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The Christmas Tea Shop at Rosewood

Page 23

by The Christmas Tea Shop at Rosewood (retail) (epub)

  The three of them gazed at the pencil drawing of the small white Westie. He lay in his basket in front of the Aga, his chin on his paws, his eyes warm and trusting. At his side was a small toy dog with patches on its face and body.

  ‘That’s Glitterbug!’ Tilly exclaimed. ‘How did you draw Glitterbug?’

  ‘From memory.’ Fran chewed her lip. ‘I hope I got it right.’

  ‘Perfect,’ Ethan said as he squeezed her shoulder. ‘Tilly, don’t you have something for Fran too?’

  ‘Yes!’ Tilly jumped down from the stool and ran through to the office then returned holding two small gifts wrapped in shiny red paper. One had a gold bow and the other a silver one. ‘Here, Daddy.’ Tilly handed Ethan the one with the silver bow then climbed back onto her stool.

  ‘Thank you.’ Fran accepted the gift with the gold bow from Tilly. Her throat was aching with emotion but she didn’t want to cry so she swallowed hard and focused on undoing the bow then peeling back the Sellotape. Inside was a tiny charm. She picked it up and peered at it. ‘Oh… it’s wonderful, thank you.’

  ‘It’s a dog.’

  ‘Yes, I can see that.’ Fran leant forwards and hugged Tilly. ‘Thank you so much.’

  ‘Daddy, give her your gift.’

  ‘Right.’ Ethan nodded then held out the red parcel. Fran took it from him and opened it as carefully as she had the one from Tilly.

  She lifted the lid of the box and found a silver chain bracelet. There was one charm already on it and she sighed as she ran a finger over the tiny silver heart.

  ‘The symbol of friendship,’ Ethan said. ‘And more…’

  ‘Merry Christmas,’ Fran said as Ethan fastened the bracelet around her wrist then added the dog charm from Tilly. ‘The first of many?’

  ‘Yes, Fran,’ Tilly said. ‘We’ve got you now and you’re not getting away from us.’

  Tilly jumped down from the stool and wrapped her arms tightly around Fran’s waist and Ethan slid his arms around Fran’s shoulders. The three of them stood that way for some time as the Christmas music from the tea shop drifted through the air and something special settled into place, warming Fran right through.

  It was love for this man and his child, and she knew for certain that she would never hurt either of them or let them down again.

  * * *

  ‘What’s with all the secrecy?’

  Fran glanced around her as Ethan led her across the yard to the tea shop. She was reminded of the wonderful Christmas Day they had enjoyed there. After enjoying Christmas dinner, along with fat puddings laced with brandy and served with clotted cream, as well as exchanging gifts in the kitchen – just Fran, Ethan and Tilly – it had taken several hours to tidy up the tea shop and to get things back to normal. Audrey had then closed the tea shop for the days immediately following Christmas Day and planned to reopen tomorrow for the last few days of December.

  Fran had then gone home to let the dogs out and to check on them all and Ethan had gone with her. He had helped her feed the dogs and made a fuss of the small white dog and both of them had seemed to take quite a shine to each other. Before leaving, Ethan had asked if it would be okay to bring Tilly to meet the dogs after Christmas, which had really pleased Fran.

  Now, three days later, Fran had come to Rosewood to have dinner with Ethan and Tilly and the rest of his family. They had made her feel very welcome and although she was keen to give Ethan space to deal with his feelings and to spend time with Tilly, she was also glad to see him again.

  ‘I have something I want to show you.’ Ethan opened the door to the tea shop and let them in, then closed it behind him.

  ‘In here?’ Fran giggled. ‘Couldn’t you have done it earlier?’

  They had kissed in her kitchen on Christmas afternoon and again when she had arrived at Ethan’s (while Tilly was upstairs getting ready) but done nothing more, aware that they wanted to take things slowly as they got to know each other better. Ethan was still vulnerable and he needed the time to feel fully secure before things moved on between them. Fran was happy to take her time because she liked Ethan so much that she felt like she was dating for the first time and she was excited but nervous around him.

  ‘Not really… Anyway, there was no point moving it from here.’

  ‘Moving what?’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  In the kitchen, he turned on the lights and patted a stool.

  ‘Sit here and I’ll get it. Actually, close your eyes.’

  ‘Okay.’ Fran sat down then closed her eyes and waited.

  She heard Ethan open a cupboard then carry something across the kitchen and place it on the island.

  ‘Now then… open your eyes.’

  She did and she blinked as they adjusted to the bright strip lighting overhead. Then they settled on the large cake on the island in front of them. The three circles were covered with white icing and decorated with tiny flowers in pink, purple and blue and small marzipan and icing wine bottles. Bright green vines wound around the flowers and wine bottles and on the top tier stood a H and an R, joined together with more of the vines and two silver rings.

  ‘It’s beautiful.’ Fran shook her head. ‘Absolutely perfect. When did you find the time?’

  ‘A few late nights.’ Ethan smiled shyly. ‘And early mornings. And… Audrey helped with the icing and the decorations. She’s quite talented with icing.’

  ‘I’ll have to thank her too. Let me know how much you want for it because I told Holly I’d get it as part of their wedding present.’

  ‘No you won’t.’


  ‘It can be a gift from both of us.’

  ‘I can’t ask that of you, Ethan.’

  ‘Fran.’ He took her hands. ‘I’m asking it of you.’

  She opened her mouth to say more but the look in his eyes told her that she didn’t need to. He wanted to do this, to give her this, and if she argued it would hurt him and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

  ‘You’re amazing.’ She leant to him. ‘I’ve never met anyone like you, Ethan.’

  ‘Same here.’

  He lifted her arms so they rested on his shoulders, then he lowered his head and kissed her, and Fran knew that this man really was a keeper.

  The keeper of her heart.

  Chapter 19

  Ethan’s stomach rolled as he knocked on Fran’s door. He wasn’t sure if this was the right decision or not, but Tilly had wanted a dog for as long as he could remember and he wanted her to be able to spend some time with Fran and with her dogs so he could see how they got on.

  Fran opened the door and smiled at them.

  ‘Come on in.’

  They entered the warm hallway and Ethan sniffed appreciatively.

  ‘Something smells good.’

  ‘It won’t be anywhere near as good as the things you make but I’ve baked a cheese and mushroom quiche and a chocolate cake.’

  ‘Fran, just because I’m a chef doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy things that others bake. In fact, it’s wonderful to have things made for me for a change.’

  ‘Well, I hope you enjoy them anyway.’

  She smiled at him and his heart soared. She was breathtaking and cute, an attractive combination, in a silky purple tunic top with a long black cardigan, leggings and fluffy slipper boots on her feet. Her hair was pulled back from her smooth forehead with a purple headband and it made her look even younger. There was a chickenpox scar just under her hairline and he had an urge to touch it. Instead, he stuffed his hands into his pockets, not wanting to set Tilly’s tongue wagging again by touching Fran in front of her, because then she might start insisting that they kiss again like she had on Christmas Day.

  ‘I like quiche, Fran, and chocolate cake’s my favourite,’ Tilly said as she removed her coat.

  ‘Everything’s your favourite.’ Ethan laughed. ‘I’ve heard stories about children who are fussy eaters and whose parents worry but I’ve never had that problem with Tilly. She loves he
r food… except for sprouts.’

  ‘I don’t like some other things, Daddy, but I never wanted you to worry.’ Tilly looked up at him and his heart melted.

  ‘What don’t you like?’

  Tilly wave a hand dismissively. ‘Well, I didn’t like sprouts but Uncle Gary made me try on one Christmas Day and it wasn’t that horrid with bacon. I guess that tastes change all the time.’

  Ethan met Fran’s eyes and they grinned at each other. The things Tilly came out with would never cease to amaze him.

  ‘Where are the dogs, Fran?’ Tilly asked.

  ‘I closed the kitchen gate so they wouldn’t rush at you.’

  ‘You have a gate inside?’ Tilly frowned.

  ‘It’s a stair gate. I have them everywhere.’ Fran gestured around the hallway at the gates on the stairs and in doorways.

  ‘It must take you ages to open and close them all.’ Tilly’s mouth was open as she gazed around.

  ‘I don’t always close them… mainly when I have visitors or a new dog staying.’

  ‘Daddy said you have a new dog here now.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Can I meet him?’

  ‘You can, but be calm and gentle with him as he’s still a bit nervous and he can’t hear anything.’

  ‘He’s a deaf dog?’

  ‘He is.’

  ‘I will treat him like a newborn baby. That’s what my teacher said you have to do when someone’s nervous. Newborn babies cry a lot, especially if you’re loud around them, so you have to be quiet and speak softly like this…’ She whispered the final words.

  ‘Perfect! Come on then.’

  Fran led them to the kitchen and she opened the gate then told the dogs to sit.

  Ethan followed Fran and his daughter, realising that his nerves were melting away with how easy it was to be around Fran and at how well she got on with Tilly. They were quite similar in many ways with their sensible approach to things and their quirky sense of humour and he had a feeling that they were going to get on very well indeed. One thing that had crossed his mind recently was whether Tilly might be jealous if he became involved with another woman, but she had made several comments recently about him needing to kiss Fran and about what it would be like to see more of Fran and at no point did she seem at all negative. Fran had promised to teach her how to draw and paint and to let her walk the dogs and learn how to care for them and Tilly was nothing but happy and enthusiastic about Fran. Of course, Ethan knew that it could change if he didn’t deal with things sensitively and ensure that Tilly had as much of his attention as she’d always had, but then he was starting to realise that his love wasn’t limited. There wasn’t a cap on it that meant he only had a certain amount to give. He didn’t love Tilly any less since he’d met Fran and yet, he had feelings for Fran that were growing and evolving by the day. It was different to his love for Tilly and he could tell that it wasn’t limited in any way, that he could love and care for them both, if things worked out between him and Fran that was. Who knew, there could even be an addition to their family unit at some point – whether human or animal – and he would still have more love to give. Being around Fran was helping him to learn more about himself and he was enjoying the experience. Whereas in the past he’d felt sad, trapped even by his negative emotions such as loneliness and hurt, he now felt that he was moving on from that and growing, that he had more to give and to learn and to achieve.

  Ethan was healing and moving on in ways he’d never expected and it was the best feeling in the world.

  * * *

  Fran sat on the kitchen floor with Tilly as the little girl talked to her dogs. They were all being very well behaved and even the little white dog, which had initially hidden under the table, had now come out and was giving Tilly his full attention. Fran watched as the dog inched his way closer to Tilly until he was sitting right in front of her, then, as Tilly explained how she was going to learn to horse ride in the summer, the dog raised its paw and patted Tilly’s hand.

  ‘Did you see that?’

  Fran turned to Ethan. He was sitting at the table sipping his coffee. He nodded.

  ‘He gave me a high five,’ Tilly said.

  ‘He likes you.’ Fran smiled. The dog could tell that Tilly was sweet and gentle and that she could be trusted. ‘Right, I’ll get our lunch ready.’

  She went to the sink and washed her hands, then she sliced up the quiche and took it to the table along with a bowl of potato salad she’d made earlier.

  ‘What can I do?’ Ethan asked.

  ‘Relax. You’re my guest.’ Fran squeezed his shoulder.

  When she’d brought everything to the table, Ethan told Tilly to wash her hands and they all sat down to eat. The dogs wandered off to their beds, except for the new one, and he stayed right by Tilly’s feet with his chin resting on her toes.

  ‘I think he wants to come home with me, Daddy.’ Tilly smiled.

  ‘That may well be, but I think it might be a bit early to think about taking him home, don’t you?’

  Tilly pouted. ‘Why?’

  ‘Well…’ Ethan forked a potato. ‘A dog is a big responsibility.’

  Tilly nodded. ‘So is a child.’

  Ethan spluttered. ‘Tilly, I don’t know where these things you say come from.’

  ‘I told you before, Daddy, I listen to people.’

  ‘She’s a good listener.’ Fran bit her lip.

  ‘Isn’t she just?’ He shook his head.

  ‘If we adopted this boy it would help Fran.’

  ‘It would?’ Ethan asked.

  ‘Yes because she has lots of dogs anyway and she would have space for one more if there’s one out there in need.’

  Fran lowered her gaze to her plate. She didn’t want to get in the middle of this conversation but Tilly was making some good points.

  ‘But what about when you go back to school?’

  ‘Then you can pop back in the day and let him out.’

  ‘I can?’

  ‘You always go home at some point, Daddy, and if not, then Scarlett or Harper can go.’

  ‘Tilly, we can’t rely on other people to let our dog out.’

  ‘Daddy…’ Tilly sighed. ‘That’s what families are for. They help each other out.’

  Ethan leant on his hand and put his fork down. He looked defeated, but Fran knew that he had to be sure before he gave a dog a home. It was a big responsibility and something to think very carefully about.

  ‘Look, Tilly, why don’t I have a chat with your dad about this after lunch and see if we can sort something out? Even if you can’t adopt this little one, perhaps you could think of a name for him and come and visit him lots.’

  Tilly’s eyes moved from Ethan to Fran and back again, and she frowned then shrugged. ‘Okay. Whatever you think is best.’

  Fran nudged Ethan under the table and he nudged her back. Tilly was a highly intelligent child and she knew how to be persuasive, including how to back off at the right time to let someone think. Fran was very impressed and amused and she could see that Ethan had his hands full. She hoped that she could be there for future discussions like this to offer him support because as Tilly got older she would likely run rings around him.

  Poor Ethan!

  Chapter 20

  ‘I think that’s everything,’ Fran said as she looked around Shell’s Shack. There were gold foil banners pinned to the counter, the fireplace and the windows announcing Look Who’s Getting Married. On the tables were pink plastic champagne flutes, bottles of Prosecco and bottles of non-alcoholic fizz. Shell had put together a buffet, which was spread out on the counter, and there was a large lemon drizzle cake also courtesy of Shell.

  ‘You’ve done a great job,’ Shell said, peering out at Fran from behind a large pink tiara complete with feathers and rhinestones.

  ‘She deserves a good hen party. I’m hoping she’s only going to get married once.’ Fran crossed her fingers.

  ‘Holly and Rich are made for each other.’<
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  ‘They certainly are. I would struggle to imagine either of them being with anyone else.’

  The door opened and along with a gust of ice-cold wind came laughter and the mixed aroma of several perfumes.

  ‘Wow, Fran, this looks amazing!’ Holly hugged her. ‘You didn’t have to do all this.’

  ‘Of course I did. You’re my best friend.’ Fran smiled at Holly, who looked gorgeous in a loose red shift dress with sheer sleeves and knee-high black boots.

  ‘Are we having bubbly?’ Glenda asked as Shell helped her to a chair.

  ‘Of course, Glenda,’ Shell replied. ‘I’ll pour you a glass right away.’

  ‘Wonderful!’ Glenda clapped her hands. ‘I do love a drop of fizz. My Henry used to say, “Glenda, you can’t beat a glass of the good stuff.” Of course, he was usually referring to Greenacres wine, but then that was Henry! He was so proud of our wine.’ She gazed out through the window, lost in her memories, and Holly caught Fran’s eye and smiled. They had discussed Glenda’s frequent comments about the past and both hoped that Glenda’s happy memories of her husband were helping her to deal with her grief at losing him earlier that year. ‘And now we’re going to have twins to help out too!’

  The cafe fell silent and Shell looked from Glenda to Holly to Fran, then at Lucinda Turner and Catherine Bromley, who had just walked in. Rich’s mother, Lucinda, was pink-cheeked and bright-eyed as if the cold had given her a boost, but Catherine was shivering and blowing on her hands.

  ‘Oops!’ Glenda grimaced. ‘It’s meant to be a secret.’

  Holly shrugged. ‘It wouldn’t have been for much longer anyway. Yes, I am pregnant and yes, it’s twins.’ She held out her hands.

  ‘That’s wonderful news!’ Shell hugged her then stepped back and Catherine did the same.

  ‘I knew.’ Lucinda nodded. ‘They told me on Boxing Day. Gave me a scan photo in a frame.’ She hugged herself. ‘I’m so excited that I’m going to have three gorgeous grandchildren!’

  ‘Anyone mind if I sit down?’ Holly asked. ‘I’m exhausted and I need all my energy for tomorrow. I know this won’t be the wildest hen do you’ve been to, but I am grateful to Fran and Shell for arranging it and to you all for coming.’


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