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The Price of Possession

Page 15

by Dakota Brown

  I didn't promise to blab anything, but I also wanted her to not hate me, so I did agree to return as soon as I could.

  Mal chuckled.

  "She know anything?"

  "Some. I'll fill you in later."

  "Fair enough."

  He put his hand on the small of my back, and stayed close while we threaded our way around a handful of tourists.

  "Fuck," Mal hissed.

  I glanced over from the window I'd been shopping through just in time to see the thug from Aaron's house point something at me.

  Mal shoved me out of the way, jerked, and crumpled to the ground.


  He didn't answer and I tried to ignore the rising panic tightening my chest.

  The thug lowered a fucking crossbow of all things.

  I looked around, but no one else noticed our struggle. The street was full of people, but we were completely ignored. Mal and I had both been blindsided.

  When I glanced back at the thug, he now had a gun pointed at my chest.

  There was nothing I could do. I held up my hands and hoped that the hellhound, who had vanished, could get help somehow.

  "So nice to see you again," a familiar female voice said behind me.

  "Naw, it's shite."

  She laughed. "Oh, I think I'd like you if you were going to be around long enough for me to get to know you. Tell me, how did you get out of my wards. They shouldn't have been breakable. Even for your friend here." She kicked Mal, hard. The vampire didn't react.

  I really hoped he wasn't dead, and not just because I wanted him to rescue me. The thought of losing Mal made my heart clench, though I tried not to show my reaction.

  Something must have come through because she sniffed.

  "Don't worry, you'll be gone before we wake him up."

  Well, that answered one question. Two really. Apparently, they were going to kill me. Great. At least Mal wasn't dead. I was only slightly relieved.

  "Still, since you apparently are something of an escape artist, and we can't have that, I'll have to knock you out, too. Nice body wards, by the way. You do know how dangerous those are, don't you?" She said the last in a bit of a sing-song voice before she touched my back.

  Whatever she did, the wards deflected. Normally, that would have been enough to give me time to get away, but with the demon possessed thug over there pointing a gun at my head, I couldn't do anything but take it as she blasted me again, and again, until my vision blackened as my protections sapped my strength. I staggered, trying to keep my feet as long as I could. Not wanting to give them any satisfaction.

  I thought I heard her snap orders at the thug, but I couldn't make out what she said. I really hoped they caught me before I cracked my head on the cement as my legs gave way and I passed out.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Slowly, ever so slowly, I fought my way back to consciousness. As soon as I made it, I wished I hadn't bothered. Pain more extreme than the worst hangover I'd ever had–and I'd sported some doozies–blasted through my head. I cracked my eyes open to slits and all I could see was flashing lights, and I was fairly certain it had nothing to do with what was actually in the room with me.

  Slowly my vision returned, followed by sound.


  Yeah, should have expected that. Fuck. I took away their first sacrifice, guess they were going to use me. Wondered if whatever magic ran through my blood was enough to summon a demon prince. Hopefully, I wouldn't find out.

  I was laying on my back. I could tell that now, too.

  As my energy slowly returned, the urgency of my situation hit, and a jolt of adrenalin surged through me. Better than drugs, that stuff. The headache fled to the background, my vision cleared, and I got enough juice back to lift my head.

  Just in time to see a flash of silver descending toward me.

  I didn't even have time to flinch before the knife plunged into my stomach.

  Yep, this hurt worse than waking up had.

  I screamed as white hot fire radiated out from my abdomen.

  She jerked the knife back out, twisting a little on the way.

  Help was probably too distant to save me. I doubted Mal was even conscious, and the others had no idea where I was. Apparently, I was going to find out where chaotic exorcists went when they died a lot sooner than I had planned.

  Well, damn it, I wasn't going down without fucking up as much of their plans as I could.

  Pulling on what little of that extra power that flowed through me I could grasp–Mal called it magic–I shoved it into my gut. It wouldn't save me, but it might stabilize me long enough to cause a last bit of chaos before I died.

  I turned my head. Fuck that hurt. We were inside a containment circle and the asshole twat that had stabbed me was dripping something, likely my blood, into a bowl. Today she was dressed a bit more ritualistically. Flowing robes and all that shit. Candles flickered everywhere. This floor was stone, or concrete, and it had the feel of a more permanent ritual space, as opposed to hijacking Aaron's study.

  Though my vision was a bit blurry and pain radiated through me, I tried to focus. I thought I made out one of the pendants they had been binding demons into on the table surrounded by candles and other implements of the trade.

  I wasn't sure what I could do, but maybe I could pull the same stunt I had before and just crash into everything. At the very least, it would piss them off.

  My vision blacked out and pain seared through me when I tried to move.


  More magic. More reserves. I needed them. It was my last stand, and I wasn't going down without being a giant pain in the ass. I drew on everything I had, pulling it to that spot of agony where my life was leaking out of me far faster than I'd prefer.

  There. I could move.

  By the time I looked back at the ritual space, the twat had left the circle.


  Light flared on the table, some sort of magical fireworks I'd mostly missed, and the flames on the candles shot upward, growing to nearly a foot of flame each.

  "Huh, cool," I grumbled, and forced myself to move. I nearly blacked out, but I did it.

  "I offer you this life in return for your presence!" I heard the twat shout and then rage like I'd never before experienced filled the space.

  Well, the prince was here. Hope he didn't mind damaged goods.

  I made it to my feet, holding back a scream by sheer force of will. I did not want to attract attention if she hadn't noticed me yet. Maybe I could disrupt the circle before she contained him in the pendant.

  The prince howled something in demonic, but amazingly didn't outright attack me. Great, score one for the nearly dead exorcist.

  "Huh," the twat said.

  Sometimes those were famous last words.

  Unfortunately, in this case, she didn't really need my life. The demon was here, and she wasn't bargaining with him.

  She yelled out another enchantment, one I wasn't familiar with, and couldn't concentrate on enough to even try to understand.

  I staggered forward. My legs gave out. I crashed into the table, sending everything flying. Maybe if I could get my hands on the amulet long enough to fuck with her spell...

  I had no idea where it went, and my time was up. I didn't even feel the concrete as I slammed into the ground. Hopefully whoever came to collect my soul had a twisted sense of humor, because boy did I have some fucked up stories to tell.

  Chapter 14


  Time stopped, and what passed for a heart for an incubus nearly shriveled up and died as I watched Chris fall into the table then crash to the ground.

  "No! Chris!" This couldn't be happening. I'd just found her.

  A flash of silver very near her hand caught my attention, jerking me out of my momentary paralysis. I was certain it was no accident I noticed the pendant. I could feel the pull of my connection to the prince. We had to get that before the others did.

  Acting on instinct, I shouted at Aa
ron and pointed. "Grab that!"

  Guided by the tiny hellhound, Aaron dashed forward.

  Darius fired at the demon possessed men who had belatedly realized we had arrived to ruin their party. The bullets hit, and they must have been blessed, because they slowed the men down enough that they ran instead of staying to fight.

  The occultist had split as soon as Aaron had broken the circle. Probably wise, though the prince was still contained. Darius chased after her.

  I hadn't been lying when I told Mal I was a lover, not a fighter. I could take a few hits, but against someone who knew what they were doing I'd get my ass kicked, so I didn't try to stop any of the possessed humans as they ran.

  Chris was not moving, and the pool of blood spreading around her was not promising. I could sense she wasn't quite gone, but she certainly wasn't going to survive unless we could intervene. I couldn't lose her now. I just couldn't. I needed her.

  Where was Mal? I thought they had been together.

  I couldn't enter the circle like Aaron or the hellhound could, so I watched anxiously from outside the ring as Aaron snatched the charm up, held it for a moment, then bellowed in pain.

  Bingo. He had angelic blood. I thought those eye tattoos were more than tattoos. The wing markings on the guy's back were the giveaway, though.

  In this case, it was going to save Chris' life. Hopefully. I curled my hands into fists and tried to fight off the rising panic that we were too late. I just couldn't lose her.

  Silver dripped through Aaron's fingers as the charm melted. He flung it away from him as light flared around the guy, consuming him. I swear I saw the outline of wings, six of them, and eyes freaking everywhere, as Aaron backed out of the circle. He collapsed to his knees, looking a lot more normal, though drenched in sweat, on the other side of the containment ring.

  The hellhound licked at Chris' face. She really needed to name that thing to complete the bond. I'd actually thought she already had, until he'd come to find us once she'd been taken.

  A lot of this could have been prevented if the hellhound had fully manifested into their bond. I cursed myself for assuming she'd done what most humans did and immediately named a pet that came into their lives. If this didn't work, I'd never forgive myself. Of course, if it did, she might not forgive me.

  "Sabian, break the circle," the prince, now free of the charm, stood and stared at me in his close to human aspect. Relatively short, dark hair, dark eyes, the hint of horns peeking out from the curls, dusky skin, a suit. Why did the princes always wear suits?

  "Save her." I winced as I realized I'd basically given my prince an order.

  "You know how it works, Sabian. I can't save her unless I get something in return. She won't want to sell her soul, nor is she in any position to sign a contract. It's the rule and magic binds me. I can't break it." He actually sounded unhappy about it.

  "You still owe me something for my service in this. Save her. Quickly." This time I left the honorific off on purpose.

  "I was prepared to reward you extremely handsomely. You would give up everything I'd offer for a mortal's life?"

  "All I need is her."

  He raised his eyebrows before turning to look at Chris, prone on the ground, more blood outside than in at this point. She was quite dead, but not yet gone. We had only moments, though.

  "I'll have to possess her."

  "Fortunately, I know a couple of good exorcists. They might even be gentle with you if you save her life."

  The prince barked laughter before he nodded. "Very well. Your reward then."

  I sighed in relief. He hadn't told me it was too late. We'd save her.

  Darius came back in at that moment and shouted something inarticulate as he saw the demon swirl into black mist before it soaked into the prone exorcist.

  "What did you do?" He grabbed my shoulder and jerked me around to look at him.

  "Saved her life, Darius," I replied quietly. I really hoped he would understand.

  "Possession isn't life," the Priest snarled back, and I swore he was about to send my ass back to hell.

  Fortunately, Aaron was likely more team Sabian than he was team priest, and I could probably get him to stop Darius long enough for me to explain if he tried it. Chris was worth the risk.

  Aaron had managed to get back to his feet and had approached us warily.

  "Darius," I pleaded. "He'll leave. Willingly. He owed me and there is no debt that Chris will have to pay. She was dead. They killed her." I wiped a few tears from my eyes, startled at their appearance.

  The priest glared at me.

  Aaron's eyes were wide as they darted between me, the priest, and Chris, who was still dead on the floor.

  I could sense the energy the prince used to repair her body and how he held her spirit. Thank the abyss, she would wake up before long. Prince Ezra was using a lot of energy. I hadn't realized how much this would cost him. He must really have felt he owed me. Or perhaps he felt it absolved some of his debt to Chris, though he would still owe her the favor he had promised.

  "Where is Mal?" Aaron asked when Darius didn't reply.

  Darius frowned and glanced around the room, before his eyes widened. "That's kind of fucked up."

  None of us had noticed the vampire bound to a chair in the corner. He was slumped over, a shaft of something shoved through his chest. That's how they'd done it. They must have seriously gotten the drop on Chris and Mal to have managed to stake him. I took a step toward Mal, then hesitated, turning toward Chris. I wanted to go to both of them, but I couldn't help either at the moment. At least I wouldn't have to tell either one of them that the other was dead.

  "Chris is going to be pissed." Darius sighed. "She really liked him."

  I was really starting to get a sense of why Chris didn't fully trust Darius anymore. He seemed to have forgotten some of his humanity. I was more affected by the idea of Chris losing Mal than he was, and I was a damn demon, and I knew Mal would be okay once we could figure out how to safely wake him up.

  The hellhound whined and I turned my attention back to the circle. Chris groaned, fingers twitching. She climbed to her hands and knees, resting as if getting used to her body again.

  I really hoped she wouldn't send me back to hell for this.

  "Mother fucker," she blurted as her eyes snapped open and they zeroed in on me.

  My heart sank.

  Chapter 15


  Price... The familiar voice hissed through me, both filling me with warmth and grating on my ears.

  I turned to see a man standing before me. He was handsome, dusky skin, dark eyes that seemed to contain the universe, though twin horns curved up through his wavy black hair.

  "Yeah, mate?" Well, shit. Not exactly what I had hoped for, but probably what I deserved.

  The demon chuckled. "I'm not here to claim your soul, Price," he said. "I'm here to save your life. If you'll let me."

  Ahh, that's why I recognized his voice. It carried the same intonations as the demon who had spoken through Sabian. This was our prince. Ezra. The one I had thought they'd bound.

  Some of my confusion must have shown through.

  "Sabian and your friends showed up in time to thwart the other humans. We do not have much time, however. Sabian has requested I save your life as the reward I had offered him. You must still choose, and you must do it quickly." He held out his hand.

  A warm, comforting something tugged at me, summoning me, promising me peace, but I didn't turn. I'd never had much use for peace anyway. At least not that kind. And I still had shit to do. Yet, I hesitated. Would this choice cost me in the future? I imagined if I asked, the prince wouldn't answer. Could almost feel that the question was beyond his knowledge. I could have peace. Or I could continue to live.

  I supposed it wasn't really a choice, after all.

  "This going to cost me anything?" I slid my hand into the demon's. His hand was shockingly warm, and I had to keep myself from pulling away as his power burned in
to me.

  "Sabian paid the price. He gave up...quite a bit. Though, I suppose I can see your appeal."

  I raised my eyebrows but didn't know how to reply. I still felt like I was slipping away, even with the prince's strong hand gripping mine.

  Ezra quirked a smile. "Sorry about this."

  I didn't have time to ask what he meant before he jerked me forward into his arms and pressed his lips to mine. I was no longer slipping away. No, now I was melting firmly into his embrace. His heat filled me, and pain seared through me as I was pulled back into my body, though his kiss distracted me from most of it. Where all demons amazing kissers? I wasn't going to make this a habit, but for now I opened for him when he pressed with his tongue, and let him explore my mouth, before doing the same when he retreated for a moment. His hands roamed my body, spreading heat and fire, pulling me back together, repairing flesh, and shielding me from the pain with the intense pleasure of his touch.

  "Fuck me," I whispered when he released me from his kiss.

  The demon prince chuckled.

  "You can wake whenever you're ready." Ezra stepped back and faded from my awareness until it was just me in my head.

  I groaned as I became aware of the cold concrete beneath me. I gave my hands an experimental twitch, then climbed to my hands and knees.


  Why can I still sense you?

  The only way to save you was to possess you.

  The one thing I'd hoped to avoid. It had been one thing when Sabian had been riding along. He'd still been in the charm, so it wasn't a true possession. This...the prince had saved my life, but eventually he would still consume me, and I'd felt his power. I wasn't sure Darius could get him out if the prince didn't want to go. I could have, but I wasn't sure if I could do an exorcism on myself.

  "Mother fucker," I snarled in reaction, snapping my eyes open and glaring at Sabian. I could sense him pretty clearly, probably from the connection he had to his prince.

  Sabian flinched, though he didn't look away.

  I will be staying for now, but you will not have to fight me when it's time for me to leave. I promise.


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