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The Price of Possession

Page 18

by Dakota Brown

  "That's what we were thinking." Darius studied me as I approached the possessed human.

  He looked up, the familiar red rimming his irises. I fought to keep from rubbing at my own red rimmed eyes.

  "Master! You're safe!"

  I felt my eyes widen in surprise and I glanced at Darius and Deputy McClellan. Neither of them looked like they understood.

  He's speaking in demonic. You understand because I'm translating for you. Don't reply. I will handle this.

  They went back and forth for a bit. Ezra somehow communicating without using my body. Probably a perk of being a prince, and also not being bound into an amulet.

  The end result was that Ezra's underling was more than happy to be sent back to hell, promised not to resist, and gave us basically the same information we'd had from his bloody artwork.


  You're not my boss.

  Ezra sighed.

  Darius hadn't painted a protective circle this time, for which I was extremely grateful. We were going to do this without for a while. It wasn't nearly as dangerous with the demon prince riding along, as it would have been if I hadn't already been possessed. None of the demons we were dealing with were going to try and tangle with Ezra for my body.

  Fuck that was weird.

  I didn't even need the reveal spell to find the amulet.

  I snatched the charm off of the guy's wrist. Oddly, the human didn't react poorly to losing his demon. He simply sighed and passed out.

  I debated just handing the thing off to Aaron. They'd told me what had happened when he touched them. Finally, I decided the cops had enough of our secrets and I'd do it the hard way.

  "Want me to do this here or take it with me and do it at home?" I asked Darius.

  "I have a room prepared," he replied.

  Guess he didn't want me to inadvertently add to my collection. Three was plenty, but I wasn't going to bring that up in front of McClellan.

  "Sabian, why don't you and Aaron and Mayhem wait while I take care of this." I didn't want to accidently banish the hellhound, either.

  The hellhound cannot be banished in the same way, especially now that he is bound to you. Keep him at your side.

  As if sensing that, Mayhem stayed with me. Aaron waited with Sabian and I followed Darius into the small office, hoping like hell that he wasn't pulling something to try and get Ezra banished. He'd have an unwelcome surprise if he tried.

  Fortunately, everything was just as he'd promised. Minus a protective circle, though I could see where there had been one.

  Eyeing him as I approached the table made me feel like shit, but I had reason not to completely trust Darius.

  He held out his hands in surrender. "I promise, no tricks, Price."

  "Humpf," I muttered.

  "I thought you two were friends," Deputy McClellan said.

  "We are," Darius replied. "But it's a complicated friendship. I've certainly done things in the past to earn a bit of mistrust on her part. It's fine."

  "What could you possibly be trying to trick her with in this instance? She's the one that taught you the spell."

  "Long story," I grumbled and placed the amulet on the table. I checked for the ingredients to the ritual and got ready.

  Do you want me to show you an easier way? I believe I have discovered one.

  Not right now, 'cause then I'd have to explain myself. Later, mate.

  Ezra didn't reply and I settled into the ritual language.

  Releasing the demon took almost no effort, and banishing him was nearly as easy as waving my hand in the creature's general direction and saying go home.

  Darius stared at me in amazement.

  I shrugged. "He really wanted to go home."

  "I'm sure that's it," he replied slowly.

  "Yeah, mate. Now, I really had a hell of a shit day yesterday. I'm going home."

  "Thank you for coming down, Price. And please thank Sabian for translating all of that. I'm not sure how useful it was, but the more information we have, the better."

  "You're welcome, Darius." I headed out of the office and took a deep, relieved breath when Sabian and Aaron flanked me.

  Another deputy showed us out and I collapsed into the passenger seat of Aaron's new car.

  By the time we got home, I barely had the energy to call Mal, but I did. We talked for a bit, before I bid Aaron and Sabian an early good night and fell into my bed, hoping to sleep soundly enough to not think about being alone. I'd spent most of my life alone in my bed, but damn it, I had gotten so used to Mal and Sabian holding me and now it just felt empty, even with a tiny puffball hellhound curled up at my side.

  Even he got up, grumbling, after I tossed and turned for what seemed like forever.

  I was about to get up when Ezra jerked me into the blank space.

  "What's wrong?" He stared at me, arms crossed across his chest.

  This time he wore some sort of silky looking dress shirt, in black, with the sleeves rolled up showing muscular arms. His slacks were also black and fit well enough that it probably should have been illegal.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You're trying to rest. I'm trying to rest. Why are you tossing about like a ship on stormy seas?"

  "Didn't know you were a poet, too."

  "I'm not," he practically snarled. "I'm a tired demon prince, who spent most of my energy keeping your ungrateful ass alive. And I've spent the rest of my energy attempting to be nice to you. I'd like to have a chance to recover and I can only do that while you're unconscious."

  "One, I'm not ungrateful. Two, I'm exhausted." I glared back at him. "But because of you, no one will touch me, and I'm used to certain, uh, extracurricular activities, not to mention cuddles at night. Apparently, the lack is keeping me from sleeping."

  "You need to be held to sleep?" He stared at me, incredulously. "That's a lot of touching."

  "Hey, mate, you're the one that keeps running phantom hands up and down my back, or playing with my hair." I'd noticed that, too.

  He opened his mouth to protest, then snapped it shut. "Incubi are bad influences."

  "Yeah, is it actually his fault?"

  "Of course, it is," Ezra protested a bit too insistently.

  "Umhm." Shit, what was I doing? Trying to provoke him? "If you would let Sabian hold me, I'd probably pass right out."

  "No. I will not a subordinate, no matter the situation." Ezra shuddered.

  "I could call Mal."

  The demon prince glared at me.

  "Sorry the hellhound isn't quite doing it for me. He's cute and all, but it's not the same."

  Suddenly I was back in my body. "You're going to give me whiplash if you keep that up," I grumbled.

  Shut up, and go to sleep. A heavy, warm weight settled around me, as if someone I couldn't see had wrapped themselves around me. Ezra's phantom arm slid around my stomach, his legs tangled with mine, and his chest pressed against my back. I swore his breath tickled my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  You're not sleeping.

  "I mean, it takes a minute. Sorry. Follies of mortal bodies and all."

  Price, your heartrate is even higher than it was before. You're supposed to relax.

  "I, uh, sorry." Shit, now I was really awake. He felt awfully good pressed against me. That coupled with the memory of his lips on mine was sending me on a mental spiral into places I shouldn't be going.

  The demon prince sighed. If you tell anyone I did this... He trailed off and before I could ask what he meant, Ezra slid the arm that was under me up until his hand gently gripped my throat. His other hand trailed down lower until it slid under my clothing, leaving traces of fire along my skin.

  "Sabian will know," I blurted out, heart really racing now.

  He needs to feed, too, and he will not say anything if he knows what is good for him. That last bit was likely directed at Sabian.

  "But..." I gave one last weak protest, not quite getting the words out.

  Your men
will understand. Besides, this is all in your head.


  Mmhmm. He kissed my neck, then bit me gently. I quivered, breath coming fast.

  My protests fled as he rolled me from my side to my back until I was cradled against him, legs spread, giving his fingers access. He bit me again, harder, and I arched back into him, gasping. His fingers closed around my throat, enough to get my attention, but not enough to hurt.

  I whimpered, as he stroked at my clit, then dipped a finger inside me, before going back to work on the sensitive nub. I shuddered against him, trembling as he worked me. Some part of me held onto the idea that this was all in my mind, but I could feel it so exquisitely, every press of his lips or nip of his teeth on my neck, the squeeze of his hand on my throat, his fingers as they dipped inside of me again, pumping, stroking, rubbing, until my body shattered, and I rocked against him as he fucked me with his fingers through my orgasm.

  Once I could think again, I was almost surprised to find myself still cradled in his arms.

  I took a breath, and then another, before I finally found my voice. "Do you, uh, need anything?"

  Ezra chuckled, the sound vibrating through me. Price, I'm inside you, your pleasure is my pleasure. Thank you for your concern, however.

  "Yeah, sure." Whatever else he'd done, the combination of endorphins and the heavy, warm weight of him curled around me was doing the trick. Even if it was all just in my head. My eyelids drooped, and I tried not to think about what he'd said, or my brain might really break.

  Good night, Chris Price.

  "'Night, Ezra."

  That he had used my first name for the first time occurred to me right before I passed over the point of oblivion, but it didn't keep me from passing out into the deepest, most dreamless sleep I'd had in ages.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I could barely meet Sabian's eyes the next morning and buried my face in the cupboard while I looked for something to eat. Mal had been in charge of food enough that I didn't actually know what I had in the cupboard and I wondered if he had actually been shopping because there was more fresh produce than I normally kept in my kitchen. Maybe Aaron? He was basically living here, too, for the moment. I kind of wanted to touch him just to see if I got the same electric shock the others did.

  If you like touching electric fences, go ahead, Ezra grumbled.

  I ignored him, grabbed some bread to make toast, turned around, and almost ran into Sabian.

  "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, and it's been like, a few hours," I admitted and threw my arms around him.

  Ezra snarled and I shoved him down. I swear I heard him yelp in surprise, but for the moment I had a time alone with Sabian.

  He clutched me tightly and I drank in his familiar warmth.

  "You know," he said, "Prince Ezra is right. It's a convenient way for me to feed, and no one is going to be upset with you for any of that."

  I relaxed into him.

  "I'm positive, Chris," he answered my unasked question. "Okay, before he gets upset and freaks out on me later." Sabian released me. "Seriously, do what you need to do. Living with me, well, believe it or not, I try to keep most of it reined in, but my nature is going to leak out, and it is going to affect you." He grinned. "Usually, this is a good thing."

  I sighed, already missing his warmth, but I didn't protest when Ezra surfaced from wherever I'd shoved him.

  "Mal's on his way over, by the way," Sabian said. "We figured you'd probably need to go over to the restaurant at some point, and you're going to need him to get through the wards."

  "Fuck," I grumbled. "This is freaking ridiculous."

  I tend to agree.

  Shut it.

  Amazingly enough, the demon prince didn't have a response to that, and I went back to ignoring him while I made toast.

  Mal showed up a few minutes later and I practically launched myself into his arms, ignoring the grumbling demon prince when Mal pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped myself around Mal and he sank onto the couch holding me against him.

  I lost myself in the press of our lips, the dance of our tongues, and the feeling of being absolutely desired that Mal always managed to convey to me.

  When I finally came up for air, I still didn't release him.

  "Miss me?" He smiled, amusement dancing in his eyes, blackened with lust.

  "Yes." I reluctantly climbed off of my vampire and Ezra sighed in relief.

  I'm a better kisser, you know.

  It's not a fucking competition, and no, you're not.

  Yes, I am.

  Fine, whatever. I hoped he wasn't about to jerk me away into that blank space just to prove his point, but fortunately, I remained firmly in my own thoughts.

  Aaron cleared his throat and I jumped, startled. I'd forgotten about him. "Oh, hey, mate. Want breakfast? I'm making toast."

  Mal gave me a horrified look and headed for the kitchen.

  "Is that what the burning smell is?" Sabian laughed.

  "Okay, so Mal's an amazing cook. Fine. I'll have you know I make a damn good pizza."

  "We're sure you do, Chris, but somehow you're failing at toast." Mal unplugged the toaster, which was, admittedly smelling a bit burnt. Maybe I'd accidently used the bagel setting?

  I put my hands on my hips and glared at Mal.

  "Sure, breakfast would be great. I have to go deal with the insurance company and all that crap this afternoon. Are we still worried about them coming after me?"

  Yes, Ezra supplied.

  "Yep, take Sabian." I glanced at the incubus and he nodded agreement.

  "Okay," Aaron accepted the assignment reasonably easily. He was accepting all of this pretty well, actually.

  He likes you.

  Wait, what?

  You've caught his interest and he likes you. You're getting quite the collection. Angels, demons, vampires. What's next?

  I didn't reply. I'd been trying not to go there in my thoughts about Aaron, but now I had to wrench my thoughts back to the present.

  "Mal, are you busy today?"

  "No. I told Olivia I wasn't available for a bit and she is fine with watching the store. I thought after we went by your restaurant, we should start looking for the occultist."

  "Yeah, let's catch that twatwaffle, and get all of this over with."

  You'll miss me.

  Will I?

  He didn't reply.

  Chapter 17


  Mal grabbed my arm before I could crash into the wards around my restaurant.

  "That might actually cause you harm. Let's not test it."

  I hugged my arms to myself and tried not to flinch away while Mal traced his finger along my forehead in some sort of symbol and muttered under his breath. Since it looked like I was well and truly sucked back into the occult life, I was going to have to get Mal to give me lessons. I was good, but it certainly never hurt to learn from someone better.

  "Okay, you should be good now." Mal turned and headed into the restaurant.

  Hesitantly, I followed. Mayhem trotted along in front of me. The comforting smell of garlic, dough, and marinara hit me and I relaxed my shoulders a bit. I was safe here and this was familiar and comforting, despite the way my life had turned on its head.

  It occurred to me, as I watched the hellhound trot along, that we had never invited Mayhem into anything except my house. How does he get through the wards?

  Canines, felines, most other animals, and children do not have the same rules regarding wards as most everything else. It is a matter of their innocence and how it interacts with the magic. Well, felines simply can't be bothered to acknowledge or care about wards. There are wards that can keep hellhounds out, but they are fairly specific. Unless someone is expecting a hellhound, it likely wouldn't occur to them to use it.

  So, in the case of wards, hellhounds are dogs.



  "Hey boss, what's up with the glasses?" Billy asked when I wandered back into
my office.

  I stuck with the drunken bender story. "Do not try to drink Mal under the table." I groaned and clutched my head. "It is not possible."

  Mal chuckled. "You held your own pretty well."

  At least he could play along with the small lie.

  "Okay, well, you up for looking at some designs?"

  "Sure, Billy. Whatcha got?"

  I spent the next couple of hours catching up on paperwork and approving some designs for the new branding. Ezra was rather horrified, which made me that much happier about the turn my shop decoration had taken. Mal was pleased and we texted Aaron a few of the pictures and got Sabian and his approval, as well. Well, Sabian's, anyway. I wasn't sure how Aaron felt about any of this. I needed to get him alone so we could have a talk soon.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Okay, something is bothering you," I said later when we were driving back toward my place. We had taken Mal's hybrid. He was driving one handed, and I took his free hand and threaded my fingers through his.

  Shut it, I snarled at the demon when I could sense him squirm in protest.

  "What makes you think that?" Mal glanced at me before returning his attention to the road.

  "You've been way quieter than normal."

  He took a breath that he didn't really need, and I knew I was right.

  For a few minutes I wasn't sure he was going to reply, but once we were back in my driveway, he twisted in his seat to face me.

  "I nearly killed you," he said. "It's upsetting me."

  Well, at least he was direct.

  "Mal, I knew what I was doing. I had backup to keep me alive. If I hadn't, I'd have figured something else out."

  "Would you, though?"

  I blinked. He had a point. "Well, I mean, I wouldn't want you to accidently kill me, anyway. I'd probably try to avoid putting you in that sort of circumstance. I'd be dead and I'm sure it would fuck with your head a little bit."

  He raised his eyebrows "A little bit?"

  "A lot?"

  "Yes," he admitted. "You accidently kill people when you first become a vampire. It's almost unavoidable. And I've killed a lot of other people through the years, too, both before I was a vampire and after. I'd rather not add you to the list."


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