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The Warrior's Heart

Page 10

by Sable Grey

  “Neither of you are weak at all, and she has less vulnerability than you think.” Viktor gently urged her to lift her leg so he could remove one boot then the other. “Before she left, she came to my room.”

  Jolan’s eyes widened and she kicked at him causing him to look up startled. “You lay with my mother?”

  He suddenly grinned. “She is very beautiful.” He laughed when she kicked at him again and caught her leg, before sliding his hands up her calf. “Calm yourself. I am not that weakened by a woman. She did not come to me on her own behalf but rather on yours. Your eyes reveal everything you think, Prinţesă, and jealousy does not rest well in their depths.”

  Jolan lifted her chin. “It is not jealousy that you see but the threat of using my dagger on your throat had you taken advantage of my mother,” she snapped.

  “Do you not wish to know what she came to me to say?” He rocked forward onto his knees, his hands sliding up and over her hips, his fingers seeming to burn through the chill on her skin. She nodded when he looked up and listened as he relayed her mother’s command.

  “Cloelia and Dragomir made the arrangement while I was still in the womb?” Jolan pushed his hands away when they lifted to her breasts and turned to face the fire. “Cloelia had no feelings at all for me. She never did. I have been a fool.”

  “How could you know her plan?” Viktor argued as he rose and stepped behind her.

  “I regret you did not kill her when you had the chance.” Jolan frowned at the flames. “If she ever returns to Maethi, I will have her beaten to death.”

  “You grow more vicious by the passing hour,” Viktor murmured as he bowed his head next to hers and kissed her ear. “I fear your bloodlust is stronger than my own.” His tongue sent a hot shiver down her spine as he licked at her earlobe.

  “You are using me again,” she turned her head to look at him, “to draw Dragomir to you.”

  “I am.”

  “Yet you refused to be used yourself.”

  Viktor turned his face into her hair and breathed in deeply. “Have you not used me too, Prinţesă? I bore a witches brew to save you her abuse. I wait for your command to have you rather than taking what I burn to have as I wish. You know that you control whatever we do when we are together and I am not a man to give over such control. Is that not enough to ease your anger at me?”

  “It is not.” She faced him.

  “What more do you want?”

  “I want your protection.” She watched his eyes lower to her breasts, distracted by her.

  “You have always had that, Prinţesă. Even as I use you now, I will not allow you to come to harm.”

  Jolan shook her head. “I do not mean for me. I mean I wish you to protect Maethi as if it were your own family that lived there. Your weakness is not women. Your weakness is your family and it makes you stronger. I want that strength for those of Maethi.”

  His gaze lifted. “My brothers, ten of my own men, and a horde of Mongolians will not allow any army, Moroi or man, to bring harm to your home. As I am charged to protect you, I protect every extension of you.”

  Jolan suddenly breathed out. He’d not told her what was said to the Mongolians to allow them pass without bloodshed. Now she realised his plan fully and relief filled her. She sank to her knees as the sobs she’d stifled since Tibor’s death erupted abruptly. Instantly, Viktor was at her side but she could not stop. Her cries became harder as she released her sorrow.

  “What have you done to her?” Alger’s voice boomed across the great hall as his heavy steps carried him quickly to their side.

  “I’ve done nothing,” Viktor snapped.

  “She is weeping.”

  “I can see that, brother.”

  “She is naked,” Alger continued.

  “Also something I am aware of.”

  “Then why is she weeping unless you have forgotten what to do with a naked woman?”

  “I have not forgotten….By the Gods, brother, if you do nothing but accuse me then you are of no more use than an old woman!”

  Through her heartache laughter formed. “Stop.” She spoke between chuckles. “He has done nothing but what I have asked of him.” She looked up at Alger through her tears as he knelt next to them.

  “You are certain? I will run him through myself if he has brought you pain.”

  She reached up and touched his beard. “Underneath all your fur, you really are just a gentle wolf, aren’t you?” Alger slanted a glance at Viktor when he laughed, then stood. He turned quickly as if embarrassed and stamped back the way he came.

  “If you do not be careful, Prinţesă, you will bewitch him into believing he wants you for himself,” Viktor warned.

  “And what do you want?” She wiped her eyes and watched his gaze lower to her breasts.

  “I want in you.”

  Jolan’s breath caught but he did not touch her. “Then take what it is that makes you burn.” She gasped when he moved lightening quick, grabbing her and pulling him to him. His mouth captured hers and his tongue thrust between her lips. Her body forgot its chill when he pushed her to the floor and he pulled at the ties of his leggings. His urgency ignited her, brought an ache to her sex to fill him inside of her. He settled between her knees and he pushed his fingers into her. His need for her had wet her and she could see the surprise and gratitude in his eyes as he removed his hand and nudged his cock into her cunt. She squeezed her muscles around him, enjoying the deep groan that vibrated in his throat.

  “By the Gods, woman, you shall make me mad for you.” He thrust deeply and she arched against him.

  “Fuck me, Viktor,” she commanded and slid her arms around him when he leaned over her. His hips rocked back and forth, pushing himself in and out of her while his eyes remained locked with hers. Heat bloomed inside of her and reached down to pull tension taut in her sex. Leaning forward, she bit at him hard, again when he sucked in his breath. She knew he liked it and his movements quickened as he thrust into her.

  “Harder,” he rasped and she obliged that half growl arousing her to the brink of rapture. She bit down as pleasure exploded over her, crying out against his skin. He shouted as his hips jerked against hers and she released him, body rising against his as she fisted her hands in his hair. She was aware of the change in his eyes, saw his canines extend over his lip but lost in pleasure, she didn’t care. Wave after wave fell over her, trembled through her whole body. His hips continued rocking into her, never losing rhythm as he threw back his head, baring his teeth. The muscles of his neck tightened and she felt him release, the heat of his seed filling her.

  He fell forward, his weight on his hands at either side of her head, labouring breath pumping his chest. If she had been a Halfling she was certain she would be no different than he, for her whole body throbbed from the aftermath of pleasure. Her fingers loosened from his hair and she slid her hand to his cheek, then to his mouth, brushing her fingers against the sharp points of his teeth.

  “You are not frightened, Prinţesă.”

  “I would not have been if you’d told me in Maethi.” She lifted one of his hands to examine his claws then settled them between her breasts. “I have never feared you, Viktor.”

  “I must warn you, Prinţesă, when you bite me as you do it makes me want to claim you as my own. I wish to bite you back and if I did so it would bond you to me for always.” He shook his head. “You weaken me so that I am lost inside of you and cannot think to slow. I warn you now in case I lose myself again.”

  Jolan blinked. “Bite me back?”


  “With those teeth? I certainly would stab you in the throat if you tried that. I do not wish pain.”

  He laughed deeply. “Pain only at first, then the most exquisite pleasure you could imagine.” His tongue slid over his teeth. “But you would have no freedom to choose another afterwards. It would make you mine forever. I wish to spare you that when you’ve had so very little freedom in your life.”

e you bitten many women like that?”

  “I have not bitten any woman like that.”

  “Then why do you wish to bite me?” She rested her hands on his chest. “Alger told me you liked me. Why would you wish to do that to me?”

  “Because I lo…” he stopped, then lowered his face to nuzzle her neck. “I do like you very much, Jolan. It is why I warn you of me.”

  She slipped her arms around him and held him to her. She knew he was going to say love. It had been there on his lips, in his eyes. But she could not accept his love. Not as long Dragomir was alive and Maethi threatened. He seemed to know that and had stopped, and she was grateful for his understanding—for sparing them both her rejection.

  “Let’s get you into your clothes before Alger comes back convinced he must show me what to do with a naked woman.”

  Jolan bit her lip as he pulled from within her and readjusted the ties of his leggings. She stood and allowed him to dress her then wrap the blanket around her. She sat when he guided her to the chair next to the hearth but her body had been warmed so that no chill lingered.

  “Do you mean to share me with him before Dragomir arrives?” She asked and his brow rose as he settled on the floor and took up her feet so he could rub at them.

  “I mean to have you any way you will allow me to have you before I kill that bastard.” He leant forward and kissed at her toes. “If it is not your wish, then I will take my fill of you alone.”

  “If I gave my consent?”

  She saw his nose flare slightly. “Then we shall both take our fill.”

  “You do wish to share me with him.” She pulled her foot from his hands and leant forward. “Why?”

  “We are brothers as both man and wolf. Our appetites are the same and when we share, the pleasure is higher.” He lay back on the floor, tucking his hands beneath his head. “I am man but the wolf leads my senses. As brothers we feel—deeply—of one another’s pleasures and pain.”

  She tilted her head. “You mean he knows when you and I have lain together?”

  He nodded. “Because he, as have my other brothers, felt my pleasure.”

  Jolan leant back against the chair, not knowing how she felt about that. It was as if she’d been shared anyway. She looked to the door and her eyes widened.

  “Just now?”

  “Heinrich has most likely found his wife and some poor serving maid was dragged into a corridor by Alger.” He chuckled.

  “And your sister?”

  “She’s too young yet. And she is not of the same mother. Though we love her as much as if she were, her bond with us is not as pure.”

  She chewed at her lip. “And you feel your brothers as they do with their women what we have done?”

  “I do.” His lips twisted with a grin. “There is that jealousy again.” She nudged his thigh with her toe in a mock kick.

  “It is much to realise. If what you say is true, it is almost as if I have lain with your brothers already. Have you no secrets of your own?” Jolan watched him shake his head, still grinning. “That is why you say you do not like lies. You never knew any in your family. I envy you that. It seems everything I ever believed was not truth at all.”

  A clap of thunder vibrated through the walls and Viktor growled, “I hate the rain.”

  “I am often fearful of storms. Cloelia used to tell me they carried evil that could taint my body.” She frowned as she remembered the scrubbings she’d received the morning after a night storm, of how her skin would burn and remain reddened for hours after the bath was over.

  “Come,” Viktor rose from the floor and held his hand out. “You should eat something for if Alger doesn’t finish with that woman soon, I’ll be dragging you to my bed on an empty stomach.” She slid her fingers into his and allowed him to lead her through the castle to the kitchen where Ilona and her daughter were waiting.

  Ilona made no mention of what she surely knew had taken place, rising to serve them each a hot bowl of stew. “It is rabbit,” Ilona beamed. “Kata has become a better hunter than even you, Vik.”

  “That is because she has the eyes of a raven.” He winked at Kata and she smiled. Jolan watched the girl wait for her brother to taste the stew and smiled when Viktor made a production of how good it tasted. He was softer than she’d known him to be and she was thankful to see him with his family. Her gaze rose to Ilona to find the woman watching her.

  “Alger said you fought against Mongols.”

  Jolan shook her head. “Only one and poorly.”

  “She struck him with her sword and her dagger and both blades bore his blood.” Viktor spoke around a mouthful.

  “That is where you received that bruise?”

  Viktor nodded when Jolan touched her face. She’d forgotten how discoloured her face must be, since the pain of the strike had long left her.

  “Right before I ran him through.”

  Ilona looked at Viktor. “How many of ours perished?”

  “Eleven,” Viktor answered and Jolan stared at him as he began naming off those that had perished. “I’ll go to their families in the morning.”

  “That was only ten.” Kata shook her head. “You said eleven.”

  “Tibor was the eleventh that fell,” Viktor took Jolan’s hand. “And his already know that he fought bravely.”

  “How many of Dragomir’s perished?” Ilona pressed.

  “None by Mongolian sword. All by ours except for one who rode ahead. Eckkhard, Odo, and Geld.” Viktor named them.

  “And Ewan.” Jolan saw his fingers fist on the table’s surface.

  “Yes, and Ewan, though I wish I had not spilled his blood so quickly.” He pushed his bowl away. “I would have Tibor live so that he could have run Ewan through with his last breath.” Violence shook through his words, surprising Jolan.

  “I am grateful Tibor did not know what he’d done.”

  “Had he known he would have killed him years ago himself,” Viktor countered. “Had I known, I would have handed him to your father in pieces.”

  “It happened long ago,” Jolan whispered though she did appreciate his anger against what had been done to her. “And while it was unwanted he was not cruel.”

  Viktor shot to his feet and stepped back, grasping his sister and pulling her forward. “Look at her. She is the same age.”

  Jolan’s throat closed as she looked at Kata’s young face, watched her look up at her brother then back to Jolan, clearly confused. She had been a girl like Kata.

  “Would I hate any less just because he did not strike at her when he did as he wished?” Viktor demanded and Jolan shook her head. “Would your father cared that it was his own brother had he known?” Again she shook her head. Satisfied, he returned to his chair, allowing Kata to return to hers.

  “He deserves a thousand deaths and I hope that crone found her way to Dragomir to tell him that I had lain with you, for if she did, your mother will not worry if I killed the bitch or not. I will wager my life she had not a drop of blood left in her veins to give strength to another thought she had of you before she died.”

  Silence followed his words and Jolan could no longer swallow stew over the lump in her throat. She rose from her chair and moved to stand behind Viktor. Her hands shook as she touched his shoulders, feeling the rage tensed in his muscles. She bent forward and kissed the top of his head. Instantly he reached up and grasped her arms, pulling them down around him.

  “As long as I have breath in me, no one will ever again use you as they did,” he murmured.

  “You needed to be a wolf, Viktor. Your heart is too big for just a man,” Jolan spoke against the top of his head. Ilona smiled and nodded.

  “That it is.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “This is your last chance to run, brother. I warn you, she bites.” Viktor grinned. Alger pushed the door closed and moved into the room.

  “I have suffered long enough because of you two. You could not beat me from this room.” Alger tugged his tunic over his hea
d as Viktor chuckled. Already shed of his clothes, Viktor’s gaze moved to Jolan and she turned to watch Alger discard his quickly. Her gaze dropped to his cock then darted to Viktor.

  “More similar than you suspected?” He arched a brow.

  “I do not know what to expect,” she admitted. Her heart pounded in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Viktor rose to stand behind her, pulling her hair around so he could kiss her jaw while Alger reached for her hand and brought her palm to his lips. His beard scratched against her fingers. The air in the room seemed to thicken as he worked his way up her arm. Still holding her wrist, he leant forward and licked at her nipple. Her sex burned when he caught the peak between his lips and rolled his tongue against her sensitive flesh.

  “If you don’t want this, you only need say so, Prinţesă. Neither of us means you to do anything you do not want. You command us as you will,” Viktor reminded her but she leant back against him, moaning softly as Alger suckled. Viktor caught her free wrist with one hand and the other cupped her beneath her chin, tilting her head back. His lips brushed over hers then closed over her bottom lip and sucked gently.

  She swayed as Alger slipped his hand between her thighs and rubbed against her, his mouth moving from one breast to the other, laving attention to each equally. Every draw of his lips sent a new spiral of heat through her and his hand stroked at her sex gently, slowly knotting tension just beneath his fingers.

  Viktor’s hand slid down her throat as his mouth moved over hers. She parted when his tongue met her lips and that wet heat slipped against her teeth, seeking her response. His large hand slid over her shoulder and down her back before sweeping around her waist and flattening against her stomach, pulling her back against him so his erection pressed against her lower back.

  “You have a mouth that can make a man forget his own name,” Viktor murmured against her lips. The vibration of his words caused her to moan. She did so love the sound of his voice.

  “Then make me scream it lest you forget who you are,” she whispered, then sucked in her breath when Alger’s chuckle vibrated against her nipple, sending a thousand pin pricks of sensation across her skin.


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