a row. Having been Running Wolf’s captive since last summer, Leah wondered why he had waited so long to demand his rights upon her mat. But already her lust for Gray Eagle filled her with dissatisfaction. During their second joining of bodies, she had closed her eyes, as she did now, pretending he was his son. This action served to increase her responses and desires, leading Running Wolf to think he held great power over her body.

  As she watched him sleep, she smiled wantonly as her mind returned to plotting a perfect scheme to entrap his son. If need be, she would rid herself of this problem at the same time she destroyed Shalee. Now that she knew of her sexual prowess and was honing her skills each night, her confidence grew by leaps and bounds. It was time to put her plans into action.

  Chapter Three

  It was four days later before Running Wolf became aware of what was taking place within his mind and body. But this knowledge didn’t come from within his distorted brain, it came rather from the distressed perception of White Arrow. At first, White Arrow resisted the signs his instincts detected. When he could no longer deny something evil was in the wind, he made it his purpose to investigate his suspicions without drawing any attention to them.

  He furtively observed Leah and her growing air of self-assurance, which bordered upon arrogance. He watched Running Wolf as his gaze lustfully followed nearly every move the white captive made. Although a grown man, who was skilled upon the mats himself, embarrassmen
t and dismay filled him as he twice observed the bulging crotch upon the aging chief. White Arrow keenly read the enticing looks sent to the chief from the daring white girl. He was unsettled as Running Wolf helplessly responded to her sensual callings. When Running Wolf made any attempt to remain in his tepee to be near Leah, White Arrow knew he had guessed correctly. But to make absolutely certain there was no mistake, White Arrow dauntlessly and covertly wandered near Running Wolf’s tepee at night. The sounds and words that greeted his alert ears sickened him. He hadn’t been wrong after all….

  So he had been in grave error last summer when he presented this evil girl to the chief to be his slave, nothing more! Now she was using some powerful magic from her body to make a fool of their great chief! Gray Eagle was still visiting in the camp of the Cheyenne. For an instant, White Arrow wished he was with his friend. What would Gray Eagle think and do when he discovered this repulsive situation? As his best friend, could he relate such offensive news? Should he?

  The saddest part of all was that the chief didn’t realize what was taking place. The moment that thought came forth, White Arrow knew what he must do. Now, as they stood by the riverbank during the afternoon sun when others were resting, White Arrow didn’t know where or how to begin. This revolting matter was private and touchy; it must be handled gingerly.

  His dilemma was solved when he turned to witness Running Wolf’s anxious pacing. Each time the chief halted and glanced toward camp, White Arrow knew what he wanted: to be upon the mats in his tepee with that conniving Leah! Was he so ensnared by her fiery blood that he couldn’t see what was happening to him? White Arrow’s hesitation and embarrassment gave way to annoyance and boldness.

  Before he knew what words were forming within his mind and mouth, they had angrily spilled forth. “Is your lust for Leah so great that you can no longer stand still for “ a cloud to pass over Wi’s face? Does your manhood throb with such need that you must lower yourself to sniff after her like some animal with the mating fever upon you? Since when does the noble Sioux chief desire to ride between a white whore’s legs rather than upon his war pony or on a hunt? Is her magic so great that even the great Running Wolf cowers before her and pleads for entrance into her evil cave? Do you believe the other warriors will not soon question why their chief hides in his tepee when he is needed in the meeting lodge or upon the hunt? My face is stained with dishonor for bringing such evil to your tepee.”


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