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Good Girls Say Yes

Page 10

by Penny Wylder

  “That hurts, Sir.”

  I can practically hear the smug satisfaction in his voice. “I know.”

  He thrusts in again and I lose my breath, lose my ability speak or think. I can only feel. I pull at my arms, but the bond to my ankles doesn’t give, and pulling on them only spreads my legs wider, offers more of me to him. Matthew grunts with the efforts of his fucking, those small sounds sending sparks across my nerves. Every move he makes brings me closer. I love this. I want more more more more. I squeeze down on him and that just accentuates the way he feels as he drags himself back, pushes in.

  I’m mindless with the pleasure, but I also know that it’s not for me. This is for him. I’m here for his pleasure in this moment, and I feel a sense of calm, knowing that I’m doing something that makes him happy, gives him pleasure.

  He grabs my ass harder, and more pain and pleasure blend together. Suddenly I’m on the edge, crying out as he fucks me, and it feels like an eternity of perfection before I feel him jerk inside me, finishing. Matthew groans, pressing a kiss to the center of my spine. I feel the loss of him and my orgasm as he pulls out of me and takes care of the condom, and then he’s right there, flipping me over onto my back, but he doesn’t release my restraints.

  He opens a drawer by his bed and then a small vibrator slips into my pussy—the kind that has a little loop that circles out and up to cover the clit. Holding up the tiny remote, he grins. I grin too, because this means I’m going to come. But my grin fades when I see him reach for the nightstand and for his phone. He clicks a couple of buttons. “I’m setting a timer,” he tells me.

  “Sir?” The vibrator clicks on, low but strong enough to make me stop talking. It’s on a slow build setting, so the vibration comes in slow waves, building to a higher intensity and dropping back down to almost nothing.

  “Ten minutes. Enjoy the vibrator. Scream. Count backwards from one-hundred. Whatever you have to do, but until this alarm sounds, you do not have permission to come.”

  “Are you serious?” I’m embarrassed by how desperate my voice sounds. He raises an eyebrow. “Are you serious, Sir?”

  “I am very serious. And I have no problem spanking you a few more times if you decide to come early.”

  I don’t think that my ass cold take that, and I grit my teeth as the vibrations drive me higher, to the very brink of orgasm and then fade away. I moan, and he chuckles. “No one said that being a Dom wasn’t also a little fun.”

  “You said this would be a reward.”

  “It is,” he smirks. “I could have fucked you and not let you come at all. I could have sent you to bed dripping and desperate, but I’m not. So say thank you.”

  I glare at him, but I say it. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Very nice. Your time starts now.”

  What? It hasn’t started yet? I let my head fall back on the pillow and Matthew laughs, settling into a chair next to the bed to watch. He’s still hard, and he absently strokes his cock while I’m writhing around, and I’ve never felt so sexy. The thought stops me in my tracks for a second. Tied up and being denied an orgasm is the sexiest I’ve ever felt. Why? What is wrong with me? What is wrong with this? I can’t think about it because the vibrations are cresting again and it’s everything I can do to stop myself from going over. It’s like holding back a wave.

  “I can’t,” I tell him. “It’s too much.”

  “You can. Look at me.” I do, and I focus on that hand, moving up and down, teasing himself. “Up here.”

  We lock eyes, and the vibrations fade. “Why this way?”

  “Because right now obeying my will is more important than your pleasure. And because you are submissive, you’ll will find equal or more satisfaction in obeying than you will in the orgasm.”

  “I highly doubt that,” I say, my voice strained as another crest of vibrations comes. I look eyes with him again, and his stare gets me through the wave, and then another. Even though I beg him just to let me come, and he says no, looking at him lets me hold on for those fractions of a second before it’s too late.

  I have no idea if it’s just my imagination, but it seems like the waves are getting faster. My hands are clenching and releasing, my muscles shaking, and god I am drowning in the pleasure. I can’t see anymore, I’m blind with it, can barely breathe through it, just existing inside of it. I know that I’m almost screaming, a constant, heady plea for release.

  And then I hear it, the shrill chirping of what can only be the alarm on Matthew’s phone, and I let go because there’s no physical way I can hold on any longer. My orgasm rips through me like a supernova, flying higher as that damned little vibrator crests its wave, and I scream. The pleasure is white hot, searing, like every nerve is on fire and I want them to stay burning forever. It doesn’t seem to fade.

  Matthew’s mouth is on mine, and I kiss him. And I blink my eyes open to see him looking down at me with look that pierces through me—and I know he sees me. All of me. He slips inside me and I gasp, coming again, hard and fast from just the feel of him. Reaching up, I wrap my arms around him—my arms are free! And pull him closer. I can’t move anything else because he’s cleverly pinned me down with his body.

  I smile up at him, because I’ve never felt like this. I feel…perfect. Warm and aroused and seen and fulfilled and pleasantly blank. My mind is quiet and I’m right here, feeling him as he plunges into me, and again deeper. It’s not separate orgasms anymore, just a steady stream of pleasure and I can’t keep the grin off my face even while he kisses me.

  I go over again just as he does, a groan of effort and pleasure rumbling out of his chest and into mine. He slows, our mouths never separating, and we’re breathing together. I feel like I should say something but I can’t find any words. It’s a long time before either of us moves.

  Finally, he takes a deep breath, and pulls free, leaving to take care of the condom. Then he slowly removes the cuffs from my wrists and ankles, massaging the skin as he sets them aside. Leaning close, he presses a kiss to my forehead and scoops me up in his arms. Matthew is still completely naked, and so am I, but he carries me out into the house all the same.

  It takes me a couple of minutes to find my voice, and when I do it’s rough with sex and tears. “Where are we going?”

  “Your room.”


  He chuckles, and I love the feel of it. “Because if you stay in my room, I will tie you to my bed and I will take you all night.” I shiver at his words. “And we’ll both sleep through our last day together.”

  Matthew carries me all the way to my room like it’s nothing. I’ve never felt feminine like this. “I like this.”

  “What?” he asks.

  “The carrying.”

  “Too bad,” he says, “I was planning on dropping you in a heap when we got to your room, but now I’ll have to be careful.”

  I freeze, “Am I too heavy? I can walk—”

  Matthew stops in the middle of the hallway, “No, Emma. I like carrying you. I like the fact that you are letting me carry you.”

  We finish the trip in comfortable silence. And I’m not sure how he manages it, but he pulls back the blankets and settles me on the bed without even a shiver of effort. I want to ask him to stay, for more of everything, but the warmth of the bed and the way he’s stroking his hand through my hair again is pulling me down into sleep, faster than I thought possible. The last thing I feel is the press of Matthew’s lips on my skin as I drift away.


  The sound of my phone ringing wakes me. It seems like it’s been years since I’ve heard that sound. It’s in the pocket of my jeans, sitting forgotten in one of the armoires. I stumble out of the bed, trying to reach the phone before it stops ringing. It’s Lily.

  “Hello?” My voice sounds like it’s been blasted with sandpaper. Which, given my activities last night isn’t particularly surprising.

  “Hi!” She sounds way too chirpy for my brain this early in the morning. Is it the morning? I
glance at the clock. Holy fuck, it’s almost noon! “I just got back to the states and I wanted to check and see how it’s going with Matthew. Your still at his house, right?”

  “Yeah, I am,” I say. “I’m having a good time. I can understand why you guys do it.”

  She laughs, bright and happy. “So he was right? You are a submissive?”

  “I didn’t say that. I mean…yeah, the sex is amazing, but I don’t think I can do this. It’s not who I am.”

  “But what if it is?”

  I sigh, sitting down on the bed and pulling the blanket up around me. “Did I tell you about Jeremy, Lil?”

  “That douche who dumped you? Yes.”

  “Well, we talked about him last night, and even though I know that Matthew is nothing like him, I’m barely recovered from one man constantly ordering me around and thinking he knows what’s best for me. I can’t do another.”

  There’s silence on the other end of the phone. “You’re right, Matthew is nothing like that. If that’s all you think this is, then you shouldn’t stay.”


  “No, Emma,” she says. “I know we’re not as close as we used to be, but I know you. And this is my world that you’re in. If you’re only sticking it out so that you can get revenge on your ex, get out, because Matthew doesn’t deserve that.”

  She’s not wrong, but I can’t help but think that she’s not being entirely fair either. I didn’t ask for my past to be brought out of me like a wrecking ball, and now that I’m seeing the parallels, I can’t help but notice the tiny grain of sand grating at me, telling me to be careful. That this isn’t perfect. That doing this is wrong.

  I sigh. “You’re right. I’ll talk to him about it. But we did make a bet. Matthew knows that, and I want to see that through.”

  “Please don’t hurt him, Emma. I’ve been thinking about you two, and I really think you could be good for each other.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I promise. “Can we spend some time together, soon?”

  “Absolutely! But please, promise me you’ll try to let go. Explore what this is meant to be and not what you think it is.”

  I pause, taking a breath. “I will.” I hang up, and fall back on the bed. What am I going to do? I feel like I’m being pulled in two different directions. There’s turmoil in my gut, but it’s not something that’s going to be solved by staying in bed. I sit up and slide to the edge of the bed and gasp. Pain bursts through my ass and I leap up to try to relieve it. I pull open the armoire and turn my back to the mirror.

  Already purpling bruises cover me, including a very very distinct handprint. Oh. My. God. I brush my fingers over the bruises and shiver. I should be furious at him for bruising my ass, but what he did brought me more emotional relief—and later pleasure—than I’d been able to find in a long time. If I knew I was going to have sex like that again, I would go through the spanking again.

  That voice in my head rebels against this. This isn’t right, that he hit me. But we had agreed that punishment was a part of this. He didn’t cross any lines I hadn’t already agreed to, and if I had used my safeword he would have stopped. My mind goes blank.

  I could have made him stop. I knew I could have made him stop, and I didn’t do it. I let him keep going. What does that mean for me? For this?

  I look at the bruises again, thinking about the way he grabbed my ass while he was fucking me. How that spark of pain made it so much better, and I’m suddenly wet with the thought that I could have that again. Matthew didn’t leave any instructions, so I’m going to put on something. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll tell me to change.

  I flip through the closet, and there’s more lingerie than I could ever wear in three days, but it’s all my size. I settle on a deep purple babydoll dress. It has a halter top and when I put it on, the skirt just barely covers my ass. Thinking about Matthew seeing me in this makes me grin. The halter pulls up my breasts, almost offering them on a platter. I leave my hair down and I find some light, fruity perfume in the armoire that I put on.

  Now it’s past noon, and I remember Matthew’s words about not wanting to sleep the day away. It’s past time I find him. I tiptoe out of my room. I don’t know why I think that if I’m quiet that the staff is likely to see me, but it’s still true.

  Matthew isn’t in his study, and he’s not in the kitchen. I can’t remember the way to get back to his bedroom. I finally find him on the patio, and the sight makes my heart skip a beat. He’s playing with two dogs, an adult and a puppy, both golden retrievers. He’s throwing a ball for them, and they race to get it and bring it back, both of them practically tackling him when they reach him. The dogs are so happy, tails wagging and smiling wide. He throws the ball again and they run again, the puppy tripping on the stairs going down to the grass. Matthew scoops him up and checks him over while the other dog retrieves the ball.

  It’s a side of him that I haven’t seen before. I knew that he was a good man, and that he worked with animals, but even though I’ve seen him laugh, mostly I’ve been witness to the powerful, serious side of him. This soft, goofy, playing-with-puppies side of him is like suddenly seeing who he really is when he’s alone. I push open the door because he’s already seen me at my most vulnerable, and if I’m going to see him at his, he should know.

  He glances back towards the door, and does a double take when he sees me. His smile grows and he puts down the puppy, who rushes down to the grass to play with his friend, and he comes across the patio toward me. Matthew stops just short of touching me. “Good morning.”

  “Afternoon,” I say, raising an eyebrow.

  “How are you doing?”

  I stretch my arms over my head, letting the short length of the skirt ride up and show him that I’m not wearing anything underneath it. “I’m okay. I’m…a bit sore.”

  One side of his mouth pulls up into a smile, even though his eyes are glued to my body. “Yeah, I would imagine.”

  “You left a handprint.”

  “Did I?”

  “I shouldn’t be turned on by that, but I am.”

  Matthew reaches out and catches me by the wrist, pulling me against him and pressing his lips to mine. My body melts with the memory of everything that comes after this kind of kiss, and he gathers me in his arms. His hands reach my ass and I moan at the sudden pain, and he smiles through the kiss. “Come with me. I have something that will help with the pain.”


  “I should have applied this last night, and…with everything…I lost track. I’m sorry.”

  I’m distracted at the feeling of my hand in his, which is shockingly normal. “It’s all right.”

  We end up in the playroom, and he leads me over to a padded table. No restraints in sight at the moment. “Up you go.”

  I lay on my stomach, and he flips up my dress to explore the bruises. He retrieves a jar of something, and the cold of the cream on my skin gives me goosebumps. “I like seeing my hand on your ass,” he says. “It’s sexy.”

  “It may be sexy but it also hurts.”

  Fingers dip between my legs, and I gasp. “I see it doesn’t hurt bad enough that you’re not turned on.”

  “Damn it,” I mutter, and a light smack falls on my bruised skin.

  “Did you just swear at me?” he asks.


  He starts massaging again. “That’s what I thought.”

  His fingers dig in, and even though it aches, it feels good. And he touches more than just my ass. My legs, and feet, and up to my hips. I’m constantly on edge from the touches that he slips into my pussy, teasing my clit and occasionally dipping all the way inside.

  He guides me to roll over and massages my arms and shoulders, and I’m so relaxed that I could go back to sleep again. Until I look up, and I see how hard he is, and he’s at eye level. I reach out and grab his belt, undoing it and freeing his cock. I was right, he is hard, and he doesn’t stop me as I take him into my mouth. He doesn’t give me any comma
nds, and I take advantage, using my hands.

  I tug him and tease him, sucking on the head of his cock. I can’t take him deep the way that I’m positioned, but I’m going to make him come all the same. The resolution forms in my mind and I’m not going to stop. His fingers are in my pussy again, and I moan around his cock. Two can play at this game. He rolls my clit between his fingers and I arch off the table.

  Matthew’s hands are magic. I already knew that, but this just confirms it. And oh god—his mouth is magic too. I know this because he’s leaned over the table and captured my clit between his lips. His tongue is flicking and I can’t focus on anything besides that glorious sensation. I suck his cock harder, no special tricks, just my mouth and my tongue. I try to take more of him, and he takes more of me. His mouth covers me and he licks me in long, slow strokes. He swirls his tongue across me and I jump, my pussy clenches, and I grow even wetter.

  I squeeze his cock and he groans. The vibrations of his voice on me are deliciously intimate, and I arch up into him. I want more.

  Matthew pulls away suddenly. “Sit up. I don’t want to come in your mouth right now.”

  He helps me sit up and rolls on a condom. And then my ass is at the edge of the table and he thrusts inside me with one brutal stroke and I’m gone. I’m sore and aroused and the combination of sensations is…

  I don’t have words for it.

  Matthew’s lips are on my neck, and I’m clinging to him, legs wrapped around while he thrusts into me. This isn’t meant to last long. This is fast and dirty and oh god yes, I’m telling him yes and that it feels good. Matthew is grunting with every thrust, fingers digging into my hips, pulling me harder, faster, pressing in deeper. I break open, coming hard as he fucks me, and I feel my orgasm gush over his cock. He growls, and seconds later I feel him come, thrusting in one final time and holding, cock pulsing inside me with his own orgasm.

  We’re both breathing hard, and he grins as he pulls out and cleans himself up. “Do you want some food? I told the staff to prepare lunch.”


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