Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1) Page 24

by Patricia Galvan

  Gina’s eyes burned with hunger, changing from brown to red as she stepped closer. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, but I couldn’t slow it down. I was up against the side of the bed and I had no way to escape.

  “I don’t know how Lars can stand to be around you,” Gina sneered, taking a step back. “I know your blood drives him mad. He wants to taste it. You know that don’t you?” her eyes narrowed as she taunted me. “He will give in and take it.” She leaned towards me and took in my scent then backed off.

  “What do you want?” I asked in my bravest voice, which was not brave at all. It actually trembled with each word.

  “What I want is for you to disappear and I can make that happen,” she said with a growl. “But Lars would not be happy if I did.” Gina turned to walk away.

  “He will be back soon,” I said.

  She was back in my face. “He’s mine. Remember that or next time I will,” she snarled. Her eyes glowed a fiery red before going back their original brown color.

  All in one fluid movement, Gina turned towards the door, opened it and disappeared. My knees gave out and I let myself fall onto the bed. I heard Gina greet Larson as he reached the landing at the top of the stairs. I composed myself and walked to the window, pretending to be gazing out at the view. I felt Larson’s soft breath, as he came and stood next to me at the window. I tried to control my racing heart, but failed when Larson leaned in closer, his mouth threatening to touch my neck. I remained motionless as I fought against the urge to move away from him. Closing my eyes, I imagined what it would be like if I allowed myself to enter the gates of roses and thorns. The gates that opened to a world filled with mystery and danger. A world where Larson wasn’t the enemy, but my destiny. I closed my eyes as images of the paranormal realm penetrated my thoughts. I felt an electrifying shiver roll through my body as Larson lightly brushed his lips against my neck. I felt his sharp fangs graze over my skin and instantly I was pulled out of my reverie. I wasn’t ready to step past the gates into the realm where fantasy and reality merged. If I did, would have to accept the rose along with the dangerous thorns. I wouldn’t be able to have the magic without the brier of death. My thoughts of immortality dissipated like smoke.

  “Please don’t think of my life or life with me as dark and dangerous. It’s disheartening to know your thoughts,” Larson said moving away from me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but your world is very dark and dangerous. I don’t belong in it,” I said.

  “You don’t realize it yet, but you fit in perfectly,” he said, his voice deep and smooth.

  “Larson, I can’t think about that right now when my life is being threatened by your own father.” I sat on the bed and placed a pillow on my lap. “Don’t you realize how terrifying all this is for me?” I asked.

  Larson came and sat on the bed with me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t really think about it in that way. Of course, I know this is all a little scary for you, but I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “You can’t promise me that, no one can,” I said. I thought about Gina, the vampire he invited to his home to help protect me. I was in danger of her also, but I kept those thoughts to myself.

  “What is it Analey? What thoughts are you hiding from me?” Larson asked as he noticed how silent my mind was.

  “Tell me about Gina,” I said.

  “Gina?” he asked.


  What do you want to know?”


  Larson rose from the bed. Putting his hands in the pockets of his black jacket, he looked down at his feet and as he did a strand of his black hair fell forward. “She was born in New York, in the early 1920’s. At the age of 19 she was engaged to a wealthy socialite, Trip Weston. He was her whole life and marrying him was the one thing she wanted most. They divided their time between the ski slopes and the beaches. Gina loved her life and she loved life with Trip.

  One night, they were driving back from their engagement party in Long Island. It was late and snowing, the road curved and twisted for several miles. There was plenty to drink at the party and Trip had a few too many drinks. He was swerving from one side to the other of the road. He took one curve too fast and the car hit a patch of ice. Trip over corrected and they were sent hurling into the forest, making impact with a large tree. He died instantly. Gina laid unconscious, bleeding out from her internal injuries as well as her head wound. She doesn't remember what happened after the accident but when she awoke, she was a vampire. The lighthearted and happy Gina died that night along with Trip. After the accident Gina became a bitter vampire and hated the world.” Larson walked back and sat on the bed.

  “How did you meet her?” I asked, bracing myself for the moment he would admit their love affair.

  “I met Gina when I was traveling through Canada. She joined my father’s army, but she grew tired of his tyrannical ways, so she left. I stayed with my father until the day he sent me to find you. On that journey, I ran into her again.”

  “Was there something else between you?” I asked.

  Larson paused for moment, looking into my eyes as he considered his answer. “Yes, there was one time when we explored a relationship together. Two resentful monsters who felt life had robbed us of our happiness. I guess it was too soon and we weren’t right for each other,” Larson admitted. “But that was years ago. We are just friends now.”

  I had the feeling, as powerful a vampire that Larson was, he was still just as clueless as any mortal man when it came to women. How could he not see how not over him Gina was? He honestly believed she saw him as only a friend.

  Tragic death had touched them both and forever changed them. I now had some insight to Gina’s madness, but still I feared the jilted vampire.

  More questions entered my mind as I forced yet another sad story out of my mind. I leaned my head back against the headboard and closed my eyes. It seemed as if vampires lived a sad and solitary existence. Constantly being controlled by their heightened emotions and their thirst for blood. I opened my eyes and Larson was staring at me.

  “It’s not all bad,” he said. “We are strong and have amazing powers.”

  thirty~ one


  Ipaced through the rooms of my family’s castle. My father was becoming impatient with my tantrums, but my angry emotions could not be quieted.

  “Son, please calm down,” Alexander insisted.

  “Calm down!” I pounded my fist down on the marble countertop, breaking the expensive stone into sharp shards and fine dust. Wiping my hand on my jeans, my iridescent blood disappeared as quickly as the wounds healed.

  “We must remain calm and assess the situation properly,” Alexander said.

  “She isn’t a situation.” I could not stay calm. I had gone mad the moment I realized Analey hadn’t simply run away. She was missing, being held captive by Larson.

  “We don’t know exactly what happened,” Alexander said. “From what I’ve been told, she left on her own. Maybe it’s for the best.”

  “It’s best that I find her. Now.” My voice rumbled through the large house. I wasn’t angry with my father. I was furious at myself; I was the only one to blame for what had happened to Analey. I continued pacing, mumbling promises and threats as my father left the room. I knew he was right. I needed to compose myself if I wanted to rescue Analey. I would be of no help in my current state. But every time I imagined her in the hands of that vicious beast, my rage swelled. None of this would have happened if I’d just followed my father’s orders.

  Why did I have to enter her world? Why had I been so selfish? Why was I such a monster?”

  I glanced at my reflection in the glass panes of the kitchen doors. My eyes were dark and combined with the bags under my eyes, purple from extreme hunger, I looked like a monster. Finally, my outside image matched my vile heart. I ran my hand through my hair before bringing my fist back down on what was left of the kitchen counter and hung my h
ead in utter despair and defeat.

  I heard soft footsteps approaching, but I didn’t lift my head.

  “Don’t blame yourself.” My mother placed her hands on my slumped shoulders. “You followed your heart and it led you to her. We must never apologize for sincerely loving someone.”

  “Mother, pleased,” I begged. I didn’t deserve, nor did I want her sympathy.

  “I understand the guilt and anguish you are feeling, but you didn’t choose to fall in love with her. You just simply did.”

  My mother, Sophia Aragon was the perfect woman in my eyes. Her simple beauty surpassed that of all the creatures created in the heavens and on earth. Her hazel green eyes slowly changed to a warm shade of brown as a flutter of concern washed over them. I watched as she smiled hopelessly at me. Her dark blonde hair, the same color as mine, was tied up neatly with soft strands framing her delicate face. My mother had the purest soul of all the human and vampire women I’d ever known. I couldn’t understand how she managed to avoid all the evil characteristics of vampirism. She never lost her temper, never gave in to her cravings for human blood, and she never had a bad thought about anyone. She treated all vampires and humans with compassion and respect even when they didn’t deserve it. Humanity was her supernatural power. There was not one mortal that could compare to my mother’s gentle nature. Most humans were more of a monster than my mother could ever be.

  “Please, just leave me alone,” I whispered.

  Without saying another word, she granted my request. I heard more footsteps approaching and I knew they belonged to my father.

  “We have found her,” Alexander said.

  “Where is she? I have to go to her now,” I said lifting my head.

  “Mikel, wait. It’s a bit complicated.” He urged me to think about it.

  “Larson has her, doesn’t he?” I was fuming with anger all over again.

  “We will do it my way this time.” Alexander wasn’t asking and I didn’t object. The last time I’d done it my way, I had put Analey’s life in jeopardy.

  “Fine. What’s the plan?” I asked.

  “I have contacted Larson and he as assured me Analey isn’t in any danger with him.”

  “Father, you can’t be serious,” I said. “Larson will kill her.” I clenched my hands into tight fists. I was desperate to find Analey and bring her back home with me.

  “I assure you Mikel, Larson has had a change of heart.” He tried reasoning with me.

  “He has no heart.” My voice thundered then became dead silent. Change of heart? I vanished into the night before my father could say another word.

  Thirty~ two


  There was so much more I wanted to ask, but later that evening, Larson was in an inquisitive mood. I wanted to ask him more about vampire powers and I wasn’t comfortable talking about myself, but I owed it to him for all his honesty. I sat with my legs curled up on the swing on the back porch. The cool breeze blew gently, and I pulled the quilt up over my shoulders. Larson sat next to me pushing the swing slowly back and forth.

  “What’s your favorite color?” Larson asked.

  I stared up at the stars twinkling in the sky, thinking it was a rather trivial question, but I answered it anyway. “It usually depends on my mood.”

  “Okay,” he said with a smile, “What is your favorite color right now?”

  “Green,” I replied, gazing into his eyes. I dropped my gaze to my lap, my face turning beet red as all the blood rushed to my cheeks. I panicked for a moment, recalling Mikel’s reaction to the first time it happened around him.

  “Don’t worry. It’s more tolerable for me, especially when I am well fed,” Larson said responding to my thoughts. “Do I make you nervous?” Larson gently brushed my lips with his cool fingertips.

  I blushed again, turning my face away from him. “You know you do,” I whispered.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help myself.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips.

  I wondered why in the world would anyone like that. Wouldn’t it just tempt him? I knew he could read my mind, so I didn’t bother asking.

  “Yes, it does tempt me, but I have unbelievable self-control when it comes to your life,” he said leaning in close, our bodies separated by only a thin veil of air.

  My pulse raced as my heart pounded in response to him and he leaned back satisfied. “But I don’t want to cause you any kind of suffering,” I said thinking about what Gina had said.

  “Analey, you cause me no suffering at all. On the contrary, I couldn’t be happier having you here with me. Though I know you think of Mikel often—” Larson’s voice trailed off at the end.

  I could tell my thoughts were causing him pain. I tried my best not to think about Mikel, even though I missed him. Our time together had been short and vague, but aside from Larson, it was the most intense relationship I’d ever had. Even the three months with Kian didn’t compare to my complicated vampire relationships.

  I thought back to life before I entered this world. It had been an ordinary life, with ordinary problems and people. I sighed as I recalled the simple monotonous times. Then I realized I had always been in this supernatural world and felt it was where I belonged. The danger I was in didn’t scare me as much as the feelings that were developing for these two incredible but dangerous vampires. Being with one, but away from the other, was tearing me apart.

  I now fully understood from whom or what I needed protection. Mikel Aragon had been sent to protect me, but who would keep me safe from him? He was a killer. He had killed before and it was in him to kill again. Instinct told me to fear him, which I did, but I was also drawn to him. Every aspect of his essence invited me into his presence. I could sense that his desire was to keep me safe, but not only out of obligation. He too was struggling with feelings for me that were silently at war with his blood lust.

  Mikel wasn’t the only one who felt the need to protect me and he wasn’t the only one that could kill me. I was also mystically drawn to another. Larson, just as mysterious and dangerous, was also proclaiming his connection with me. Two of nature’s deadliest predators had been sent to me and both were ready to risk their life for my safety and my heart. I was indisputably falling fast for both, but only one would be my destiny.

  Larson’s questionable gaze interrupted my internal monologue. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.

  “Don’t you know? You can read my thoughts,” I said.

  “I tuned out. I could tell you wanted some privacy,” he replied.

  I appreciated his thoughtfulness. I didn’t want to explain the tangled mess in my mind. “Thanks.”

  Larson shrugged his shoulders before asking another question. “Were you in love with Kian?” I was surprised when he asked. He had never mentioned Kian before and I wasn’t aware he knew about him, but I didn’t have to think about it.

  “No,” I answered, “But how do you know him?”

  Larson narrowed his gaze into my eyes. “I’ve bumped into him a few times in my visits to Shadowmist.”

  “Oh,” I replied. I wasn’t sure if it was that simple but then nothing with Larson was simple.

  “Why didn’t you love him?” Larson asked. “From what I could see, all the women fell for him.”

  I felt he wanted an explanation for my relationship with Kian. I didn’t think it was any of his business, but I answered him. Again, the response was obvious. “He wasn’t the one for me.”

  “How did you know?” Larson kept the interrogation going.

  “It was just something I could feel. I felt my heart being pulled in a different direction. He wasn’t the one for me.” I repeated.

  We sat in silence as the ominous danger of the unknow loomed over us, threatening to shatter our sense of peace. Sleep finally found me; I rested my head on Larson’s shoulder and pulled the blanket up.

  My sleep was filled with dreams of another time and place. I could sense and feel I was in another era, but I couldn’t see much. Soft vibrations
danced around me like old memories drifting in and out of focus. I floated aimlessly in my sleep, not knowing which way was up or down. I didn’t fight against everything I was sensing, even when it felt surreal. In this fantasy my imagination had conjured, I was experiencing a passel of emotions that were as countless as the stars in the sky. Love and despair intertwined into one thread of emotion, simultaneously weaving in and out and around me. Likewise, pain and peace interlocked to create one solid sensation coursing through my weightless body, which was suspended over the dark sea of unfamiliar memories. After what seemed like years but, I knew it could only have been a few hours of floating around in my reverie, I awoke before dawn.

  I could see the dark Silhouette of Larson's perfect physique sitting in the chair next to the bed. I wondered when he had taken me upstairs as I didn't recall waking and going on my own. And how can you just sit motionless for hours and not get weary of the task? I thought to myself.

  “I would gladly spend eternity like this beside you,” Larson whispered, acknowledging my unspoken words.

  This bed is more comfortable than that chair. I immediately regretted my careless thoughts.

  “I agree.” Larson, of course found my thoughts amusing. He reached over and took my hand in his but didn't leave the chair. I fell asleep again thankful the eerie dreams didn’t return.

  I awoke again a few hours later to find Larson in his usual place beside me. His head was leaning back, and his eyes were closed. To the unsuspecting person it would appear he was sleeping, but I was well aware that vampires had no need for sleep. In accurate timing to my thoughts, he lifted his head and opened his eyes.

  “Just a little daydreaming,” Larson said, a flirtatious smile spreading across his face as he stood up from his night-watch post. “I will go down and prepare breakfast.” He vanished out of the room before I could even muster a reply.


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