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Buried Permission

Page 2

by Jennifer Kacey

  Unable to do either, she let herself revel in the pad of her best friend’s thumb as she drew circles on her skin.

  “Blood flows to your pussy…”

  Kerrington almost nodded but stopped herself before she revealed the state she was in.

  “Your stripper whispers in your ear. They want you to come. They want to make you scream.”

  One of the girls tightened her thighs, squeezing them together over and over, while the other one widened hers. Her teal panties clearly showed to most of the people watching from the first few rows of seats. She clutched at her skirt, lifting it a tiny bit higher, inviting her stripper to continue.

  “Your orgasm builds inside you. It gets closer and closer as they rub your wet panties, circling your clit with their deliciously skilled fingers.”

  Danielle’s fingers sped up on her knee. Kerrington barely choked back another groan of her own when one, then two, then all three of the women started moaning.

  “Your sexy stripper slips their fingers inside your tight sheath, stroking you as fast or slow as you like. You’ve never had anyone so attuned to your body before. What they’re doing to you is perfect and exactly what you need to come. On the count of five you’re going to come for us aren’t you?”


  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Unngff,” was all the last one closest to them could manage.

  “One,” Dr. Mack counted. “They lean in close, rubbing their chest against yours, grinding their pelvis against you. You breathe in deep through your nose. They’re wearing your favorite fragrance.”

  One of the girls on stage twitched, clutching at the arm of the chair. Her toes curled in time with her hips moving.

  “Two. They nibble your ear, sucking your sensitive lobe into the hot cavern of their skilled mouth.

  “Three. They whisper to you low and seductive. ‘Come for me.’ They thrust their fingers deeper inside you as your sex tries to trap their slick digits.

  “Four. The tip of their nose touches the inside of your neck, their free hand grabbing a fistful of your hair, tugging your head to the side so they have access to the pulse point hammering away in your throat.”

  Kerrington couldn’t breathe, didn’t move. She wouldn’t even blink for fear of missing something. She made a fist, realizing that at some point she’d latched on to Danielle’s hand like a lifeline.

  “They move in closer, using their hips to force their fingers in deeper. You feel the tip of their tongue lick across your collarbone from the outside in, then up the flesh of your throat. They bite you hard and your pussy convulses, pulsing every few seconds until they…say…five.”

  Kerrington wanted to fly away. She knew she needed to run outside, to leave those forbidden feelings and desires buried, but it was impossible. A mini orgasm pulsed through her groin. Walking away wasn’t an option as three women shouted, exploding into orgasm in front of everyone in the club.

  They thrashed in their chairs, riding the hand of someone very real to them. They gasped and cried out as each wave of immense tension pounded through every fiber of their bodies.

  But above it all Kerrington thought she heard her name. Danielle’s voice was nothing but a breath of air but she was certain she heard it and positive nothing had ever sounded as sweet as those three syllables from the lips of her best friend.

  Looks of awe transformed the audience members’ faces. The best actress in the world couldn’t have faked what had happened.

  The women shuddered, the back of their heads resting on the top of their seatbacks, rolling from side to side as they plummeted back to Earth after being shot into the stars.

  Kerrington glanced over at the half-hypnotized couple in the audience and the boyfriend had his head buried in his girlfriend’s neck as she came.

  Danielle’s fingernails dug into Kerrington’s palm, transmitting her urgency and intense need for more.

  The passion and satisfaction of the other three women blanketed Kerrington’s inner needs, warming her, bringing her to the surface to suck in a lungful of much-needed air.

  Feeling the connection she shared with Danielle, the passion, the need for something more, terrified her. She wanted to soak it up like the sun’s healing rays, but she shoved it away, knowing she couldn’t give in to it.

  Before she passed, Kerrington’s grandmother told her what she should do and not to settle. Kerrington couldn’t intentionally go against her wishes. Her grandmother had given up so much for her, taking her in, raising her. Wherever her grandmother was, Kerrington wanted her to be proud. That was more important than anything. Even her own desires. Even when she’d been young, she’d realized her grandmother was lonely, but she’d never remarried. She’d told Kerrington she was happy and her friends were all she needed, but Kerrington knew it was because she was there.

  She always knew she was the most important thing in her grandmother’s life, so she did what she always did. She shoved it all back inside, her needs, her cravings, her wants and her wishes. She tamped it down, willing the emotions threatening to explode to vanish into thin air.

  The mask she always wore didn’t seem to fit as she expected when she tried to put it back on, but she kept her face free of everything, no emotion, no desire, nothing.

  Danielle pulled her hand away, tucking it into the curve of her other elbow, hiding just as much as Kerrington was. Most days she was a bit pushy and could dominate a room with her presence, but not now. She didn’t glance at Kerrington or smile and joke as she normally did.

  Losing her touch left a physical ache deep in Kerrington’s chest.

  Emotion glittered in Danielle’s eyes. She closed them, and Kerrington wondered how much longer their friendship could survive.

  Chapter Two

  Dr. Mack helped bring down the three hypnotized girls. It took no more than ten minutes and she had them calm, relaxed. All five of her volunteers, plus the casualty in the audience, were out of their trance state and back to normal.

  She even told them they wouldn’t be embarrassed about what happened and she was right. The two women on stage smiled and one of them rocked back and forth in her post-orgasmic bliss. The guys were high-fiving each other, mouthing something obscene to their buddies offstage.

  “Does anyone have any questions?” Dr. Mack asked as she dismissed her hypnotic guinea pigs.

  “What do you feel like afterward?” someone inquired as the five people stepped off the stage via a set of risers Kerrington hadn’t noticed. The volunteers melted into the crowd. “Do you have to do anything to be…uhh…normal again?”

  “I always recommend drinking lots of water. It’s cleansing for the body as well as the mind, and most people report being sleepy, so taking a nap is always good after care. Having someone to cuddle with is good too. Especially after the session those lovely ladies just had.”

  “Yes, please,” one of the girls from earlier said as she climbed on the lap of a dark-haired guy a few rows back.

  “Can anyone be hypnotized?” came from the audience.

  Dr. Mack nodded, clasping her hands in front of her skirt. “Anyone that wants to be, yes. Some people are easier than others to put into a hypnotic state but I can tell you I’ve never run into anyone I couldn’t help.”

  A woman piped up in the back. “What does it feel like to be hypnotized?”

  “That is a very good question. And I can tell you, give you the clinical description of it, or I can show you. If you don’t want to participate, simply don’t follow my instructions. It’s that easy. You guys up for it?”

  Almost everyone agreed. Kerrington admitted to being curious but didn’t want to do anything stupid either.

  As if she knew what everyone thought, Dr. Mack reassured everyone. “No one will have to leave their chair. You won’t have to move, or speak, or come on command, so everyone can relax.”

  Most everyone snickered, including Kerrington and Danielle. Danielle’s eyes brightened a notch when she glanced at her and s
ome of the tension relaxed between them.

  Kerrington wanted to offer up a prayer of thanks.

  “Lean back in your chair, place your feet on the floor and your palms on your thighs.” She gave everyone a minute to get comfortable. “Now close your eyes and just breathe. In and out, concentrate on your breathing, on the muscle groups you’re using. Be aware of your body and what you are asking it to do, and what you normally take for granted. This is a very good time to think positive thoughts. Imagine that you’re taking a bright white light to every corner inside you, illuminating everything you want to get rid of. Life is short, so you need to get rid of all the negative attitude weighing you down.”

  Clothing rustled, shoes shifted as most people decided to give it a try.

  Kerrington blocked out the world, everything around her, then did her best to picture her body bathed in healing white light inside and out.

  It was easier than she’d expected.

  “As you continue to breathe I want you to hold your arms out straight in front of you, with your palms facing the ground. Now flip one of your hands over so your palm faces the ceiling.”

  Kerrington flipped her left hand over, waiting for the next command. She peeked at Danielle, whose arms looked so lovely stretched out in front of her. Kerrington squnched her eyelids, reminding herself again that wasn’t what she wanted.

  “What you’re about to experience is heavy and light. In the hand you just flipped over I’m going to give you a bowling ball to hold. It weighs ten pounds and you’re not going to be able to hold it for very long. Your other hand holds nothing, but you have a big helium balloon tied to your wrist and it lifts it higher and higher and higher toward the sky.

  “The weight of the bowling ball strains your hand, your wrist, your arm all the way up to your shoulder. The slick surface’s getting harder to hang on to. Your other hand is light as a breeze of air. It’s so light you can’t keep it level any longer. It rises with the help of the floating balloon.”

  Dr. Mack fell silent and Kerrington wondered what the big deal was.

  “Now everyone open your eyes and look at your hands.”

  Kerrington opened her eyes, expecting her hands to be level right where she left them.

  “What the hell?” someone called from the audience.

  Kerrington seconded the question. Her arms weren’t at all where she thought they were. Her left hand hovered barely above her thigh and her right hand floated above her head.

  “The wider your hands, equates to being more easily hypnotized. It’s not true for everybody, but it is for most.”

  Danielle’s hands weren’t nearly as far apart and Kerrington didn’t know what to make of that.

  “Now everyone place your palms on your thighs again and take a deep breath.”

  Kerrington’s lids lowered and she pulled in a deep breath, wanting a drag to go along with it.

  “Overeating, hate exercising, picking your fingers? Each of you has something you’d like to fix and I’d like you to think of the one thing you’d like me to cure.”

  A big neon sign that read smoking flashed inside Kerrington’s head. Quitting smoking couldn’t have been a better vice for her to get rid of. It was unhealthy and Danielle hated it, which of course she didn’t care about. At least that was what she kept telling herself.

  “Now think of something you desire. A beautiful something you’d like to possess. Think of it. Wrap your mind, and body and soul around it, keeping it close.”

  Kerrington leaned toward Danielle, cursing herself again for choosing to be close to her in the near-darkness. It wasn’t a wish she could have but instead of moving past it, she just wanted her more. Moisture coated her pussy, preparing it for something she’d never allowed herself to accept.

  “I want all of you to take a minute to think about these two things. Something you need to get rid of, and then the one thing you want more than anything. Don’t forget your white light. Burn away all the negative thoughts and feelings you have associated with wanting or desiring these things. When you’re ready open your eyes.”

  Kerrington tried her best to get rid of her fears but her internal light seemed to need batteries.

  As soon as she opened her eyes she glanced at Danielle. She jerked a tiny bit when she found Danielle staring at her. They both looked away, unable to face the growing tension. Danielle’s cheeks were probably a lovely shade of pink but she didn’t look back. The sight of her lips as she chewed them would be Kerrington’s undoing.

  “Those vices and those things you’ve always wanted help with but thought they were out of your control? There’s no such thing. I can help and I’m just a phone call away.” Dr. Mack stared straight at Kerrington, smiled, and then walked backstage.

  “I need a cigarette,” Kerrington mumbled, then raced outside as if she had piranha nipping at her ass.

  Chapter Three

  Standing outside the club, away from the other smokers, Kerrington sucked in a drag like it would be her last. She held the inhale, wallowing in how it reminded her of when she climaxed, normally thinking of her best friend. Tingles flashed to the apex of her thighs, making her clit quiver in anticipation. She swiped the back of her skirt for like the fiftieth time, making sure moisture hadn’t pooled on the material beneath her.

  Thinking of what could never be made her take another puff.

  In Kansas, the warmth from the day in late July still lingered, but that didn’t explain why Kerrington started to sweat as soon as Danielle walked up to stand next to her. “It’s still early. Want to come back to my place?” Her nose already wrinkled at the smell of smoke.

  Guys and girls alike took notice of Danielle when she was around. She was so pretty, truly beautiful inside and out.

  Kerrington inhaled the sweet nicotine-laced air one last time, stubbing the butt out beneath her shoe. “I’ve got to work tomorrow at the hospital. The next big round of laptops is being installed, so I can’t be out too late.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Out of nowhere Danielle grabbed her in a tight hug.

  Kerrington hesitated for just a second then returned the gesture, holding her close, feeling her warmth.

  No harm in a hug. Right?

  “Thanks for coming with me.”

  Kerrington squeezed her again before pulling back. “I’m glad I came, even though you had to drag me.”

  “Seriously, you’d think I was lugging you to some virgin sacrifice as the main dish.” Danielle eyed her lips, swiping her own with her tongue for a second, as if her mouth had just gone dry.

  Kerrington knew the feeling all too well. “Ha,” she exclaimed a bit too loudly.

  Danielle hooked her arm through Kerrington’s, hauling her in the direction of the car.

  “You know I love you,” Danielle said, making Kerrington trip over a parking curb.

  Anytime she said things like that it took Kerrington by surprise. She was closer than a sister but Kerrington kept her at arm’s length, which put a strain on everything they shared.

  “But you smell like an ashtray. Bet you taste like one too.” She leaned over and Kerrington prepared to be licked.

  Her nipples hardened, her pussy softened, spilling liquid onto her already-drenched sunshine-yellow thong.

  She probably resembled someone facing a firing squad. She squeezed her eyes shut, tightening her muscles so she didn’t dissolve into a puddle at their feet.

  Instead of her wet tongue dragging up the side of Kerrington’s neck, the soft tip of Danielle’s nose slid along her skin. It was there and gone before she could embarrass herself with a moan.

  “You know, you should make an appointment with Dr. Mack. Bet she could help with the smoking.”

  Danielle released her arm, unlocking the car doors on her Subaru Forester with her remote control. They got in and buckled but had to wait for several cars to leave before she could reverse into traffic. “I’ve seen her once,” Danielle admitted.

  “Shut up, when did you d
o that and why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It was nunya.”


  “Yeah, nunya business.” Danielle guffawed and Kerrington smiled, shaking her head. She was glad the tension from earlier was mostly gone.

  “I thought about it. Going to see her I mean. It definitely seemed like she knew what she was doing.” Nothing else would come out of her mouth, even though she wanted to say a lot more.

  “Well think some more. It might be just what you need. Especially after your grandmother died. You started smoking around the same time didn’t you?”

  She stared out the window, smiling at her memories. “Before she passed, actually.”

  “I know you miss her.”

  “Every day.”

  Danielle took her hand, squeezing it tightly, then released it.

  She normally touched Kerrington often, which delighted and frustrated Kerrington. She wanted Danielle to touch her all the time but it made her uncomfortable.

  They were platonic caresses, a friend touching another friend, but to Kerrington they were so much more.

  The touches were less lately and she hated knowing why.

  Danielle knew how deeply it affected her, which made Kerrington feel as if she were damaged goods. She needed to double her efforts to keep her distance and try harder to maintain a platonic relationship.

  Kerrington couldn’t lose Danielle as a friend. It would crush her, and Danielle was the only person Kerrington considered her family after her grandmother had died.

  Her parents and step-siblings were still alive but she had nothing more than a DNA strand in common with them.

  The rest of the ride to Danielle’s house was quiet. Kerrington was completely lost in thought.

  Kerrington reminded herself she shouldn’t want anything between them but friendship. She wouldn’t want to risk losing it anyway.

  The silence was punctuated by Kerrington’s heart beating in her chest. She stole glances at Danielle each time the streetlights dipped inside the SUV to shine on her.

  As soon as they got back to Danielle’s, Kerrington excused herself to go to the bathroom.


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