Book Read Free

Love Notes

Page 10

by Michelle Windsor

  I giggle and push myself gently out of his arms, nodding as I do. “You are pretty amazing, Justin Jeffries; I’ll give you that.”

  He catches my hand and pulls me back toward him. “You’re going to be a published author. That’s pretty damn amazing, too.” He slides his hand to my cheek, pulls my face to his, and kisses me tenderly. “Seriously, congratulations. I know it’s what you really wanted. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot.” I kiss him one more time and shrug. “What now?”

  “Let’s go tell everyone the good news! We need to celebrate.” He moves down the ladder first and then helps me as I descend after him.

  We walk back to the cottage, hand in hand, talking about who we should go tell first. “Do you mind if I take a shower first? I drove right over here after opening the letter and didn’t even brush my teeth!”

  “Can I wash your back?” I look over to see him grinning like a bandit.

  I laugh loudly and nod my head in agreement. “Sounds like the perfect way to start our celebration.”

  He pulls me into his arms and raises his brows mockingly. “You mean, continue the celebration?”

  I blush and wrap my arms around him, the sun warming my face as I look up at him. “Have I told you that I love you?”

  He looks down and frowns. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, ‘cause I love you, too.”

  * * *


  I t’s been six glorious weeks since Justin and I declared our love for each other, and our feelings and time spent together have only grown. I glance at the calendar; it’s August fourth. Less than a month until Justin heads to New York City. Although neither of us has brought it up, I know the fact that he’s leaving soon is on both of our minds.

  I’ve signed the contract with the publishing house, and we’ve begun work on cover designs and edits for the book. I also let the university know I won’t be taking the position they offered. I think they were disappointed but also elated to hear my publishing news. After all, if by some miracle I do hit the best-seller list, they will be able to tout me as a success story.

  How can everything be so absolutely perfect, yet all I feel in the pit of my stomach is fear? I’m so afraid of what’s going to happen to me and Justin in another four weeks, and if the book will do well, and I just can’t help but wonder what all of it means for my life overall. That doesn’t even begin to cover the madness that’s now swirling around all the events for Kelly’s wedding.

  Her wedding is the first Saturday in October, so the next six weeks will be filled with dress fittings, flower appointments, bridal showers, and of course, her bachelorette party. So much to do! But today, today I’m not going to think about any of it. It’s Sunday and I have the day off. Unfortunately, Justin doesn’t. His family is out haying the fields today. The next six days are supposed to be hot, clear, and sunny, and apparently, that’s what they need to ensure the hay can dry once it’s cut, and then they’ll bale it. Who knew I’d become a hay bale expert over the summer?

  For the last several weeks, the temperatures have been soaring into the hundreds, so I’m making some cold salads, sandwiches, and a big jug of ice cold lemonade to take to the boys for lunch. Everything is ready except for me, so I scramble to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed.

  A short while later, I pull into the farm and notice all the vehicles are parked in the driveway. I expected them to all be out in the fields, so a sense of alarm triggers my pulse, it’s rhythm picking up as I wonder what could be wrong. I park next to Justin’s truck and, instead of grabbing the food I’ve prepared, I shut the door and head straight for the main house. I raise my hand to knock on the door, but it swings open before I can. Justin is standing in the doorway, a smile lifting his face.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He pulls me into his arms and presses his very hot lips to mine.

  I pull away and place my hand on his forehead. “You’re burning up!”

  “Come in.” He pulls me inside and shuts the door behind me. “It’s a Goddamn furnace out there today. We all had to come in for a while or risk getting heat stroke.”

  “So, everyone’s okay?” My heart slows to its normal cadence as relief sweeps through me.

  He tilts his head and pushes his ball cap off his head as he runs his fingers through his sweaty hair, a lopsided grin on his face. “Syd, were you worried about us?”

  “Of course, I was worried about you guys!” I brush past him and move toward the kitchen, where I’m sure the rest of the family will be. “I was expecting you to all be in the fields.”

  I hear him clomp up behind me in his work boots, feel his grip on my waist, and then he’s hauling my back up against his front. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  His breath tickles my ear as he murmurs, but that isn’t the reason I’m smiling. “No, not lately,” I whisper back.

  “I do.” He kisses my neck, the heat of his lips scorching my skin delightfully.

  “You do?” I drag my lower lip between my teeth.

  “So fucking much, babe.” He nuzzles his face into my neck as his grip around me tightens.

  “Good, ‘cause I love you, too.” I wrap my hands around his and squeeze. “So much.” I’m glad he’s holding on so tightly to me because, I swear, I feel so light I could practically float away right now. I start moving again, his grip loosening as I do, but his hand stays on my waist as he follows next to me.

  I push open the kitchen door and wave at his family around the table. They all look red, sweaty, and exhausted. “Hey, guys. ya’ll okay?”

  They all nod in unison and return my greeting. Mrs. Jeffries, or Pam, as she insists I call her, moves to get up from the table, but I motion for her to stay. “Have you guys eaten?”

  They shake their heads again, in unison, before Pam speaks. “I was just going to finish this glass of water and put something together for everyone.”

  I beam, knowing my lunch is going to be a saving grace for them today. “Ya’ll sit right there and relax. I made up some lunch that I was going to bring out to the fields, so let me go get it out of the car.” I turn to Justin, whose expression is nothing short of adoration. “Can you come help me?”

  “Uh, yeah. Of course.” He turns to the table. “Be right back.”

  Five minutes later, we’re setting the Tupperware bowls of potato and macaroni salad on the table, followed by the tray of sandwiches I made. Jonathan takes the large thermos of lemonade I’m holding and places it on the counter but not before dropping a kiss on my forehead. “You’re the best.”

  We sit and eat, their coloring finally toning down to a light pink, the cool air of the house and the food a relaxing comfort to them all. Everyone’s silent throughout the meal, but it’s not an uncomfortable silence, quite the opposite in fact. There’s an unspoken comfort between all of us as we share this Sunday meal, a real sense of family and love present around the table.

  “Sydney, I can’t thank you enough for bringing this today. You’re a dream come true.” Pam reaches over and pats my hand, her soft eyes meeting mine in thanks.

  “I’m so happy I could do something to help. I know it’s hot as Hades out there.”

  “Thank goodness that even in hell, people get an occasional sip of water.” He gives me a sly grin as I register he’s throwing the very words I tossed at him the day we met in the bar.

  I laugh out loud before responding. “Touché.”

  Everyone else around the table is looking at us like we’ve gone a little mad, so Justin explains. “It’s an inside joke, a quote she teased me with once upon a time.”

  They all nod like they understand, but the look in their eyes makes it all too clear that they still think we’re a bit bonkers. And it’s okay. Maybe we are. But I’ll take feeling bonkers anytime if it means feeling like this.

  Pam and I work to clear the table and clean up the dishes, while the boys sit at the table and
discuss the rest of the cutting that needs to be done. It’s decided they’ll break until after five this evening, in hopes it will be a little cooler but before the dew sets on the hay. Jonathan declares he’s going to take a nap, at which Mr. Jeffries, Tom, exclaims the same. Pam says she’s going to catch up on some DVR shows and leaves me and Justin alone in the kitchen.

  “So, what do you want to do, farm boy?” I grin mischievously at him, my intent all too clear.

  “I have an idea.” He looks me up and down and then nods his head. “Guess you’re dressed okay.”

  I look down at the cut-off jean shorts, white tank top, and chucks I’m wearing and then back up at him. “Dressed okay for what?”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the back-kitchen door. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  * * *

  I LEAD her to the large shed-like garage that’s near the barn and enter the code for the lock on the door. I pull it open when I get the green light and flick the switch on the wall, illuminating the large space. We store the tractors, mowers, and other equipment in here, but what I head for are the three ATVs on the far side of the space.

  “You ever been on one of these before?” I point to the four-wheeled, motorcycle-like vehicles and grin.

  “Actually, believe it or not, I have.” I turn to her and raise my brows in surprise as she shrugs. “Old boyfriend used to be crazy about them.”

  I grimace, not wanting to hear or admit there’s ever been anyone in her life before me. “Wanna take a ride with me? There’s someplace I want to take you.”

  “Sure!” She walks over and hops onto the closest one, straddling the seat, a huge smile on her face. “Let’s go!”

  “Slow down there, Evil Knievel!” I walk to the wall, grab a couple helmets hanging on hooks, and hand one to her.

  “Ugh!” She looks at it and frowns. “Do I have to? It’s so damn hot out and this is going to make it worse.”

  “Well, if we crash and you crack that pretty head of yours, that would be even worse.” I pull the helmet out of her hands and place it overhead, fastening and tightening the strap under her chin to hold it firmly in place. I brush a kiss against her lips and then pull a helmet on my own head. “You look gorgeous, even as a helmet head.”

  She sticks her tongue out at me as I swing my leg over the bike and seat myself in front of her. I click on the engine, push the button to start it, gunning the gas as I do, and rev the engine a bit to scare her. It works because her arms snake around my middle and grab on firmly.

  I maneuver the ATV out the shed door and then zoom off across the yard, up through the fields, and up into the woods. I cruise easily on the beaten path for about twenty-five minutes, climbing steadily upwards, the breeze from the ride and shade from the trees keeping us relatively cool. When we come to a clearing, I cut the engine, remove my helmet, and then jump off to help her do the same.

  Her eyes scanning the area, a look of wonder dancing across her features, and I smile. “Justin, this place is beautiful!”

  I look around at the small clearing and nod. It’s located almost at the top of the largest hill on our property, and a hidden gem if I ever saw one. There’s a small brook that runs through one side of the grass and flower-covered field, but the real treasure is the small pond that sits right in the middle. It’s stream fed and crystal clear, its temperature always cold and refreshing. I come up here a lot when I need to think or clear my head and tell her just that.

  She reaches down, unties her laces, and kicks her sneakers off beside the ATV. I watch as she squishes her toes in the mossy grass and then looks up at me, a delighted smile lifting her cheeks. “It’s so soft.”

  “Want to go for a swim?” I point to the pond and pull my shirt over my head, making it clear that I’m going in no matter what her reply, and then start unbuttoning my jeans.

  “But I don’t have a suit?” She frowns, a look of disappointment clouding her features. “Why didn’t you tell me to bring one?” She crosses her arms, her eyes watching me as I drop my pants, then my boxers, and grin when I see them shift wide in surprise as she realizes what’s happening.

  I waggle my brows and smirk when her mouth opens wide. “Suit optional up here, baby.” Then, I run and leap into the pond, the cold water wrapping around my body in welcome relief as I sink down and then push myself back to the surface.

  I’m not really surprised when I sweep my gaze in a circle to see Sydney stripping off her clothes in quick fashion, a wicked gleam in her eye as she smiles at me. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  I watch as she dashes across the short distance to the pond and then yells when she forms a cannonball and jumps right toward me. The water splashes up and over me as she submerges below the surface, drenching me all over again. It’s so unbelievably refreshing after the morning spent in the heat that I revel in its cool comfort.

  She bursts up beside me, water sliding down her long hair, a look of complete joy on her face. She catches her breath and swims to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. “How come you haven’t brought me here before? I love it.”

  I watch the water drip off her nose and lashes and dart my tongue out, running it across her lips to capture the cool taste of the liquid lining them. She kisses me, thrusting herself closer, and I feel myself harden under her. I break away from the kiss and swirl us around in the water, fascinated when she leans back, her hair rippling out and around her like a halo. Her hard nipples are peeking just above the surface, her hands floating freely beside her, and I swear I have never seen anything more Goddamn beautiful in my life.

  When I pull her back to me, I place my hand on her lower back, lifting her flush against my body, and gaze into her eyes. “Move to New York with me.”

  Her brows rise in reaction to how wide her eyes just popped, and I wonder for a brief moment who’s more surprised by my statement. I’ve been thinking about asking her for the last week or so but didn’t actually plan to act on it yet.

  “You want me to move to New York with you?” She echoes my request, my demand, I think checking that she really heard me correctly.

  I nod my head as I rest it against hers. “I don’t want this to end. I can’t imagine my days without you in them now.”

  Her lip is clenched between her grinding teeth, her brows furrowed as she wraps her arms more tightly around my neck and hugs herself to me. Her words are muffled when she finally responds. “I don’t know, Justin. It’s so scary. We’ve only known each other a few months. What if it doesn’t work?”

  I grip her a little harder, my legs still kicking to keep us afloat, and crush her even closer to me. “How can this not work? Look at us. I love you. I love you so damn much, when I think of being without you, my fucking heart aches.”

  She pushes herself back so she’s looking into my eyes, tears, not water anymore, sliding in slow tendrils down her cheeks. “I love you, too, Justin. So much.” Her lips find mine and devour them as if she hasn’t eaten in days. My cock grows hard as she grinds herself against me in the depths of the water, so I move as gracefully as I can to the shore and carry her out and onto the grass.

  We speak no words. The only sounds are our moans drifting in the breeze with each thrust and push of our bodies as we worship each other. After, we lay spent, entwined, our naked skin cool against the soft grass, her fingers caressing the hairs on my arm as they run back and forth.

  “I can’t leave until after Kelly’s wedding, okay?” Her question is tentative, but I know she’s made her decision and my heart feels like it’s going to leap out of my chest.

  I untangle myself from her and move to loom over her instead. “You’ll come?” I can’t hide the excitement and relief in the tone of my voice and I don’t care.

  She nods her head and gives me the sweetest smile, one I read as blissful surrender to a love neither of us wants to fight.

  * * *


  T he last month has flown by in a
whirlwind of time with Justin, with Kelly, and with my dad. We’ve told everyone I’m going to move to New York after the wedding, and although we don’t think anyone was too surprised, Kelly definitely isn’t happy. I recall our conversation right after I told her.

  “You’re really going to leave? Just like that? After only dating him a few months?” Her face is pinched in anger as she drums her fingers against the beer bottle in her grip. We just finished our Friday night shift, and I finally worked up the nerve to tell her.

  “I love him, Kelly. We want to be together.” I reach out my hand and cover her fingers to stop their incessant tapping. “I’m not leaving ‘til after the wedding, though. I’m going to be here for you every moment up until then.”

  “And what about after, huh?” She takes a long draw of the beer and then slams the bottle back to the table. “What about when Adam and I have our first big married fight, or when I get pregnant? And, Syd, who’s going to sing “Crazy” with me after our shifts?”

  Her voice is whiny now, and I know deep down she’s really happy for me but just needs these few moments to feel sorry for herself. “You can call me anytime, day or night, and you know I’ll answer. When you get pregnant, you can bet your ass I’ll be there in the delivery room with you, no matter what. And, well, just Facetime me and I’ll sing “Crazy” with you any ole time you want.”

  She continues to sulk for a few more minutes until the corners of her mouth finally lift, forming the smallest of smiles. “‘Cause you know Adam can’t stand the sight of blood, right? You have to be in the delivery room with me, Syd.”

  I laugh and relief washes over me when I know she’s going to eventually be okay with my leaving. “I won’t miss a single baby you deliver.”

  I look over at my best friend and smile. Tonight’s the last time that Justin is performing. He’s leaving on Monday. The crowd is the biggest I’ve ever seen at Hook’s, with people lined up down the street waiting for someone to leave so another can enter. Justin’s already halfway through his second set, and I just want the night to end so I can have him all to myself.


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