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Misadventures of a City Girl

Page 2

by Meredith Wild

  “You can get there from here,” I say gruffly.

  Her eyes go wide again. “I can?”

  The moonlight glints on her skin. If she’d worn makeup, the springs had washed it away, leaving her natural and bare. She’s definitely pretty. A pert nose and a little bow of a mouth. There’s nothing exotic or stark about her features, but she’s someone who looks perfectly gorgeous with no effort.

  I release my hold on her and jab my thumb in the direction behind me. “It’s just a few yards down the path. You’ll see the lights, and they will lead you the rest of the way.”

  “Thank you,” she says softly, almost too softly to hear if not for the near silence of the woods at night. Gone is the tone she’d given me earlier. How she’d gone from rapture to claiming that she didn’t need rescuing, I didn’t know. But maybe that had been fear talking.

  I wince, because I don’t like the idea of being feared. I’d never hurt her, or anyone. Even if I didn’t want them in my woods. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “Yes, I do. You could have left me there, or…”

  “Or?” I lift an eyebrow, challenging her to say it out loud.

  True enough, I could have done all the things I couldn’t stop thinking about right now. I could have gotten myself between her silky thighs, plunged into her, stretched her pussy around me, and satisfied her in ways those pretty little fingers never would.

  But she doesn’t say any of that. She doesn’t say a word. She only gazes up at me, and for a second I wonder if she can read my thoughts, if somehow this unexpected depravity radiates off me. Then her hands slide up the front of my chest, and I almost forget how to breathe.

  “What’s your name?” Her voice is a whisper now, like she’s hiding from her own words.

  When had a woman touched me last? I can’t fucking breathe.

  “Good night.”

  I push past her, forcing my legs to move me back up the trail. I have to get the hell away from her.

  Chapter Two


  What the hell was that? I asked him a simple question and he stalked off like a savage without so much as a response. He dismissed me like I was the one who’d intruded on his private moment, not the other way around.

  Fueled by anger, I make my way down the trail toward the main house, following the light just as he told me. My legs ache, the strain from the hike making each step feel like it may be my last.

  Leaning forward, I rest my hands on my knees, giving myself a moment to catch my breath. All I can think about is him—the sexy stranger who came out of nowhere and, although he’d watched me, hadn’t wanted to engage.

  The lights from the expansive windows spanning the back of the lodge illuminate the clearing only a dozen yards in front of me. Pushing off my knees, I propel myself forward to the only place I want to be—my room.

  I take a few steps and the memory of touching him stops me. Oh God. I touched him too. Why did I do that? Maybe I misread the look in his eyes before I slid my hand up the front of his chest. The hard muscles underneath my palm felt like steel. He brushed past me and disappeared like I’d offended him in some way.

  As I break through the brush and reach the clearing, I see Indigo standing on the wraparound wooden deck, staring off into space.

  When she spots me, she waves frantically. “Oh my God, Ms. Atwood! We were looking for you.”

  I climb the steps slowly and hold onto the railing to keep my balance. “I didn’t mean to be gone so long.”

  “I almost sent out the search party when you weren’t in your room and didn’t show up at orientation.”

  “Sorry.” I’m not being sincere. The last thing I wanted to do tonight was go to an orientation. I came here to be alone and get away from it all. Not be surrounded by strangers and follow a schedule.

  “It’s okay. I made you an appointment with Vi tomorrow.” She smiles brightly, coming to my side when I finally make it to the main level. “She’s going to give you a private tour of the property. It’s very important to us that our guests have the best experience possible.”

  “Uh, thanks.” My lack of enthusiasm is evident in my voice, but when her smile fades I try to recover. “I appreciate you looking after me, Indigo.”

  She places her hand on my arm and gives it a light squeeze. “We’re only trying to help.”

  “I know. It’s just been a long day.”

  “Well,” she says filled with excitement, “I can make you a nice cup of cocoa to help you relax.”

  “No.” My refusal comes a little too fast, but I’ve hit my limit of happy people for today. “I just need a bath and some sleep. I appreciate the offer though. It’s very kind of you.”

  “All part of the job. If you change your mind, we’re going to be having a campfire starting around nine down there.” She motions to the right side of the clearing where a man is throwing logs into a pit and another is rearranging chairs in a circle. “Stop by maybe. It always helps me sleep.”

  I have a feeling that nothing has kept her up a night in her life. There’s a lightness to Indigo that I wish I could feel again. Something I’m sure I had in my youth, before reality slapped me in the face. “Night, Indigo.” I smile softly.

  “Night, Ms. Atwood. Sleep tight.”

  Restful sleep has eluded me since news of Jeremy’s infidelity graced every gossip rag in town. Some of the more serious news outlets even picked up the story, making the affair inescapable. The incessant phone calls and text messages had kept me awake and unable to move on from the heartbreak with the constant reminder of how I’d been wronged.

  After I make my way to my room and take a shower, I crawl under the covers and stare up at the ceiling. No matter how hard I try, sleep escapes me. The only thing I can think about is the mysterious man in the woods. The asshole who brushed me off. The one I wanted to touch again. What would his bare chest feel like against my palms?

  “Fuck.” I hiss and slam my hands against the mattress.

  I should be pissed at him for watching me, but remembering the look in his eyes when I caught him turns me on. No one has looked at me like that in ages. Living in LA does little for a woman’s ego. Girls barely out of high school are all the rage and everyone else is getting plastic surgery to look more youthful than they really are.

  But he looked at me with pure lust, the same way Jeremy did before he strayed. The mystery man may have stalked off, but I know that he wanted me in that moment. Feeling the familiar, dull ache between my legs, I reach under the covers and touch myself. My eyes seal shut and images of the handsome, mysterious man flood my mind.

  Something about his beauty… His eyes were hooded and rivaled the darkest night sky. Though his eyes were striking, his hair surprised me the most. The dirty blond streaks in his long wild hair matched the honey, tanned skin on his face. Even pulled back into a messy man bun, the look worked for him. His beard, something I’d never found attractive on a man, made his features more pronounced and impossibly more manly.

  Picking up where I left off in the springs, I pretend instead of my own fingers, he is pounding into me. There’s hunger in his eyes as he moans my name. He glides his rugged hands across my skin, scorching my flesh in their wake. I dig my heels into his ass, feeling the clench of his muscles with each pump. I’m unable to control my voice, my moans growing louder with each stroke.

  The orgasm that eluded me earlier hits me hard now. I cry out, working my fingers in and out while rubbing my palm against my clit. My muscles tense as the waves of pleasure crash over me repeatedly and my body twists to one side. When the final crest crashes down, my eyes fly open and I gasp for air.

  “Huh,” I mutter on an exhale, still trying to catch my breath. Never in my life have I come so quickly. Not even after Jeremy spent so much time working me up that I couldn’t even see straight. Even then, it took me at least ten minutes to reach an orgasm that was anything close to earth shattering. But this one, thinking of him, rocked my fucking world. />
  I’m too exhausted to overanalyze the situation. Closing my eyes, I try to clear my mind and focus on the crickets chirping outside my window. But it’s no use. All I see is him.


  The last thing I expected last night was a naked woman, alone, pleasuring herself at the springs. Orientation day at Avalon should’ve been my time to enjoy that slice of the property without worry.

  My grandfather left me the land—over fifty acres of pristine, secluded mountaintop in Northern California. I never planned to make it my home. The site sat abandoned for years with the cabin falling into disrepair. But when my last tour of duty ended, the thought of going back to my old life and being part of civilian society sent me into a tailspin.

  Instead, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this place and made it my home.

  This was supposed to be my escape.

  My haven from the outside world.

  Until she showed up.

  I sit and stare into the fire while I sip my morning coffee. I can’t stop picturing the way her chestnut hair, dampened and wild, clung to her clothing, outlining her breasts. Her perfect breasts. Her perky breasts. Her plump breasts. Think about something else, dumbass. The last time I touched a pair was… Hell, it’s been years.

  Before joining the Navy, I’d had dreams of a normal life. None of them involved living in the woods, high up on a mountain, alone. I always thought I’d have the American dream—get married, buy a house, and fill it with so many kids I’d eventually end up driving a shitty minivan.

  But my time in the military fucked that up. I thought I was prepared for whatever I was going to experience during my enlistment. I’d seen and done things I didn’t want to relive or repeat, but I didn’t have any issues coping until my last tour of duty. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to our assignments. The violence seemed senseless.

  By the time I was discharged as a decorated Navy SEAL, I couldn’t imagine going back to “normal” life. My PTSD was so severe that even the sound of a car backfiring set me off. The only cure was self-imposed isolation.

  I can function around people if I need to. Every now and again I venture into town but never stay long. I know the way everyone else lives, but that’s not my world anymore. I’m better off alone. I prefer the peacefulness of my mountain.

  Typically, my daily chores keep me occupied enough that my mind doesn’t wander. But today all I can think of is the brown-haired beauty with her soft moans and killer tits. I should’ve left as soon as I laid eyes on her, but something about the way the moon glistened off her damp skin kept me glued to the spot. When she cried out, I lost all ability to think straight.

  When she saw me, there was nothing but fear in her eyes. I’d seen that look a million times when I served in the military. I couldn’t take the weight of it again. I couldn’t leave without easing her mind and trying to satisfy my own conscience. I would never hurt her. Violence wasn’t my style or in my nature. I’d sworn to serve and protect, not attack and scare.

  But…I couldn’t deny wanting to lean forward and press my body against hers… Plunge my tongue deep into her mouth. When she touched me, I’d wanted to act upon the fantasy, but then reality set in.

  How could she be so frightened one minute and touching me the next? She had looked like she wanted me to kiss her… Of course I did the only thing that felt right—I ran.

  The contact had shocked me.

  Completely rocked me to my core.

  Like a fucking asshole I turned my back on her, leaving her to fend for herself. I shouldn’t have left her, but I didn’t ask for company. Fuck. If she didn’t make it back, Vi, Lou, and an entire search party would be canvassing the area, looking for her. I groan into my mug and regret leaving her to find her own way back. But it’s been over ten hours and no one has knocked on my door. The likelihood that she survived is pretty high, right?

  Over the next ten minutes, I push her out of my thoughts and make a mental list of the chores I have to get done today. Living the way I do takes planning, time, and most of all, effort. I don’t run to the store for groceries. I grow my own food and raise my own livestock. Something as simple as heating my cabin has to be done by my hands. I spend hours a day chopping wood so when winter hits I’ll have enough to get me through the season.

  I toss my coffee cup in the sink and stare out the window that faces Avalon. It’s a tiny speck in the distance, but it reminds me of her. When a fantasy of her moaning my name starts to take hold, I shake the thought from my head.

  “Get a grip, Luke,” I say. She’s invaded my thoughts enough.

  I head out into the crisp morning air, feed the chickens and other animals, and start on my daily task of splitting wood. The last thing I want is to be idle.

  Sexual frustration courses through my veins, barely waning with every strike of the axe. I grip the handle tighter, swinging harder as she flashes through my mind. Images of her naked and the sounds of her moaning flood me like a seductive slide presentation only my sex-deprived mind could dream up.

  Turning my face toward the sun, I wipe away the sweat that’s starting to trickle down my temples. I silently curse my body and the woman who has worked her way inside my head. Even with my flannel unbuttoned, the cool morning air feels like a furnace blowing across my skin. Everything about my body is alive and burning with desire. My cock has stiffened to the point that I can barely think straight. Something has to be done about it before I end up cutting off my leg because I’m so fucking distracted.

  I throw down the axe and stalk toward the cabin. I kick off my jeans and leave them on the bearskin rug in front of the fire before collapsing with a huff into my favorite chair. I grip my cock roughly. I give it a squeeze to settle it down and quench the dull ache that’s plagued me since last night.

  I lift my hips, chasing my hand with each stroke. The orgasm inside me builds with each pump of my fist. To get me there faster, I close my eyes and picture the moonlight sparkling off her naked flesh like a thousand diamonds set ablaze. I need this. I want this. I can almost feel her mouth wrap around the tip of my cock, languidly licking it as she moans in appreciation.

  I grip hard. Pump faster. Straining to reach the orgasm that’s just out of my grasp. Every time I get near, it eludes me. A tease within me—just like her.

  “Hello,” a voice says.

  My heart stops, slamming against my chest like a truck hitting a brick wall at full speed.

  My eyes fly open, and what do I see?

  The object of my desire.

  Chapter Three


  I blink several times. There’s too much to take in. The completely rustic interior of the cabin I’ve discovered at the end of the trail. The mountain of a man sitting only a few feet away, holding his massive cock in his hand. His golden skin glows and glimmers with sweat.

  I’m shocked by what I see, and instantly aroused. I must be losing my ever-loving mind because my first instinct is to cross the room, strip off every stitch of my clothing, and impale myself on that glorious beast.

  I blink again and swallow hard, but the fantasy doesn’t go away. The man’s gaze is hard and fixed on mine. He hasn’t moved. His breathing is ragged, but he’s frozen the fierce pumping motions on his cock.

  An hour ago, feeling restless and no more ready to join the hippy club at the retreat center, I’d resolved to retrace my steps last night in the daylight. If I was going to respect nature as he’d wisely advised, I would have to get to know the trails better. So I’d followed the path to the springs, and then farther up the mountainside until I noticed the modest log-frame cabin set in a small clearing.

  The door was open, inviting me in. Like a fool, I’d barged right in on the beautiful stranger from last night. The irony isn’t lost on me that he’d caught me in the same precarious position only hours earlier. Maybe I should relish leaving him as frustrated as he’d left me, but I can’t deny wanting to witness his pleasure.

  A sharp pang
of desire hits me between my legs when I imagine his release. Then I remember the way thoughts of him finished me off last night, and I wonder if he'd been thinking of me just now. My nipples harden painfully under my T-shirt, and despite the cooler air at this altitude, I’m heating up.

  We exist in this silent standoff for what feels like several minutes, but might only be seconds. I can’t keep count between the uneven beats of my heart and the fierce pulsing of all my pleasure centers. All the places I want this man’s touch on me.

  As if he can read my torrid thoughts, he makes the first move. A slow and languid slide of his fist along the length of his cock. My lips fall open. I lick them absently, noting how dry my mouth suddenly is. When I lift my gaze to his tan, rugged face, his clear blue eyes are trained on my lips. I lick them again, trapping my lower lip between my teeth. His lids lower slightly and his pace increases. In that moment, I realize my thoughts and whatever body language I’ve given off must have been loud as hell. We’re in the midst of the most sexually intense silent conversation I’ve ever had in my life. And then I end it.

  “I want you.” The words rasp past my lips.

  Before I can think about how insane I am or how desperate I sound, he’s on his feet. His red flannel shirt flutters around his narrow waist before he pulls it off and stalks toward me, gloriously naked.

  I take a small step back against the threshold, because he’s huge in every way—his height and breadth, his fucking impressive girth, never mind the energy that seems to glow in a fiery ball all around him, threatening to consume me the closer he gets.

  In another second, his arm circles my waist as he shoves the door closed with the other, trapping us inside the cabin. The only light comes through two windows cut into either side of the one-room house. I’m curious about the dwelling, but the sex god who dwells here demands all of my attention.


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