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Climbing the Ladder

Page 4

by Tortuga, BA

  Mesa chuffed, so happy, deep in his bones. He started touching, his hands sliding down her back.

  Curvy and smooth, her hip fit perfectly in his hand. It was no wonder that Kody had chosen her, found her for them. Kody was so hot up against his side, that clever mouth working Sammy’s skin.

  Kody slid down, licking their skin as he went—Mesa’s ribs, Sammy’s waist. Mesa stroked Kody’s cheek, his lips moving down Sammy’s throat. When Kody’s hot lips wrapped around his fingers, sucking as if they were his cock, his body jerked, his cock pressing against Sammy’s belly. She was fine, beautiful, soft where he and Kody were hard.

  Sammy arched, her hard, swollen nipples too close to his lips to ignore. Mesa leaned in, pulled one in, sucking firmly. Need slammed against him, made him pull harder. God, they made his head swim. Made him pant.

  Kody’s fingers wrapped around his cock, pulled him so that his prick slipped against wet, hot folds. Oh. Oh, fuck. He pushed a little, easing up.

  “I…” She blinked at him. “But I don’t know you. How can I want you?”

  “We’re together.” He smiled for her, pushing home. Oh. Oh, hot. Wet. Slick. His eyes rolled, and her soft little moan slid over his skin. “Sweet lady. Kody. So sweet.”

  “She’s perfect.” Kody pressed behind her, hands cupping her breasts, thumbs rubbing the nipples. “Oh, God. Mates.”

  Mesa felt her pleasure, felt the tight walls of her cunt squeeze his cock as Kody touched her. He put one hand on Kody’s body, needing all three of them grounded, right there. Then he started to move.

  He could hear Kody’s cry, echoing through him, inside him. Sammy’s head lifted, eyes huge. “What was that?”

  “That was us, honey. That was us. Our Kody is so fucking smart.”

  “Us? Oh…” Her words faded as Kody’s hand slipped between them, fingers moving to touch where they were connected, to work that little bundle of nerves that made a woman crazed.

  “Yeah.” Mesa’s head fell back, his hips rolling. He could just explode. Sammy wasn’t passive at all. She rode him as if he were a prize pony, body sliding on his cock, taking him deep, over and over. Mesa gritted his teeth, his hand groping down along Kody’s body. They needed to be together on this.

  “Mates.” Kody’s cock was wet-tipped, hot, sliding on his palm.

  “Your mates, baby.” This was the next step in his Alpha trials, and he figured he was passing with flying colors.

  “Yes.” Kody buried his face in the curve of Sammy’s neck, mouth open, teeth scraping her skin.

  He bit off a growl. Kody and Sammy had been together a while. He needed to let Kody have some ground. Some. Kody’s eyes met his, intense arousal hitting him square in the base of his spine. He jerked, pulling Kody to him for a toothy kiss. He could only give so much rope.

  “Oh, fuck. So hot.” Sammy cried out, arching above them, his cock almost slipping free.

  Kody pushed her down, slamming them together, and he damned near lost it.

  Mates. His mates.

  Yours. Kody’s voice echoed inside his head.

  Mesa pulled Sammy down, adding his bite to the one Kody had almost left. Her flavor hit him like a drug, and he bit harder, her wild cry splitting the air.

  He moved faster and faster, pushing into her. His balls drew up, his cock aching. Kody moaned, rubbing against him, against her, the scent of need the only thing in the air.

  “Come on, baby. Come on.”

  “Yes. Us. All of us.” Kody’s growl split the air even as Sammy jerked, body rippling around him.

  Mesa howled when he came, his body trying to shift, trying to let the wolf claim what was his. Kody was shaking, face changing, muzzle growing.

  Yes. He howled again, pulling back, his hands still on their skin.

  Sammy was staring, looking between them, eyes wild and terrified. He held her, looking into her eyes, willing her to understand. Willing Kody to get into her head. A soft howl sounded, Sammy calling for help, and Kody came closer, singing to her, to him, calling to them. Mesa shuddered, trying to hold on long enough to help her. This was so not his strong suit.

  Kody was fully wolf now, licking her face, scenting her. Sammy was yelping, body fighting to change.

  “Come on.” He growled it more than said it, but there was Command in it, plain and simple.

  Sammy jerked away from them, hands curled into claws, screaming in terror as she changed.

  He barked out an order to Kody. They couldn’t lose her, even if she ran. They had to keep her with them.

  Kody circled her, lapping at her face as her muzzle grew. Their mate.

  Their girl.

  She was unbearably beautiful—gray and strong, small but muscled. Kody was more wolf now than Mesa had ever seen him be, pale and lean and lovely but so male, almost glowing with power, and it made him proud, all the way to the tip of his tail. Kody nosed their girl to her feet, licking her chin, her face. Trembling and as shaky as a newborn, Sammy stood, panting furiously.

  Making soothing noises, Mesa licked her, too. He put a shoulder against her ribs, helping her get used to four legs.

  Mates. Sweet girl. We have you.

  She barked once, sharply, and Mesa wanted to howl with victory, so proud of his Kody that he couldn’t bear it. He nudged them out the flap of the tent, knowing she would run with them now, not away from them. As a wolf, at least.

  Sammy headed out, tentative, nostrils flaring.

  It had to be overwhelming. Mesa couldn’t remember not having his senses, his wolf.

  It was Kody that was murmuring, growling, singing, calling to him. To her. Rejoicing. His Kody was rejoicing. It made him bark his joy, to know that Kody was happy he was there, that he hadn’t ruined Kody’s life.

  Kody pounced him, licked his muzzle, then bounced back to Sammy, eager and playful.

  She growled, obviously surprised by Kody’s movement, teeth bared, backed away, so Kody dropped his head, submissive, that song sounding again.

  Mesa went to her, though, standing high above her shoulder as he forced her to stop, his teeth closing on the back of her neck. Her scream was wild, fierce, her teeth snapping at the air as she fought him.

  No. No, he was the Alpha. It had to work that way. He snapped at her, pushing her.

  He could hear Kody, trying to ease her, trying to help, but she struggled, shoulders heaving under him. Mesa got her to the ground, trying not to bite down too hard. He put his chest ridge on her, pressing. She went down, she had to, whining and barking the entire way. Kody danced, crooning softly, worried. There. There, now he could praise her, let her know how beautiful she was. He shook her ruff a tiny bit, making a play noise.

  Her scent filled his nose, rich and female. Right. She whimpered softly, her fear evident, but Kody relaxed and a sense of ease and well being poured over him.

  Licking her whiskers, he let her up. She just had to know the food chain.

  She scrambled away from him, from Kody, her hackles raised. Then her nostrils flared, her attention caught by something in the trees.

  Mesa tipped his head up, testing the air.

  Squirrel. Such a good nose on his girl. How had she never known, or changed?

  Nudging her, he pushed her toward the scent. Hunt. They should hunt. She snapped at him, then sniffed, caught by her nose, heading straight for the trees. Kody chuffed, tongue lolling, before taking off after her. Mesa checked for danger before following. Kody didn’t interfere with the hunt, didn’t help, but Sammy didn’t need help. At all.

  She tracked the squirrels to the roots of the tree, paws scrabbling furiously.

  Kody nuzzled her, and Mesa could hear the words in his head. Yes. Good hunt.

  Sammy stopped, stared at Kody, then she nudged him with her head, rubbing him.

  Mesa pushed up, not between them, but imposing his presence. His sweet Beta backed away, but his girl, her eyes snapped, teeth bared. If he could have rolled his eyes, he would have. Damn it, why was this hard? He bit her ear
, just hard enough to sting. Her yelp was furious, but it was Kody’s laughter he heard.

  He wanted to bite Kody, too, but for different reasons. Mesa whirled, running, calling for his mates. Kody nudged her, called to her, gave her that bushy tail to follow.

  He would hunt now, give Sammy something to see, something to understand. He’d share his kill with them.


  If Kody would stop crashing through the damned leaves.

  Mesa dove to the right, pushing through underbrush. He startled out two birds and a rabbit. Kody went for the rabbit, but Sammy leapt, body twisting as her sharp teeth snapped down on a bird. Good girl. Good girl. She had to offer him some. He’d let Kody show her.

  She shook the bird hard, feathers flying. Kody came padding up with the rabbit in his jaws, offering it to him easily, tail wagging.

  Snapping it out of Kody’s jaws, he took his share, then gave it back. Good. Hot.

  Then Kody took the rabbit to Sammy, nudging it over to her. Sammy chirruped softly, backed away. Kody nudged the rabbit closer, vocalizing happily.

  Mesa willed her to cooperate. Come on, girl, you can do it.

  Her nose wrinkled, her head tilted, and she dropped the bird in front of Kody, who danced uncomfortably.

  He barked, issuing her an order.

  She met his eyes, challenging, and barked back.

  Mesa let his lips slide back over his teeth, growling low. No more challenges. Not today.

  Kody rumbled softly, brought him the bird, took her the squirrel, waves of peace pouring from their Beta. That was his job, Mesa knew, but it still made him want to bite something. He snapped his teeth before tearing the bird in half.

  Kody watched them eat, dancing restlessly, paws bouncing on the dried leaves.

  He gave Kody the rest of the bird, licking the soft muzzle. Sweet boy.

  Kody ate happily, then came to him, grooming him, the song of praise and pleasure like a drug.

  Mesa could have curled up right there, nose to tail with his Beta, but Sammy was still staring, vibrating. So he called to her. She took a step forward, ears swiveling, nostrils flaring. She wanted to come, wanted to be praised and scented, made pack. Mesa called to her again, a song of happiness, of need. He let Kody call to her, too. Carefully, softly, she called back, coming closer, one step at a time. She was lovely—pale and well-formed, limber. Lovely.

  He stretched his neck out, blowing out a breath, letting her scent him. Feel him. She stretched out, hind quarters up, not bowing to him, but obviously intrigued, interested. He breathed out again, giving her something to sniff, a reason to come closer.

  Soon she was there, nose-to-nose with him, breathing him in, vocalizing her fear, her interest. So brave, so lovely. His Kody had done so well. Mesa slid forward one step, his muzzle sliding along hers. Soft. Sweet.

  She was still, shivering, sniffing hard, but Kody eased down beside them, watching and relaxed, and she let him scent her again. Mesa moved closer, just a tiny bit. She had to accept him, but he was willing to ease into it. Soft little sounds left her, his lady trying to communicate.

  She would learn. Her instincts were fantastic. Damned near perfect.

  Sammy began to relax, began to lean into him, panting, so he vocalized, low and easy, his tail thumping when she nuzzled him, took a deep breath. Better. Sweet lady.

  Kody rolled over, showed his white belly, paws in the air.

  Fucking A. Mesa showed her how to nuzzle, how to accept Kody’s gift. Sweet wolf.

  She buried her muzzle in Kody’s fur, breathing deep, posture relaxing even more.

  Mesa lay down with them, pushing in, protecting them from the undefended side of the clearing. That was his job. Kody rumbled happily, nose pushing into his fur as his mate breathed deep. Happiness poured over him.

  They would rest. Help Sammy start to understand her wolf.

  And when they changed back, well, they would start arguing about going home. Mesa had no doubt that would be entertaining.

  Chapter Five

  Kody woke up to whimpers, his lady’s paws scrabbling at the leaves. Dreaming. She was dreaming. He crawled over, vocalizing, pouring himself into her dream, into her heart. My Lady.

  Her mind was dark, frightening, and her dream-self turned, snapping at him, and he bowed. She stopped moving, whining, staring at him with scared eyes. Her tail was curled over her back, not a happy thing, not a submissive one, either.

  Poor baby, so brave. He let himself be proud of her, let her feel it, let her hear him. Her head dipped, her sides heaving. Her dream self was trying to breathe.

  He stepped forward, admiring her pale fur, her long tail. She snapped at him again, but this time there was no heat behind it.

  He chuffed softly. Sammy. My beautiful girl.

  She whimpered, backed away from him, and a wave of betrayal poured from her, made him cry out, in both worlds.

  Mesa was up at that, hackles raised, growling and looking around the clearing, as he stood, shaken. Kody hadn’t betrayed her. He hadn’t. He loved her. He’d been waiting for Mesa, yes, but to share her, not to leave her.

  Sammy whined again, both in her sleep and as her dream-girl. She couldn’t believe him.

  He looked to Mesa, to Sammy, growling softly. Kody loved them both.

  Mesa sighed, coming to nuzzle his ear, one big paw landing on Sammy’s side.

  She yelped herself awake and scrambled to stand, hackles up for a second before she sniffed them both and relaxed. Better. So much better.

  Kody could feel her curiosity—her nose working overtime, her ears swiveling. That meant she didn’t remember her dream self. Thank goodness.

  Of course, Sammy was probably going to try to kill him when she stopped being fuzzy.

  Hopefully Mesa would stop her.

  Mesa barked once, the sound very much like laughter. He might be thinking too loudly.

  Sammy paid little attention to them, nose to the ground, tracking. Mesa followed her, keeping back, but keeping her in sight.

  Sammy followed their back trail, heading straight to the camp, to their tent.

  So smart. So in touch with her instincts. His heart swelled a little. She headed inside the tent, curled up at the doorway, staring out at them.

  Kody wondered if she was going to try to defend that as her territory. Mesa wouldn’t like that.

  Right on cue, Mesa headed over and a low growl started, warning them. It never rose in volume, but the challenge was clear.

  He scrambled toward Mesa, intent on rescuing her. She was scared, out of her element. Mesa nipped at him, telling him to back off. He backed, yipping softly. Be nice, Mate.

  As long as they didn’t look at her, she didn’t growl.

  Mesa moved a step closer every few moments, those big paws almost at the floor of the tent. Sammy held the door of the tent, barring it. Still, her nose sniffed them, furiously.

  Mesa chuffed, the sound so like his human snort that Kody wanted to bat the air with his paws and laugh. He crept up, nuzzling Mesa’s ruff. Sammy was quiet until he shot her a look, then the low growl came again.

  Mesa shook his head, chest pushing out. Sammy whined softly, obviously unsure of what to do, so Kody vocalized softly, encouraging her to trust.

  She was trying. Her wolf told her to, even if the Sammy he knew wanted to run. She dropped her head to her paws, and she watched them.

  Mesa kept shifting, moving closer, moving to touch noses with her finally.

  Her tongue flicked out, tasting Mesa, the act pure instinct.

  Vibrating, Mesa jumped back and barked at her, tail waving. Inviting her to play.

  Her head tilted, and Kody chuffed as she blinked, intrigued. That’s it, love, come play. It had taken him weeks to teach her to loosen up, but once she had…

  Mesa bounced and barked, front paws digging in. Her hind end went up, wiggled.

  Yes. Kody danced. Yes!

  They drew her out, step-by-step, Mesa woofing. Finally, she pounced Mesa’
s head, bouncing away from the big Alpha, fearless. Mesa danced, smiling his lupine smile. She circled, nose wrinkling, tongue lolling, trying to get Mesa’s hindquarters.

  Kody watched, pacing back and forth, ready to step in if he needed to.

  Mesa teased her, let her believe she was going to get him, when the huge Alpha spun, pounced her. He didn’t take her down, though. Mesa stood on her shoulder a moment before tearing off in a circle. She barked, taking chase, and Kody had to follow. Had to.

  He barked happily, chasing Sammy’s butt.

  Sammy actually bounced for him, giving her tail a wag and a flounce. That was his girl. She panted and barked for him. Her pretty eyes danced. She looked so happy for a moment, so at ease.

  Mesa looked so tickled, so pleased. He was mock attacking Sammy. Kody found himself standing there, watching, vibrating and admiring them.

  They rolled, the two of them, Mesa coming out on top but jumping up right away.

  Sammy panted, crouched to leap again. Mesa’s tail wagged, a plume that was so tempting…

  Kody panted, then leapt, taking the temptation when Sammy didn’t, and Mesa barked happily, turning to bite at Kody’s neck playfully. The nip lit him up.

  His body ached in the best way; his entire soul was singing, glorying in his mates, and when Sammy bit the tip of his tail, it made him dance.

  He barked happily, pounced her, then ran from them both.

  They gave chase, Mesa snapping the tiniest bit at Sammy when she got ahead. Sammy growled softly, dug in and ran faster, her determination to lead flavoring the air itself. Kody turned back, not wanting to cause a fight. He would distract them.

  Sammy came barreling at him, legs scrambling as she tried to make them work, stop.

  He slid sideways when she hit him, his legs going out from under him. Mesa hit them next, rolling them to a stop.

  Their lady was yelping, barking. Bitching at them.

  The sound was so familiar, it made him huff with laughter.

  Mesa rumbled, the sound happy as could be. His. They were his.

  Sammy licked Kody, then pushed him down, grooming him, her love for him glowing brightly. Kody pawed at Mesa, who came to nibble on his ruff. It didn’t take even a push before Sammy was cleaning Mesa’s muzzle and ears. Perfect. That made Mesa happy, too. Kody felt it.


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