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Wombstone (The Vampireland Series)

Page 18

by Jessica Roscoe

  “So, whatcha been up to? You must have done something other than run and miss me.” Jared looked exhausted.

  The air was humid, and I could practically feel the positive charge in the approaching storm. Lightning cracked in the distance and I had a horrible flash of falling, of the way my face smashed into the ground two stories below, of the way I pleaded with Ryan not to inject his vampire blood into my veins. My happiness at seeing Jared was instantly engulfed by the abyss of sorrow inside me. I had died. While he was surfing and swimming and missing me, I had died. And now I was something else – someone else – entirely.

  “I’ve had the worst flu,” I lied, slouching back in my seat. It was eighty odd degrees outside, but I wrapped my hands in my sweater sleeves and tried not to cry. “I’ve been watching a lot of HBO, actually. I'm a lame tourist.”

  “Well, at least you have plenty of time to find your feet. You're here for the long haul, right?”

  “Right,” I answered uneasily. Because I wasn't going home to put my family and friends in danger.

  Jared looked pensive. “Are you…okay?” he asked after a few moments.

  “I’m– fine,” I stumbled. “Why? Do I not seem okay?”

  He furrowed his eyebrows. “You just seem ... different. Your voice – you don't sound like you. You look sad or something.”

  I felt my face fall, and I let out the breath I'd been holding. He was probably planning to stay for the weekend. How was I going to keep it together when I couldn't even look at him for ten seconds without wanting to scream about how fucking unfair my life was?

  “I just really miss you,” I said honestly. “I miss everyone. I miss home. I'm lonely sometimes. This isn't what I thought it would be like, you know? And I'm so glad you're here right now – but I'm already missing you because I know you probably have to leave on Sunday.”

  I looked away from him then, embarrassed at my vulnerability, my nakedness.

  “Mia,” he said gently, taking both of my clammy hands and squeezing them affectionately. “I miss you already. You're all I think about. All I want to do is quit Ithaca and live illegally in your dorm room.”

  That made me laugh.

  “But,” he continued, “it’s only a few years and we can be together all the time. Wherever you want. We'll get awesome jobs and live on the beach somewhere. It'll be epic.” He rolled his eyes, making a sweeping gesture with one hand as he said the last word. I had a bad habit of describing everything as epic, and he always teased me for it.

  “It just seems like forever,” I said lamely, my voice cracking under the strain of my secret burden. Forever.

  “Give it time,” he replied, kissing my forehead, long and lingering. “If you're still not happy next semester – but you will be – then come home. You can live illegally in my dorm room.”

  Laughter died inside my throat and I gasped as a face appeared in my window. I jumped, shrinking back in horror. We'd been followed. It had to be Caleb. And now poor Jared was going to be dragged into the whole sorry–assed affair that had become my life as a vampire.

  We were so screwed.


  I let my breath out in a whoosh as Evie smiled through the glass back at me. I unlocked my door and got out, wrapping Evie in a bear hug whilst carefully not smooshing her to death. “You scared the shit out of me!” I said happily, relief slamming into me like a freight train. All the nervous adrenalin circling my body had nowhere to go, and I let out another excited squeal as I released my hug and stepped back to study my best friend.

  I don't know how I knew that something was up, but I just knew. Call it my vamp sense, but I felt the smile slip from my face as Evie regarded me with concern.

  “I'll go pay the ticket,” Jared called as he got out of the car and started walking towards a lit up pay station about fifty yards away.

  “Okay,” I said. I turned back to Evie and swallowed nervously. I had no words. I felt utterly exposed. I may as well have had VAMPIRE written across my forehead in a poor college boy’s blood.

  Moments passed.

  “I thought you were dead,” she said finally, in a tight voice that betrayed her fear.

  “Why are you afraid?” I asked desperately. “Evie, it's me!”

  “Do you know what I am?” she asked me quietly, nervously scanning the parking lot. I glanced over to see Jared having problems with the pay station. From a hundred yards away, I could hear the coins being spat back out of the slot and an automated voice notifying him to go to the next station to pay.

  “You're a girl from Jersey,” I answered stupidly, hopping from one foot to another. Why was she looking at me like that?

  “I'm a witch, Mia,” she said, her voice still razor–like. “I know what you are. You’re different now.”

  I sagged against the car, looking at the ground as tears welled up in my eyes. “Okay. So what am I?”

  She didn't want to say it. Her face softened, and she started to cry as well. “I'm sorry I left you alone in the parking lot, Mia. I could feel those vampires – I was trying to draw them away from you. I thought they wanted me. I had no idea it was you they were after.”

  I gasped in horrified disbelief at what she was saying. That she had known Ryan and the others were there before me. That maybe if we had carpooled that night, none of this would have happened. “You knew they were there?”

  She nodded ruefully. “A vamp followed me all the way home. I didn't realize until the next day when you wouldn't pick up my calls that – that they had taken you. I've been looking for you ever since, but someone's put a spell on you that makes you impossible to track down.”

  Ivy's spell, to protect me from Caleb's trackers, must have also kept Evie from locating me. Ryan silently confirmed this through the bond, irritating me. He just couldn’t stay out of my head for five minutes, and it was driving me insane.

  I glanced over at Jared again, who was still struggling at the second pay station, when a thought suddenly occurred to me.

  “You're not doing that,” I said quietly. “Are you?”

  Evie looked over at Jared, and suddenly he was walking back towards us, looking a little frustrated. “I had to get you alone somehow,” she replied. “I broke his car so my flight would get here before he did. I didn't know he was bringing your car.”

  “Why did you come here?” I asked suddenly, desperate to know more before Jared joined us.

  “I missed my bestie,” Evie replied cagily. “Besides, I couldn’t let you eat your boyfriend by accident, could I?”

  “I’m glad you came,” I said honestly, ignoring the part about eating Jared. “I've missed you so much, Evie. So much has happened. So much crazy shit has happened.”

  Jared was almost at the car.

  “Why didn't you just call me sooner, Mia?” Evie asked, the hurt obvious on her face. “I could have helped you. I could have been here with you. You didn't have to go through this by yourself.”

  I shrugged, pain settling in at my temples. Yeah, why hadn't I just called her, or someone, anyone?

  Because I was scared, that's why.

  “They told me not to. They said I'd be putting you in danger if I contacted you. The vampire who took me – he's still looking for me.”

  Evie looked confused, but the moment was lost as Jared handed me the validated parking ticket and grabbed Evie's suitcase, lugging it around to the back of the car and opening the tail.

  “Later,” she said to me, her voice lighter. “We'll talk, you and me. About everything.”


  We picked up burgers and fries at a drive–thru not far from the airport and took the food back to Ivy's house. I was hoping beyond hope that the wards were not up, that Ryan had thought to call ahead and get Ivy to disarm her psychic gate lock. Jared turned the car into the driveway with one smooth motion, and I let out a relieved breath when the gate slid open and we glided into the driveway without resistance.

  Ryan had overtaken us a few streets back, a
nd his car was already in the garage when we parked in front of the door. I sensed him in the house and reached my mental tendrils out to him.

  Please don’t come out, I begged Ryan through the bond. I have enough explaining to do without you, too.

  Alright, Your Highness. Sam and Ivy are out, you’ve got the run of the house.

  Thank you, I replied silently. Small favors and all that.

  “Who did you say you were staying with again?” Jared asked innocently.

  “Oh, just some people from the track team,” I lied. I felt terrible about being dishonest, but what was I supposed to say? “The dorms aren’t available until next month.”

  “Nice house,” Jared said, obviously impressed.

  The door was unlocked, and I ushered them both inside. Evie looked positively sick, I guessed from all the magic she could sense. I could feel it and I wasn’t a witch, so she must have been positively swimming in spells and the smell of herbs and potions. And probably blood. I know I could smell the sweet stench of the red gold in the refrigerator. Maybe she could, too.

  We all ate quickly and silently at the outdoor table, overlooking the pool. I had almost set up plates and napkins in the lounge room, but decided against it at the last minute. I didn’t want to sit with Jared on the same couch where I had kissed Ryan, and I sure as hell didn’t want to sit at the kitchen table where It had happened. As I shovelled fries into my mouth I couldn't help but notice Evie studying the way I ate, the way I looked at Jared, the way I kept glancing nervously towards the hallway where I knew Ryan was eavesdropping on everything we said.

  I excused myself when it became clear that Ryan wanted to talk to me.

  “Hi” I said casually.

  “Are you okay?” Ryan's concerned voice irritated me instantly.

  “I'm fine,” I said tightly. “You need to stop chattering in my head. Jared is getting suspicious because you keep distracting me. I'll talk to you later.”

  “I'm coming out,” Ryan responded.

  “What?” I said, alarmed. “No. You can't. Do not come out of this house.”

  “Chill out, babe. I'm not going to crash your little reunion. I just want to see the witch, that’s all.”

  “Why?” I hissed. “You got a thing for witches?”

  Oh, that’s right, he did. He just smiled with nauseating fake sweetness.

  “Spoken like a true stalker,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Don't come out.”

  “I love you, too!” Ryan sang in a high–pitched girl’s voice.

  When I got back to the kitchen, Evie was sitting at the table alone, and looking at me as if she'd heard the whole conversation. I looked at the kitchen table and cringed inside. “Where's Jared?” I asked, scanning the room.

  “Asleep,” Evie replied casually. “In your room. Well, I assumed it was your room? The first one off the hallway. It has all your stuff in there. It looks pretty nice for a prison.”

  I hadn’t even heard either of them come inside. Which was weird for a vampire, but still. I had been distracted.

  “How is he asleep?” I demanded. “I was gone for, like, two minutes at the most.”

  Evie smiled indulgently. “I put him to sleep,” she said. Magic. Of course. I was surrounded by it, and up until a few weeks ago, I hadn’t even known it existed.

  “Well, that’s probably a good thing,” I said, although I was pained at the sudden loss of his presence so soon after seeing him again.

  “So,” Evie said, all businesslike. “We have a few hours before Mr. Tired Eyes wakes up. Tell me everything.”

  I hardly needed convincing. I hesitated for a split second, then opened my mouth and let everything out in one long go.

  I told her. In a voice barely above a whisper, I let open the floodgates and told her every single thing that had happened to me since the last time we had seen each other, the night that I was kidnapped. In some parts, I cried alone; in other parts, like when I told her of my death and rebirth, we cried together.

  Except for the night with Ryan. I couldn't say those words, not to anyone. I would die with the events of that night – at least the ones I remembered – locked away in the deepest recesses of my soul.

  When I was finished, and I had no more words, I looked at the clock in the kitchen to see that more than two hours had passed. Exhausted, I rose from the table and rubbed my grit–filled eyes. Stumbling across the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator and fished out a bottle of ‘tomato juice’. I didn't really feel like it but I knew I probably wouldn't have another chance until Jared left, and I'd never gone three days without blood before. I decided not to nuke the blood, happier when it didn't taste like it had just come out of some poor human's neck as they struggled for their life. It was cold, oddly refreshing, but it left an awful metallic taste in my mouth.

  I could feel myself being watched and turned to face Evie, dragging my palm across my face to make sure there was no blood left on my lips.

  “Do you like it?” she asked quietly, looking at the red–rimmed bottle. It wasn't like she was just talking about the bottle. It was as if she was asking me if I enjoyed being a vampire.

  “No,” I snapped. “I don't. Do you like using magic to make my boyfriend pass out?”

  Evie blinked, took a step back. I felt my shoulders sag as I realized the compulsion had been coming through in my voice. “I'm sorry,” I added hastily, shaking my head.

  “It's okay,” Evie said. “Your compulsion doesn't work on me.”

  “You know,” I said, turning to rinse the bottle in the sink, “you haven't told me anything about you being a witch. Is it a family thing?”

  She didn't answer; and when I turned back, I understood why. I felt the color drain from my face as I locked eyes with my maker.

  “I told you to leave us alone,” I said in a murderous tone.

  Ryan, as arrogant as ever, leaned against the bench, where he'd evidently been languishing without either of us hearing. He was that good.

  “Your little boyfriend is still fast asleep,” Ryan said lightly, waving his hand. “Surely Evangeline doesn't mind my company? I mean, now that she knows everything about us?” He shot a nasty glance at me, and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief at his accusing stare.

  “She’s my best friend,” I said defensively. “I tell her everything. Including what a dick you are.”

  “Thank you,” he replied mockingly. “I've always measured my self–worth on how teenage girls perceive me.” He looked from me to tight–lipped Evie, who wasn't saying a thing.

  “Can't you just leave me alone for one night?” I asked him, exasperated. “I'm not going to die. And if I do, I promise it’s not your fault.”

  “I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Evie said slowly, staring Ryan in the eye. I saw power flare yellow in Ryan's eyes as he attempted to subdue her mentally. He reached his hand closer and brushed her cheek – and incredibly, a white–hot spark extended from her skin, burning Ryan's fingers. He drew back with vampire speed, wrapping his unharmed hand around his smoldering fingers. Suddenly, the kitchen stank like burnt flesh.

  “I knew fire was your element,” he said, a devilish grin breaking out on his smug face. “The personality gives it away every time.”

  “Well, look how smart you are,” she said icily. “And what kind of vampire are you? The order of Elijah tattoo doesn't look like it suits your personality at all.” She gestured to the intricate pattern of black wings and symbols etched around Ryan’s wrist.

  Ryan was definitely intrigued by my apparent witch best friend. “Do tell,” he pressed her. “What kind of personality do I have?”

  “I know you were following me,” she hissed. “For months, I knew there were vampires. And then you took a poor human girl who couldn't even put up a fight? Why not take me and at least keep life interesting?”

  Ryan's asshole facade dropped slightly, and I felt his confusion through the bond. “I didn't follow you,” he replied, as he looked her up and down. “Though I would fo
llow you, don't get me wrong.”

  “Bullshit!” Evie's voice was getting louder. “I know you were there. I had a vampire tailing me since Christmas last year.”

  “It wasn't him,” I said. “He’s confused. He's trying to cover that up because he's a dick, but he doesn't know what you're talking about.”

  Evie looked at me like I had grown a second head. “You believe him?” she asked in a horrified tone. “You think he's telling you the truth, Mia?”

  “He never tells me the whole truth,” I said to her while I stared at him. “But I can tell when he's lying. It's part of the bond.”

  “Great. A fucking vampire bond. Well, I'm going to bed.” She flounced into the empty bedroom next to mine, where I had put her bags. A minute later, she poked her head out of the room and addressed Ryan directly. “Oh, and if you try to bite me while I'm asleep, vampire boy, I'll rip your heart out and feed it to a troll.”

  He smiled and blew a kiss at her. She slammed the door in response.


  Ryan and I studied each other uneasily across the kitchen bench.

  “She’s here to take you home,” Ryan said seriously.

  “Well, wouldn’t you do the same if you were her?” I replied in a voice barely above a whisper. “She thinks it’s her fault that I’m here.”

  Ryan shrugged. “So what are you planning on telling her?”

  I set my jaw stubbornly and didn’t answer.

  “You’re going?” Ryan asked, his tone carefully neutral, his eyes flashing with frustration.

  “Caleb doesn’t even care about me” I hissed, careful not to wake up Jared who was still asleep in my bed fifteen feet away from where we stood. “Have you ever thought that maybe he just wants that goddamned heart back?”

  Ryan looked taken aback, and I felt anger rise inside me as his reaction confirmed my growing suspicion.

  “Give me one good reason why I should stay,” I demanded. “Now. Or I’m leaving tonight.”


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