Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1) Page 25

by Patricia Galvan

I ate breakfast as Larson checked the perimeter of the property with Maurice and Trina. They returned as I was placing my plate into the dishwasher and reported that there was nothing to report.

  “All is secure. No sign of any intruders or trespassers,” Maurice said.

  “Stone and I will head out for a while,” Trina said as she skipped out of the kitchen to find Stone.

  “Stay alert and don’t take too long,” Larson instructed. “Stay on the west side, away from Shadowmist.”

  “We will, Lars. You don’t have to worry about us. We understand the rules,” Trina said as she walked further into the family room then out to the back yard.

  A few hours later, Trina and Stone returned and then it was Maurice and Eva’s turn to go out. When they returned, Larson and Gina left, and I sat alone in the bedroom not thinking about them out there together. They took longer and I was getting bored, so I went down to find myself something to eat. I found some slices of turkey and cheese and paired it with grapes. Larson and Gina were home later that afternoon as I busied myself cleaning the spotless kitchen.

  “I’ll be down in a few minutes,” Larson said heading up the stairs to his bedroom.

  Minutes later he was back, dressed in a fresh pair of black jeans and black t-shirt. His hair damp from the shower, hung down around his face. He raked his fingers through the wet strands moving them away from his brow.

  “Hey,” I said as he entered the room.

  “Hey back,” he said and smiled. He walked out the back door summoning me with a tilt of his head, and I followed him.

  We walked around to the side of the house. Tucked away behind a thick wall of mature shrubs was a lavish flower garden. Roses, lilacs, dahlias, African daisies, calla lilies, and other flowers for which I had no names for, blanked the ground in a beautiful array. In the center of the garden was a rock path leading the way to a stone bench.

  I wondered how it was possible for the flowers to be in full bloom in early December, but then I accepted it as another enigma of the fantasy in which I now lived.

  “It’s beautiful,” I gasped, taking a seat on the bench as I immersed my senses in all the distinct colors and scents of the flowers. Larson disappeared for a moment and returned with a bouquet of red tulips.

  “Thank you,” I said taking the flowers, rubbing the soft petals between my fingers.

  “Analey, I’m sorry about all of this and I wish it didn’t have to be you. I would give my life to take this fate from your life,” Larson said in a low voice.

  “I’m not sorry,” I said. “If I had been dealt a different hand in life, I wouldn’t have met you. I may not know how to understand my feelings for you, but I do know I’m glad I met you.”

  Larson smiled but it was a forced smile, not one that reached his eyes. It was a sad smile. “Having you here with me is the only reason any of this makes sense.”

  “That’s all that matters,” I said placing the tulips down beside me on the bench.

  “You’re right,” he said and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. The feel of his chest as it rose with each breath brought a sense of peace to my erratic mind.

  “I have the ability to absorb powers and energy,” I said slipping out of his arms and walked to a row of brightly colored blossoms.

  I walked along the flowers, gently brushing my hand over each petal. One by one each flower drooped and withered. I reached the end of the row and came back to the first flower. I walked back down each row again, gently holding the wilted petals in my hands and gasped as they bloomed anew.

  I looked back to Larson who was sitting on the bench staring at me. “I never imagined you could siphon other forms of life.”

  “Me either,” I said. I started walking back towards the bench but swayed to one side, losing my balance. Larson caught me and led me back to the stone bench. He furrowed his eyebrows, concerned about me. I felt something wasn’t right and I too worried about what was happening to me. With Larson’s help I made it back to the house and up the stairs.

  “I think you should get some rest,” Larson said.

  I agreed as I climbed into the bed thinking that maybe I was coming down with the flu or some other sickness. Sitting on the bed, I contemplated the many facets of my abilities while Larson joined the others to patrol the property once more. All the thinking was making me hungry and I didn’t want to rest anymore. An hour was plenty of time to regain my strength, so I decided to go downstairs, hoping Gina had gone out too. When I reached the base of the stairs, I saw Larson and Gina deep in conversation. I got the impression that it was an intense discussion, one that I should not interrupt.

  “Lars what are you doing with that girl?” Gina scolded.

  “That’s not your business, Gina,” Larson chided.

  “You shouldn’t have gotten involved with her. She is still a threat to all vampires, and you know it.” Gina moved closer to Lars dropping her voice. “We need to stick to the plan.”

  Larson’s stance stiffened as he tried to keep in control. “The plan is to keep her safe. Either you are a part of the solution or you become a problem and that’s not a liability I am willing to accept.”

  “Yes, Lars. You’re right. I will help you keep her safe from Aloes,” Gina said slithering closer to him.

  Just as I was turning to leave, Gina put her hand on Larson’s neck, pulled him to her and kissed him. A sick, revolting feeling filled my stomach. I put my hand over my mouth, as I gasped in shock and ran up the stairs as fast as humanly possible.

  I felt the sting of tears in my eyes, even though I knew I had no right to feel jealous. I slammed the bedroom door shut and fell onto the bed. I forced the tears back. I wasn’t going to cry. Rejection had been a part of my life since the day I was born. Now with Larson’s rejection (because I had foolishly assumed, I was the only one for him even though I had made it clear he wasn’t the only one for me) it was like the first time all over again. I scolded myself for allowing myself to think Larson loved me. He never said the words, but I believed he did.

  I was in the room only seconds when Larson came bursting in and at once he was by my side on the bed.

  “Analey, please,” he pleaded. Sorrow and pain were thick in his voice.

  I didn’t look at him because I knew I would forgive him, and I didn’t want to give in so easily.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t—it wasn’t—” Larson rambled on incoherently. He’d always had a way with words and now he spoke clumsily trying to explain. I didn’t need an explanation; I had seen enough to know what it was.

  “Go away,” I said, even though I didn’t want him to leave for fear he would return to Gina.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want to be anywhere but here with you,” Larson said. “I’ll stay here until you let me explain and I have more patience than you do. I have had decades to perfect it.” He tried putting his hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. I was hurt, even if I had no right to be. Larson let out a sigh and lay down beside me.

  After what seemed like an eternity, I finally gave up. Larson was right; he did have more patience than I did. I got up and walked to the window, standing with my arms crossed over my chest I stared out to the vast property. I tried not to think of anything, but I couldn't get the image of Gina’s arms around Larson and his lips locked with hers out of my mind. Reading my thoughts, Larson cautiously walked up to me and every part of me wanted to turn and face him, but I resisted the urge with every bit of strength I had. Larson stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I tried to get away from his grip, but I couldn't move.

  “Please, Analey,” he begged, whispering in my ear. His sultry voice broke what resolve I had left as his fragrant breath flowed into my ear and throughout my body.

  I knew staying mad at him forever was an impossibility. I turned around but refused to look up at his face. I kept my arms crossed and my head down. I would listen but I wouldn’t look at him. I wasn’t read
y to forgive or forget.

  Larson placed his fingers lightly under my chin and lifted my head. With his other hand, he wrapped his fingers around my wrist and uncrossed my arms. I let them fall limp at my sides. When Larson turned towards the closed bedroom door, I knew Gina had been silently calling him. The look that came across his gorgeous face as he wordlessly answered her, frightened me. When he turned back to me, his features were soft and sincere. Larson held my hands, looking at me intently, not speaking. I waited for his explanation.

  “We were talking about a mistake she almost made on her hunting trip this morning and I was warning her to be more careful, when she heard you coming down the stairs. She waited for you to reach the bottom stair then she kissed me. I tried to pull away, but she caught me by surprise. Please, believe me. It’s the truth.” But only part of it was the truth. I’d heard enough of their conversation to know it didn’t have anything to do with their hunting trip.

  I wanted to believe him that it meant nothing to him, but who could resist a creature as gorgeous as Gina? Besides, they had history and I couldn’t compete with that. I stood still, choosing my words and thoughts carefully. Then one betraying thought escaped to the front of my mind; my thoughts could never be trusted.

  Larson slowly put both his hands on my face. His lips, as light as feathers, brushed my cheeks, my jaw, and then they found mine. I couldn’t refuse my desires, so I let Larson kiss me. It was a magical moment as his lips caressed mine, his cool breath pushing its way into my mouth. I forced myself to pull away.

  “Stay out of my head,” I said louder than I’d meant to. I could still feel the electricity tingling through my nerves, but I ignored the sensations.

  “I’m sorry. I won’t listen to your thoughts,” Larson whispered.

  “I just want to be left alone,” I said close to tears again. I was feeling strong emotions for Larson that frightened me more than anything in the natural or supernatural world.

  The forceful crash of the front door slamming shut shook the house, thrusting me out of the hold Larson’s eyes had on me.

  “It’s okay. It was just Gina storming out.”

  “What, why?” I asked.

  “Well I kind of made sure she heard my thoughts when we had our first kiss. I wanted to make sure she knew how I felt about you,” he admitted, his flawless features composed and intense.

  I shuddered at what would happen when Gina returned. She would kill me as soon as she got the chance, I was sure of it. I closed my eyes and I could see Gina’s hungry eyes glaring at me.

  “Don’t ever kiss me like that again. I don’t want your pity,” I chided.

  “I didn’t do it out of pity. I kissed you because you are the only one I want to kiss. Ever,” he said.

  “Please, Larson, just go,” I whispered.

  Larson closed his eyes then looked at me again, slumping his shoulders, he turned towards the door and left. I sat alone in the large bedroom, thinking and considering everything that had occurred since turning 18. I thought about my Kami, Kian, and Candice. I really missed them. I thought about how Stella, Mikel, and Larson had unexpectedly come into my life, and I couldn’t say with confidence that I wish they hadn’t. I thought about vampires and special powers. It was all so unbelievable. I couldn't rationalize it, but somehow it all made sense. I decided that as unimaginable as it all was, I knew that in this world, which was beyond belief, was exactly where I belonged. I wanted some time away from Larson so that I could hopefully think clearly. He didn't return during the night to sit at my bedside the way he usually did, and I was somewhat relieved. I wanted to go to him but forced myself to stay alone until the next morning. When Larson didn't come looking for me, I gave in and went searching for him.

  I found him out on the back porch, gently swaying on the swing his head was in his hands, his shoulders slumped down. I stood by the door but didn't step outside. Larson turned his head and his somber eyes held mine. He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets of his dark blue jeans. His head was angled slightly to one side, his amazing green eyes holding my gaze. His dark hair was tousled flawlessly with that one strand falling softly just above his brow. He waited at the doorway expectantly, taking my breath away.

  Forgive and forget. I deliberately uttered in my mind and instantaneously Larson opened the door and took me into his arms.

  “Thank you,” he whispered and kissed my hair. His embrace, cold and solid felt perfect. I was unable to imagine it any other way. Nothing I had experienced in the human realm had ever felt more complete as it did when I was in the arms of this enthralling and dangerous vampire.

  The corners of his mouth turned up in a beautiful smile and just like he had done the day before, he placed his hands on my face and let his lips find mine again. I didn’t push him away this time as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands intertwined in his hair. He slid one hand down around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

  “You drive me mad, Analey Rose,” Larson whispered as he held me in his arms. Everything I thought I knew about love and life was nothing compared to what I’d just experienced with Larson there was something magical uniting us in a way I could never have imagined.

  thirty~ three

  Icould see the faint purple blemish around Larson’s eyes. The green color of his irises had been almost completely doused by the onyx color of hunger. It had been more than a couple of weeks since he had gone out to hunt. It was apparent he would have to go soon, but I was afraid for him to leave with Gina out there somewhere. She hadn’t returned to the house since the day she kissed Larson, but I figured she hadn’t gone too far. Larson had spent the better part of three days searching for her, but she wasn’t found.

  “There is no sign of Gina near the house or its border. I believe you will be safe here with Maurice and Trina while Luca and I go out,” Larson assured me.

  Luca was one of the two vampires I’d never been introduced to and only saw in passing when I ventured out of the bedroom. Larson told me Luca was a manipulative creature and could affect my will by simply glancing in my direction. Luca had a host of human donors he had influenced, and Larson feared I would fall prey to his mind control. He said Luca’s power was making the human believe it was their idea to offer their blood to him. He hadn’t killed or turned anyone but Larson trusted Luca only when he was around to subdue his power. The deceptive vampire would be useful in controlling Aloes’ intentions.

  I racked my brain for ways to fill my time while Larson was out hunting. I was unable to trust Gina enough to allow my tired body to rest even for just a moment as I couldn’t stop myself from wondering where Larson and Luca would be quenching their thirst. I sank into the soft, oversized armchair in the family room with a magazine. I skimmed over the mundane articles, nothing holding my attention for more than a few seconds. I moved into the bedroom, hoping the scene from the window would soothe my agitation. I yawned and stretched my weary body. The thick air of dismay coiled around me and made the merciless time crawl by until it had been at least a couple of hours since Larson had left, and it would be another three maybe four hours before he would make his way back home.

  I slumped into the chair beside the bed where Larson always sat while I slept. The fabric was smooth and leathery under my fingertips. I was losing the battle with sleep when I heard voices faintly traveling up the stairs from the foyer. I followed the sounds down the stairs, halting on the last step. My hands, clammy with perspiration, drummed lightly against my thighs as I watched Larson rush through the door. His reappearance at the house was too soon. The color had returned to his eyes, but it had been a rushed dinner. I lingered at the base of the staircase, urging my heart to slow down, as it beat frantically at the scene below. Larson held a phone up to his ear, his knuckles completely colorless. His voice boomed sonorously as he instructed the other vampires about what each one had to do. I retreated upstairs to the bedroom. Behind the closed door, I paced from the window to the door and back to the window. I deeme
d it best to stay out of the way, afraid to get caught in the crossfire of Larson’s hot rage. Something or someone had provoked his anger, but I didn’t dare ask him anything. I had initially thought Aloes or Gina had threatened to strike but knew it had something to do with Mikel. I’d heard his name mentioned a few times during Larson’s crazed outburst.

  My meddling curiosity got the best of me and I hurried down the stairs and onto the porch. Mikel was standing at the end of the private road leading to the Cardamone house.

  “I’m here to take her back,” Mikel shouted at Larson.

  Larson laughed, sweeping his eyes around the dark night. “She isn’t going anywhere with you. I won’t allow it.”

  “Allow it?” Mikel mocked. “I’m not asking your permission. I am taking her.”

  “Mikel, you’re well outnumbered. They’re ready to attack on my command.” Larson threatened him.

  I followed Mikel’s gaze around the yard and saw the silhouettes of the other vampires surrounding him and Larson, but Mikel didn’t back down. While Mikel was making his own threats, Larson caught sight of me on the porch and rushed to where I was, snatching me in his arms and returning to Mikel. I felt the blood rush out of my face as Larson held on too tightly to me.

  “Leave now or I will finish what I started 18 years ago, and you know what that would mean. It’s my venom that runs through her veins.” Larson spat the words out, grazing his fangs dangerously close to my neck.

  I couldn’t be sure Larson wouldn’t make good on his threat. His anger trembled through his body and into the deathly grip he had on me. I tried to make sense of what he meant about finishing what he started but I was left with no obvious answer.

  “Do you think she would forgive you after what you did to her friend?” Mikel asked.

  I looked to Mikel pleading for him to explain what he meant but details from a vision I’d had and forgotten came trickling back. I saw Candice’s frightened face reflecting in Larson’s murderous eyes.

  Larson loosened his hold on me as he fumed at Mikel. “I didn’t kill Candice.”


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