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ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Tight End (Bad Boy Football Romance) (New Adult Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Page 28

by Carly White

  He nodded and put the controller back in his pocket. They were working like he wanted, pushing her closer till she would not be so hard to convince. “Where do you want to eat at? China Garden is pretty good.”

  Fiona didn’t care. All she wanted to do was come. She couldn’t think about anything else. “I don’t care Carl.”

  He liked that she was getting frustrated. Carl had been busy the last week and hadn’t gotten to see her much. It was good for him to get away from her and the feelings he felt for her. Now to see her like that, gagging for him, it was just too perfect for words. He wished he could have seen her the first time he turned it on.

  “You sound testy.”

  She made another aggravated sound and he turned it on just before they parked at the restaurant. He watched her face to not let her go too far, stopping right before she would have reached bliss. “Fuck.”

  “Such language.”


  “I can’t believe you eat here.”


  “Because you’re rich.”

  “So what, I am supposed to eat caviar all day?”

  It did seem preposterous. “No I guess not, just you seem too normal to be who you are.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.”

  There was a silence that stretched between them. Fiona had noticed that he took the controller with him, but then they started talking and she forgot about it. It was easy to do until the damn thing came to life and wreaked havoc on her thinking.

  “So how do you like it?”

  “I would like it better if you would turn it on long enough to let me finish. It’s only fair.”

  Carl sat back and chuckled a little. “I was talking about the job, but good to know.”

  “Oh, well it has it’s perks. And it’s frustrations.”

  “I always want to make sure my employees are happy where they are. I don’t want them running off when a better offer comes around.”

  “Is this what you do with all of them because I would like to hear about how Linda in accounting reacted to your methods?”

  The mental image of the uppidity middle-aged woman with pleasure panties on made him laugh a little louder. It had been too long since he had laughed like that, so completely surprised by her answer. His hand slipped into his pocket and he turned it on for a moment, just enough to remind her of the feeling and make her face contort a little.

  “It was pretty much like that.”

  Chapter 9

  Fiona spent the rest of the day on the edge of her seat. She was practically in tears, needing it so bad. She couldn’t concentrate on anything and Fiona worried that she had made a mistake or two. Carl was gone most of the afternoon and she figured he had done another runner and wouldn’t be back. When he came back in, she sighed, sure that she would finally get what she needed, one way or another.

  “Afternoon boss.”

  Someone else came out of the elevator with him and she stopped the innuendo that was in her throat. The woman was tall and blonde, pretty even though she was a bit older than Fiona. She looked more like Carl’s type, affluent and slightly snobby. She turned around and went back to her desk.

  There were no walls between them, the floor plan to open when she had to see them talking and laughing, but not being able to hear the words. Fiona didn’t have a right to be jealous, not really, but it didn’t stop her from feeling it like a painful grip on her throat. Gathering up her things, she walked passed the two and turned towards the elevator, waiting for the damn ding to get her out of there.

  It finally dinged and she stepped into the elevator, turning around to meet his gaze just before the doors started to close. He looked at the clock and then back at her, she was leaving early. Fiona was convinced that he was obsessed with time, but the thoughts were chased away as the panties started to go off. “Fuck.”

  It wasn’t loud, but it didn’t have to be. Carl could read her lips perfectly and she saw a smile before all she could see was her reflection in the shiny steel of the doors. She braced herself against the moving metal as she started to ascend. The buzzing got faster and she cried out in the empty box as she finally came. Her eyes flicked up to the numbers and she had only gone two floors. Fiona didn’t know how far the reach was on the damn controller, so she pulled the panties off and bundled them up in her hand. Someone got on at eight and she hoped that her outside was not raging like her inside was.

  “Hi, Fiona right?”


  “Dale.” He extended his hand and she took it with her left. How could he not hear the buzzing sound?

  “Nice to meet you.”

  The man tried to small talk while she felt fluid slow moving down the inside of her thigh. The floors took forever and three more people got on before she got to the bottom. Fiona was paranoid. Sure that the faint hint of sex lingered still. She moved out and sighed in the cooler air. She spotted his car as she was walking to her own. Putting the panties underneath his windshield wipers, Fiona got in her car and took off.


  Fiona was still shaking when she got home. Her nerves were shot and she was just thankful that it was the weekend. Time was needed away from Carl after today. He had almost driven her mad with very little effort. That fact was eye opening. She started the shower to clean herself off and just relax under the hot jets. She didn’t hear the door open or shut.

  Getting out, she cursed under her breath when she realized that the towels were still on the dryer. Running through the house, the air conditioned air froze her wet skin, but she finally made it there and threw one of the towels in the dryer to warm up. She thought she heard something and called out, expecting to hear Debra’s voice. When she heard nothing, the hair went up on the back of her neck. Opening the dryer door, she grabbed out the warm towel and wrapped it around herself.


  “In here Fiona.”

  The voice was clear and she knew who it was. Her eyes needed to process what her mind already knew. There he was, sitting on her bed near the front post. He had the pleasure panties in his hands. “I didn’t tell you to take them off.”

  Her hand tightened the grip on her towel. “I had to.”

  “And leave them on my car?”

  She looked down and smiled a little. Fiona had been looking for a reaction. She just hadn’t expected it to be so quick.

  “Get on your knees, now.”

  Her mind went to one of the first times they had met and his comment about her on her knees. Would she? Go to her knees just like that, like he said she would?

  He stood up as she moved closer. Before she could bend down though, he stopped her and pulled her towel away. His eyes took in each curve of her body and groaned inwardly. “Put these back on first.”

  Her hands trembled as she took them out of his hand. They were still damp to the touch and cold where the air had cooled the hot essence. She didn’t want to put the torturous things on, but his command was hard to deny.

  She slipped them on, the material and metal disc made her whimper and forget what she was doing. He reminded her when his hands went to his dress pants, pulling them down enough to unleash his long length. Fiona swallowed hard and her throat felt dry. Her hand moved to touch him as her body lowered to put her mouth where it was obviously needed.

  Carl moved forward and let her get a sample before he turned the vibration back on and she moaned around his cock. It caused his own pleasurable vibrations as her moans reverberated around his shaft. Fiona’s eyes closed as he started to thrust into her mouth. It was hard to concentrate on anything but the constant buzzing on her swollen clit. His cock moved deep in her throat, gagging her for a moment before he pulled back out suddenly. Her mouth moved quickly back to his stiffness, trying to suck the cockhead back in, anything to take her mind off of the damn panties wreaking havoc.

  He didn’t let her take him in though, moving away and out of her reach. Fiona was in
the midst of another orgasm, her body shaking as she went back to her knees, pushing the panties harder against her pussy. “Oh Carl, please.”

  “Get on the bed.”

  She tried to get up on her wobbly legs but it was hard as every muscle in her was tensed. Carl grabbed her arm and helped her to the bed. He shut the panties off, hearing her sigh and giving her a much needed moment to breathe.

  Her eyes were closed and she didn’t realize that he was moving over her on the bed until he moved her arm up over her head. She looked up to see him putting a Velcro strap on her wrist. “Where did those come from?”

  “I come prepared. Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head no quickly. Fiona never wanted him to stop. She moved her arm up towards the other post and then sat back on his knees to see his handiwork. Her chest rose and fell with her rapid breath and her blue eyes followed him as he moved to the bedside table where he had left the controller. Her eyes closed as she waited for the vibrations that she knew were to come. Even being prepared for them was not enough to stop the jerk when they hit.

  The bed compressed in front of her as he moved in between her thick thighs. He didn’t take long to make himself known, his heavy head sliding her lips wide open for his penetration. He couldn’t get through the panty material though, so it just pressed against her wet hole, still not giving her what she needed.

  “Please Carl.”

  “Please what? What do you want Fiona?”

  “Take these off and fuck me!”

  Her words surprised her, but she couldn’t help it He was driving her crazy. He yanked them down almost instantly, pulling her down as far as she would go, forgetting that the bindings were there until she wasn’t able to move anymore. She shook as he covered her body, rubbing the thick head against her sensitive nub. It made her jump and then he jerked her back down to slam into her.

  Fiona cried out with the sudden fulfillment in finally having him inside of her. Thinking about it was never as good as feeling it though and her tight sheath collapsed around his thickness with each wave of pleasure that hit. “Yes, oh my God Carl. Harder, fuck me harder!”

  It was her giving the commands and Carl had no reason not to obey. His hips thrust harder and deeper, her need spilling out and splashing their smacking bodies. Fiona wanted to touch him, hold him, but she was not able to move. He had completely taken over, her own submission complete as she came for the last time. Carl was unable to stop himself from finally blowing his lid, filling her deep with his hot cum.

  Carl looked down at her and couldn’t believe how she made him feel. His heart constricted when her eyes finally reopened and met his. He had never felt that way before, never wanted to hold his sub after he had taken her and surely never met one that asked for it harder. His cock jerked inside of her and she whimpered.

  “Can I have some more Fiona?”

  “You can have whatever you want.”

  He leaned in, pushing deeper as she gasped. Carl released her wrists and then rolled her on top of him. His cock was still lodged deep, hard and ready again. “Now ride me Fiona.”

  “As you command.”


  At His Call

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  By: Carly White

  At His Call

  Chapter 1

  “I told you Kristy, go talk to Marvin’s son.”

  She tried not to make a face, knowing that it would upset her father. Just getting out of school, Kristy had figured that it would not be hard to find a job. Her last name alone should have opened some doors, but the only ones that were opening, were not any that she wanted to go through. Kristy wanted a job she could care about, something where she could make a difference.

  Her dad manufactured paper products and she had never seen her future having anything to do with that. There was nowhere else to go and there was nothing she could do in that capacity. So, instead she kept looking, but after almost a year of no better offers, Kristy was starting to think that she was going to have to call one of her father’s friends after all.

  Marvin had started a factory twenty years ago that produced petroleum based products and it had quickly become a household name across the country. One factory had turned into hundreds and it only seemed to be getting bigger as the demand rose for the cheap materials. Now he had grown it to billions a year in revenue and recently stepped down as President. His son, Ash had taken over and needed someone in her expertise. Kristy’s major was in sustainable practices and though she had only been able to secure freelancing consultant jobs, Ash was offering a full-time gig to make the company more compliant with EPA regulations.

  “Dad, we didn’t get along as kids when they would come over for dinner. Or as teenagers, never really.”

  “Kristy, you were young then. It seems silly to harbor issues about it. You are almost twenty five for goodness sake!”

  She sighed. He was on the verge of yelling. His face was getting red and she blamed her own red hair for that personal trait. Her father was going to have a coronary. It always looked that way as he got madder.

  “Now dear, we said we were not going to discuss this at dinner.”

  “Discuss what?” Kristy felt that something was up their sleeves. She looked from one to the other. “What is this about?”

  Gloria started in slowly, trying to be gentle where her husband was better at barking orders and expecting them to be adhered to. “Well Kristy, your father and I think that it is time you moved forward.”

  “I am. I just graduated and I am taking consulting jobs when they come up.”

  “Yes dear. I know you are, but…”

  “It’s not enough?” She knew that is what the gist of the conversation was about. It didn’t matter how much she tried, it wasn’t enough for her high-expectation parents.

  “When I was your age, I had already started my company and made my first million.”

  Kristy bit back the retort she had, knowing that it would ultimately make it all worse anyways. “Okay, so what do you want me to do, start a business?”

  “No Kristy, take the job with Ash, a real job and find you a place.”

  She sat quietly a minute. “It is not that we don’t like having you here, but we feel it is best for you to try and get out there a bit more.”

  “Okay, I will move. I was looking at some apartments for rent on the West Side with Carla last week and they were gorgeous.”

  “That is too high for your budget. How much do you bring in consulting?”

  “Not a lot. I doubt I can get something in Carlsson for that price.”

  “There are lots of nice neighborhoods that aren’t too high. Your father feels like you need to truly be on your own.”

  Kristy was starting to understand what that meant. “So you are cutting me off?”


  “So you are forcing me to take the job with Ash?”

  “No, but I have seen the package he sent over. You are not going to get any better, anywhere else. Put the past behind you Kristy and call the man. In business you have to learn to be less emotional.”

  Now her face was red and she was ready to explode. “I will move out, but you are not going to force me to take a job I don’t want to. I want my life to mean something, not just making more money!”

  He just shook his head, no longer willing to argue with her if she wasn’t going to make sense. He had given her a good life, but he wondered if it had been too sheltered. Grant believed that she needed to move on or she never would. Gloria didn’t much agree, but she didn’t want conflict with her husband. For all of the major decisions, she usually deferred to him and what he thought was best.

  Kristy got up and tried not to act dramatic, but it was hard. She felt dramatic and the choices presented to her were not the ones she would have chosen for herself. Kristy had been thinking about calling Ash, but after Grant’s words, she would rather live in the slums before she would let him think that he could dictate he
r life anymore. She went to the school he wanted, studied business like he wanted, but to pick out the job she could have seemed to be too much.

  When she went up to her room, she looked around at her belongings. There were too many to fit in her car, so instead she started to pack her duffel bag from Varsity volleyball and decided right then was as good as a time as any, to go. Kristy went out the back and couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye to her parents. She didn’t want to talk to anyone. Kristy just wanted to get out of there with some of her dignity intact. It was barely managed, but she did better than she had expected. She called her boyfriend Scott and told him that she would be there in a few minutes. Kristy knew that she could stay with him at least for a little while, until she found a more suitable place to live. Once she found a job that is.

  Chapter 2

  Kristy went to the gas station before Scott’s. She was trying to fill her tank up before her father turned off her credit cards, but she was too late or he had done it earlier before the discussion. Kristy cursed after all of the cards were shut off. She had a few hundred in cash in her pocket, but that was it. She reasoned that it would be okay. She would find something, anything for a bit to get her some cash and then she would find a cheap apartment and it would all be okay.

  She was of course fooling herself and when Scott realized that she wanted to stay there, he started acting funny and in her sensitive state, she took off from him as well. As she drove away, he was left confused and she was left with her feelings hurt. They had been together for only a few months and moving in really was a fast move. But she hadn’t been thinking about growing their relationship or anything like that, she just wanted a place to stay.

  Kristy was not going to be too perturbed. She had some friends she could call, but she also had that money, so she decided to just get a hotel for a couple of nights. Surely they would see how unfair they were being, right?

  They didn’t and a week later, after she had gotten a small check from a consulting gig, she had enough to get a small apartment instead of a room. But after deposits and getting everything turned on, she was pretty broke and had to figure something out. Her phone had even died when her father didn’t pay the bill. He was really taking the tough-love motto pretty far and she was exasperated by it all. What was she supposed to do?


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