Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 3

by Corinne Balfour

  Cabrian pulled her away from the scene. “You don’t need to see this.” He transported them to Cassia’s room by opening up a portal. He continued to restrain her within his muscular arms. “Remember that you are to obey me. The prince was displeased by your escape attempt.”

  “It seems he was upset with you as well for violating the ban on human-hybrid sex.” Had Cabrian been so desperate to have her that he would knowingly risk Diermont’s wrath? She had to wonder since he rarely did anything on impulse. “What was that about, anyway? It wasn’t necessary to do what you did.”

  “My cock found it necessary.” He grinned, appearing slightly abashed. “You don’t know how hard it has been for me, Cassia. I can’t wait four frickin years for it.” He shrugged his broad shoulders and shook his head. “Diermont’s crazy. A male cannot go that long without sex.”

  The prince probably expected Cabrian to use other females. Hybrid ones. “You took me in front of others.” It shamed her when she remembered how loudly she had screamed when he had taken her. Geez, half the neighboring villas had probably heard her cries of ecstasy.

  “It was but a single act that cannot be repeated, if that makes you feel better. Diermont will not make an issue of one isolated incident given the circumstances, but any more and he’ll never let me hear the end of it.” His face filled with annoyance. “They’ll stick the druids on me and have a little intervention to rid me of my human addiction.”

  Cassia was taken aback. She knew of the ban, but for some reason she thought Cabrian would find some way to work around it. Like he had a half hour ago. “So there will be nothing physical between us in the foreseeable future.”

  “Are you disappointed, slave?” He tilted her face toward his in a motion that demonstrated an unexpected tenderness. His eyes lowered to her lips. “You want to get on your hands and knees for me again?”

  “No. But I promised to obey you, so I would do it if asked.” Oh, what a lie. She would do it without his asking. Despite everything that had happened, she was still wildly attracted to the hybrid.

  Cabrian’s lips touched hers for a fleeting moment. “I wish I could be certain of your obedience, of your loyalty. You will eventually learn that your place is with me.” He took her in his arms, hugging her tightly before setting her away from him. “Do not disappoint me, Cassia. And do not ever betray me.”

  Chapter 2

  Kiera was still seething when the hybrids unlocked the closet door to release her from her temporary prison. The cramped space was too small to construct a portal, so she had been effectively trapped. Five hours had passed before someone had thought to look for her. She had thought of nothing but Modez during those long hours. She fantasized about hurting him. Drinking from him. Fucking him. She was thirsty, confused, and in desperate need of a lavatory.

  Druscilla was oblivious to Kiera’s moody state and continued to ramble on and on, giving much unwanted advice. “While this locale has been the site of a recent massacre, you must not forget that the most eligible males from the highest echelons of society are gathered here. They are not attending Lady Carey’s ball this Season. They are all here, at this New Babylon villa.”

  “Lady Carey must certainly be devastated. Do you think it will drive her to suicide?”

  “Most likely she will recover.”

  “Pity that.” Lady Carey had never issued one of her coveted invitations to Kiera. Like many ladies of society, Lady Carey failed to acknowledge her existence. “I am privileged to be here.”

  “You have been honored. Princess Snotti personally asked for you to be included on this excursion.”

  Kiera suspected that it was Snotti’s mate who had requested her presence. Prince Diermont, the lecherous pervert, often demanded her company even though he didn’t approve of her. Lately, Diermont had been exercising more and more control over her life. It made her uncomfortable. Since she was related to Snotti, he seemed to view himself as her guardian. “And what is our purpose here?”

  “We have all been summoned to provide companionship for Princess Snotti. She could hardly be expected to stay in this barbarian city with no female presence.”

  “This place reeks of blood and death.” She was pretty sure the stone floor wasn’t supposed to be that deep red color.

  “I do not believe they’ve had adequate time to clear the grounds of corpses.” Druscilla wrinkled her nose and lifted up the folds of her gown to prevent it from being dirtied by the bloodied entrails strewn on the floor. “Ignore the smell. You must focus on your behavior. You must be a model of propriety. One misstep, and the ladies of society will castigate you. Again. This is your chance to prove your worth as a lady.”

  “I have followed all of society’s stupid little rules.” Well, mostly. Except for those that pertain to biting strange males. “My behavior has always been above reproach.” Kiera had taken special care to ensure an appearance of proper behavior. What she did at night was anything but proper, but none of them knew of her transgressions.

  Druscilla shot her a look of sympathy. “I know it is hardly your fault that your debut into society was an utter failure. Society is so unforgiving, my dear.”

  No kidding. Those snooty bitches had called her Clueless Kiera because she had used the wrong fork at her first formal dinner at court.

  “You may not have their approval, but you do have connections. Royal ones.” Druscilla stared with reverence at the silver brooch that fastened Kiera’s linen cloak. The brooch contained a white unicorn, which was the symbol of the House of Halloran. “As long as you stay in Snotti’s good graces, your position in society could easily rise.”

  Kiera raised one dark eyebrow and gave Druscilla a pointed look that conveyed how ridiculous she found the notion of staying on Snotti’s good side. There wasn’t a soul alive capable of such a feat. The princess’ tendency to act the bitch was legendary and the woman was incapable of getting along with people. “Expecting miracles, my friend? You know my days are numbered. I will be shown the door upon Snotti’s next tantrum. I know exactly where I stand and I have no ambition to elevate myself. I expect nothing to come from this opportunity, with the exception of seeing a Roman city.”

  Kiera listened with only half an ear to the rest of Druscilla’s pep talk as she followed Snotti and the other ladies through the Roman villa. The stately residence had belonged to a Roman woman named Lucine Maximus. The woman had been in the business of purchasing hybrid slaves and had taken possession of some of their own warriors. Diermont had been tasked with the rescue, which had been successful. Too successful. The place had a creepy feel to it, as if it overflowed with excessive amounts of negative energy.

  Kiera watched silently while Diermont greeted his mate in what appeared to be a warm embrace. It was a match made in heaven: the sadistic megalomaniac and the self-absorbed bitch. She had no interest in viewing the happy reunion. She wanted to know which warriors were present. She still thirsted and needed a donor. And he needn’t be a willing supplier.

  Kiera scanned the room and allowed her gaze to linger a bit longer than necessary. Druscilla had been right about one thing. Many elite bloodlines were represented here. McLeod. McDonald. Ross. Sullivan. Halloran. So many fine possibilities, all living under one roof. And all so very tasty. She felt the beginnings of a smile curve her lips as she relished choosing her next victim from this esteemed group of males. Seamus McLeod, an unattached lord, looked downright delicious to her right now. He was well respected by his peers and politically powerful. The thought of sinking her fangs into his tender throat made her salivate, but she knew it would be wiser to leave him alone. Her eyes fell upon the warrior conversing with Seamus. Torin Sullivan, Lord of Turloch, was quite possibly the most handsome male on Earth. She had appreciated the way he had swung his sword at the Romans while wearing nothing but a pair of leather trousers that clung nicely to his well-developed ass. Forcing herself on that one would be quite the adventure since he was sexy as hell. Although tempting, she dismissed that
option. Torin was one of the few males who treated her no differently than the highborn ladies, and for that reason, she was reluctant to steal from him. Then there was Shane McDonald, a huge bear of a male with a reputation for wildness. He was a less risky prospect, but drinking from a male just released from Roman captivity wasn’t the best idea. She intended to choose a victim who could withstand the abuse she intended to inflict. Her gaze strayed to her next candidate. Modez Halloran. He was absolutely perfect.

  “Kiera, you must not look your betters in the eye. Show some respect, girl.” Druscilla leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “Especially with that one. He is a Halloran.”

  “Oh, he’s practically family.” Modez was related to Diermont so their paths had crossed often enough. The arrogant male made it clear she was beneath his notice, so naturally she couldn’t stand him. Unlike Diermont, who was ugly enough to make babies cry, Modez was gorgeous. A strong body tanned golden by the sun, classic features that could have easily graced the face of a god, eyes the color of diamonds, and thick dark hair that held just a hint of waviness—he wasn’t bad to look at. If only he wasn’t such a cockhead.

  Kiera stared directly into Modez’s silver eyes a moment too long before assuming the submissive position she was expected to maintain. His eyes narrowed in irritation at her and his jaw clenched. Yes, he was perfect and was just what she needed. An unwilling blood donor with whom she would feel zero guilt at violating, since he was an uppity asshole who erroneously thought he was too good for her. There was no better bloodline than that of Halloran and she was nearly desperate to taste it. Normally, she would never be granted the opportunity to partake from one so far above her in rank and status. Modez Halloran would never in a million years consent to share his blood with her. Unfortunately for him, she wouldn’t be giving him a choice. She would take what she wanted from him without his consent, without his permission. Without his knowledge. She would ignore his objections and gorge on what he was too stingy to share with her. Kiera Devine, lowly relation to Princess Snotti Halloran, was leading a secret double life. She raped the veins of unsuspecting noble males in the dead of night, satisfying her thirst for blood of the highest quality. She had indulged many times. It was ridiculously easy and she had not even come close to being caught. If she was ever discovered, it would be a disaster. Not just socially. What she was doing was probably a criminal act. There would be some sort of punishment for that. She wasn’t sure what it would entail, since she couldn’t remember anyone being accused of such a crime. But she knew that it would be bad.

  “I fear Lord Halloran took notice of you and he looks most displeased,” Druscilla said. “You cannot afford to make an enemy of the man. He is in line for the throne, for pity’s sake.”

  “There are dozens in line before him. He is not so important. Only in his head is he that grand.” Despite her show of bravado, Druscilla’s censure filled her with trepidation. Modez was a favorite of the king. To even think of causing harm to his person was insane. She had no intention of damaging his fine body, but blood loss would weaken him and make him feel ill. It could leave him vulnerable in other ways, ways he would not appreciate.

  Even now, she felt his eyes boring into her. She didn’t dare lift her eyes from the floor to see evidence of his regard. Why did he fume at her so? He could not know her thoughts, could he? Some of their kind were known to be telepathic. The possibility that he had that ability nearly turned her heart to ice. No, it was too risky to victimize that male. She didn’t know what he was capable of doing or knowing. She needed to choose a safer target.

  Kiera risked a glance in Modez’s direction to see him conversing quietly with Diermont. A private conversation, no doubt. All the more reason to eavesdrop on the two. Some of her senses were super acute and her hearing was one of them.

  “Was it necessary to bring so many females?” Modez was asking Diermont. “We are here to make war, not to entertain ourselves with frivolous pursuits.”

  “My mate’s place is with me and she will be provided all the comforts of home, including her ladies,” Diermont said in response.

  “But the danger—”

  Diermont cut Modez off with a wave of his hand. “I expect no more trouble from the Romans, but if they should try to strike against us, it will be a simple matter to evacuate our females.”

  “That may be true, but the females will get in our way and make it more difficult for the rest of us to do our jobs properly.”

  “I don’t see it as a problem, but I will be sure to instruct them to leave you alone. Should any of them prove too troublesome, I will send them away.”

  “You can start with that one.” Modez’s silver eyes locked with Kiera’s violet ones as he gestured in her direction. “I don’t think I can tolerate much more of her.”

  Kiera was taken aback by the hostility in his gaze. He insulted her with the most undeserving comments and she had done nothing to plague the male, at least not yet. He had no idea what was coming to him.

  The prince appeared surprised by the vehemence in Modez’s words. “What, you mean Kiera? What has she done to offend you?” Diermont asked. “The girl is related to my mate, you understand. If there is a problem with Kiera, I will handle it.”

  “She is a disgrace. A weak, helpless chit. She has no respect for her betters, no gratitude whatsoever.”

  So Modez was annoyed she hadn’t fallen to his feet in adulation for “saving” her. Stashing her in that closet wasn’t an act worth of gratitude and she wasn’t going to kiss his ass for it.

  “She will learn obedience now that I have control of her. She but lacks the proper training.”

  “I wouldn’t waste my time on a mongrel. There are hundreds of ladies of better breeding eager to serve the House of Halloran. Any of them would have been more suited to the position.”

  A mongrel. Kiera balled her fists, wanting so badly to strike that contemptuous look off his face. She felt so much anger but she quelled it. She refused to let him know that his words bothered her.

  “Other ladies would be more suited, that is true, but they wouldn’t be nearly as lovely to look at.” Diermont’s lecherous gaze fell on Kiera. “Despite her bad blood, Kiera is by far one of the most beautiful creatures I’ve laid eyes on. She gets her looks from Snotti’s side of the family.”

  Kiera gasped when she heard the outrageous compliment coming from Diermont’s lips. It seemed to confirm her suspicion that the prince had an improper interest in her. It made her skin crawl. Modez’s reaction to Diermont’s statement was one of disbelief. Obviously he couldn’t comprehend the prince’s appreciation of her attributes, and he wouldn’t, since he thought her a mongrel. The anger boiled inside her as she thought of Modez, making her feel she would combust into flames. He was a conceited highborn jerk and she would make him pay.

  Modez’s regard became speculative. “In that case, why bother to clothe her? The Romans keep their servants naked.”

  Oh, that fuckball nob really pissed her off. She was a lady-in-waiting, not a freaking servant or slave.

  “Snotti wouldn’t approve of public nudity.” Diermont’s fangs protruded, showing his excitement. “Now slaves are a different manner, but Kiera is a lady.”

  Modez snorted and his lips curved into a smirk. “Barely.”

  “Besides, I prefer private viewings. If you like, you may join me the next time the girl is bred. I make it a point to personally witness notable events. You will develop some appreciation for the girl then.”

  Kiera exhaled in a sharp burst as indignation consumed her. Hell would freeze over before she allowed Lord Asswipe to attend any of her mating tests.

  “Watching holds limited appeal. I require considerably more involvement when it comes to entertainment, if you know what I mean.” Modez paused slightly before saying, “I couldn’t help but notice that the ladies who arrived are in your mate’s service. What of the females promised to service our warriors? Why have they not arrived?”

am not sure. I will send a man to inquire of this.”

  “Do not delay. You know how it is after a victorious battle. Warriors expect to be rewarded with sport, and if deprived, they will have little choice but to play with the native population.”

  “There will be no fornication with the humans. That rule will not alter.” Diermont’s face soured like a male feasting on rancid meat. “Sexual intercourse with humans is unsafe and the consequences are disastrous. Any hybrid who violates my commandment will be subjected to the harshest of punishments.”

  “The warriors do not fully comprehend the danger. Unrelieved lust tends to cloud the mind and impair judgment, which is why it is important to intervene before it gets out of hand. The bed servants are needed now.”

  “I hear you.” Diermont gestured with his hand. “Do not worry yourself so. If I cannot get the bed servants delivered to the villa in sufficient time, I suppose I could order some of Snotti’s ladies to provide such services. Not the high born ladies, of course. Those females of low birth could perform the additional duties.” Diermont snickered and grabbed his crotch with his hand to illustrate his meaning. “It is one of the reasons such ladies are given the privilege of servicing their betters.” He slid his hand from his trousers to pick up a mug of ale. “Do you not agree?”

  Modez’s gaze passed over the ladies surrounding the princess. Garbed in their finest gowns, they glittered like jewels in the candlelit room. “If Snotti can spare some of her ladies, her generosity would be appreciated.”

  “I will be sure to convey this to Snotti.” The prince tossed back his head and took a hefty swig of ale. “She speaks very highly of you. I know she would not wish to disappoint one of her favorite lords.”

  Kiera clenched her fists and tried to control her outrage. She leaned into Druscilla’s shoulder and whispered in her ear, “They plan to use us as bed servants!”


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