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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 29

by Corinne Balfour

  “But they all say I’m barren.” Kiera felt a mixture of conflicting emotions. Fear warred with hope. She had wanted to be a mother, but not when she had no mate. Thanks to Diermont and Snotti, she had lost her status as a freewoman. Any litter she birthed wouldn’t belong to her.

  “I don’t believe Sulian’s prediction will come to pass,” Cabrian said as he ran his lips down the side of her neck. “I feel a heaviness in my mating fangs when I’m around you. That speaks of compatibility for breeding.”

  “You feel something for me?” Kiera had no idea his fangs had responded.

  “They don’t lengthen like they do around Cassia, but I do feel heaviness. I can sense potential breeders.” Cabrian glanced at Modez. “You should bite her and try to establish a mating bond. She’s ripe for it.”

  “No, I’ll breed her but I’m not going to bind myself permanently to any female.” He rubbed Kiera’s abdomen with his hand and the motion soothed her. “I’m not so confident anything will come of this. Gwyneth never conceived. At least not by me.”

  “Is your seed not viable?” Cabrian asked. “Perhaps another should be brought to this bed to do the job.”

  “No. Should she bear fruit I would know with certainty that it is mine.”

  “You don’t even want young.” Kiera was flabbergasted. He had made it clear he didn’t wish a mate and she couldn’t imagine what use he would have for progeny. Especially mongrel progeny. “You think no woman is good enough to bear your spawn. You decline all offers of mating tests. I know this because those silly ladies cry and whine about it.”

  “It was my idea to breed you,” Cabrian said. “Far too few humans can mate with hybrids. You have some desirable attributes that should be passed to future generations. This is your first heat, is it not?” Kiera nodded and he continued, “I know it hit you later in life than most hybrids. But I suspect you will cycle more frequently than the ten year norm. That was the case with your mother, was it not?”

  “Yes. She was abnormal in her cycles. But she was not a big producer. Besides myself, only my sister survived.”

  “True. I am hopeful yours will be healthier. Modez has graciously donated his seed. There is no better lineage than that of Halloran.”

  “So you want to breed a line of females who can give males pleasure? Is that it?” Hybrid females’ bodies were sexually unresponsive unless they were in heat or there was an established mating bond, although that was not always the case with mongrels.

  “I’m not breeding a line of whores. I’m breeding future mates for the next generation.” He looked at her like she was the solution to the hybrid infertility problem that affected much of their kind. “Our noble hybrid females don’t make the most ideal mates despite what Diermont thinks. Our race will die out if we rely solely on them. You will be bred till you produce,” Cabrian said. “Once you have birthed a few litters, you won’t be so wild and unsettled. Obviously you have far too much time on your hands and it’s getting you into trouble.”

  “I had no idea you ran a breeding camp. Does Cassia know?” She couldn’t believe she was in this situation. How did a supposedly barren female wind up in this mess? It was absolutely nuts.

  “I don’t run a breeding camp,” Cabrian scowled at her. “I have an interest in the continuance of our species. Diermont has been a poor guardian. You should have been mated long ago.”

  “He tried. He forced me to undergo many mating tests.”

  “He chose poorly and wasn’t careful in his selections. I don’t think he intended to let you go. That is why you find yourself a servant of the fine. You cannot return to the palace, you know. Diermont will turn you into a whore.”

  “I know what he intends.”

  “It would be safer to be a breeder. You’d only have to be intimate when you’re fertile. If you stay secluded on one of my properties for a year, you would become one of my serfs. I promise never to touch you.”

  Modez frowned. “Cabrian, we haven’t discussed this. The female is mine. My serf. And I cannot promise never to touch her.”

  “She has to be protected from Diermont and his brothers. Should she bear a Halloran litter, the king could order them destroyed. The king has his breeding camps but I can guarantee you he wants to keep the royal line pure,” Cabrian said to Modez.

  Kiera knew the truth of it. The Halloran’s were the elite. They were allowed first biting privileges with each new crop of debutantes at the mating balls. They didn’t settle for the drudges and they had no need to participate in breeding experiments. Those were for the desperate.

  “I think the point is moot. She’s no breeder.” Modez frowned at the black tattoos that covered much of her body. He clearly couldn’t make sense of fertile markings appearing on a woman with numerous failed mating tests. “Regardless of her state, I will need complete and total access to her. Not just when she’s in heat.”

  “I hadn’t realized you’d want to have further contact with Kiera. I suppose we can work out the details later.”

  “I’m not having any litters,” Kiera said in an exasperated tone. “This whole conversation is pointless. Heat cycles are no guarantee of reproduction. It just means sex for the male. Only rarely does it result in pregnancy.” Pregnancies were getting rarer with every passing decade. Both humans and hybrids were experiencing a population decline. Her eyes locked on Modez. “And you. I promised to lay with you during the heat cycle. That was the deal. I didn’t agree to be your full-time whore.”

  “That is the arrangement as it stands. But it can be modified.” Modez’s hands caressed her breasts in an idle fashion. “Cabrian, have you found anything of interest in her belongings?”

  “Possibly. I will show you what I’ve found later.”

  Modez smiled as he traced the slave collar around his neck with one of his fingers. “I hope you’ve found the key to this monstrosity. I like wearing jeweled accessories as much as any man, but this collar has to go. A key would make it so much easier. And it would also prove the identity of my nighttime visitor.”

  Kiera’s heart started to pound and she knew he could feel it thumping against his hand. If only she had managed to dispose of the thing, she wouldn’t be in this quandary. She knew Cabrian would eventually find that key.

  “If my suspicions are correct, Kiera, you’ll be sorry you ever chose me as your victim. You play the role of blood whore so well. I’ll continue your services in lieu of killing you.”

  “You would not kill me. You’re a jackass but you’re not a murderer.”

  “You’re right, Kiera. I’d never hurt you. I’m not like Diermont.”

  His hands went to the ties at her wrists. In moments, her arms were freed. She straightened what was left of her nightgown. When Modez leaned against her and bit down gently on her lower lip, she opened her mouth to him. Resistance had only excited him so maybe the opposite would lose his attention. He had always been surrounded by willing whores at the palace and he universally ignored them. He would tire of her quickly enough once he had taken his fill. Then she could make her escape.

  “So sweet. So hot.” Modez groaned between kisses. “You will let me know when to put you in seclusion. At your peak, you’ll lose control and you’ll probably go a bit mad. But with mongrels, who knows?”

  Kiera hoped it didn’t hit her that hard, but she had heard enough horror stories to know it was a risk. She had to trust Modez to get her through it. She had no one else. At least she felt he wouldn’t allow her to hump every male in sight. “Okay. You will take care of me. Protect me.”

  “I will. No others will lay with you. I promise you that much.” He helped her to her feet. “Get dressed. You can return to your old duties but I will visit you later. Keep yourself covered. One look at you and everyone will know what we’ve done and they will figure out the reason. It’s best if the others remain ignorant of your condition.”

  “Of course.” Kiera selected a long sleeved tunic that reached her feet. She had no intention of announcing
her atypical condition or her relationship with Modez. Her abdomen continued to cramp. She wondered if her union with Modez would bear fruit. She knew he was breeding her for sport. Many of the unmated highborn lords did that sort of thing. An unmated female in heat became a very enjoyable plaything for the male, but without a mating bond in place, such temporary unions weren’t generally productive. But pregnancies were still possible. She didn’t think Modez was ready to accept responsibility for that should it happen. But Lord Ross was apparently ready. He wanted her spawn and that made her uncomfortable.

  Chapter 23

  There was a knock on the door. Cassia didn’t answer it. Anyone allowed to enter didn’t use the door. They always transported inside. A yellowed piece of parchment appeared under the door. She stared at it a few minutes while debating what to do. Finally, she pulled it from the floor and scanned its contents. It was a note and was obviously meant for her.

  Your rescue is imminent. Do not kill yourself in despair. There is life after blue rot. And it is one that will make you a very wealthy woman. Those monsters will pay.

  The note was signed with the Agrippa seal. She wondered what it meant. Whoever had slipped the note under her door must be the conspirator aligned with Marly and Lucine. Instead of relief, the note spurred anxiety and worry over Cabrian. If anything happened to him it would rip her heart out. She didn’t want to be separated from him. As she paced the small chamber, the note disintegrated in her hands. Magic. What else could make a note turn to ash without fire? She sat down on the bed and debated what to do about the note. She would have to tell Cabrian and warn him of an inside threat.

  About a half hour later she had an unexpected visitor. Visant Brannon, the druid, materialized inside the room. Cassia swiped the sheet from the bed to cover her nakedness. “How did you get in here?” She knew he wasn’t permitted entry.

  “I have my ways. I need to talk to you privately.” Visant motioned for her to sit down on a nearby chair. He took a seat beside her. “I have been having visions of you. Troubling visions.” He let out a deep breath and removed his hood. “I’ve seen visions in which you betray us to the Romans.”

  “I would never do that.” First the mysterious note, then this bizarre visit from a druid claiming to have visions of the future. Had Visant sent the note? Was he the conspirator? “Who sent you?”

  “Nobody sent me. I came on my own. I’ve told no one of these visions. If I mentioned word of it, Diermont would order your death. I will only discuss the matter with Lord Ross. But first I wanted to talk to you to see if I could discern the truth.”

  “I would never betray Cabrian. I love him.”

  Visant looked deeply into her eyes as if he was trying to see straight into her soul. Finally, he nodded. “I see that you do. I know he feels the same about you. That is why I chose to handle the matter with discretion.”

  Cassia thought of mentioning the mysterious note to Visant, but she kept quiet about it. She wasn’t sure who to trust. Cabrian was the only one she was sure of at the moment. “What else did you see in your visions?”

  “Death. I saw death and it surrounds you.” He frowned. “You will cause death in this villa. Horrible suffering and great tragedy will be your legacy.”

  “I don’t see how that is even possible. I’ve never harmed a soul. Human or hybrid.”

  Visant looked perplexed. “I don’t understand the visions. They make no sense.” He stood and replaced his hood, once more obscuring his profile with the heavy black cloth. “I will speak to Lord Ross. Maybe he can shed some light on the matter.”

  Visant dematerialized and Cassia was once more alone in the room. Her heart was pounding fiercely. Cabrian wouldn’t see her as a threat but the others already did. She wasn’t safe in this villa. Neither was Cabrian and the other warriors. Someone was about to betray them all but it wasn’t her.

  Chapter 24

  The key was in his pocket. It had fit the collar around his neck perfectly, leaving no doubt to Kiera’s guilt. Cabrian had given him the key after they had left Kiera in his room. He had suspected her involvement, but the lady was such a good liar that he had doubted himself. Now he knew the truth. Kiera had a naughty tendency to steal blood from unsuspecting, sleeping males. She could turn herself invisible. She was stronger than she appeared, and when she wanted something badly enough, she used physical force to get it. His cock swelled inside his trousers just thinking about it. He had used the key to remove the collar. He wanted to see the look on her face when she saw him without it. She knew the price she would have to pay for her transgressions. She would have to make herself available to him whenever he wanted, and not just during the heat. She would be his blood whore until he decided otherwise.

  He made his way to the library where a meeting was taking place. Diermont had an announcement to make. He took a seat by Seamus. He gave his friend a smile and hoped he didn’t ask why he had been acting strangely of late. When he had imagined Kiera with Seamus, he had felt pangs of jealousy. Now he knew the discoloration on her thighs was his own seed. Much of her body was currently darkened with his designs. He had marked her like a possessive, crazed male. No male would come within ten feet of a female marked like that, not when she was in the keeping of a possessive, crazed warrior.

  “The collar’s gone,” Seamus said.

  “Yes, the metal finally weakened enough for me to break it apart with my hands.” Modez didn’t like lying to Seamus, but he couldn’t tell him the truth without placing the blame on Kiera. “I feel more myself now.”

  “I’m glad the druids were able to help you.” Seamus shuddered as he scanned the reddened patch of skin around his throat where the collar had chafed. “And it is good that you’ve got full access to your abilities.”

  “It is a relief.” He hadn’t liked feeling weak. Perhaps he would place that same collar around Kiera’s neck the next time he bedded her. Payback was a bitch.

  Diermont raised his hands into the air to gain their attention. “Visant believes he knows the location of the lab. Your efforts have not been for naught, my lords.”

  Modez asked, “Where is it?”

  “Outside the gates of Eros. We will not delay.” Diermont turned to Torin Sullivan, the Lord of Turloch. “I will lead our warriors and you will act as my second in command. Lord Halloran and Lord McLeod will come with us. Lord Ross will stay behind and guard the villa.”

  “When will we depart?”

  “Now.” Diermont turned to the one called Bloodfanger. “What experience do you have of Eros?”

  The Northerner was garbed in reptile skin, giving him a snake-like appearance. “As you know, I was held by the Governor of Bacchus. But I traveled to Eros many times. The most influential families of Eros often intermingled with the Governor of Bacchus and his family. The Pornius family resides there, as does the family of the Augustus.”

  Diermont waved his hand in annoyance. “Do you have any useful information, Bloodfanger?”

  Sparks flew between the two males. Bitterness and resentment were Bloodfanger’s best friends. “There is a ludus outside Eros. It is held by a great Roman patrician named Vindicus Plavus. From the druid’s description, I believe the lab will be found there.”

  “How well guarded is this property?”

  “The Romans have sent most of their soldiers to the border where they stupidly think to encroach on Asstrumnian lands. The property is manned by slaves and gladiators.”

  “Easy pickings. They will not see us coming.” Diermont raised his fist in the air. “Open the portals and let us be on our way.”

  Visant opened a gigantic portal and Modez followed the rest of the hybrids through it. His stomach held its familiar queasiness when he made a longer jump via portal.

  The underground tunnel was dark as pitch, but his hybrid eyes allowed him to see what humans could not. Modez gripped the hilt of his best longsword, ready to strike at the first sign of danger. He felt comforted that Seamus was at his side. His friend had saved
his ass on more than one occasion in the past.

  “Can you believe that Druscilla wanted to go with us?” Seamus snorted and shook his head. “She told the prince she could help us fight.”

  “She is underutilized. Untrained, but totally effective.” Modez had seen the hybrid female tear those Romans apart with her bare fangs. He had been suitably impressed. “Someone should teach her how to use a sword. Imagine how she would be then.”

  Seamus laughed. “Torin’s teaching her a few things about swordplay, from what I hear.”

  “Like I said, she’s underutilized.” In his opinion, her natural talents were being wasted. “Any woman can be a whore but few can be a warrior.”

  “Not any woman can be a whore. That requires skill as well as beauty.” Seamus licked his lips and his fangs elongated. “And a tight passage doesn’t hurt. I heard that Druscilla possesses a snug little purse. A little shallow, though. Torin could only fit three quarters of his cock inside her. But he said she squeezed him real tightly, so he didn’t mind. A male with a shorter shaft would be in heaven.”

  Small, tight passages were a rarity among hybrid females. Such women were prized. They weren’t always the best breeders, though. Their litters tended to be smaller.

  Modez heard a noise up ahead. Seconds later part of the tunnel collapsed. Huge rocks crashed down on the heads of a dozen or more warriors. Modez rushed to the site and helped pull the rocks from the buried hybrids. It took half an hour to uncover them. They were injured, but alive. One of the hybrids opened a portal and returned the injured to the villa. Some of the other hybrids checked the stability of the tunnel. Proclaiming it safe to proceed, they continued to walk deeper into the darkness.

  Seamus joined his side after a trek through one of the nearby side tunnels. “There are women warriors, my friend, but few fathers are willing to spend the blunt to pay for their education and training. They would rather sell their daughters to males wanting mates. Why pay for a vocation when you could be collecting a rich bride price?”


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