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Trance Weaver: The Dream Detective

Page 5

by Don Aldrin


  “Have you had any arguments, disagreements or even fights with anyone?”


  “What about the concert? Will it push through?”

  “Yes. The concert tomorrow will be for the benefit of many. I will stay true to my promise and I will perform tomorrow.”

  “The shooter hasn’t been found yet. What if he or she tries again?”

  “That’s okay. I’m sure our brave police officers and my loyal security will be there to protect me and everyone else. I have faith in them.”

  Bridgette’s manager steps in.

  “Everyone, we appreciate your support and concern for Bridgette. But I’m afraid that we have to cut short this conference for her safety and for everyone else’s too. Let’s allow her to rest for now shall we? She still has some more preparations to do. Thank you and have a good day.”

  The manager and the rest of her security detail escorted Ms. Heart to her suite in the hotel. Meanwhile, Trance is at the airport with the captain and the lieutenant.

  “Can you tell us what happened here, Trance?”

  “Yes, captain. I was here greeting her and she signed my album. As soon as she was a few feet away from her car, the first shot was fired. A bodyguard was hit in the chest. She went into the car and the second shot was fired. It hit the window where Birdgette was.

  It would have been fatal. Fortunately, the window is bulletproof and it stopped the bullet. We tried to look for the shooter but we can’t find anyone. We looked at the buildings surrounding the area or any place the shooter could hide, but we were unable to locate the suspect.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Trance. We are currently looking at different angles more specifically towards Ms. Heart. So far, we have got nothing. She was an angel. There were a couple of bashers on her Facebook page and in other sites as well, but she is such a nice lady that we couldn’t find anyone with the motive to shoot her. We’ll see if we could find anything here.”

  “Yes, Trance. Go home for now. Who knows? Since you’re a big fan of Bridgette’s, you could dream about it later and find out who the shooter was and why he wants Bridgette dead.”

  “I guess you’re right. At least she’s safe in the hotel now. Her security is top notch. I’ll go home and see if I dream about her and what happened. I want to get this guy.”

  “I’m sure you will, Trance. Now go. We’ll take it from here.”

  Trance left the airport and went back to his home. He was baffled as to why someone would want to take a shot at Bridgette who is such a nice lady even to those who don’t like her. He went on to sleep and had a short dream about what happened to the superstar. As soon as he woke up, he immediately contacted the lieutenant.

  “Eva, I had a dream about what happened to Bridgette.”

  “That’s good news. What happened in your dream?”

  “In my dream, the shooter used a military-issue sniper rifle. He could have been in the military. Also, in my dream, he was wearing the same uniform as Bridgette’s bodyguards. His face was unclear though, but it was definitely a male shooter. That’s about it.”

  “Got it, Trance. We’ll start with what we know so far and pick up on the clues from your dream.”

  “Not a problem. Who could it be? It could be a guard at a venue where she sang before.”

  “Oh, Trance. You just said it. The shooter wore the same uniform.”

  “Oh, right, her security detail. Hey! What about Bridgette’s security tomorrow?”

  “We got that covered. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you sure? Won’t you need more men to secure Small Plaza?

  “As I said, Trance. We got it covered.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  “All right. Take care, Trance. I know you’ll be there at the concert and on the front row. Be watchful.”

  “Of course. Thanks. See you.”

  They both got off the phone. The lieutenant then went to the captain and told him about the lead and the clues that she had received from Trance’s dream. They immediately crosschecked records from current and past members of the young superstar’s security.

  “Lieutenant, have we got someone or anything?”

  “No, captain. There were quite a lot of them who were with the military before. I’ve talked to the chief of her security, but he couldn’t recall anyone with a grudge with Ms. Heart.”

  “Well, keep looking. We also have to provide extra security tomorrow during her concert. What about the tests on the bullet?”

  “We have to wait until tomorrow for them to finish the tests.”

  “Can’t they complete the tests within the day?”

  “No, sir. It really takes a while before results come in.”

  “Fine, then. In the meantime…”

  The lieutenant’s phone rang.

  “Eva, Eva! I got it. It could be someone who stole a uniform from her security team to make it look like it was a member of her security who did it. Maybe it was to throw off our investigation.”

  “Trance, your dreams have a funny way of being uncannily true in real life. If your dream shows that he was wearing their uniform, it could very well be a member of her security team. However, we are still investigating.”

  “Oh, okay. Have you investigated the airport security?”


  “All right, sorry. I just wanted to make sure. Hey, what about the one who was shot? Maybe he let himself get shot so that he could get Bridgette’s sympathy and give him a reward or something?”

  “Oh, come on, Trance. That is absurd. Why would…”

  The lieutenant thought of something. It seemed like she has finally gotten a really strong lead as to who the shooter was.


  “No, it’s okay, Trance. Thanks for the tip. I’ve got to go now. The captain’s waiting for me.”

  “All right. No worries.”

  The lieutenant told the captain what she thought about the case. They started asking about the guy that was shot and what the motives might be for the shooting.

  The next day, Trance prepared early for the concert. He was ready to go at 10:00 am even though the concert is not until 6. He went to the Small Plaza anyway and just stayed there until the concert staff allowed them to enter the venue.

  He had a VIP ticket and he has a special seat upfront by the stage. He was really, really excited.

  At around 6:00 pm, the concert had started. Bridgette sang and dance song after song. During her third song, he went near the audience, just in front of Trance, and performed there.

  She and Trance looked at each other and she held his hand. It was noticeable that Bridgette seemed to have stopped for a second. They smiled at each other. The star continued singing.

  The concert went by fast. Everyone was having fun. At the half-time break, Bridgette gave a short message.

  “Are you having fun? We’re just about to have a short break here. Have a breather and we’ll party on after a few minutes. Thank you for coming and for your support. I dedicate this party to you and the young men and women of our community. All of the proceeds that we’ll collect here will be donated to them. Bless you all.”

  Trance was star struck at Bridgette. However, he is still on the lookout because the shooter might do it again. The security at the Small Plaza was very tight and visible. There were snipers, K-9 and officers so many that you can’t really count them. On top of that, Bridgette’s manager also employed their security detail.

  The concert continued and at around 9:30 in the evening, Bridgette is currently performing the last set for the day. It was all good and Trance and the rest of the fans enjoyed the show. And then, suddenly, Trance seemed to have lost consciousness for a brief moment.

  He seemed to have had a short daydream. He saw that a man, with a similar physique with the shooter at the airport, was pointing his rifle at Bridgette and then shoots off a small building just beside the Small Plaza near the stage where Bridgette was perf

  After the brief dream, in a dramatic fashion, Bridgette finished the last song of the last set and bowed to the audience. On the other hand, Trance looked at the buildings around the venue and indeed, the shooter is in a room at one of the buildings. He was aiming for Bridgette and was about to shoot.

  Trance jumped up the stage and tackled Bridgette exactly at the same time the shooter pulls the trigger. The bullet grazed his right shoulder and hit the stage. Trance and Bridgette were on the stage and the security personnel, with guns drawn, rushed to the stage.

  The audience panicked and ran in every direction. The police scoured the place, but thankfully, Trance pointed towards the building where the shooter was. All exits from the building were blocked off. The shooter has nowhere to go.

  “He was on the 8th floor! Hurry before he gets away!”

  Trance made sure that Bridgette is safe by his side before helping her stand back up again.

  “Trance, thank you for saving me.”

  “Hey, don’t mention it. I can’t let anybody hurt my favorite artist. I’m your biggest fan.”

  “You’re definitely more than a fan to me.”

  Bridgette pecks Trance’s cheeks. Trance seemed to be really calm, but he obviously blushed and his happiness was just inexplicable. In his excitement, he quickly turned to Bridgette and their lips touched one another.

  They were practically kissing for a short period of time and he blushed like a tomato and she turned pink. But Trance is still on guard until the shooter is taken into custody. The captain and the lieutenant, with several other officers, arrived at the concert grounds.

  “Trance, are you okay?”

  “Yes, captain. It’s just a scratch.”

  “Uh huh. That’s bleeding. Go over to the medics and have that patched up. Go.”

  “Take care of Bridgette, okay?”

  “We’ll take care of her. Go over to that ambulance.”

  Trance went over to the ambulance to have his wound checked up. Bridgette, without regard for her safety, went over to Trance’s side while he was being treated by a medic.

  “Hey, will he be all right?”

  “He’ll be fine. It’s just a scratch. He’s lucky.”

  “I guess I am lucky.”

  Bridgette, Trance and the medic smiled at each other.

  “Okay. You’re all good. Just rest here for the moment.”

  The medic left Trance and Bridgette alone.

  “That was a brave thing you did there, Trance.”

  “Hey, that was nothing. I’m just glad you’re safe. You’re not hurt, are you?”

  “No, I’m okay. I’m safe now. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Well, probably another front-row seat at your next concert.”

  They both laughed.

  “You’re really a nice person, you know.”

  “Nah, I’m just me.”

  “Why don’t you come to dinner with me later tonight?”

  Trance happiness was just too much to contain that he’s willing to take another bullet for her.

  “Are you sure? You’re probably tired after the concert and that ordeal we just went through.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll do anything for anyone who’s willing to take a bullet for me.”

  Meanwhile, the shooter has been caught. His name was Cody Jameson. He was a former bodyguard of Bridgette and is a former U.S. Marine. Trance and Bridgette went over to the captain and the lieutenant where the latter was just delivering Miranda rights to the shooter.

  “Hey, it was you!?”

  Bridgette looked really disappointed and obviously knows who the suspect was.

  “But you were really nice to me.”

  “Yes, you were nice. But Bert wasn’t. It was him whom I was targeting.”

  The lieutenant shook her head in disbelief.

  “You know I just told you your Miranda rights, right? And you keep on talking.”

  “That’s okay, ma’am. I admit to my fault and Ms. Heart here is just collateral damage in my vendetta against Bert.”

  “So basically, you were just misdirecting us leading us to believe that Ms. Heart is the target.”

  “Yes. But, how did you know?”

  “Trance here is a special detective and he has special skills that no one else has.”

  The captain takes control of the situation.

  “Okay, enough already. Lieutenant, book him. Take him into custody. And as for you Trance, good work. We’re proud to have you in the team. Ms. Heart is lucky to have you as her fan.”

  “Don’t mention it, captain.”

  And the two headed off, surrounded with bodyguards, to Bridgette’s car. The captain and lieutenant took the suspect to the station for booking.

  Chapter VII: Living the Dream

  Later that evening, Bridgette and Trance went to the most expensive restaurant in the city, The Renaissance Plate, which is just across the street from the Royal Small Hotel.

  “Thank you once again, Trance, for saving my life.”

  “Don’t mention it. Thank you for this wonderful dinner.”

  “You haven’t ordered yet, silly. Just order what you want. It’s my treat.”

  Trance ordered his favorites. In the Renaissance Plate, each plate costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. But of, course, Bridgette can afford anything in that restaurant, even the restaurant itself.

  They had quite a few laughs and serious moments during dinner.

  “So how does it feel to be a Bridgette Heart? I’m just one of your fans. I’m practically living a fan’s dream.”

  “It’s fun. You get to meet a lot of people, but it’s tiring sometimes.”

  “I can’t imagine how tight your schedule is most of the time.”

  “Yes, indeed. I’m lucky to sleep for 5 hours. Most of the time, 2 to 3 hours is the most I can get each day.”

  “I feel bad for you. I mean, you’re famous and rich and all, but behind that, it’s really too much work. I mean, you have to attend events, interviews, award shows, travel here and there, and so on.”

  “I just got used to it.”

  “That’s quite weird. It sounded both ways like, it’s all right since you’re already used to it, but at the same time, you sounded immune to it.”

  “Well, I guess you could say that. Hey, what about you? How do you solve those cases? It seemed no one would ever have a clue as to who the suspects were or what actually happened without your help.”

  “Well, I have a special skill.”

  “Oh, what skill is that?”


  Trance was hesitant. Although he is a fan and he likes her very much, he thought twice before revealing his special skill/talent.

  “Well, I am a dreamer.”

  “So are most of us.”

  They laughed a bit.

  “But I’m quite different.”

  “In what way, exactly?”

  “Well, I dream about the cases and I solve them that way.”

  “That’s weird, but kind of interesting. How do your dreams solve those cases? How about what happened to us in the concert?”

  “Well, that actually started in the airport. I dreamt about the shooter and that he wore the same uniform as the rest of your security staff.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Yes. So that’s how we knew who he was. Well, it was actually the lieutenant who tied the pieces together. But this time, I had a ‘daydream’, so to speak. While you were singing the last song of your last set, I sort of passed out and dreamt that the shooter was about to pull the trigger.

  It was the first time that I have dreamt about case that was actually happening. That’s why I jumped toward you to protect you. Well, I kind of really wanted to protect you. That’s why I was there in the first place, apart from being a fan.”

  “That’s really sweet, Trance. And what a gift you have. Do you have control over it?”

  “Well, basically, no. What we have
observed is that I dream about the cases that I am destined to solve. If it was a case that I haven’t dreamt of, it means that it’s either I am not needed at all to solve it or that case isn’t meant for me.”

  “I see. Oh well, I’m glad you dreamt of me and what happened. I should hope you’d dream about me in a different way.”

  “Well, I actually am.”

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “I am living the dream of any Bridgette Heart fan. I’m having dinner with you and we’re having fun.”

  They both smiled and the night went by with the two of them talking more about each other. They spent at least 3 hours at dinner. By 10:00 in the evening, as the restaurant was about to close, they finished their dinner and as promised, Bridgette picked up the tab.

  “That was fun, right?”

  “Yes. It was really fun. Shall I get the tab?”

  “Hey, it’s my treat. You just saved my life. This is nothing compared to what you did. Waiter, check please.”

  The waiter went to the cashier to get the tab and then handed it over to Trance. He was in disbelief.

  “Holy moly. $4,835.00!? How… why?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take that.”


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