Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

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Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story Page 1

by Natavia

  A Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story


  A Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

  Copyright © 2015 by Natavia

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

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  Table of Contents























  Year 1860:

  I woke up to the sounds of screams and the smell of burning flesh. My mother and I were hidden underneath the bushes in the woods. She looked at me with worry in her eyes and I knew what that meant. My father wasn’t coming back. He went to fetch us some water when the sun was out, but now it was dawn.

  “John, you have to be quiet!” my mother said in her broken English. John was my slave name that was given to me from Master Smith. My real name is Akua Dakari Uffe and I was born in West Africa.

  The sounds of howling echoed throughout the woods, my mother hugged me close to her. We ran away from the plantation and we had been gone for two days now. The smell of blood tickled my nose as the horrible screams and howls pierced my ears. Tears ran down my mother’s face as she looked at me.

  “We have to go!” she said grabbing my hand.

  I walked on the tree branches barefoot as she pulled me through the woods. The sounds of howling got closer and the smell of blood grew stronger. The smell of burning flesh made my stomach turn as we headed closer to the direction it was coming from.

  My eyes grew big as we hid behind the bushes. Hanging from the tree was my father! He howled as his skin burned, the smell made me cough, and then I threw up.

  “Who is there?” a middle-aged Caucasian man called out.

  “Right behind the bushes!” another Caucasian man shouted out.

  My mother let go of my hand as her arm cracked then it bent in a backwards position. Her ears grew out and they were pointy, her body fell forward, and she landed on her hands. The sounds of her bones cracking caused the men to head towards the bushes with their shotguns and fire torches. Her teeth were sharp and her face grew long with hairs pricking out of her skin.

  I cried because I did not know what was happening. I backed away from her as her clothes spilt open into shreds. She let out a loud howl as she transformed into a wolf. She and my father told me stories about the wolf-man and how we had wolf blood in us. I thought maybe that was a part of a tribe ritual from the village they came from in Africa. My last name Uffe meant “wolf man”.

  My mother wolf was dark brown with a black stripe going down her back. She was massive in size! Her eyes were golden and her teeth were razor sharp. She looked at me then growled; I backed up against the tree. She leaped out of the bushes and the screams of horror made my heart stop. Something wet flew into my face and into my eyes. I touched my face and there was blood on my fingertips. I peeked through the bushes and the beast that was once my mother was clawing at a disfigured body. A gunshot rang out then she howled. Another one rang out then a few more followed.

  Multiple bullets hit my mother, but she did not stop attacking the slave owners. Two more rang out then I heard a loud thump. I crawled further under the bush to get a better view and there she was lying on the ground panting and whimpering.

  “Son of a bitch! Where in the hell did this thing come from?” a voice said.

  “I don’t know! But I think this is what have been eating those niggers!” someone else responded.

  “This would make a nice coat!” they laughed not bothered that there were two disfigured men lying dead on the ground.

  On the plantations, death was the norm. I saw it so much I was no longer afraid to see it. The beast that my mother turned into lay on the ground taking her last breath. The man with the shotgun pointed to her neck then pulled the trigger; her head was almost separated from her neck. A scream almost slipped from my mouth, but I covered it. I did not want them to find me because I did not want to be sold to another plantation. I did not want to be whipped and left in a hole in the ground without any food from running away.

  “Let’s drag this beast back to the plantation! One of those niggers can skin it. My wife would love a nice coat!” the man spat. I sat and watched as they dragged my mother away.

  When the coast was finally clear, I stepped out of the bushes. I must have fallen asleep because when I looked up, my father was gone from the tree he was hanging from. I did not hear anyone come back into the woods. The two men my mother killed were gone also.

  I wandered into the woods for days looking for food and water. I was lost and could not find my way out of the woods. My feet bled and they were swollen from walking on the prickly ground. I was dehydrated and weak. I have been walking in circles, my body collapsed as my feet gave up on me. I sat down against a tree and whimpered. I was only ten years old and did not know how to survive on my own. I could not go back to my master because my punishment would be worse. I heard shuffling noises coming from the trees, so I hurriedly hid behind a tree. Once I hid, I didn’t hear it again. I waited until I was certain that no one else was in the woods with me. It was quiet for what seemed like hours. I decided to head back in the direction I came from.

  I walked and walked until I heard a stream nearby. I followed the sounds until I came to a small lake that was hidden deep down in the woods. I hurriedly stuck my face into the water gulping and choking. It had been almost a week since I had food or water.

  I heard shuffling again, so I hurriedly lifted my head up. Across the lake was a wolf bigger than the one my mother turned into. I knew by its massive body that it was a male. I froze as his eyes bore into mines. He growled showing his sharp teeth and his eyes were red. I backed away slowly with my eyes trained on his. He stepped forward as he held his nose up in the air as if he was sniffing something, perhaps sniffing me.

  I looked down at my clothes realizing I still had blood on me. Before I could run, he sprinted across the water leaping like a gazelle. I fell face forward when I tried getting away. I hurriedly turned around; he was landing right in front of me. He growled with drool dripping onto the grass. I got up slowly backing up then he came forward. I closed my eyes as I prepared for him to eat me. Seconds later, I opened my eyes then gasped as a naked man stood in front of me. He was tall and muscular like an Egyptian warrior from the stories my mother told to me. His eyes were brown now and he had some kind of tribal markings on him. His skin was black like coal and his hair was in nappy long locks.

  “What are you?” he asked me in clear English.

  “I’m a person!” I said to him.

  “No! You are not! I can smell a human! You are not a human!” he said to me. I backed away from him.

  “I don’t know what you mean!” my voice trembled.

  “Goon!” he said laughing.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Goon! You are a silly boy! What are you doing roaming these woods? You are on the wrong territory don’t you think?” he asked me.

  “I’m lost
sir!” I said to him.

  “You smell like an animal! What are you?” he asked sniffing me as I cried.

  “I don’t know!” I said.

  “How old are you?” he asked me.

  “I think ten!” I said to him.

  “You are not a smart boy are yah? Or your master just wanted you to play stupid?” he asked me.

  “I don’t understand!” I said to him.

  “You will during the next full moon!” he said walking away.

  “Wait! I need food!” I said to him.

  “There is plenty of food in these woods, Goon!” he said to me

  “Why do you call me that?” I asked him.

  “Because boy! You are stupid! You don’t know what you are!” he spat.

  “What am I?” I asked him.

  “You will see!” he said walking off.

  “I lost my parents as well! I don’t have anywhere to go, sir!” I said to him.

  “You have to figure it out! In human form you will never make it out of these woods alive!” he said to me. On the plantation, there were rumors how runaway slaves and masters never made it back out of the woods. I wiped my eyes as I plopped down on the ground. My feet had blisters and my ankles were bleeding from the thorns on the ground. My once light tan pants and white shirt were now brown and bloody.

  “Do you have a master too?” I asked him.

  “Beasts are their own masters! That is why I call you silly! You don’t know what you are and what you are capable of, Goon!” he said to me. I did not understand what he was saying to me.

  I looked to the end of the lake and there were two deer drinking from the lake. The stranger’s eyes traveled to the same direction as mine. His bone cracked and his neck snapped as he fell into a crouching position. It did not take as long for him to turn as it did for my mother. He stood in front of me big, massive, and hairy. He disappeared into the bushes leaving me behind.

  I looked back down to the end of the lake and the deer were still there. Out of nowhere, the wolf leaped onto one of the deer’s back with its teeth tearing into its neck. The other deer ran off disappearing further into the woods. The wolf pulled the deer through the bushes, and moments later, the wolf was back in front of me with the deer still fighting to breathe. He clamped down onto the deer’s neck making a sickening, crushing sound. I closed my eyes because the deer’s flesh was exposed and blood was everywhere.

  “GOON!” a voice called out. I opened my eyes and the wolf was gone! He was in man form again.

  “EAT!” he said to me.

  “I can’t eat that! It’s not cooked!” I said to him then he laughed.

  “Dumb-ass house nigger! You are too fancy to eat this, huh? You are in the woods with no place out! Now eat!” he said digging into the deer’s open neck and pulling out its bloody meat. My stomach started to growl, the stranger looked at me then smirked.

  “Looks like you have a taste for it!” he said putting the bloody chunk into my hands. I stared at it for what seemed like forever. I did not want to eat it, but I was starving and a part of me wanted to put it back into the animal’s neck.

  “I just bite into it?” I asked him. He pulled the piece out of my hand then tossed it back into his mouth. He chewed on it then swallowed it as blood dripped from his lip onto his chest.

  “There is nothing like fresh meat! One day try the meat from a cow! Very good!” he said.

  I wonder if that is where all the livestock disappeared to? I asked myself. Five slaves were whipped and even some were hung because some of the cows on the farm had gone missing.

  I put the chunk inside of my mouth then chewed it. It was tangy, but then it was better than the scraps they gave us back on the plantation. I chewed the meat surprised that my teeth were able to bite into the thick, raw meat. I swallowed it then wiped the blood from my mouth. I felt something hanging out of my mouth and it was hard, I tried to pull it out but it wouldn’t budge, it was stuck inside of my mouth. It was my teeth; long, hard, and sharp. I started to panic, but the stranger looked at me then smiled.

  “First taste of blood brings out your beast! Your parents ran away, do you know why?” he asked me.

  “Our master was going to sell me to another plantation!” I said, and then he laughed.

  “Your intelligence level is very interesting! You are a white man’s dog and when I say that I do mean literally! You do not know what you are and you don’t know how to survive! You don’t even know the reason why they left their little home do you?” he asked me, but I didn’t answer him.

  “You are about to transform! First few years of transforming, you are uncontrollable! Your attitude changes and your appetite is out of control! The urge to kill for no reason becomes a habit! They didn’t want their identity to be known especially with a young beast roaming around the plantation with all of them white folk!” he said to me.

  “I’m a wolf?” I asked him.

  “Yes, you are! Once you turn eighteen, your aging process will start to slow down. We are immortal! These tribal markings appear when you reach eighteen. It burns like hell once they start etching through your skin! It hurts more than turning if you ask me!” he said to me then left me alone in the woods.

  For the next couple of days, my body temperature was high; I felt like I was getting the flu, my skin was sweaty and clammy. My heart started to beat faster than ever before. My gums were swollen and my fingers were stiff.

  I never left the lake; the stranger disappeared and hadn’t been back since. I felt like I was dying as I lay down in the grass drenched in sweat. The wind blew and so did the trees. I could tell by the whistles of the wind that it was going to be a chilly night, but I was not cold. I felt like I’d been in the sun all day hanging up wet clothes on the clothesline.

  The moonlight beamed down the lake. The deer still was in the same spot, and I had been eating on it for the past few days when my body allowed me to eat. I cried out in pain as my back arched up and cracked my spine. I screamed as all of the bones in my body started cracking and pulling. Sharp pains pierced through my skin. My clothes ripped off me as my body swelled and it seemed like it was ready to burst. The moon was now full and a small howl escaped my throat on its own. My body bent forward as my legs extended. My fingernails bled as my sharp nails grew out of them. My ears pulled the skin back on my face as they grew upwards.

  I crawled to the edge of the lake to see what it was, that I had become. I let out a wail as I looked at my reflection from the moonlight. I was not as big as my mother and the stranger; I was much smaller. My fur was the color of the midnight sky and my eyes were icy-blue.

  “You are black as midnight!” a voice called out. I turned around then growled. There were four other wolves standing behind him that was my size or a little bigger.

  “You have a lot to learn, Goon!” he said to me. He was in wolf form.

  “How could I hear him talk?” I asked myself then he laughed.

  “You still don’t know anything, yet!” he said inside of my head as he walked off. The others followed him then I trailed behind them as we headed further into the woods.


  Present Day…

  I gyrated in the back seat of my friend Sasha’s car to the rap music that was playing on the radio. We were leaving the club and we are still partying. Adika passed me a blunt from the passenger’s seat.

  “Did you see that fine-ass man that was trying to talk to me?” Sasha asked us.

  “Girl, did I? He was sexy as hell! He had big feet too! You know what they say about big feet!” Adika laughed.

  “Pull over! I need to pee!” I said to Sasha as we were passing an old farm that was hidden inside of the woods.

  “Hell no girl! This place is spooky as hell! You know this used to be an old slave plantation! One night supposedly, some type of monster came through and slaughtered everyone!” she said laughing.

  “There you go with that crazy shit again! Stop listening to them old folks talking down at
that nursing home! They have dementia and all types of other illnesses! Keep on!” Adika said to Sasha.

  “Pull the hell over, Sasha! I’m about to piss on myself!” I shouted from the backseat.

  “This bitch needs to stop drinking Patron!” Adika mumbled.

  I mushed her on the back of the head. “I heard that!” I said. Sasha pulled over on the side of the road. I went inside of my purse grabbing a wet wipe. I opened up the door then got out while looking around and making sure that no cars were coming.

  I walked into the woods behind a tree then lifted up my dress. I slid my panties down then squatted as low as I could to make sure it didn’t get any pee splatter on me. I heard shuffling, but I ignored it. It was probably Sasha or Adika also taking a squat. After I was done, I wiped myself then spat on the area I peed at. My mother always told me if I used the bathroom outside to make sure I spit on it so I wouldn’t get a star on my eye. When I was done, I headed back towards the direction I came from. I could still see the lights from Sasha’s car ahead of me.

  “OUCH, SHIT!” I said when I tripped over something. When I got up, I had something wet on my hands, I held them up into the light from Sasha’s car and it was blood. I looked down on the ground where I fell and there was a mangled, dead deer lying down underneath a few tree branches.

  I tried to run back to the car, but I had on heels so I tripped once again hitting my head on a tree stomp. I need to stay away from the Patron! Every time I drunk it, I always ended up falling. When I stood up, there was a figure standing next to a tree. I tried to squint my eyes to get a better look, but his back was turned towards me. It looked like he was trying to hide from me, but I could see him. His skin was the color of nutmeg. His shoulders were broad and his back had weird tattoos covering them and he was tall. He had to be around 6’4 and I could tell by his physique that he worked out. I gasped as I realized he was naked.


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