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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 24

by Corinne Balfour

  Before Diermont could answer, a female appeared in the room and bowed before the prince. Modez’s stomach dropped. The very last person he wished to encounter was his former mate, and now the woman had come to New Babylon. He blinked, hoping he was still hallucinating from lack of blood. But the woman remained. Gwyneth McRae, the rustic woman he had once rescued from obscurity gave him a look full of affection. But he knew it was false.

  Gwyneth smiled and her eyes lit with pleasure. “Modez, my love. You look handsome as always.”

  “What are you doing here?” He hadn’t seen her since she had introduced her infant son to the court. That had been over ten years ago.

  Gwyneth placed a hand on his arm. “I had to see you, Modez. My mate.”

  “You are not my mate.” She had left him for another hybrid, one who held a kingship in the North. She had allowed the other male to make a mating bond with her, which broke the one they had shared. Then she had born the other man a child. “You took another mate.”

  “Yes, but King Adevax died last year. One of his brothers murdered him and tried to kill my son as well. I fled with my young prince to Turloch. I sent word to you of my return, but you never came to see me.”

  He had tossed her missives in the fire. “I had no reason to see you. We are over.”

  “But now that I am free, I wish to return to you. Be your mate again. I will bear young for you.” Gwyneth tried to massage his shoulders, but he pushed her hands away from him. “We already know we are compatible physically,” she said as she made another attempt to cling to him like an invasive vine. “I am your true mate.”

  “You left me to bond with another male. He was your mate and now he is dead. I don’t want you back.”

  “But I know you have no mate.” Gwyneth sat on the desk, right beside one of the severed heads. She didn’t spare it a glance as she turned cow eyes to Modez. “You never found another because I am your true mate. You cannot turn me away, Modez.” Gwyneth’s eyes implored him to forgive her and her hand gripped him so hard that he felt his bones were in danger of snapping. “I am your only hope for an heir.”

  “I’d rather my line die out than mix my blood with yours.” Modez knew he could never forgive Gwyneth. She had claimed to love him just days before she had left him for another man. “I will never take you back, so you can return to Turloch. Leave me in peace.”

  “No, I will not give up on us.” She leapt from the desk and would have leapt straight into his arms if he had let her. “I still love you, Modez. I never stopped. I didn’t choose the king. He forced that mating bond on me.”

  Modez knew she was lying. Gwyneth had seduced the king when he had visited the palace. She had not been content to be Lady Halloran when she could be a queen. She only wanted him back now because she was without a home. “Go back to Asstrumnia, Gwyneth. I don’t love you any longer and I will not take you back.”

  Gwyneth pouted her cupid’s bow lips and turned to face the prince. “He so cruelly rejects me. I would do anything to erase the mistakes of my past.”

  Diermont took her hands in his and kissed each palm. “He will forgive you in time, my lady. Do stay. Snotti misses you, for you were her dearest friend.”

  Modez scowled at Diermont. “Do not encourage the lady’s interest in me. I will not forgive or forget what she has done.”

  “Gwyneth is your mate,” Diermont said to Modez. “She should not have forsaken you for another, but the Northerner is dead and she has returned to you. Do not reject the woman. She can give you a litter. She is a proven breeder and the two of you share compatibility. That is rare.”

  He was bitter and the need to hurt Gwyneth with cruel words hadn’t dissipated. “She’s a poor breeder if she has only one son.”

  Gwyneth’s eyes misted with tears. “Modez was the only one of my litter to survive. His brothers didn’t make it past their first year.”

  “You named the little boy after me?” Modez was shocked and repulsed by this information. “I wasn’t the father.”

  “His birthname was Arkrus, but I had his name changed to Modez when I left the North. I couldn’t leave him with a Northerner name, not when those horrible mountain dwellers tried to kill us.”

  His former mate had a special talent for making him angry. They had been toxic together. “You cannot do that, Gwyneth. You cannot rename your son and pretend we’re a happy family. I’m not that little boy’s father.”

  “You can be his father. He needs one now that the king is dead.” She wrung her hands. “You will love little Modez. He is just as you were at that age. And I will give you more children. I’ll birth you a litter. I’m sure more of the little tykes will survive now that we are in a more inviting climate.” She pointed her finger in the air and wagged it with passionate anger. “It was the cold of the North that killed my litter. They froze to death in their crib.”

  “I am truly sorry.” He felt guilty for the pain she had endured, but he was not going to accept her back in his life. “You may have another litter one day, but not by me. I wish you the best, but I don’t want you as my mate.”

  “You cannot turn your mate away.” Diermont patted Gwyneth on her shoulder. “It could be thirty years before you find another compatible match. The Halloran line has not birthed a litter in the past few decades. It is time you perform your duty to your line.”

  “My duty, as you call it, can be performed with another female. There are plenty willing to mate with me.”

  “Gwyneth isn’t just any female. The McRae’s are descended from kings. Your lady has lain with kings and given birth to princes. She will give you sons.”

  “She is guilty of infidelity. I cannot forgive her for that.”

  “At least the invading cock was one of royalty.”

  It didn’t excuse her, not in his eyes. When he had mated with Gwyneth, he had thought it was for life. The sweet-faced, innocent female had sworn her loyalty to him and had given her body. Her bloodlines had been excellent, but her shyness had made her a poor catch. The wallflower hadn’t blossomed until he had asked her to dance at one of the society balls. Her popularity had soared when they had become a couple and somewhere along the way she had lost her shyness. The ambitious female had set her sights on a loftier prize. A king.

  “I miss you terribly, Modez,” Gwyneth said. “I braved a dronusfly swarm in order to get to you. I easily could have died.” Gwyneth pointed to a reddened patch of skin on her arm. “One of the dronusflies bit me here.”

  “I haven’t missed you at all.” That part wasn’t a lie. After the pain of betrayal had faded, Modez hadn’t wasted his thoughts on her. He hadn’t missed bed sport with her, either. That blonde pleasure slave had given him a much more satisfying fuck than his mate had ever given him. The invisible woman had potential as well, although she had been more concerned with her own pleasure than his. Then there was Kiera, who promised to be a most pleasant diversion. That mongrel serf was his for the taking.

  “You wound me,” Gwyneth said with tears in her eyes.

  “You should treat your mate with kindness,” Diermont said to Modez. “She is the mother of your future litter.”

  “I would rather mate with a mongrel.” For some reason, an image of Kiera appeared in his mind and wouldn’t leave it.

  “A Halloran would never lower himself to one of such inferior bloodlines. A Halloran only has the best. The best mate, the best mistresses and courtesans, and the best slaves.”

  “I know I hurt you when I took another to my bed.” Gwyneth wiped a tear from her eye. “I will allow you full use of the palace concubines and harlots. You may even keep your mistress. I know you have one named Elsa.”

  Elsa was a sweet, pretty, biddable female who never caused drama. She eased him on occasion, but he wasn’t filled with desire for her. Thoughts of her, looking at her, conversing with her—none of that made his cock hard.

  “You may use other females with my blessing, my love. I only want your cock during the next Mating Pe
riod. I know you have needs that require frequent tending.”

  Gwyneth’s offer sickened him. He planned to remain faithful to his mate, should he ever take another one. He knew the female couldn’t love him if she didn’t mind his use of whores. He also knew that he would not find another mate with her exalted pedigree, but bloodlines weren’t all there was to consider when picking someone to share his life. He had learned that the hard way. “Please return to Asstrumnia. I do not want you in my life.”

  Chapter 19

  “I brought you a gift.” The male called Peter kneeled before the Roman woman seated on a divan and handed her a vial of white liquid. “This is a sample of blood hybrid seed. It is the type you seek for the production of Hydra.”

  The woman accepted his gift with a dismissive nod before handing it to a servant. “This is good but I need more. Much more.”

  “I can get you more.”

  The lady nodded. “How is my dear sister faring?”

  “She is alive.” He had rescued Lucine Maximus, the woman Diermont hunted, against his better judgment. The Agrippa bitch would have severed their connection if he hadn’t intervened and saved her sister.

  “Did you deliver her to the place we discussed?”

  “Yes. She arrived in one piece.” For some reason, the mistress thought her sister would be safe with the Countess of Avenal in Flourda since she was sympathetic to Romans. There was also some kind of family connection there, although he hadn’t cared to learn the particulars. “I assume you’re expanding your operation into Flourda.”

  “Expansion is good, certainly. We will all benefit from it.” She gave him an expectant look. “Enough about business. I have other needs that are pressing.”

  The woman was robed in purple silk, like a princess, and her dress was hiked up to her knees. When she spread her thighs, Peter saw the golden thatch of fur that covered her sex. He stared at it while trying to figure out how he actually felt about it. The human female’s form both fascinated and repulsed him. “What exactly do you want, Mistress?”

  The woman widened her thighs another two inches. “I want to know the feel of a man. It has been so long.”

  “I am not precisely a man.”

  “You have what I need. Not what I want, mind you, but what I need. I have the blue rot, you see.”

  That surprised him. She had tangled with blood hybrids before and lived. Prospered, even. “I don’t desire human sex.”

  The woman frowned. “A pity. I hoped you would be my partner in more ways than one.” She snapped her fingers and one of her servants scurried to her side. “Send in one of the male slaves to attend me.”

  The servants brought in a collared male slave. His muscular build indicated he wasn’t a house slave. He was a laborer of some kind. The mistress slid her garment to her waist. She pointed at her exposed cunt and told the man to get on his knees to taste his special dessert. A reward, she told him. Peter watched as the slave ran his tongue all over the woman’s fuzzy piece. He didn’t seem to mind the task.

  “As I was saying, Peter, I need more than seed. I need live blood hybrid specimens. I have sent for Wilma and I need your promised delivery before the mage gets here. Assuming she answers my summons, of course.”

  The human man was getting excited and Peter could scent the arousal of the woman. He thought what she was doing was depraved, but for some reason, it made his staff harden in his trousers. “Soon. I will make my move and you’ll have what’s promised to you.”

  “Very good, Peter.” The woman moaned. She tossed her head back, clenched her fists, and screamed out her pleasure as she convulsed. The male’s tongue continued to lap at her and the woman urged him to continue. Suddenly, the male screamed in pain. His tongue protruded from his mouth, swollen five times its normal size and cutting off the man’s breathing. The stiff tongue was the color of blueberries.

  Peter recognized the results of blue rot exposure. He was horrified the woman willingly tortured her slave in this fashion. When he declined her invitation for sex, he hadn’t known she would use a human male in his place. The man’s screams stopped because he was choking. He collapsed on the floor.

  The Roman woman snapped her fingers and servants rushed to her side. “I will need a replacement for this one by tomorrow,” she said while pointing to the dying man on the floor. “Have my secretary see to it.” When the servants left the room, she turned to Peter. “Put this man out of his misery. Drink him dry.”

  “I prefer females. Males leave a bitter taste in my mouth.” The man’s suffering made him feel sick to his stomach. He wasn’t sure why since the purpose of blue rot was to do this very thing. The human was on the ground and he already looked like a corpse. His swollen tongue was rotting at a rapid pace. Soon it would blacken and break off. The man was blessedly near death and wouldn’t feel the pain from the blue rot much longer. He didn’t want to drink from the human but he took pity on the male. He kneeled at the near-dead man and sank his fangs into his wrist. He avoided the throat because he didn’t like the after taste associated with the blue rot. He drank from the wrist until the man was dead. It didn’t take long. When he was done, he left the corpse on the floor and returned to the mistress. “That was cruel.”

  “Your people did this to me. Gave me the blue rot. I’ve gone two years with no intimacy, but a woman can only last so long without the touch of a male. I hoped that using the tongue would spare the bulk of the damage, but I was wrong.”

  Peter didn’t care if the blue rot destroyed human warriors. Those were his enemies. But the man she had chosen was a helpless slave. Not his enemy. It hadn’t set well with him to see the blue rot used for such purpose. Especially when it was preventable. The Roman woman had chosen to do this to the slave, knowing that it would kill him. And she had done it for ten minutes of pleasure. “You have no compassion for your people.”

  “He was a slave,” she said while wrinkling her nose in distaste. “He wasn’t even Roman. I care for my people. I love my family. But I cannot afford compassion. It’s a weak emotion and the weak always die.”

  “I care for my people too. I don’t like what I must do to some of them. But I chose to work with you because I need easy coin.”

  She ran her hands down both bountiful breasts, touching the soft white skin that bulged from her low cut bodice before trailing her fingers atop the material of her filmy gown. Peter could see the hard points of her nipples through the fabric and the sight made him uncomfortable.

  “Peter, if it distresses you that I must take a human male for sex, please reconsider my offer of an extended partnership. I cannot give the blue rot to a hybrid.”

  “I don’t care who you fuck, Mistress.” He wasn’t into humans like some of his kind. Once he had enough wealth acquired, he was going to mate with a proper Asstrumnian noblewoman. Hell, after this, he could probably win the hand of a Southwestern princess. None would look down on him any longer because he lacked a noble title. He was no lord of Asstrumnia, but he would be treated as one when this was over. “Give a thousand humans blue rot for all I care. But I won’t be your whore.”

  The woman pouted. “You will change your mind, Peter. I am a patient woman. I will be here waiting.” She wiggled her hips restlessly in her chair. She sighed in a laborious manner and it was obvious that she did so to push her breasts out of her ill-fitting gown. “I was consort to one of your kind once and it was a satisfying arrangement. I would like to have that again.” Her eyes lowered to his crotch. “I would like to have that with you. I would make you a rich man.”

  “I don’t wish a permanent arrangement. I’m in this for the short-term.” The guilt ate at him and made him question everything. He hadn’t thought he had a conscience but now it wouldn’t leave him alone. He wasn’t sure why he felt anything at all for his blood hybrid companions. They looked down on him. Their leader made it clear every day that he wasn’t wanted. The feeling was mutual. He didn’t like being around them, either. He wanted to go home but h
e wasn’t going back a poor male. No, if he returned now, he would be shunned by his own people. Shunned and despised because he had allowed himself to be captured by the enemy. Used by the enemy. But wealth opened doors. It erased sins. It was what he needed to start a new life for himself. The salacious Roman woman, Mistress Agrippa, was going to help him achieve it.

  Chapter 20

  The next morning’s meeting with Modez went the same as the day before. For Cassia. But when Modez sent Cassia back to her room with only a cursory examination, Kiera knew she wouldn’t get the same treatment. Modez pointed to the bed and insisted that she sit on the edge. She did as instructed, holding the skirt of her saffron tunic tightly to her hips.

  “You’ve been steering clear of the other males like you were told, right?” He lifted the hem of her tunic and shoved it to her hips. “Spread them.”

  As she displayed herself to Modez, Kiera felt a blast of heat go straight to her core. Her entire body flushed and she felt feverish and lightheaded. She had looked everywhere for her bag of wormwort but hadn’t found it. She hoped it was misplaced. She knew it wasn’t. She had missed crucial doses of the herb and her heat cycle was starting up again. She had tried to slip outside to gather more of the herbs but the guards hadn’t allowed her to leave the villa.

  She waited for Modez to touch her again in that area that burned. She felt the weight of his stare while he perused her most private areas. His eyes lit with carnal interest and his breathing quickened. It made her feel she was being prepared for one of the slave auctions, or possibly for his personal use, but he made no move to touch her.

  He kneeled on the floor beside the low lying bed to get a closer view of the area of interest. “You’re pinker than usual. But no stains.”

  Kiera blushed as he commented on the state of her female parts. She wondered if he realized the changing colors had to do with the heat cycle. At the peak of her cycle, the color would deepen to a deep purplish red. “Can I go now?”


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