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Magic and Mayhem: The Witch Is In (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 8

by Rose Pressey

  “Well, I only did it to keep my place safe.”

  Destiny and Barbara exchanged a look.

  “You only did what?” Destiny asked.

  “I had to cast a spell binding you both from doing any magic… temporarily of course.”

  “So that’s what happened,” Barbara said.

  “See.” I pointed. “It’s a good thing I did the spell. I knew you’d try magic again.”

  “We were only trying to help,” Destiny said.

  “And I appreciate that, but your magic is a little wonky right now.”

  “What do you we do now?” Destiny asked.

  “I’ll have to reverse the spell. It’ll just take a second.”

  I had no idea if that was true, but it made me feel better to say that. I started my spell, forgetting that I wasn’t alone. How could I forget? Everyone was watching me. Randall, Candy, and even Declan. I’d done my little spellcasting dance. This was more than a little embarrassing.

  “Um, I cleared my throat. I think the spell is gone now.”

  “Good now we can get started.” Barbara rushed over.

  “I hope this doesn’t burn the place down,” I said.

  “You must have faith,” Barbara said. “What do you think keeps me going? Faith. I have to remember that my magic will get better someday. So why not now?”

  The bears and wolves moved closer to the house. I had no time to think about this further. I had to act now. We gathered around the cauldron. We held hands and recited the words. The water bubbled and the wind whipped through the house with a fury.

  “Powers that be, help us with this danger.”

  The front door rattled. They were trying to get in. The spell wasn’t working. I didn’t have enough witchcraft to stop them.

  The pounding against the door continued.

  “Don’t give up now,” Barbara said.

  We chanted even faster now. The door shook and the next thing I knew it flew open. Deedee screamed and Jack jumped in front of her. I tightened my grip on Destiny and Barbara’s hands. We continued to chant the words. The bear that had been stalking us lunged forward toward Jack and Deedee. The wolves and bears were holding everyone back from stepping in to help. Thunder rumbled through the house and a zap of lightning rose from the cauldron and traveled over to the bear.

  Just then the bear fell off Deedee. The other bears were waiting to attack though so I figured this was far from over. Everyone stood still waiting to see what would happen next. The bear managed to get up. I had to do more to stop this. I continued the magic. Lights swirled from the cauldron. Sparks of fire were starting to shoot up from the top though and I figured Barbara and Destiny’s bad magic was beginning to catch up to us. I hoped the whole place didn’t burn down because of this. In spite of that I continued the spell. It was all that I had.

  Just then a loud clap of thunder rumbled through the house. The walls and the floor rattled and shook. Screams rang out across the room. This was different. I’d never had my magic do this before. I wasn’t sure if that was a bad or good sign. No matter, I continued. The force around us was keeping the bears and the wolves away, so they couldn’t stop us. That was about the only thing I had going for me at the moment. The bear moved closer to Deedee again and then the wolf stepped up behind the bear too.

  Were they both going to attack Deedee? I couldn’t allow that to happen. That was when Jack lunged forward and attacked the bear. If he was a shifter then why didn’t he change to attack the bear? Was he a deer like Deedee? I could barely stand to see the struggle. That was when the thunder ran out again. Jack fell backwards and the bear and the wolf fell the opposite direction. When I looked down, I realized that the bear and wolf were changing shape. Their features were changing into human form. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Elizabeth and Ruth were on the ground. Elizabeth had been the bear all along. And Ruth was the wolf. I should have known.

  “It was you all along,” I said.

  The others didn’t move as Elizabeth and Ruth remained on the ground.

  Deedee rushed over to Jack. “Are you okay?”

  Sirens sounded from outside along with flashing lights. Several officers appeared at the open front door.

  “Did someone call for the police?” the officer asked.

  I glanced behind me. “Did someone call the police?”

  Warren raised his hand. “I couldn’t stand it anymore. I almost called the fire department too.”

  Luckily, that hadn’t been necessary because the spell had never completely caught fire. Barbara and Destiny had been able to make it work after all.

  The bears and wolves took off running. That left Elizabeth and Ruth on the ground.

  “They tried to kill us.” I pointed.

  The police ran over to Elizabeth and Ruth, getting them off the ground. The next thing I knew, they had the two women in cuffs and were headed for the front door.

  “You never had amnesia at all, did you, Elizabeth?” I asked.

  She flashed an evil smile. “It made for a good story though, didn’t it?”

  “You’re going to Shifter jail,” Barbara taunted as the women walked by.

  Elizabeth and Ruth glared at us, which sent a shiver down my spine.

  It was all over now. The other officers escorted the other Shifters away from the house. Would Paranormal Paradise Spa and Retreat be normal again? If Elizabeth and Deedee were the bear and the wolf, then who was Jack?

  Jack and Deedee were in an embrace.

  When I stepped close to them, I asked, “Jack, are you going to tell me who you are now?”

  He glanced at Deedee and smiled. “I’m the cute little bunny.”

  “A deer and a bunny? What is this, Bambi?” Warren asked.

  “Did you know this, Deedee?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I’d never met Jack until now.”

  “Then how did you know what Elizabeth and Ruth were up to?”

  “I overheard them talking,” Jack said.

  “They were mad at me because we were discussing building a new diner on some land the bears claimed they own. The wolves owned some of the area too. They just wanted to keep us out. The deal fell through anyway, but I guess that wasn’t good enough for them,” Deedee said.

  Thank goodness it was all over with now.

  Jack and Deedee embraced in a passionate kiss.

  “I think you should have their wedding here,” Barbara whispered from over my shoulder.

  Weddings at the spa? Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea.

  The end

  Other Great Magic & Mayhem Series Authors

  Robyn Peterman (Kindle World Creator)

  Magic and Mayhem Series Page

  Releases in Magic and Mayhem Kindle World

  Michele Bardsley


  Amazon Author Page

  Kris Calvert


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  Deanna Chase


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  Claudy Conn


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  Melinda DuChamp

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  Eliza Gayle


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  Renee George


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  Melanie James


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  Renea Mason


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  Donna McDonald


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  H.M. McQueen


  Amazon Author Page

  Isabel Micheals


  Amazon Author Page

  Rose Pressey


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  Lori Ryan


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  About the Author

  Rose Pressey is a USA Today bestselling author. She enjoys writing quirky and fun novels with a paranormal twist. The paranormal has always captured her interest. The thought of finding answers to the unexplained fascinates her.

  When she’s not writing about werewolves, vampires and every other supernatural creature, she loves eating cupcakes with sprinkles, reading, spending time with family, and listening to oldies from the fifties.

  Rose suffers from Psoriatic Arthritis and has knee replacements. She might just set the world record for joint replacements. She’s soon having her hips replaced, elbows, and at least one shoulder.

  Rose lives in the beautiful commonwealth of Kentucky with her husband, son, and two sassy Chihuahuas.

  Visit her online at:

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