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The Nasty Vamp

Page 5

by Gail Koger

  “You’d rape an injured woman?”

  Ian’s eyes blazed with rage. “I’ve never raped a woman and I never will.” He caressed my shoulders. “Seduce, aye.” His hands slid down to my breasts and he cupped them.

  I smacked at his hands. “I’m drinking, okay?” I chugged half of it down. Yuck! Isobel’s concoction tasted like dirty socks.

  “All of it.” His thumbs rubbed my nipples.

  I hurriedly took another swallow and the shocking memory of me drinking his blood hit me. I choked and spewed the nasty stuff all over his chest. “Holy hell, I drank your blood.”

  With an annoyed frown, McGregor wiped at the green stuff dripping down his chest. “You did.”

  “Ben let you, uh, donate to me?”

  “He had no choice, you were dying.”

  Just friggin’ terrific.

  A smile of smug satisfaction curled his mouth. “My blood now flows in your veins.”

  “Blood bond?” To my dismay the question came out as a horrified squeak. I couldn’t be bound to him for all eternity, could I?

  “Aye, for all eternity.” Ian’s tongue licked green stuff off my mouth and a shiver took me. I was in big trouble.

  “Drink the rest of it.”

  I obeyed numbly. I was so screwed.

  McGregor’s amused voice sounded in my head. There will be a lot of screwing involved.

  My temper snapped and I hurled the glass across the room. “You over-sexed bastard, I was shot yesterday and now you want to hump me!?”

  “Your wound has healed sufficiently for me to indulge in a little ‘humping.’”

  I swatted at his hands. “You also promised that together we’d hunt down and kill McCabe.”

  “And we will, but that promise doesn’t cancel your debt to me.”

  “Your stupid cars are more important than finding that monster?”

  “No.” He nibbled his way down my neck.

  Heat uncurled in my stomach. “Wait a minute! Your people were massacred over eight hundred years ago. How come you haven’t found and killed McCabe already? Are you that piss poor of a hunter?”

  His sharp teeth nipped my neck in punishment. “Dominic, his sire, protected him.”

  “Dominic, huh? A two-thousand year old vamp who just happens to be a powerful wizard is a little out of your league.”

  The nasty vamp nipped me again. “My magical abilities are equal to his. I’m merely waiting for the proper time to strike.”

  “Right, can’t be too careful, now can we?” I wiggled frantically as his hand slid down my stomach. “Why make your move now?”

  “Alpin murdered Dominic’s mate.”

  “Oh.” McGregor’s mouth closed over my right nipple. “Oh!” I squirmed as he licked and suckled me. My body bowed as his fangs sank into my breast and a lance of pleasure shot straight to my groin.

  The sneaky vamp’s hands were suddenly everywhere, stroking and caressing my body until I quivered with need. “So very responsive,” he murmured. His lips closed over mine and his tongue thrust into my mouth as he slid a finger deep inside me.

  The bombardment of ecstasy was overwhelming. Oh. My. Um. Stop, I squeaked mentally.

  No. He drove another finger deep inside me and rolled my clitoris with his thumb. Come for me, sweetling.

  And dammit I did. An orgasm of absolute rapture slammed into me and I spontaneously combusted. A million glowing stars exploded across my vision as spasm after spasm shook me.

  His callused hand stroked my back until my rioting senses finally calmed. Wowzer!

  I felt McGregor’s amusement. Wowzer?

  That’s when I realized we were back in his bed and I was sprawled across his massive chest like a street whore. Holy hell! Before I could get my limp muscles to respond, his arms clamped around me and he rolled on top of me.

  “This is where you belong, sweetling.” McGregor’s mouth locked on mine and his decadent tongue slid inside tasting me.

  The world spun away as his clever hands kick started my sex drive and I writhed like a wanton beneath him. His fingers thrust inside me, deeper and deeper. “Oh God! Oh God! Ohhhhh God!” Waves of pure pleasure crashed over me and a scream broke from me as multiple orgasms tore through me.

  McGregor’s hand slid into my hair and he tilted my head back. “That, sweetling, was your first lesson.”

  Limp and boneless, I stared up at him in utter horror. The nasty vamp was turning me into a nymphomaniac.

  “Aye, that I am.” His slow, toe curling kisses wreaked absolute havoc on my senses until my body quivered with need. “Soon you’ll need my touch to survive.”

  Fury roared to life. “Never.”

  “No?” His fingers slid between my legs and with one touch a maelstrom of fire consumed me. Seconds later another brain jelling climax slammed over me.

  “You belong to me. Never forget that.” As his large hands stroked my trembling body, the nasty vamp slid into my head and whispered over and over again, You will obey me.

  “News flash, asshole, that woo-woo shit doesn’t work on me and as soon as I can walk again, I am so going to stake you,” I mumbled before I sank into an exhausted sleep.

  * * * *

  Ben’s angry voice penetrated my sleep hazed mind. “Dammit, I won’t have Ann turned into a mindless whore! She’s too valuable of an asset.”

  My eyes flew open. Mindless whore?! Asset?

  “You have no say in the matter. She’s mine now,” McGregor snapped, carefully shutting the bedroom door. “If you hadn’t wanted me to find her, you shouldn’t have sent that anonymous message giving me her exact location.”

  That low down conniving, sonofabitch had sold me out!

  “It was only a matter of time before Dominic found her. I couldn’t let him take her.”

  “On that we agree.”

  I threw back the bedspread. Color me gone.

  Ian slid into my head and snarled, Go back to sleep.

  To my horror I found myself instinctively obeying him. Crap. The blood bond had given him control over me, but not for long. Closing my eyes, I lay back on the pillow and focused on rebuilding my mental shields.

  The nasty vamp strode back into the room, stared down at me for a long moment and then launched a mental probe.

  Shit! Using every bit of energy I had, I projected utter submissiveness at the suspicious bastard.

  You will not leave this bed until I come for you.

  Fighting back the urge to kick his balls into his throat, I gave McGregor a docile smile. As you command, sire.

  Ian tucked the bedspread around me. Sleep.

  Like an obedient little blood slave I closed my eyes and snuggled into the pillow.

  The nasty vamp dropped a possessive kiss on my mouth and left. Ewww.

  In my mind’s eye, I followed the manipulative jerk to Ben’s office. Hopefully they would kill each other and make my life a whole lot easier.

  The instant I felt him leave my mind, I severed the mental bond and scrambled out of bed. “Like I said, asshole, that woo-woo shit doesn’t work on me.”

  Wrapping a sheet around me, I cautiously opened the door and grinned. Dumb ass hadn’t left a guard. Really big mistake, cause I was blowing this joint.

  Chapter Five

  I made my escape on Ben’s prized 1958 flame red, Duo-Glide Harley Davidson motorcycle. Boys and their toys made for the perfect revenge. Maybe the rotten sonofabitch would think twice before he betrayed anyone else.

  Giving the security camera the one finger salute, I zoomed out of the handy-dandy escape tunnel and sped down the highway, laughing with glee. Free! I was free from all the macho bullshit. Now it was just me and the open road. The wind in my hair and, oh yuck, bugs in my teeth. I spat out the grasshopper parts.

  A blood-curdling howl shattered the night air.

  Crap and a rabid werewolf on my ass.

  The roar of a dozen motorcycle engines sounded behind me.

  Swell. Make that a pack of rabid w
erewolves on my ass

  McGregor’s furious roar ricocheted around my head. Turn that bike around and get your ass back here!

  And a pissed off vamp who wanted my ass. Nope. Not happening. Ever.

  You dare to defy me?

  Being a mindless whore really doesn’t work for me.

  I can, and will force your obedience.

  The menace in his voice sent shivers down my back. You can try.

  With a snarl of fury, the nasty vamp’s mind clamped painfully around mine and he tried to force his way in.

  Putting everything I had into my shields, I hissed at him, I told you that woo-woo shit doesn’t work on me.

  McGregor continued his relentless assault, testing my shields, probing for a weakness. Impressive, sweetling, but they won’t keep me out for long.

  Long enough. I severed our connection. Once I had McCabe’s location, I was outta here.

  One glance at the dozen headlights appearing in my side mirrors and I put the pedal to the metal. The needle on the speedometer slowly crept up to sixty. Okay, maybe the whole revenge thing wasn’t quite working out the way I planned. This crappy antique was no match for the souped-up Hogs the Pack rode.

  I entered the outskirts of Vegas and slowed for a red light.

  A pimply-faced teenager driving a battered Mercury glanced over at me. His head whipped back around as he did a double take and he ran right through a red light. The Mercury was immediately hit by a Ford truck and spun into the front window of an adult bookstore.

  Geezus! The idiot should look where he’s going.

  An old guy in a white Toyota gaped at me, his car careened wildly across two lanes of traffic before slamming into a parked Mercedes. Smoke poured from the engine compartment.

  What was wrong with these people? You’d think they’d never seen a naked lady on a motorcycle before. “For God’s sake it’s Vegas,” I cried.

  “Get off that fucking bike, Ann,” Ben bellowed furiously.

  “Bite me,” I yelled back and hit the gas, barely missing the old guy as he bailed out of his now-burning car.

  Ten seconds later flames engulfed the Mercedes and they both blew, sending flaming debris in every direction.

  “Shit!” A burning tire whizzed towards me. I ducked and it smacked into Ben as he reached for me. His bike fishtailed crazily and down he went, slamming into the Pack and toppling them like dominos.

  I flipped him the bird. “Fuck you.”

  Off I zoomed desperately trying to ignore the rude stares, cat calls and lewd suggestions. What a bunch of potty mouths. How did Bambi put up with it? Oh wait. She liked it. Go figure.

  A spotlight hit me. I glanced up at the news chopper hovering overhead. Great. Now the whole world got to see me naked.

  Red and blue lights flashed in my side mirrors. Busted.

  The cop car pulled along side me and over the loud speaker, the officer commanded, “Pull over.”

  I waved all friendly like. “Hey Dan.”

  Dan’s eyes bugged out. “Bunny?!”

  He slammed on his brakes and was rear ended by a Cadillac who was rear ended by a truck who was read ended by a city bus.

  I was so dead.

  Another police car skidded to a stop and the officer bailed out.

  I gunned it and shot down the sidewalk sending pedestrians running for their lives. “Sorry. Excuse me.”

  A group of men just stood there and ogled my chest.

  Skidding to a stop a scant inch from their toes, I yelled, “Unless you want me to run your sorry asses down, get the hell out of my way.” I revved the engine and bumped them with the front tire. They scattered and I sped off.

  “Nice tits, babe,” One of the men called after me.

  Just kill me now. I whipped down an alley, zipped across Fremont Street and cut through the parking lot of a supermarket. That damned spotlight just kept on following me.

  I wove my way down a trash-filled alley and tore into a parking garage. “Ha! Can’t follow me now can you asshole?” I rode up to the third level and stopped. Now all I had to do was ditch the cops, the helicopter, a bunch of really pissed off werewolves and one master vamp. Piece of cake.

  My psychic senses went on red alert. Speak of the devil.

  Wearing all black, McGregor stepped out of the shadows and tossed a t-shirt at me. “You’ve become quite the exhibitionist.”

  “It was either leave butt-ass naked or stay with a bunch of lying, conniving bastards. Guess which one I chose?” Shuddering at the black fury burning in his gaze, I quickly pulled on the t-shirt. Thankfully, it covered all my parts.

  “Get off the bike.”

  Revving the engine loudly, I snarled, “No.”

  His smile was the scariest thing I had ever seen. I popped the clutch and burning rubber took off.

  McGregor lunged for me.

  I laid the bike down, grinning as he flew over my head and slammed face first into a Lexus, setting off its alarm.

  My grin died as the thunder of a dozen Hogs echoed around the garage. I dragged the bike upright and gunned it as the nasty vamp got to his feet with a roar of pure rage.

  “Please God I could really use a miracle about now.”

  And just like that my prayers were answered. With a loud Bing the elevator doors slid open, revealing a couple fucking in the corner. I rode the bike inside and hit the button for the sub-basement.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Ian bellowed, charging towards me.

  I jabbed the close button. “C’mon. C’mon. C’mon.”

  At the last possible second the doors closed. There was a loud thud as McGregor hit the elevator.

  Down we went with the couple’s moans and groans growing louder and louder. The man’s sexual technique consisted of banging the poor girl against the wall as he slobbered all over her face. Sexy it wasn’t.

  Now if you wanted sexy, McGregor’s kisses could melt your bones. Hooboy and the things he could do with his tongue. I smacked myself in the forehead. What was I doing? I had to stop thinking about that sinful mouth and those clever hands.

  Something heavy landed on top of the elevator. Oh crap. I frantically punched the buttons. “Open. Open. Open.”

  The access door was ripped apart and the nasty vamp glared down at me. “Did you really think you could escape me that easily?”


  Totally oblivious, the couple kept on humping. “Oh yes. Oh yes,” the woman screamed.

  McGregor shot them an incredulous look.

  I shrugged. “It’s Vegas.”

  The nasty vamp peeled back the access door.

  I revved the bike.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ian growled.

  The elevator doors slid open and I gunned it. “Yee-flippin’-haw!”

  About thirty seconds later, a massive arm wrapped around my waist and ripped me off the bike. It continued on and crashed into the side of a stretch limo. I gapped at the Duo-Glide in horror. “Ben’s gonna kill me.”

  The limo driver jumped out. “You fucking bitch!”

  McGregor put the whammy on him. “Apologize. Now.”

  The glassy-eyed driver dropped to his knees. “Sorry lady, I meant no disrespect.”

  Color me surprised. “Apology accepted.”

  “Leave,” Ian commanded.


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