Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

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Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story Page 2

by Natavia

  I got nervous then called out to Sasha and Adika. I was scared out of my mind! The next thing I know, the figure leaped up into a tree and just like that, he was gone.

  “What the hell just happened?” I asked myself. I need to stop smoking too because I was starting to hallucinate, so I thought.

  “Hurry the hell up, Kanya!” Sasha said coming into the woods.

  “I just saw something!” I said to her.

  “What did you see?” Sasha asked me.

  “I saw this big ass man with tattoos all over his body! He jumped into the tree!” I said to her then she bent over and started laughing.

  “Damn you, Kanya! I’m tired of your damn stories! Every time your ass drink or smoke you start seeing shit!” she said to me. I ignored her as I followed her out of the woods back to her car. Perhaps she was right maybe I was seeing things.

  When I got back into the car, Adika turned the light on. “Did your period come on? Where the hell did that blood come from?” she asked me.

  “I fell on a mangled deer!” I said not believing what just happened to me.

  “Maybe a coyote got to it! You know in the newspaper they said that Maryland had a few of them and one was even spotted tearing apart someone’s cat!” Adika said to me.

  “I guess!” I said as Sasha pulled off.

  Adika and Sasha were laughing about something, but I wasn’t paying attention to them. I turned around to look out of the back window. I saw a big black hairy animal in the middle of the road. Its eyes were ice blue and they sparkled underneath the moonlight.

  “Oh, my God, guys look! There is a big ass coyote in the middle of the road!” I said to them. Adika turned around, but it was gone.

  “Drop this delusional bitch off at home!” Adika laughed.

  “Fuck you! I saw something!” I said to them then they giggled.

  Sasha dropped me off in front of my building. I lived in a studio apartment. I had been out on my own for a few years now. My parents called me every day, wanting me to come back home, but I needed my own space.

  After I took a shower, I put on my pajamas then I threw my bloody dress in the trashcan then got into bed. As I laid in my dark room, those blue eyes and massive, fury animal invaded my mind. The man in the woods with the tribal tattoos etched inside of his skin invaded my mind also. Was I going crazy or did I really see what I think I saw?

  Two days later…

  I was at work at the nursing home, the pay wasn’t all of that, but something was better than nothing. Also, a few nights out of the week I worked as a bartender at a club to make ends meet, as well.

  Sasha pushed Mrs. Carroll’s wheelchair into the activity room. Sasha was average looking in a way; she was bone thin with stringy hair that she kept in a ponytail. She was very light in complexion and she was taller than I was. She stood at 5’11. I felt like she could be a model if she wanted to. She had that girl next-door look.

  “GRRRRRR!” Sasha growled teasing me about the animal I saw.

  “Oh, shut up, Sasha! There isn’t a damn thing funny!” I spat.

  “If you say so! So, anyways have Xavier asked you out yet?” she asked me.

  “What does Xavier want with my fat black ass?” I asked her. Xavier was the club owner’s son that I worked at part-time. He was Caucasian, but Sasha swore up and down he was Italian. I don’t know what his nationality is, but I was sure he wasn’t worried about me. Xavier was around my age, which is twenty-two. He hung out with black boys and he was somewhat hip but still, I couldn’t see him being interested in me.

  “Who cares about that nowadays? There is a lot of the swirl going on!” Sasha said brushing Mrs. Carroll’s hair. After she was done brushing her hair, Sasha turned her back towards us.

  “Help me!” Mrs. Carroll whispered to me. She didn’t like Sasha because she said that Sasha was too loose acting and lazy. After I did my rounds and checked on the patient’s rooms, I clocked out. I had to go straight to the club after just working a twelve-hour shift.

  Once I got to the club, I headed to the employee’s lounge to take a shower then got dressed in my tight-fitting, button-up black shirt and my black skirt. Underneath my skirt, I wore black lace knee-highs with a pair of black pumps on my feet. I put my make-up on giving myself the smoky eye effect. My hair was cut into a short cut with both of my sides shaved. I put my gold-hoop earrings in my ears that matched my gold bangles. I checked myself out in the mirror and I was pleased with my look.

  I had always been chubby. I’d tried many diets as well as exercising and all I’d ever lost was ten pounds. I gave up after that and just accepted me for me. I was a size 16 possibly an 18 depending on the clothes that I wore. I locked my items up in the locker then grabbed my tray. I headed onto the dance floor to get ready for a long night.

  I made my rounds as the rap music blared throughout the club. My feet were starting to hurt, but I ignored it as I thought about how much I was going to make in tips tonight. It was overly crowded as usual, since ladies were free before midnight. A table of men waved me over for me to take their drink orders. It was about five of them and they all looked like they could be football players. Even though they weren’t big and buff, they all had nice arms and I could tell that they were tall. “They must be some type of athletes,” I thought to myself. They all were strikingly handsome with unique features.

  “What can I get you all?” I screamed over the music. They all gave me their order, except for one. His head was down and he was on his cellphone. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, a pair of Timbs, and a nice button up shirt. I could see that he had some type of tattoos on his hands, but the lights in the club were dimmed so I couldn’t make out what they were. Maybe he was in jail or something! I wondered if they were celebrating his release from prison, his aura screamed thug!

  “Excuse me, sir! What can I get you?” I asked him as my feet painfully throbbed.

  “GOON! Don’t you hear the pretty woman talking to you?” the dark-skinned one who called me over said to him. Goon looked up from his cell-phone and I almost slipped. His slanted eyes pierced through me and his stare was menacing. His eyes looked me up and down then a smirk formed along his full pretty lips. His skin was beautiful and his features reminded me of an Egyptian ruler. He was so handsome he looked like he belonged in another life, where only rulers and magical gods existed.

  “I would like Henny on the rocks!” he said. His voice tingled something inside of me making me rush off and causing me to almost trip. I heard them laughing at me and saying that I was clumsy, and there was no way in hell I was going back to that table. I got another bartender to serve them their drinks. I went into the bathroom to splash water on my face to wake me up. The burning desire to have sex had me aching between my legs, even though it had been a year since I’ve had sex.

  Looking at Goon, there was something about him that awakened every desire within me. When I walked out of the bathroom, I bumped into a hard solid chest. I looked up noticing it was Goon, looking at me with an annoyed expression on his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me from falling and the scent of his cologne burned my nose, further enhancing my desire for him.

  “You are a very clumsy woman! Watch where you are going next time! You know you can’t step on a man’s buttas baby!” he said referring to his Timbs. I pulled away from him then fixed my skirt.

  “I’m sorry sir!” I said to him then he chuckled. He looked only a few years older than me, but his aura was very demanding! His presence was so strong it felt like everything was at a standstill and he was the only one standing in front of me.

  “I’m not a sir!” he chuckled. “How old do you think I am?” he asked me.

  “Maybe 100 who knows!” I joked feeling shy.

  “You are close!” he said jokingly, then his look got serious. “Next time just watch where you are going before you bump into someone that isn’t as friendly to a beautiful face as I am!” he said, and walked away from me.

hat the fuck just happened?” I asked myself aloud. I hurriedly called Sasha and she picked up on the third ring.

  “Yesssssss darllinnggggg!” Sasha answered the phone.

  “I just saw a man that took my breath away! I swear he is the sexiest damn man I have ever laid eyes on! I think I need to get laid! Perhaps a one-night stand! I don’t know, but I have an ache between my legs and damn it hurts!” I said.

  “Are you getting high again? Damn it, Kanya! I keep telling you to stop smoking that damn shit! Now, you want some dick? What happened to your ass being celibate?” she asked me.

  “I’m not high, heffa! I’m just horny and it’s finally hitting me! I went a whole year without the desire for sex and now the feeling won’t go away!” I said to her.

  “Is he cuter than Xavier?” she asked me.

  “Of course! What the hell kind of question is that?” I asked her.

  “So, this man you are talking about, how old is he and does he seem interested?” she asked me.

  “He looks to be no older than twenty-five! He has a nice body, he smells good, clean cut and he actually has a rugged and mannish look! He looks like the type of man that will climb a tree!” I said to her.

  “What is wrong with you and men in trees? Didn’t you say that you saw big foot the other night in the woods and he leaped up into a tree? Girl, you have some major issues! Butttt, I’m ok with him already, since he woke up old Sally!” she said laughing.

  After I hung up with Sasha, I made a few more rounds before it was finally time for the club to close as everyone was starting to leave. After I helped clean up, I headed out into the parking lot with my Crocs on because those heels were killing my feet. Once I got into my car, I put in my Jennifer Hudson CD then pulled off heading straight to home after a long day’s work.

  “Oh, just fucking great!” I said when I saw that the exit to my home was shut down due to an accident. I had to make a detour using the back road being that it was the only other way for me to get home. It was the same road where I saw that massive fury animal or even a naked man. I was too tired to take another way.

  “I should make home ok this time. I haven’t been smoking or drinking, so I shouldn’t be imagining things!” I said to myself. My phone buzzed on my lap. I looked down to grab it, to see that it was Sasha calling me. When I looked up, I screamed causing my car to swerve because there was a big deer in the road with huge antlers. My Ford Focus swerved into the ditch crashing head on into a tree.

  I groaned as I held my head. Blood was dripping from my nose because my face hit the steering wheel right before the air bags deployed. My windshield was shattered and the hood was bent up with smoke coming from it. I grabbed my purse and cell-phone then hurriedly climbed out of the car. My body hit the ground with a loud thud causing me to yelp in pain.

  The woods were dark and it seemed like I was the only one in it. My head was throbbing and my nose felt like it was split in half. I pulled out my cell-phone to call someone for help.

  “OOOHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!” I cried as my battery went dead. I was now scared out of my mind. I stood up then slightly limped as I headed towards the main road.

  “GRRRRRRRRRRRR!” a growl came from behind me. I turned around and didn’t see anything. I took off running well at least I thought I was, but it seemed as if my out of shape ass was still in the same spot. I heard shuffling noises as the bushes started to move.

  “I have a gun and I would shoot your ass!” I said aloud. I heard more noises, this time it was to the side of me. I stepped backed until my back was up against the tree. I held onto my purse for dear life then cried.

  “Please leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed. The bushes moved and those blue sparkly eyes stared at me. Its face was camouflaged into the night; the only thing that sparkled was its eyes and its sharp white teeth. I trembled with fear as tears slid down my face when it howled. I was about to become its meal. There was nothing I could do because I was too injured to try to escape. As I slid down the tree onto the muddy ground with my knees bent up, I said a silent prayer as it howled again.

  As I sat there, its black paws stepped out of the bushes along with the rest of its body. Damn it was huge! It crept towards me and I could see its black bushy tail dragging the ground. The light from the moon and the stars shined upon us. It came closer to me then I closed my eyes as my body started to tremble. I heard the sounds of sniffing. I opened my eyes and would you believe it was sniffing between my damn legs?

  “What the hell! Get the hell away from me!” I said throwing a rock at it.

  “If you want to eat me go ahead! Damn it!” I said picking up another rock and clocking it upside the head. It shook itself off then growled at me again.

  “What the fuck are you? A big ass wolf? Oh, my god, wolves run in packs! It is more of you! I’m doomed!” I yelled and burst into tears. It came close to me again as its big large body and tall legs stood over me. As I looked up, it bent down then sniffed my neck and licked me causing its teeth to graze my skin sending a tingle of fear up my spine.

  I closed my eyes as it sniffed me between my legs again then it whimpered. “Was this son of a bitch getting aroused?” I asked myself. I had officially lost my mind! There was no way that I was stranded in the woods with a big, black-ass beast and it was sniffing my pussy! I kicked it in the face then it took a step back. It paced back and forth growling and looking me at me like it wanted to eat me. I could tell by its structure and massive broad shoulders that it was a male, a strong beastly male. He was beautiful, but very intimidating.

  “Look, if you let me go, I will go to Wal-Mart to buy you the biggest can of Alpo dog food! I am fat anyways and that won’t be good for your diet! I’m too greasy and I might just give you the shits! Damn, it I can’t believe I’m talking to a damn dog!” I spat. Although my nose was bleeding and my head was hurting, it wasn’t saying anything, but for some reason I felt like it understood me.

  He walked up to me then sank his teeth into my leather jacket and tossed me up in the air causing me to crash down on his back. Once I was on his back, it leaped up into a tree and carried me away. I screamed and I cried because I was afraid of heights and I didn’t know where it might be taking me. I was wondering if he was taking me to his family, so they could eat me.

  It climbed up the tallest tree then leaped onto the next one. Its balance was good even with me on its back. I held on around its neck. He jumped from tree to tree until we landed out of the woods in front of the hospital. He got down on the ground then shifted me off his back. He jumped into a tree then disappeared into the night. I know my friends would have me admitted if I told them what just happened to me!


  Her arousal still lingered in the air. I first smelled it when she was at the table getting our drink orders. When she walked off, I had to follow her. Her scent was sweet and so strong that I almost shifted inside of the club. I had just returned to Maryland a few months ago after being gone for over one hundred years. The pack had been migrating across the world to different areas. Kofi was the name of the wolf who found me years ago when I was left in the woods. He was like my father figure and Izra, Elle, Dayo and Amadi, are my pack brothers. We all had origins that originated as far back as Ancient Egypt.

  I was hunting when Kanya car crashed into the woods. I knew her name because I heard her friends call her that when she used the bathroom in the woods. I picked up her scent then and I followed her home that night. I had been with plenty of women, some wolf and some human, but none of their scents ever made me want to shift as bad as hers did.

  “Wake up, nigga!” Izra said to me coming into my room. We lived in a mansion. Over the years, we collected a lot of things, expensive jewelry, rare diamonds, and etc. Money was the least of our concern while living the human life.

  “What did I tell you about that word?” I asked Izra.

  “I keep forgetting you was a slave!” he chuckled.

  “So, you sniffed the bartender’s pussy?”
he asked me. I hated that he could see my visions sometimes. Izra, is the youngest, can be very immature at times and does things just for the hell of it. One day he shifted behind the grocery store then walked back into the store in wolf form and scared the hell out of all the customers.

  “Get the fuck out of my room!” I said to him.

  “Tell me what she smells like!” he said.

  “Like honey and strawberries!” I told him.

  “You took her to the hospital? Why didn’t you bring her back here? We could’ve had fun with her!” he said. I punched him then he slid across the floor falling through my bathroom door. I jumped up on the ceiling then leaped into the bathroom landing with my foot on his throat.

  “Watch your tongue, brother!” I said to him.

  Elle ran into the room, “Got damn it, Goon! I just fixed that damn door! Why are you always fucking up the house?” Elle asked me. Elle was the oldest out of the pack brothers. He was the first one Kofi found and at times, he was like a father.

  “That’s because he has a temper problem! Now, get your heavy ass foot off of me!” Izra said pushing me off him.

  “Keep talking shit!” I said to Izra.

  “Goon is sexually frustrated! Look at him! All he needs is a hit of some good ol’ wolf pussy to calm him down!” Izra said.


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