Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 4

by Corinne Balfour

  “No, they wouldn’t dare.” Druscilla looked at Kiera in horror. “Why would you even say that?”

  “I heard them discuss it. Modez said the warriors must be satisfied, and the prince just said that if the bed servants do not arrive, some of Snotti’s ladies will have to take their place. You know what that means. We are Snotti’s ladies.”

  “You couldn’t possibly have heard anything from that distance, not with them conversing so softly. You have quite the imagination, Kiera.”

  Kiera didn’t bother to explain her unnatural hearing ability to Druscilla. “The nobles look upon us like slaves.”

  “You could join their ranks easily enough. Many of the males lack mates. I am certain that is why we were invited to join Snotti here rather than remain at the palace.”

  “Do not be so naïve.” Kiera knew she had not mistaken what she had heard, but she told herself not to worry needlessly. They may view her as a slave, but she wasn’t one. She could always leave if conditions deteriorated, and if anyone thought to force her into some warrior’s bed, she would transport herself out of Rome in an instant. “The unmated males remain unmated for a reason. They are either unwilling or unable to take a mate.”

  “Ladies like us do love those unfortunate males who persistently flunk the mating tests.” Druscilla’s eyes lit upon Seamus and Torin. Kiera could almost see the wheels turning inside her friend’s head as she analyzed the unmated, unclaimed warrior lords. They would be prime catches for any female. “Think how grateful such a great lord would be if you were the one woman to make a bonding union possible for him. It wouldn’t even matter if the match was less than perfect on a social level. When it comes down to it, a compatible womb rules.”

  “The odds are so against that happening. Anyway, I don’t care to win that particular lottery.” Kiera chose an appetizer from a serving tray and lifted a mysterious olive colored ball to her mouth. The sharp, yet completely undefinable flavors burst inside her mouth. Whatever it was that she was eating, it was too fancy for her tastes. “Those nobles are nothing but pompous assholes and I don’t feel the least bit sorry they have problems reproducing. Let them worship their perfect bloodlines and congratulate each other on their purity! Most will never produce an heir.”

  “That’s rather cold-hearted of you,” Druscilla said, her features conveying her shock. “Our fine lords deserve to be blessed with a family.” Druscilla stared at her reflection in her wineglass as if doing so would help divine the future. “Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. It is just pitiful.” She lifted her face and surveyed the room, which was dominated by the male gender. “Males grossly outnumber females and so few of us can find a mate.”

  Kiera forced herself to swallow the contents in her mouth. She assumed that spitting them out, which was what she would do if she was at home, would be considered uncouth in present company. “I hear the males of the North are especially virile when it comes to mating and breeding.”

  “You wouldn’t dare such a union!” Druscilla gasped in horror as her gaze flitted to an ugly-faced giant with an air of detachment and a preference for self-isolation. “The Northerners are horrid creatures. If you do not believe me, take another look at Bloodfanger.”

  “He doesn’t interest me, but perhaps he has a brother or a cousin…”

  “It is no joking manner. What if the prince requests that I mate with Bloodfanger? I would have no choice but to refuse, yet that would be sure to spark a scandal.”

  “Diermont would not ask that of you.” Kiera wasn’t sure why the liberated Northern Asstrumnian captive, who was once forced to fight as a gladiator, remained at the villa. Supposedly he had vowed to serve the prince, but Kiera was suspicious of his motives. “Bloodfanger is not one of us.” She knew that Diermont’s prejudices extended to the hybrids of the North. In his eyes, they were little better than humans.

  The chiming of a large cowbell silenced the room and all looked with expectation at the princess to hear her latest announcement. “We will dine early,” Snotti said while holding her hand upright. “I fear the table will not accommodate everyone, so some will have to wait for their meal. We will follow the etiquette as set forth by the esteemed Princess Hirsutia Hortense.”

  Kiera groaned, as she understood what the directive would mean for her. The seating arrangements would be done by rank and status. She followed the rest of the group to the dining hall and watched as the lords and ladies were seated around the table. The rest of the guests, including Kiera, were led to their allotted spots on the floor, where they were expected to kneel beside a seated guest. As luck would have it, she found herself shoved at Lord Halloran’s feet. It was humiliating to wait on the floor like a dog while others indulged in a fine meal. She gritted her teeth and tried to contain her rising temper, but she found it impossible. How she would love to force Snotti to the hard, dirty floor while she dangled food in her face!

  The time passed slowly while she fumed. The smell of roasted beef tantalized her nostrils as she squirmed on the floor. It made her feel like whimpering along with the hunting dogs that were whining and salivating all over her. Her stomach growled and the sound echoed across the room, causing many of the uppity ladies and lords to stare at her in annoyance. She could imagine what they said to themselves. How dare that girl’s ill-bred manners interrupt the pleasure of their meal. She flinched when Modez threw a bone to the dog that drooled beside her. The stupid animal wagged its tail and barked excitably when the great lord deigned to feed it. So even the dogs would get to eat before she was granted the opportunity. She couldn’t stop herself from glaring at Modez. “What, no bone for me?” She used her most sarcastic voice, knowing it would provoke him. Not caring that it would.

  He cupped her jaw in his brawny hand and lifted her face to his, handling her as one might handle livestock. “If you want a bone, my lady, I would offer you one with more meat than the one I just gave to Doggy.”

  Kiera scowled at him in response as he released her from his hold. His innuendo was clear. She was at eye level with the bone in question, since she was forced to kneel at his feet. “Where’s the beef? The portions I’m seeing are rather diminutive.”

  He glanced at the modest bulge in his trousers before meeting her eyes again. His smile was predatory. “It’s more bone than beef, but it’s enough to satisfy a lady’s appetite.”

  Kiera’s eyes watched as the ridge in Modez’s trousers expanded, becoming a rather prominent fixture in his pants. Although she knew it was rude to stare, she found delight in provoking him. The thin material hid little and it was obvious the male was becoming aroused. She didn’t think for a moment that it had anything to do with her. She had overheard him claiming to have needs when he had spoken to the prince. Any female would do, apparently. “I was referring to the food on the table, Lord Halloran.”

  He cocked one eyebrow. “Were you now?”

  She didn’t know if he was flirting with her or trying to offend her with his less than gentlemanly behavior. So she said, “I am ravenously hungry. My fangs ache to tear into a sizable piece of meat, which sadly isn’t available here. I’d love to bite enormous chunks of it into my mouth and swallow it. The bloodier, the better.” Yes, let him think she would eat him whole. She was nearly hungry enough to do it.

  Humor flashed in his silver eyes. “A tiny thing like you should fill up quite easily.”

  Somehow she didn’t think he referred to food. It was yet another implication, this one being that she would provide a tight fit. Her face flushed with heat, but she was determined to pretend ignorance of his meaning. Modez was clueless about the depths of her appetite, and if he was a gentleman, he would finish his meal quickly and offer his seat to her so she could eat. The male seemed to be taking his time, eating at such an excruciating and slow pace that she knew he did it on purpose. The meal would be cold by the time she got to eat and she hated cold food.

  Seamus McLeod cleared his throat and grunted. “Perhaps we should excuse our
selves from the table. The lady appears hungry.”

  “The lady must learn to control her hunger. If she cannot practice some restraint, then she is no better than the Romans who are slaves to their base needs,” Modez said.

  “I think you want the girl to hunger. Why do you feel the need to punish her?”

  “Limiting her privileges does not constitute punishment. We have earned our places at the table, while she has not. She expects a free ride because she shares a drop of Snotti’s blood. There is little value in that, despite what Diermont believes.”

  Kiera couldn’t ignore the fact that they were talking about her as if she wasn’t even there. She lifted her gaze to scowl at Modez. “There’s nothing free about this ride, since I have to suffer the presence of people like you.”

  He bared his fangs and let out a low growl. “The girl obviously needs to learn how to control her tongue along with her hunger.”

  “You know better than to speak without being addressed,” Seamus admonished to Kiera. “It is beyond rude to respond to a lord’s criticism. Such a blatant show of disrespect could earn you a beating.”

  Kiera knew she should have remained silent with her face glued to the floor, as that was the behavior expected of her. Ignoring court etiquette would get her sent away in disgrace, which was something she planned to avoid. As much as she disliked Snotti, she knew that connection was her best chance to improve her situation. She couldn’t go back to the life she had led before, not when she had gotten used to higher living. She had to pretend to be the submissive, docile woman they wished her to be. Unfortunately, she wasn’t good at pretense. “I do apologize, Lord Halloran. You may continue spouting your nonsense without further interruption.”

  “Kiera, your behavior will not be tolerated.” Seamus’ face was full of censure and disapproval. She knew that look well since she often got a similar response from Diermont. “One more word and I will speak to the prince myself to demand you be dismissed.”

  Kiera wanted to kick herself for making that last sarcastic comment. She would have to be more careful with her words in the future, since she didn’t doubt Seamus would carry out his threats. He was a stickler for rules. She leaned forward and bent her head further in submission, hoping that would appease him somewhat.

  “It is within your rights to strike her,” Seamus said to Modez. “The last thing we need around here is another Snotti. The bitchiness needs to be nipped in the bud.”

  Modez brushed her hair from her shoulder, and while she kneeled at his feet, his hand continued to play with her hair like she was some kind of pet. “She’s too weak to withstand such an action.”

  Kiera hated being called weak, but in this case it was true. She recognized the signs and knew she was in danger of shaming herself. The lightheadedness, dizziness, and slightly blurred vision signaled an oncoming physical collapse. The fatigue was getting more difficult for her to control these days. She needed to vacate the room before she passed out, but she couldn’t do that without it being remarked upon. Seamus would make an issue of it. Surely she could make herself hold on a few moments longer. The nobles would excuse themselves soon and she would be allowed to eat, which would help restore some of her strength.

  Another wave of dizziness swamped Kiera and she felt herself sliding toward the floor. She straightened her body and shifted her position slightly, trying to avoid what she knew was coming. To keep her eyes open, she focused on the view in front of her, which happened to be Modez’s trouser covered leg. She could not allow herself to pass out in front of that man, of all people. His opinion of her was low enough. She couldn’t stop her body from sliding forward again and she felt the impact as her head made contact with Modez’s leg.

  Kiera felt fingers gripping her hair. Modez’s fingers. He was saying something, but she couldn’t make out his words. She could easily imagine what he must be saying, and none of it would be complimentary. Snotti would be incensed with her for being such an embarrassment. She had promised Snotti that she could keep up with the best of them, that she had completely recovered from the illness that had cursed her with crippling fatigue. After all, what hybrid had problems with illness? Those problems only inflicted the humans. The last thing she wanted was to pass out, but she was losing the fight to stay conscious. Her eyes were closing and her body felt as heavy and immovable as stone. The damage was done, with her collapsing against Modez. There was no sense resisting the oblivion that beckoned.

  Chapter 3

  “Bring forth the breeder and let me have a look at her.”

  Cassia shuddered as Cabrian led her to the hateful prince. The sheet covering her naked body provided little protection. The hybrid’s beady eyes bored into her as if he could see past the fabric to her skin beneath and his face filled with revulsion. The prince hated humans and would like nothing better than to kill her.

  “Remove the sheet. Her body disgusts me but I must examine her for stains.”

  Cassia felt her face flame, knowing that the stains he spoke of consisted of hybrid seed. She let the sheet drop, knowing that if she did not act quickly enough she could lose the sheet entirely in one of the prince’s notorious fits of rage. She could feel the prince’s eyes raking her flesh and it made her skin crawl.

  Diermont’s eyes lowered to her woman’s mound. He bared his fangs and said, “Spread your thighs.”

  Cassia did as the prince requested. The hybrid leaned close enough to her that she could feel his hot breath on her inner thighs, and between where her vulnerable sex was exposed. He inhaled and she knew he was taking in her most private scents. It made her feel uneasy but she forced her body to remain absolutely still.

  Finally, the prince straightened and took a few steps back. He held her discarded bed sheet in his hands. “You are only alive for breeding purposes, human. Only because Lord Ross may find himself desperate enough to breed you since he cannot seed a proper hybrid woman. I gave him my permission, although I do not approve of the practice.” He fingered the goatee at his chin, a habit he seemed to engage in whenever he mulled matters over in his mind. “The king did decree that hybrid males procreate to replace our fallen warriors. But any young you produce will be inferior and likely worthless. The king will probably order them destroyed once he sees the truth of it.”

  “My blood is powerful enough to compensate for her inferior bloodlines.” Cabrian frowned at the prince. “You will not threaten my unborn young.”

  “I try to understand your position, Lord Ross. You have tried for many years to procreate and your impotence must be a trial for you.”

  “I have the ability to mate, Your Royal Highness. I didn’t have a compatible female until now.”

  “I feel I must remind you that her womb is currently nonfunctional. There is no need to risk contamination.” Diermont placed his hand against Cassia’s softly rounded stomach. “When will you be receptive to seed?”

  “Four years, give or take.” Cassia trembled uncontrollably. The hand that touched her was the same one that had ended the life of most of the people she had known, including her stepbrother and her hateful ex-husband.

  “The evidence of blue rot remains on her skin.” Diermont turned to Cabrian. “It is good that you’ve made her womb toxic to human seed, but I hope you will not be tempted to plug her with cock again.”

  “Sometimes it is advantageous to copulate with humans.”

  “Taking her before the Romans was a nice demonstration of their weakness as a race.” Diermont’s eyes grew warm and fuzzy, and Cassia imagined he reminisced about past atrocities perpetrated on her people. “They wanted so badly to protect her, but they were impotent.”

  “It served as a warning and I hope it will dissuade them from engaging us in future battles,” Cabrian said.

  “What is done is done. There is no further need to risk damage.”

  “I survived unscathed.” Cabrian gestured to his midsection and said, “No damage here.”

  Diermont’s face soured. “The cre
ature is too small to bear a litter. Such a tiny thing with no muscles to speak of,” he said while tracing one soft, feminine arm with his cold fingers. “What she does have is a good deal of fat, especially here,” he said while lifting the heavy weight of one of Cassia’s breasts. “Humans are peculiar creatures. I know she appeals to you, but do not forget that you are an overlord who is expected to follow the rules of decency. I will have no warriors of mine accused of bestiality.”

  Cabrian appeared insulted. “I don’t consider sex with humans a form of bestiality.”

  Diermont released her breast to fix Cabrian with an incredulous expression. “You have become too liberal in your thinking, Lord Ross. Humans have barely evolved past the ape stage, while we are much more advanced.” He wrinkled his nose and his lips formed a moue of distaste. “When she reaches her fertile period, you may petition the king to breed her then.”

  It was ironic that the hybrids called the humans animals since that was what the Romans had always called the hybrids. Now she was the animal. Cassia shuddered as Diermont opened her mouth and checked her teeth. He took a handful of her golden tresses and yanked it so hard that her eyes smarted with tears. He treated her like a prized mare that was for sale. It terrified her.

  “With all due respect, she is my slave and what I choose to do with her is my business.”

  Diermont’s face reddened with anger. “Damn it, Cabrian. You will not contaminate yourself by laying with that human female. You gave her the blue rot and I spared her life. There is nothing more to be done with her.”

  Cabrian crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes reflected determination. “Some humans can conceive outside the Mating Periods. More frequent seeding will increase the chances of conception.”

  “The chances of that are remote. I will not risk human sheath addiction. You will refrain from penetrating this woman with your cock or you will answer to me. Do you understand this, Lord Ross?”


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