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Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2)

Page 122

by Becca Fanning

  Alec stepped out of the car and then walked around to Talia’s side, opening the door and offering her his hand. When they touched, she felt a spark jump from his skin to hers and she had to look away.

  Keep your head, Talia, she thought as she strode purposefully into the lobby. You don’t know this guy. He could be a total psycho.

  But Alec seemed like the farthest thing possible from someone dangerous, Talia reflected after they had been seated. He’d ordered the same meal for both of them: salmon filet with capers and lime. Talia’s stomach was rumbling and she realized that she felt absolutely ravenous.

  “So, Talia,” Alec began. “How long have you been teaching school?”

  “About five years,” she said. “I had James over the summer, so I only missed a month. I started out in junior high but I got transferred to the elementary school.”

  Alec nodded. “Do you like it?”

  She nodded. “Very much,” Talia admitted. “It’s…overwhelming sometimes, but I feel so sad on the last day of school. “ She smiled. “My kids are all great, I’ve been really lucky.”

  Alec nodded again. He looked so serious! Talia loved the way the light played off his golden-brown eyes, making him always look a bit playful.

  “I work at a wildlife reserve,” Alec said. He cleared his throat. “Sometimes, I don’t really get along with people,” he added.

  Talia laughed out loud. “Generally people get kind of pissed when you invade a school,” she said softly. “You might not want to try that again in the future.”

  “Don’t invade schools, got it,” Alec said, pretending to check an item off a list. “You’re probably pretty social, though, someone like you?” He glanced at her with interest. “You probably get asked out all the time.”

  Talia shook her head. “Not really,” she admitted. A blush came over her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not normally so flustered, I’m just….out of practice,” she said. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time.”


  Talia shook her head. “When I decided to have my son, my boyfriend left,” she replied. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to know that.”

  “It’s fine,” Alec said smoothly. “So, did you adopt?”

  Talia blushed harder than ever. “No,” she said. “Um, we tried to get pregnant. But we couldn’t; Danny was found to be infertile. So I….I went to a sperm bank,” she said softly, keeping her voice low. “I really wanted to have children, and I thought James would be the first of many. But Danny couldn’t handle it when he found out, and he left. And since then it’s just been me and James.”

  “I don’t date a lot either,” Alec said. “Most of the time, I stay out at the reserve. It’s so peaceful out in nature, I feel like a lot of people don’t really appreciate that kinda stuff nowadays. Then again, I don’t get along with most folks anyway.”

  Talia shook her head. “It sounds amazing,” she admitted. “I wish I could visit sometime.”

  Alec nodded. “Of course,” he said. “Whenever you’d like, hell, how about this weekend?” He grinned at her. “Weather’s gonna be nice. We could have a picnic! Bring your son, too, if you want.”

  Talia bit her tongue. She was right on the verge of saying yes. The words were in her mouth but she couldn’t manage to say them. Finally, she swallowed. “Maybe,” she said, as primly as she could muster. “Maybe sometime.” A horrible thought flashed into her head: Danny berating her for going out with another man. She flinched.

  “Hey, is everything alright?” Alec looked into Talia’s eyes with concern. “What’s wrong? Did I say something?”

  “It’s nothing,” Talia lied. Suddenly, she was tempted to break down and tell Alec everything that was bothering her: Danny, James’s health, her recent financial troubles, everything.

  “You sure?” Alec raised an eyebrow. “I’m a great listener, they say.”

  Talia swallowed again, hard. “Well,” she said. “It’s just….oh, it’s everything! My ex, Danny, is a jerk who won’t leave me alone, and he manages the building I live in. I keep wanting to move out but I can’t ever save up enough for a security deposit. Kids are so expensive!” She paused and glanced up into Alec’s warm, honeyed eyes. “And I think there’s something really wrong with my son. He’s….not normal, there’s something wrong. I’ve taken him to so many doctors, and none of them can help me figure it out!” She fought back a wave of tears. “And that was almost all of my money that I’d saved up, and summer is coming, and I just have no idea what I’m gonna do!”

  Alec nodded. He took a sip of his water. “You have a lot on your plate,” he said. “I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with all of that.”

  Talia blinked. “It’s just gotten so bad,” she said, glancing down. “I’m sorry. That was really embarrassing. I never should have gone on a rant like that.”

  Alec shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “I’m glad you felt like you could tell me. At least you were able to get it off your chest.” Glancing down, he asked: “What’s happening with your son?”

  Talia bit her lip. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I think he’s fine, but there are just…oh, some weird things. He has some weird habits, and he seems so much older than two. Everyone always asks me where he goes to pre-school,” she said. “But I mean, the good news is that he’s super engaged and he’s very vocal for two.” She tried to smile. “I guess I should be relieved that he’s a smart kid, but I know there are so many things that can go wrong when a kid is growing up…”

  Alec nodded. He laughed. “Definitely,” he said. “You should ask my mom sometime, I’m sure she’ll have enough stories to make you feel much better.”

  Talia blinked. “Were you a holy terror, too?”

  Alec threw his head back and laughed. “God, yeah,” he said. “I was the worst.” He grinned at Talia and flexed his arm. “I turned out okay, though, didn’t I?” He winked at her. Talia felt her heart flutter in her chest.

  “Thanks,” Talia said quietly. An odd hush fell over the table.

  “You know,” Alec said cautiously. “I know this sounds crazy, because we don’t really know each other. But I want you to know that you’ve got a place on the reserve if you need it.”

  Talia’s jaw dropped. She blushed and recovered quickly, although she couldn’t help staring at Alec. “What?”

  “I mean, if you need a place to get away,” Alec said. “I want you to know that you have options, Talia. It sounds like things are really bad for you at home.”

  Talia nodded. “That’s one way of putting it,” she said softly. “And thank you, Alec. That means a lot. But it’s not necessary,” she added. “We’ll manage. I’m sure everything will be fine.” She looked away. She could tell that Alec was an incredible outdoorsman, but she had an odd feeling about their conversation. It was almost like he knew more than he was letting on, about James. Like he was keeping something from her…

  Alec nodded. “And you can take me up on that at any time,” he said. “I promise.”


  When dinner was over, Alec escorted Talia back to the car. He opened her door for her and waited until she was safely tucked inside and buckled in before closing it. Talia couldn’t believe how gentlemanly he was, how chivalrous. She’d never been with someone who treated her this well, and she loved it. Part of her felt embarrassed, for letting other men run all over her. But mostly, she was happy.

  They were quiet during the drive back to Talia’s. Dusk had fallen and the sky was a gorgeous blended shade of purple, pink, and orange.

  “This is my favorite time of day,” Alec said in a low, husky voice. Talia felt a pleasurable thrill race through her body. “So gorgeous.”

  “It is,” Talia agreed.

  “No, I meant you,” Alec said. Talia blushed as Alec winked at her. “You’re the gorgeous one. But nature is pretty damn nice, too.”

  When they pulled up in front of Talia’s apartment row, Alec cut
the engine. “Thank you so much for coming out with me,” he said. It was too dark to see his exact facial features, but Talia could tell that he was grinning from ear to ear. “Would it be too much to ask you for another date?”

  Talia blushed. “Call me,” she said softly. “We’ll talk about it then.”

  There was a heavy moment of tension between them. Talia was aching to kiss Alec, to wrap her arms around him and pull him close. But she knew that she shouldn’t do anything so bold on a first date. Her hand was on the handle of the door when she felt Alec’s gentle but clumsy touch on her shoulder.

  “May I kiss you?”

  Talia melted. “Such a gentleman,” she murmured, forgetting that she had to go inside. Turning towards Alec, she felt him press his lips against hers. Talia melted; the feel of Alec’s kiss was smooth and sensual. He smelled like pine trees and herbs, and she closed her eyes as the kiss deepened. As it grew more intense, Alec slipped his tongue into Talia’s mouth, making her moan softly. She was barely aware of Alec’s strong arms wrapping around her slight body, pulling her over the center console until she was practically sitting in his lap.

  “Talia,” Alec murmured into her neck, breaking the kiss and nuzzling her gently. “You’re incredible.”

  Pressing her lips against his, Talia wrapped her arms around Alec’s neck and snuggled closer. The stubble on his rough chin scraped against her smooth face but the sensation was welcome, stimulating even. He was a gentle kisser, but she could tell Alec had a ton of pent-up energy. She shivered, thinking about how he would be in bed: surely gentle, but powerful, too.

  “I have to go inside now,” Talia whispered as she broke away. “I had a wonderful time tonight.”

  As Talia stepped out of the car, she felt like she was floating. She kept her eyes half-closed and swayed in the darkness to a dreamy melody that was playing only in her head.

  The yellow slip of paper tacked to the door shattered her good mood. With shaking fingers, Talia ripped it off and let herself inside, closing the door behind her.

  “You have 30 days to fuck me, or else I’m kicking you out. – Danny.”

  Talia shivered. Danny. Part of her wanted to run outside, to catch Alec before he’d driven away. That’s not rational and you know it, Talia thought to herself. She gave the note one more hard glance before folding it and slipping it in her pocket.

  Chapter Three

  “Talia!” The bear said in a friendly voice. “Come play!”

  Talia blinked, then climbed out of bed. Miraculously, she wasn’t in her bedroom at home; rather she was in something that looked like a big, wild park. There was a large brown bear romping in front of her, clearly having the time of its life.

  “Come on,” the bear urged. It didn’t open it’s mouth to speak, rather Talia heard the voice in her head.

  “Okay,” Talia said. She shrugged. “Why not?” The lush, emerald-green grass felt rich and soft between her toes and she closed her eyes and giggled. The sun was out, shining brightly, and the slight, cool breeze on her bare arms felt amazing.

  The bear got up on its hind legs and looked into her eyes. Talia felt a shiver of recognition but tossed it aside. It pawed in one direction. “Come on,” the bear urged. “This way!”

  Talia jogged to keep pace with the large, brown bear. “Who are you?”

  The bear turned to her and nosed into the air. “I think you know,” it replied. Talia shivered again with recognition: the voice belonged to none other than Alec.

  “Oh my god,” Talia said. “This is so cool!”

  Alec got down on all fours and walked towards Talia with surprising speed. “Want a ride?”

  Talia giggled. Alec knelt down and she crawled on top of his back, legs astride. Beneath her, Alec felt muscular, powerful, strong. Talia buried her fingers in his fur and held on tightly as he jolted forward. The rush of air on her face felt incredible and Talia laughed out loud, throwing her head back as Alec-Bear romped through a meadow. She blushed at the slight sensation of arousal that was building up in her belly.

  “This doesn’t feel weird,” Talia said out loud.

  Alec laughed. “It better not,” he said. “You have no idea how freeing it is to do this!” He knelt down so Talia could climb off his back and sauntered over to a tree, scratching against the rough bark. Judging from the sounds he was emitting, Talia could tell he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

  “Mom!” Talia woke up to the sound of James crying. Damn, she thought as she crawled blearily out of bed, struggling towards the door in the dark of her room. That was a pretty cool dream.

  Dashing down the hall to James’s room, she flung the door open. Her son was sitting up in his little toddler bed, crying loudly. Talia turned on the lights.

  “Honey, what happened?” She knelt down to his height and gazed into his warm, brown eyes. “Are you okay?”

  James started crying. “I had a dream, Mommy!”

  “I had a dream, too,” Talia said, wrapping her arm around him. “I had a dream about a bear. You know, bears, those big furry guys we saw at the zoo last year.”

  James giggled. “Funny!”

  “It was kind of funny,” Talia admitted. “You wanna sleep with me for the rest of the night?”

  James nodded gratefully. Talia scooped him up in her arms, wincing slightly at his weight, and carried him into her room. When the two of them were tucked into bed, she reached out and stroked his hair.

  “How would you feel about moving sometime?”

  James frowned.

  Talia tried again. “Would you want to live somewhere else?”

  James shrugged. “Don’t know,” he said. He snuggled close to Talia and for a moment, she let him: she loved the comfort that her son provided on nights like this. But after a few minutes, she started sweating uncontrollably.

  “You’re so warm,” Talia said in amazement. “Aren’t you hot?”

  James shook his head. “Not hot,” he replied. He tried to snuggle closer and Talia flipped the blankets off her bed.

  “There you go,” she said, wriggling slightly away and keeping her distance. “There you go. Sleep well, honey. I love you.”

  James closed his eyes and tucked his thumb in his mouth. In a few moments, he was snoring.

  No matter how she tried, Talia couldn’t fall back asleep. She kept thinking about the dream, with Alec turned into a bear. It seemed like such a natural transition for him that she couldn’t help blushing. I shouldn’t be thinking about this, she thought. It’s rude and presumptive.

  When she finally did manage to sleep, there were no more dreams that night.


  The next afternoon, when Talia was home from school, there was a knock on the door. Amelia and James were playing in the living room. Amelia shot her a questioning gaze.

  “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know,” Talia replied. “Can you watch him for just a few more minutes? I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  As she began walking to the front door, the knocking sounded again: harder and more forceful this time. “Oh, shit,” Talia muttered. “Not now, Danny.”

  But when she opened the door, she was surprised to see Alec standing there.

  “Hey there,” Alec said. “I hope this isn’t a bad time?” He frowned slightly.

  “No, god no,” Talia replied. “Sorry, I just…well, I wasn’t sure who would be knocking at my door.”

  “Do you usually get creeps wanting to come in?” Alec’s tone was joking but Talia could tell that he wasn’t fucking around.


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