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A Little Harmless Scandal

Page 4

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Are we missing anything in our lives? Do we need anything else?”

  He sighed. “Not sure. I just…”

  Now he was getting worried as he studied Mick’s bent head.

  “Spit it out.”

  “It’s stupid because I have always been okay with us. I love you and don’t want to ever lose you.”


  “I want children.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “I want children, and I want a woman in our lives. Like permanently.”


  Mick glanced up at him. “See, that’s why I never said anything. I didn’t want you to think that I found anything lacking between us.”

  “But, apparently, you do.”

  He tried to drop his hands, but Mick grabbed one and brought it up to his mouth. He pressed his lips against the inside of his wrist.

  “I want you in my life forever, but I think we both need a woman here. We’re bisexual, not homosexual. It is unconventional to even think about it, but I think our lives would be better with a woman.”

  “In what way?”

  Mick threaded his fingers through Adam’s. “Maybe we need someone to complete us.”


  He smiled and leaned up to brush his mouth against Adams. That little taste had his heart racing.

  “Yes, but did we buy this big house just so Mom and Dad have a place to stay? I don’t think so. We were both thinking of the future. We can adopt, but I know both of us would like to try to have children. We need a woman in our lives for that.”

  “We could use a surrogate.”

  Even before he finished the sentence, Mick was shaking his head.

  “It isn’t just that. You know what I’m talking about, right? Together we have an edge. Masculine, wonderful,” he said as he released Adam’s hand and cupped his face with one hand. He brushed his thumb over his mouth. “But, with a woman, we could soften that edge. Maybe, I’m going senile in my old age, but I like us when there’s a woman with us in bed. I’d really like to see what it’s like when she’s in our life.”

  “First, you aren’t old. And I get what you’re saying.” And he did, even though he wasn’t completely sold on it. “It doesn’t mean it has to be Serenity.”

  “No. But, she’s…” he sighed.

  “Yeah. She is.”

  His gaze moved past Adam to Serenity’s house. “There he is.”

  Mick popped up off the barstool and headed for the door.

  It was a good thing he loved Mick, or he might just have to kill him.

  * * *

  “Those are going to sell, Serenity,” Dai said as she followed him out the door.

  “Are you sure?”

  He smiled at her. He was about ten years older, had the kindest heart, and she counted him as one of her few friends in Hawaii. That’s why she turned him down when he asked her out a couple years ago. He hadn’t let that get in the way of their working relationship.

  “You always ask me that. They will sell. How’s the book coming?” He stepped into his slippahs.

  “Okay. Slow.”

  “You’ll get it done and everyone will love it.”

  “I think I should call you daily so I can have you say nice things to me.”

  He chuckled. “I gave you that choice, Hiwahiwa. You turned me down. Now I am happily married.”

  “To Sherry, who is your soul mate, so I think I deserve a call every day just for that.”

  He chuckled and gave her a hug. “I’ll get those printed up in the next couple of weeks.”

  “Sounds good,” she said as she released him.

  “Hey,” Mick said.

  She blinked. “Oh, hey, Mick. Howzit?”

  “Going well. We have the bedroom and living room set up.”

  Adam came up behind him, a look of apology on his face. She had no idea what that was about.

  “Dai, this is Mick and Adam. They bought the War of the Roses house.”

  “Ah, well it’s good to know there is finally someone out here by you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can, but Sherry worries.”

  She rolled her eyes as he kissed her cheek. He gave her a wink the other men couldn’t see. “I’ll let you know when I get those printed up and they are for sale.”

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Nice to meet you two.”

  Then he climbed into his pickup.

  “Was there something you needed?”

  “No,” Mick said. Adam rolled his eyes.

  “Sorry. Mick just wanted to stretch his legs. He goes a little nuts being stuck inside all day.”

  “Okay.” She wanted to invite them in. She wanted to touch them. And there it was. That bit of her that was going to hell.

  “Well, I don’t want to be rude, but I’m going out for some shoots this afternoon.”

  “No worries,” Mick said smiling at her. “We still have a ton of crap to do. Just wanted to say hey.”

  As she watched them walk back to their house, she shook her head. They were sexy and cute. Sweet even. But they were not for her. They were together and that was all that mattered. She would have to remember that and just fantasize about them when she was alone.

  Chapter Six

  A week later, Serenity was finally back on track. She’d spent the day out on the North Shore shooting the massive waves thanks to the storm hitting. When a storm this big hit, waves could cover Kam Highway and she’d have to take the long way around home.

  She grabbed her raincoat and waterproof camera. She wanted to get some pics of the storm before it moved into her area.

  She hurried down the path to the beach, the rain pelting against her skin so hard it hurt. The wind danced through the trees and left her unable to hear anything but that.

  “I have to be insane. Like straight up legit insane.”

  And, she was talking to herself again. A sure sign of insanity.

  She ignored everything and let the electricity from the storm feed into her creativity. She reached the beach and found a few folks gathered to watch the approaching storm. Hawaii rarely got storms this big without a name attached to them.

  She found a good space without anyone near her and started to snap a few pics. The dark, threatening clouds against the breaking waves made a dramatic backdrop, and she knew they would be popular with her followers. In fact, she might get a few of these printed up for Dai. They would sell well at his shop, but also at the Aloha Swap Meet. Or, she could keep them to include in her book she was working on.

  “Hey,” a male voice shouted over at her.

  She jumped, then noticed it was Mick. It had been days since she’d talked to either of her neighbors. She had seen them a lot, but from her window, or a wave to them on their lanai.

  “Hey, yourself.”

  “What the hell are you doing out here?”

  “Pics,” she said holding up her camera.

  “You’re crazy.”

  She laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  The rain started to pour harder and the wind changed directions.

  “I think you should get inside.”

  She nodded and started back to the path that lead to their houses. He followed her, then when the path widened stepped up beside her.

  With the trees taking some of the rain off them, Serenity looked at him. Okay, he was still ridiculously beautiful. Even with his dark hair plastered against this head, he looked good enough to eat. He wasn’t wearing anything over his clothes, so his t-shirt clung to his muscles. She could easily see his six pack of abs. Damn.

  “You think I’m crazy, but you ran out there without anything to protect yourself.”

  He glanced over at her with a smile, dimples and all.

  “I never said I wasn’t crazy.”

  They reached his house first.

  “Why don’t you come in for a cup of coffee?”

She should say no. Keeping her distance hadn’t been hard, but it hadn’t been easy either. And it hadn’t helped one bit. She had been having dreams about both men. But, she’d barely talked to anyone in the last week, and she did like their company. Especially Mick. He was so easygoing and sweet.

  “Sure, as long as Adam doesn’t mind.”

  “He had a job today, so it’s just me.”

  “Ah.” That would be easier. Adam was nice, but he was always so intense.

  She stepped through the door and immediately took off her shoes. He helped her off with her jacket. She immediately shivered.

  “You need some coffee to warm up.”

  He led her to the kitchen. The boxes were gone, and the place was neat and orderly.

  “Jeez, it took me forever to get settled in. I think I was unpacking months after moving. And you have a lot more things than I do.”

  “Military upbringing.” He shrugged, then tugged off his shirt.

  Good God in Heaven. She almost passed out from the view in front of her. All tanned flesh, big muscles, and several tats. His skin was damp from the rain and she wanted to touch. Just run her hands over those enormous pecs…and lick at least one nipple.




  “I’m going to get another shirt. I just started a pot when you went tearing off to the beach.”

  She nodded but she didn’t move.


  She blinked and finally focused on his face. He was smiling at her and there was a look in his eyes that told her he had picked up on her thoughts. Her face flamed.

  “Cups are in the cupboard right above the coffee pot.”

  Then he disappeared to the back of the house. She drew in a deep breath and ordered each and every one of her hormones to settle down. When she was finally under control, she walked over to the coffee pot. She smiled when she saw every cup in perfect alignment.

  “Military brat.”

  “And proud of it.”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice, then turned to face him. He had on another t-shirt and a new pair of shorts. His hair had been brushed back from his face, but with his fingers.

  “Sorry. It’s just so orderly.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, there is that. No problem. I’m proud of my military brat upbringing and the years I spent in the service.”

  “As you should be,” she said with a smile.

  “Everything has to be in perfect order for when my folks visit. It has more to do with my mother than my father, to tell you the truth.”

  He took the cup she held in her hands and poured coffee for her. “Milk? Sugar?”

  She nodded and he went to retrieve them.

  “Your mother is the task master?”

  He nodded. “Always beware of the military mother. She’s a dangerous creature.”

  She laughed enjoying him. It was nice to see a man who obviously loved his mother. “So, they visit?”

  “Yeah, my parents and my sister come every now and then. She’s hugely pregnant now, so I won’t see her until the baby is born.”

  She doctored her coffee as he filled his cup.

  “Take a load off,” he said, motioning with his head. She walked into the living area. They had massive furniture that should have dwarfed the room, but somehow seemed to fit.

  She sat down on the couch and he joined her on the opposite end.

  “Is that what you do all the time? Run out in storms?”

  She shook her head. “Not normally. But today was different. Plus, I’m working on a book.”

  “Oh? About Hawaii?”

  She nodded. “I’m working on a proposal for a picture book of Hawaii, but something different than what you find in other books. More of what is everyday life in Hawaii.”

  “Including big ass storms.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. I took some shots up at the North Shore also.”

  “Adam was working over there and is stuck taking the long way home more than likely. He said he was going to try and wait it out.”

  She nodded. “How long have you been together?”

  “As in friends or lovers?”

  “You were friends first?”

  “Yes, we served together. We’ve been together as a couple for eight total.”

  She nodded. “Your folks don’t have a problem with your homosexuality?”

  He shook his head. “First, we aren’t homosexual. We’re both bisexual.”

  Oh, not good to hear. The fact that they liked each other and only other men worked for her. Granted, her dreams had moved from watching to being involved with them both. At the same time. But now she knew they liked women too, it was going to get worse.


  “That doesn’t bother you, does it?”

  She shook her head. “I had a pretty liberal upbringing in LA. But your dad is retired military.”

  “My folks have never had a problem with it. Adam doesn’t have a family to worry about.”

  She opened her mouth to ask why but the lights flickered then went out.

  “Damn. Hold on.”

  He rose from the couch and started back into the kitchen. She heard a clunk, then, “Fuck, that’s going to leave a mark. Gotta get used to the new house.”

  When he returned, he had a flashlight and a couple of candles.

  He handed her the flashlight. Then he turned on the candles and set them on the table.

  “Not very romantic, I know, but Adam has this thing about fires. Outside they don’t bother him, but inside, he doesn’t like them at all.”

  She nodded and turned off the flashlight.

  “So, you are a photographer. Any family?”

  She shook her head. “I have a mother I don’t talk to.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  She sipped at her coffee. “No. It’s good. I emancipated myself at the age of sixteen. I haven’t seen her since.”

  His eyes widened. “You could just do that? Walk away?”

  “No, I was running. My mother horrible person.”

  “Ah, okay. Adam had the same kind of thing. Foster kid.”

  She nodded. Some things were falling into place about the men. Mick came from a nurtured background. He was open and quick with a smile. Adam was guarded. Not rude, but he seemed to protect himself a little bit more.

  “What did you do after you broke up with your mother?”

  She smiled at the way he phrased it. “I traveled. I worked from the time I was five, so I had never really had a vacation.”

  “Wait, you worked?”

  Damn. She didn’t always tell people about her childhood. What was it about Mick that just made her spill her guts?

  “Yeah. I was an actor.”

  He blinked. “Like on TV? You’re famous?”

  She snorted. “Not anymore and I don’t think I was way back then either. Mainly smaller parts”

  “I would have remembered an actress with the name Serenity Jones.”

  “I had a different name back then.”

  “Oh. Hmm. Still kind of hazy.”

  “Most of my shows and movies were geared toward girls.”

  “That would explain it. I bet my sister would know you.”

  She knew he wanted her stage name, but she didn’t offer it. It was one thing she didn’t want to deal with. Not when she barely knew them.

  “So, you left the business.”

  She shrugged. “I was out of control. I hated acting, anything that had to deal with being in front of the camera. The two years before I left, I was completely out of control. I started drinking beer when I was twelve, wine when I was thirteen, then the harder stuff when I was fourteen. Lots of bad press, lots of recriminations.”

  She saw something pass over his face. “What?”

  “You drank the other night.”

  She shook her head. “I could control it, I just didn’t want to. When I left, I had been working for over a decade.
I wanted to escape. After I left, I didn’t drink until I was legal again and not that much.”

  “Ah. So, you emancipated yourself, changed your name, and ran away.”

  “Yeah. Pretty much.” But now she wondered about what she had told him. She had only told a couple people about the book proposal. Now she had just blabbed about her other life.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She looked up. “Sorry. I don’t tell people about that all the time.”

  He nodded. “I’m almost a stranger and it’s dark and stormy. Sometimes people let their guards down.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “I don’t mind. I just don’t want paparazzi to find me. It’s been a decade but you never know.”

  “That’s why you changed your name?”

  “Yeah. And why I ran.”

  The old shame of her past crashed down on her hard. She knew it was the only thing she could do to save herself, but there were times she felt like a coward.

  “Hey, I promise not to tell anyone.”

  “No. Just talking about it brings up a lot.”

  She looked down at her coffee cup.

  “Like what?”

  “My mother deemed me a coward for running. For walking away.”

  He slipped his finger beneath her chin and urged her to look at him.

  “You are not a coward. I was pretty independent at that age, but I am not sure I could have walked out on my own. No family. That’s pretty damned gutsy.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I know all of that, but sometimes, it hits me.”

  He nodded.

  “You’re easy to talk to.”

  “I hear that a lot.”

  Even as she heard the change in his tone, she watched him lean forward. He brushed his mouth over hers. Not really a kiss, but she curled her toes against the bare floor.

  When he pulled back, her lips were tingling. He dropped his hand.

  “What was that for?”

  “I thought you needed it.”

  She had, but...

  “You’re involved with Adam.”

  He nodded. “But we’re open with our relationship.”


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