The Coming Fury

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by Bruce Catton

  Slaves: contrabands, 398-401, 426, 428; field hands, 5, 83; master, 86; value of, 105. See also Negroes

  Slemmer, Adam J., 276

  Slidell, John, 3, 5

  Smedes, William C, 169

  Smith, Caleb, 58-59, 62; Fort Sumter, 287; Secretary of the Interior, U. S., 248

  Smith, Edmund, 406, 462

  Smugglers, 333

  Snyder, G. W., 324

  Society: free. 209; pre-Civil War, 79; Tennessee, 367

  "Some Thoughts for the President's Consideration," 290-91. See also Seward, memorandum

  Songs, 190, 355: "Bonnie Blue Flag, The," 190; campaign, 92-93, 111; "Despot's heel is on thy shore! Maryland!, The." 355: election of 1860, 92-93, 111; "Oh Isn't He a Darlins," 55; "Yankee Doodle," 326

  "Sons of the South," 112

  Soule, Pierre, 75

  South: alternatives, 100; blockade of, 262-63, 437, 442; border states. See Border states; coercion of, 107, 194, 219, 333; commerce, 436-38. See also economy; compromise, 203; as cotton empire, 9; as cotton south, 15, 50; cotton states. See. Cotton states; Davis, 42-43; Deep. See Deep South; Douglas, 11, 37-38, 78, 100, 106, 125; economy, 15, 84, 435-36, 516 n.-17 n.; election of 1860, 95, 100, 104-9, 112-14; Gulf states, 84, 245; independence, 9; industry, 435. See also economy; institutions, 43; intransigence, 43, 79; leaders of, 43; Lincoln, 94, 95, 100, 114, 189, 219-20, 413; middle-South, 193; military supplies, 176; miscalculations of, 88; Mississippi River, 377; new, 237; non-slave holders in, 203, 204; North, attitudes toward, 362; Northern Democrats, 11; old, 237; placating, 52; position of, 105; Scott, 444-45; secession, 93, 107-8, 193-98; Seward, 28, 280; slave states. See Slave states; slavery, 78, 81-82, 84-88, 116; society, as free, 209; transportation system, 377, 438-39; union, own terms for, 43; unionism in, 125, 189, 238, 302, 336-37, 444-45; Unionists, 18; way of life, threat to, 203. See also under name of state South Carolina: arms purchases, 127; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 73, 77; Buchanan, 140; Citadel cadets, 132, 180; commissioners on Federal property cession. See South Carolina commissioners; election of 1860, 107-9, 112; election, state, 128; electors, 108; Federal property, 136, seizure of, 158, 164; Fort Moultrie, 147; Fort Sumter, 147, 153; forts, demand for, 145, seizure of, 158, 164; home guard, 306-7; independence of, Dec. 20, 1860, 133; legislature, 108-9, 112; Manon Artillery Company, 132; military, potential, 132; militia, 155, 185; ordinance of secession, 133, 138, 163; Palmetto Guards, 316; patriotism, national, 283; preparedness, 185; secession, Dec. 24, 1860, 106, 128, 133-40, 145, 237, resolution, 133; response to, 138-40, secession convention, Dec. 17, 1860, 130-33, 136-38, 170, at Columbia, 131-32, at Charleston, 132-33, 134-35, 136-38, election of, 128, 130, 131; Secretary of State, 184; state convention, 106; Unionists, 133; unity of, 237

  South Carolina commissioners, 136, 145-46, 157 ff., 161 ff., 171, 175, 178, 489 n. See also Adams, J. H., Barnwell, R. W., and Orr, J. L.

  Southern Confederacy, 2, 185, 194, 195. See also Confederate States of America

  Southern Literary Messenger, 209

  Southern nation, 237. See Confederate States of America South Mountain, Md., 188, 316 Spain, 291

  Speaker of the House, U. S., 12, 15-17, 421

  Spectators: Baltimore Democratic conventions, 70, 73, 74; Bull Run, first battle of, 464, 465, 466, 470; Charleston Democratic conventions, 24, 31, 33, 37, 61; Fort Sumter, 320

  Speed, Joshua, 372

  Sprague, William, 456

  Springfield, 111.: election of 1860, 91-92, 110-11; Chen-ery House, 217; Lincoln departure from, 217-18

  Springfield rifle, 83

  Stanton, Edwin M.: Attorney General, 159; Buchanan, 165, 279, 352, cabinet, 173; on Civil War, 352; on corruption, 404; forts issue, 161, 164-65, 172, 279; Lincoln administration, 302, 474; as "little black terrier," 159; Russell, Majors, and Waddell scandal, 174; South Carolina commissioners, 165

  Star of the West, 178-83, 188

  State conventions: Alabama, 26, 109, 112, 189; Georgia, 112-13; Missouri, 384; South Carolina, 106, 108-9; Southern, 70. See also Secession conventions

  State Department. See Confederate Department of State and U. S. State Department

  State secession conventions. See Secession conventions

  State-sovereignty doctrine, 18

  States rights, 55, 480 n.; Federal government attitude, 415; secession, 126; slavery, 127; Stephens on, 46

  Steam engine, 82

  "Steam gun," 358

  Stephens, Alexander, 118, 433; Civil War, 214; Cobb, 211; Douglas, death of, 396-97; election of 1860, 114: on future, 46; Lincoln, 114-15, 119; "Little Pale Star from Georgia, The," 46; Montgomery convention, 207-10; party split, 46; presidential candidate, Confederate, 212; Toombs, 212; Union, 114, 115; Vice-President, Confederate, 213

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 54, 427, 433

  Stewart, R. M., 195 Stockton, T. H., 419-20 Stokes, James H., 377-78 Stone's River, 79 Stonewall Brigade, 460 Stonewall Jackson, legend of,

  459-60. See also Jackson, T.


  Stoops, Lewis, 416-17 "Strangers' Guard," 348 Strong, George Templeton, 269 Stuart, James Ewell Brown

  (Jeb), 447, 448, 461 Sudley Ford, 457, 465

  Sudley Springs, 453, 455, 458

  Sullivan's Island, 136, 255, 320

  Sumner, Charles, 201, 243, 245; Andrew, 206, 242; Lincoln inaugural, 269; peace conference, 242

  Sumner, Edwin V., 218

  Supreme Court, U. S. See U. S. Supreme Court

  Swett, Leonard, 51, 60

  "Swing around the circle," 100

  Sykes, George, 466

  Taliaferro, William B., 350, 351, 380

  Taney, Roger, 266, 269, 352; Merryman case, 359-60

  Tappan, Lewis, 2

  Tariffs, 84, 91, 209, 239, 258

  Taylor, A. S., 364

  Taylor, Bayard, 347-48

  Telegraph system, 79; Bull Run, 446, 467; Chicago Republican convention, 49; election of 1860, 110; in Texas, loss of, 235

  Tennessee: alliance with C.S.A., 367; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 73; eastern, 368; election of 1860, 113; legislature, 194, 202, 367; ordinance of secession, 194; secession, 193-94, 365, 366-68; secession convention, 193; significance of, 368; slavery in, 367; slave states meeting, proposal on, 194-95; society of, 367

  Territories: Kansas, 44; slave code, 26; slavery in. See under Slavery

  "Terrors of Submission, The," 105

  Texas: Charleston Democratic conventions, 26; commissioners, 229, 230, 231; defense of, 235; Department of, 227, 229; legislature, 196; Montgomery convention, 206, 236; Northerners in, 233, ordinance of secession, Feb. 23, 1861, 196, 236; referendum, 229, 236; secession, 193, 196, 228, 233, 235;

  secession conventions, 196,

  229, 236; seizure of Federal

  property, 235; Seward, 289;

  Unionism, 230, 236; U. S.

  Army in, 228-30, 233-36,

  238; value of, 238 Texas Rangers, 235 Textile industry, 82-83, 84 Thatcher's comet of 1861, 428,


  Thomas, Philip F., 159, 190

  Thompson, Jacob, 123, 125, 128, 161, 190

  Thompson, M. Jeff, 386

  Tickets of leave, 4

  Ticknor, George, 339

  Tod, David, 74

  Toombs, Robert, 200; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 77; character of, 212; Confederate commissioners: to Europe, 341, on cession of Federal property, 269, 296; Fort Sumter, 302; presidential candidate, Confederate, 212-13; Secretary of State, Confederate, 206, 259

  Totten, James, 196

  Toucey, Isaac, 123, 125, 164, 178

  Townsend, E. D., 278

  Transportation system, 377, 438-39; Mississippi River, 377; railroads. See Railroads; Russell, Majors, and Wad-dell, 173

  Treasury Department, U. S., Secretary of. See U. S. Secretary of the Treasury

  Tredegar Iron Works, 327, 438

  Tremont Hotel, 51, 57, 60, 65

  Trescot, William Henry: Assistant Secretary of State, U. S., 128, 172; on Bull Run, 477; forts issue, 150-51
, 158, 174; Pickens, Gov., 151; resignation, 157

  Trumbull, Lyman, 167, 168, 174

  Twiggs, David Emanuel, 227,

  234, 235; Buchanan, 238;

  dismissal of, 238; Scott, 229;

  surrender of, 228, 231, 236 Tyler, Daniel, 450, 451, 454,

  456, 457, 461

  Tyler, John, 240 Tyler, Robert O., 323

  Uncle Ben, 298

  Uncle Tom's Cabin, 15

  Union: Anderson on, 151; Breckinridge on, 109; in Charleston Democratic convention reports, 29; compromise efforts, 201-2; Davis on, 19, 257; Democratic party, 29, 331; Greeley on, 115; Lincoln on, 267; Maryland in, 355-57, 365; pro-Union resolutions, 202; Seward, 364-65; and slavery question, 200; slave states in, 236; South: loyalty to, 189, 366, own terms for, 43; Stephens on, 114, 115; victory, Scott on, 327. See also North and United States of America

  Union Army: Bull Run, first battle of: advance, 449-51, 452-53, 455, attack by, 456-62, casualties, 468, 471, 477, discipline, 444, 449-50, 455, 463, leadership, 460, 461, panic, 466, 470, plans of, 443-45, 453-54, reserves, 466-67, retreat, 462-63, 464-65, supplies, loss of, 468; in Maryland, 353; militia, 328, 332, 442, 445, call for, 330-32; as occupation army, 416-17; readiness, state of, 403; Seward, 404; strength of, 421; volunteers, 421, 442, 445. See also U. S. Army

  Union Mills Ford, 453

  Unionism: Arkansas, 195; Kentucky, 139; Missouri, 389; North Carolina, 194, 366; in South, 125, 189, 238, 302, 336-37, 444-45; in Texas, 230, 236; in Virginia, 409-10. See also Unionists

  Unionists: Arkansas, 195; in Buchanan cabinet, 159; in Davis cabinet, 259; Kentucky, 139, 372; Maryland, 139, 356; Missouri, 330, 384 ff.; North Carolina, 194;

  St. Louis, 376-77; in South, 18; South Carolina, 133; Texas, 230; Virginia, 335, western, 409-10

  Unit rule, 25, 28

  United States of America: Kansas, admission of, 193. See also under Kansas; arsenals. See Arsenals; compromise, will to, 45; courts, 112, 125-26; democratic machinery, 78, 130; in 1860, 69; election of 1860, 78, 91-94; federal government: coercion of South, 107, 194, 219, 333, non-intervention, 72, powers of, 125-26, secession, 93, Texas, loss of, 238; federal union, dissolution of, 78; first attack on, 180-81, 183; industrial potential, 83; industrialization of, 83-84; political system, 11, 17, 78, 130; politics in, 11, 15, 68; population, 83; pre-Civil War society, 79; property, 136, seizure of, 156, 164, 187-88, 190, 196, 235, 275, 276, 335-36, 366; race problem, 85; resources, 83; secession, right of, 125-26; slavery 43; South, role in, 44; states rights. See States rights; in transformation, 78-89. See also North, South, and Union

  Upton, Emory, 121

  U. S. Army, 122, 132; 1st Artillery, 142; 1st Cavalry, 337; 1st Infantry, 229, 234; 2nd Artillery, 195; 2nd Cavalry, 68; 9th Infantry, 180; appropriations, 122; General of the Armies, 172; Lee as commander, 338; officers, former, 260; size, 121, 421; in Texas, 229-30, 233-35. See also Union Army

  U. S. Attorney General: Bates, 247; Black, 123; Stanton, 159

  U. S. Congress, 12, 41. 238, 263, 331; Thirty-sixth, 13; Thirty-seventh, 418; appropriations, 121, 122, 144;

  Buchanan, 121, 151, annual message, 129; compromise efforts, 169, 198-200; Congressional Globe, 23; Corwin amendment, 264; Davis resolutions, 18-19; election, disputed, 31, 48; elections, congressional, 421; electoral vote, count of, 225; Federal property, control over, 164, force bills, 263; Fort Moultrie, 144; Fort Sumter, 144; homestead bill, 23; House of Representatives. See U. S. House of Representatives; Impending Crisis, The, debate, 13, 15-16; lame-duck, 124; Lincoln war message, 421-23; military expenditures, 121, 122, 144; national convention, proposal for, 240; Republican party in, 116; resignations, 128; Senate. See U. S. Senate; on slavery, 29, 55-56, 426-28; special session, July 4, 1861, 418-28; war, debate over, 423-24

  U. S. Constitution: Buchanan explanatory amendment, 129; compared with Confederate, 208-9; Corwin amendment, 198-99, 264; Davis, J.* on, 43; Douglas on, 102; failure of, 137; obedience to, 241; Petigra and, 135-36; in Republican platform, 55; South Carolina secession, 133; spirit of, 17; Stephens on, 114; stretching, 352

  U. S. House of Representatives: compromise efforts, 198-99; election contest, 47; slave issue, 22-23, 198; speaker, election of, 12-14, 15-17, 421

  U. S. Interior Department, 173; Secretary of. See U. S. Secretary of the Interior

  U. S. Marines, 41, 269, 461-62

  U. S. Navy: appropriations, 23-24, 123; Depot of Charts and Instruments, 429; size, 421

  U. S. Navy Department: Fort

  Pickens, 277; Fort Sumter, 179; Naval Observitory and Hydrographical Office, 429; Secretary of. See U. S. Secretary of the Navy; slave trade patrol, 80

  U. S. Postmaster General: Blair, 247; Holt, 123

  U. S. Secretary of the Interior; Kelly, 190; Thompson, 123, 190; Smith, 248

  U. S. Secretary of the Navy: Toucey, 123; Welles, 247-48

  U. S. Secretary of State: Black, 159; Cass, 123, 159; Seward, 224-25, 247

  U. S. Secretary of the Treasury: Cameron, 61: Chase, 247; Cobb, 123, 124, 159; Dix, 190; Thomas. 159, 190

  U. S. Secretary of War: Cameron, 248; Davis, J., 185, 234-35; Floyd, 123, 174, 176; Holt, 174. 176

  U. S. Senate: Committee on Military Affairs, 122; Crittenden proposal, 199; expulsion of Southern members, 424; homestead bill, 23; Lincoln cabinet, 263. 273; resignations, 112, 191-93; slavery, 16-17; Southern rights code, 42

  U. S. Supreme Court, 30, 34 U. S. War Department: Bull Run, after defeat at, 472; enlistment quotas, 332; forts, 141, 178-79; Harney. 386; home guard, 225; mails, use of, 229, 234; organization in 1860, 121-22: Russell. Majors, and Waddell, 173; Scott, 172; Texas secession, 229, 234; Twiggs, 229; Washington, protection of, 225

  Vallandigham, Clement L., 425 Valtellina, Amalia Majocchi, 291

  Vance, Zebnlon, 203 Van Dorn, Earl, 68 Vermont, 62, 77 Vice-Presidents: Breckinridge,

  69, 174; Hamlin, 266;

  Stephens, 213

  Vicksburg, Miss., 214

  Villard, Henry, and Lincoln: appearance of, 118; on compromise, 201-2; inauguration, 261; in Washington, 265; Washington journey, 222

  Virginia, 166, 409; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 73, 74; call for troops, U. S., 333, 334, 335; Charleston Democratic conventions, 35; Chicago Republican convention, 51, 62; convention of alliance, 363; delay of, 197-98, 333-34; election of 1860, 113; Fort Sumter, trade for, 333; importance of, 196, 333, 368, 409; Lee, R. E., 228, 231-33, 337, 339; legislature, 196-97, 239; Letcher program, 196; ordinance of secession, Apr. 17, 1861, 335, 363; peace convention, 196-97, 239. See also Peace convention; secession, May 23, 1861, 333-35, 365, 392-93; secession convention, 197, 239, 299-300, 328, 335; secessionism, 139; Unionism, 335, 409-10; western. See West Virginia; Yancey, 210

  Virginia, C.S.S., 24. See also

  Merrimack, U.S.S. Vodges, Israel, 278, 284, 299 Volunteer regiments, Union,

  448. See also under name of


  Wade, Ben, 280

  Waite, Carlow A., 229, 233, 234, 235

  Walker, Capt. 317

  Walker, Leroy Pope, 303. 304, 311, 328; Secretary of War, Confederate, 259

  Walker, W. S., 179

  Wallace, W. H. L., 202

  War of 1812, veterans of, 122, 141, 228

  War Department. See Confederate and U. S. War Department; Secretary of. See Con-

  federate and U. S. Secretary

  of War Warrenton Pike, 452, 453 Washburne, Elihu B., 168, 170,


  Washington, D.C.: after Baltimore riot, 508 n.; after Bull Run, 469, 470-71, 521 n.; description of, 418; disorders, 225; Lincoln inauguration, 261-62; Lincoln journey to, 217-26; peace convention. See Peace convention; railroad connections, 343, 344, 348, 358, 409; Rebel occupation, 472; slavery in, 401; spies in, 446; troops for, 225, 343-48; Willard's Hotel, 226, 239, 261, 265, 471. See also Columbia, District of

  Washington, George, 48, 119, 218

  Washington Light Infantry, 152

  Washington peace conference. See Peace convention

  Watervliet, N. Y., 127

  Webb, James W., 171

  Webster, Daniel, 69

  Weed, Thurlow, 50, 51, 53, 64, 169-70

  Weld, Theodore, 2

  Welles, Gideon: at Chicago, 54; description of, 285; Fort Pickens, 284; on Fort Sumter, 279, 281; Powhatan incident, 300-1; Secretary of the Navy, U. S., 247-48

  Wentworth, Long John, 51, 52, 58

  West Point, 122, 255 West Virginia: campaign in, 413, 415-16; legislature, 414; separation of, June 11, 1861, 368, 410-11, 414-15; before statehood, 197-98, 335; Unionism in, 414-15 Wheeling Intelligencer, 410 Whigs, 13, 17, 46, 47, 57, 59,

  66, 133, 260 Whiting, W. H. C, 252 Whitman, Walt, 470-71, 521 n. Whitworth gun, English, 321 Wide-Awakes: Chicago Republican convention, 50; election of 1860, 95, 97, 184, 376-77; origin, 90; Springfield, 91

  Wigfall, Louis T., 157, 179, 270, 324

  Wigfall, Mrs. Louis T., 404-5

  Wigwam, 49, 54, 61

  Wilkes, Charles, 351

  Willard's Hotel, 226, 239, 261, 265, 471

  Wilmington, 139, 189

  Wilmington Light Infantry, 366

  Wilmot, David, 55

  Winans, Ross, 358

  Winchester, Va., 445, 447, 448

  Winthrop, Theodore, 354, 441

  Wisconsin, 202, 240

  Wise, Henry A., 40-41, 335, 335-36; in West Virginia, 417-18

  Wise's Legion, 417

  Wood, Fernando, 1, 10; on New York City independence, 199-200, 221

  Woodbury, D. P., 463

  Woods, Charles R., 180

  Worden, John L., 299

  Wright, Horatio G., 350, 351

  Yancey, William L., 37, 161, 203; Baltimore Democratic conventions, 70, 77-78; border states on, 210; career, 2-3; Charleston Democratic conventions, 31-32, 35-36, 38, 39-40; Confederate commissioners to Europe, 340, 341, 436; and cotton states, 1; on Davis, J., 19, 288; description of, 1; Douglas, 5; election of 1860, 97-99; Montgomery convention, 210, 215-16; New York, 98, 109; Pickens, 253; as Prince of Fire-Eaters, 2; program, 30; resolution, 26; Ruffin, 104-5; on secession, 26; on slavery, 99, 109

  Yancey-ism, 11

  Yankee, U.S.S., 298

  "Yankee Doodle," 326

  Yankees, barbarity of, 320-21


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