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The Sport of Romance: A Multi-Author Box Set

Page 95

by Cari Quinn

  Darren chuckled. “It’s a win. That’s what it means. And a win is all we can hope for. I think this game was exciting. As you can see out there, the fans are very passionate, and I don’t think that I’ve ever heard a crowd in the building as loud as it was when we scored that last goal. As players, we feed off the energy in the arena too. We love it when the crowd is excited.”

  “You had a rough couple months near the beginning of the season.” Valerie cringed. They’d started seeing each other at the beginning of the season. She hated to think that she was responsible.

  “What worked for you tonight that didn’t in the September games?”

  Darren’s eyes lifted and locked with hers. Her breath hitched and the moment seemed to stretch on forever. Then he broke away and focused back on the reporter who’d asked the question. “You know, I’m not sure. We scored a couple big goals tonight, we were resilient, we battled for it, and played as a team to win. That’s all we can ask for.”

  “Now, let’s talk about that scorching hot kiss at the beginning of the game.”

  Darren grinned, that boyish mischief dancing in his expression. “I would, George, but one, I don’t kiss and tell, and two, I’m going to leave you guys now, to get another one.”

  Ignoring the way they protested, he pushed past the barrier of reporters. Her eyes widened as he approached her in front of the world. Her blood pounded through her body, like a bass drum in a marching band. He stopped in front of her.

  “Hi, Darren.”

  “Hi, Val. You can’t run right now. You’ll make me look bad in front of all these people who want to see a kiss.”

  She giggled. “I’ve no intention of running. And no pressure there, you ass.”

  He leaned over her, his lips inches from hers. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “I don’t know why you’re still talking. It’s—”

  He cut her off, pressing his lips to hers. His hands cupped her face, holding her still so he could kiss the hell out of her. Her breath vanished, her body melted away.

  When they separated, a score of cheers and catcalls went up around them. He didn’t seem fazed at all. He ran his thumbs over her cheekbones, seemingly fascinated by the smooth texture of her skin. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” The admission was surprising. It wasn’t something she’d planned, or controlled. It had just happened. She was starting to think that maybe that was okay.

  “Come home with me tonight?”

  She glanced around for the first time since he’d touched her, the reporters had gathered around them. A blush crept up over her cheeks. She could feel the burn.


  “Forget about them. This is about us,” he said. “I have to go to dinner with the guys tonight, but I want you to come home with me.” He paused. “You could come. They like you. They tell me you’re good for me and that I’m an ass for letting you go in the first place.”

  She watched his dark orbs as they darted from one side of her face to the other. “All right. Let’s go to dinner.”

  He snorted. “Nice deflection, Miss Chase.”

  “You wouldn’t love me if I didn’t fight you so hard.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.” He took her hand, his attention wholly on her, and dragged her through the media shouting questions all the way back to the locker room.

  Val stopped, covering her mouth and nose. “I’m not going in there. It stinks out here already. I can’t imagine how bad it is in there.”

  He laughed. “Coach Rogers’ office is down the hall. Why don’t you wait for me there?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “As long as it doesn’t smell like this.”

  Darren chuckled and sent her down the hall to the coach’s office. It was quiet here, the reporters all staking out outside the locker room, but at least she could still see the commotion from where she sat. Darren’s high spirits were infectious, filtering to everyone he came in contact with. He deserved to win games, some happiness in his life. Hockey gave him that. She only hoped that she could give him that too.

  * * *

  In watching Darren as he handled the media, Val suddenly realized that she’d never seen this part of him. She’d seen the angry drunk, the gentle lover, but never the professional hockey player. He handled the crowd with more finesse than she’d have given him credit for.

  “Hey, Val.”

  She turned at Gavin’s voice as he plopped on the bench next to her. He had taken off his gear, leaving him in the tight under armor and his hockey shorts. She was surprised that he’d gotten by the media without getting stopped, but they seemed enraptured by Darren. The stench of sweat and exertion wafted from him, but it wasn’t as bad as the locker room, thankfully.


  “Did you enjoy the game?”

  She smiled. “Yeah. It was fun. Darren played pretty good. Actually everyone was good.”

  “Probably his best of the season, actually. That’s why the media’s all after him right now.”

  “He did do well, didn’t he?” Pride clutched at her heart.


  Gavin cleared his throat, catching her attention.

  He was a special case, this one. He played that tough guy exterior to the extreme. Val recognized the signs, though. There was something damaged in him. It made her want to draw it from him.

  “Gavin, how are you?”

  A smile snuck up on his face, making her think that maybe he didn’t mean it. “Good.”


  “What would you like me to say, then?” A smirk came over his face.

  “You know, I don’t just talk to families,” she said. “If you’ve got something to say, I can listen.”

  Gavin laughed. “Are you trying to shrink my head or something, Val?”

  She shrugged. “Would I do that?”


  “You think so little of me, Gavin.”

  “Maybe it’s not me that you should be talking to. I like my secrets.”

  “Then who should I talk to?”

  “Well, if I told you that then that would give it away, wouldn’t it?”

  “Are you deliberately trying to be obstinate or does that come naturally?” Val asked.

  “Maybe both.” He grinned.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Want coursed through Darren’s system as he watched Val with Gavin. They just seemed to be talking, but he couldn’t help the searing jealousy that pumped through his blood. He wanted to be over there, with her. Instead, he had a bunch of nosey reporters shoving phones under his nose.

  Finally, the media disbursed, and moved on into the locker room where they’d bug the coach and Charbonneau. Which was fine with him; he’d had enough of the media tonight.

  Just before he could get over to Val, Cody punched his arm. Settling beside him, Cody grunted, “Hey.”

  “Where’s Joey tonight?”

  Cody’s face fell. “Home. She was feeling sick.” He sighed heavily. “She didn’t make it past the front door before she lost her dinner.”

  “How are you guys?”

  Cody shrugged. “I don’t know. She’s not been talking much since she told me she was pregnant. It’s whatever. She knew about it. She knew what it meant when she went to a baby doc. She should have told me.”

  Darren didn’t say anything. This was the most that Cody had talked about it in a while, since that day he’d been at the doc’s office with them.

  “What’s up with Ferrera?” The change of subject wasn’t surprising. Cody wasn’t much for talking about emotions.

  Darren shrugged, watching Val and his teammate talking. “I don’t know.”

  Without another word, Cody walked away. Darren looked after him a moment. He felt for the guy. It was never easy to watch the one you loved hurt. And seeing Val deal with what she’d gone through, struggle with losing her job and being scared that she couldn’t make ends meet… It wasn’t the same as Cody, but he understood better
now. He wanted to make everything better.

  Gavin nodded at something that Val said. Darren wondered what he was saying to her. He shouldn’t be jealous. Val was going to talk to the team when they needed it. That was her job. A job he’d helped get her. He needed to know it was him who would be the one taking her home.

  Slowly, he walked over to her, as she laughed at something Gavin said. Possession slithered through his veins. Suddenly, dinner with the guys had zero appeal. The inner caveman roared his Neanderthal head and demanded that he take Val home right then. Darren balled his fists tight.

  As if Val had heard his thoughts, she glanced up, locking eyes with him. Heat seared through his body at the contact. Her smile turned saucy as she continued her conversation, her core focus obviously on Darren. His cock twitched inside his pants, just a faint reminder of how much she turned him on. Soon, he’d have to club her and drag her back to his cave by her hair. The little vixen knew what she was doing to him, a fact confirmed when he shook his head at her and that saucy grin grew wider.

  Five minutes, he promised. He’d give her five minutes to finish that conversation with Gavin and then he was taking her home.

  Two minutes and thirty-two seconds later, she and Gavin ended their conversation. She stood up from the bench, said goodbye to Gavin who left in the other direction, probably to avoid talking to the media behind Darren. She sauntered seductively over to him, that simple sway of her hips making his cock ache to be buried inside her.


  His throat was tight. “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah,” she glanced around like she was afraid someone would overhear. “Let’s skip dinner and go to my place.”

  She lifted on her toes and brushed her lips over his, and ran her hand over his chest. He gripped her wrist. Her touch was going to make him come in his pants if she kept that up. “I still need a shower.”

  “Take one at my place. I’ll wait upstairs.” She started to walk away, but threw a seductive glance over her shoulder. Her hips swung in an exaggerated manner surely meant to entice him.

  It took him a moment of watching her ass sway to register what she’d said. Her place? He’d never been there. She’d always organized it so they had ended up at his place. This was a big step in their relationship.

  Man, he thought. He really was turning into a girl with his thoughts of relationships and steps and such. Pretty soon he was going to lose his man card at this rate.

  As her jean-clad ass disappeared up the stairwell, he nearly groaned. Fuck it. He was taking her home, post-haste.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Darren took his first glimpse of Val’s apartment. She pulled the key from the lock and set them on the entry table, along with her hoodie and her purse.

  She opened a door across the room. “This is the bathroom. Should be a towel in there, too.”

  He took the opportunity to observe the living room, which was into where the entryway opened up. The base colors were neutrals, mostly off-whites and beige, much like something Angela would have chosen.

  The difference was the rest of the room. The walls were accented by framed artwork of deep purple and blues. A large replica of Starry Night by van Gogh hung in the center above the couch. There was color all over the walls in artworks. Angela would have never wanted anything that bright on her walls.

  Val came back over, now shoeless and glanced at him expectantly. “I don’t wear shoes on the carpet.”

  A large grin stretched his face wide. “Of course you don’t.” He slipped out of his shoes, nearly laughing when she whisked them away to wherever she’d taken hers off. Why she couldn’t leave them by the door was beyond him.

  “Do you want a drink?”

  “No, thanks. Just you.”

  She paused, and turned around to face him. Uncertainty filled her expression. Darren thought she was retreating again, but she walked back over to him.

  She stopped inches from him, so close he could feel her breath on his collarbone. She lifted her chin so she could meet his eyes. Her voice was low and sultry as she asked, “Want to see the bedroom?”

  He groaned as her hip brushed against his arousal. “Valerie, you’re killing me.”

  “Do you?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  She giggled. “Good. Go take a shower.”

  He blinked. “¿Qué?”

  “You heard me, Stinky McStinkerson. Shower.”

  Darren stared after her as she went into the kitchen. He couldn’t see what she was doing in there, but he wasn’t about to look the gift horse in the mouth. Within seconds, he was in the shower as ordered.

  * * *

  Darren made it out of the shower in record time, already feeling better and less tired now that he was clean. He was still jazzed, both by the winning game, and by the fact that he was standing in the middle of his woman’s apartment.

  “You look hot,” she whispered, low and seductive. She took his hand, her warm fingertips surprising him since so often her hands were cold. He fought the trembling that coursed through his body at her touch.

  She had changed from her jeans and t-shirt, into soft flannel pajama pants and a spaghetti strap camisole. Her nipples puckered against the fabric.

  He followed her as she pulled him behind her, around a black leather couch with a purple throw on the back of it, toward the hall. It wasn’t long like his, but L-shaped. At the long end of it, she pushed open her white door and led him into a darkened bedroom.

  The dim lighting from a street light outside was all that lit the room, leaving her in a soft, ethereal glow. Her skin radiated beauty. He just wanted to kiss every inch of her.

  She released him then, turning to face where he stood. He glanced around, noticing the pure order of everything. Bottles on her dresser were arranged by height. Her closet door was shut, but he was sure inside, she probably had her clothes arranged by color or length or something.

  “I’ve never brought a guy in here,” she said in the silence. He watched her as she spoke. “This is me. This has always been my sanctuary. It’s always been off-limits.”

  “I’m glad you let me in,” he whispered.

  “I love you, Darren.” She frowned, like it pained her to admit. Darren’s heart did somersaults. “I didn’t want to. Love complicates things, obliterates order. I’ve always had a hard time with being… emotional.”

  “Love is chaotic,” he agreed, echoing his statement earlier in the locker room. Just the thought of the locker room again was enough to wake up his cock again. “It doesn’t have to be terrifying.” He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. “I think this conversation might make me lose my man card.”

  “Love me,” she blurted. His eyes snapped to hers. “Show me how to feel.”

  He cupped her face, watching her soft eyes as he leaned toward her. He wanted to taste every inch of her, drown in every little sensation, each little moan she made. Tenderly, his lips touched hers, sending fire through his body straight to his cock. He tore off the towel and lifted Valerie into his arms, wanting to be closer. His cock pressed between them, nestled just right between her thighs.

  He’d meant to take his time with her, but he couldn’t wait. He walked her backward to her bed and together they fell on the bed, rolling over so she straddled him. His fingers hooked on the edge of her camisole and drew it over her head, tossing it away.

  His palm smoothed over her ribs, then her waist, and rested on her hips. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her, half-naked, and he had trouble swallowing. He brought up his knees, forcing her weight on his hard-on, as if that would alleviate the pressure of his erection. Her pussy’s heat caressed him, even through the pajamas she wore. God, he needed her naked, to feel her against him. He tugged at her remaining clothing, her breasts hanging over him, nipples brushing his chest.

  Finally, he managed to slide them off her hips and she helped him take them the rest of the way off. She took her underwear off herself and dropped them
to the floor. She re-straddled him, her pussy wet against his cock.

  “Damn,” he hissed. “mi amor, I just… Oh, my god.” His dick was trapped between their bodies, constrained by the very wet flesh he wanted to be encased in.

  Darren pulled her closer against him, palming her bare ass. He groaned at the feel of her supple skin beneath his hands. So smooth and soft. He wanted her so badly. He loved her so much. Was this how love really was? He’d never felt that way with his ex-wife. With Val, he couldn’t get enough of her.

  He devoured her mouth, pulling her flush against him. So fucking hot. He was already ready to bend her over the side of the bed and take her from behind. But this was her show. She’d brought him there. She’d let him in and he wanted her to know that this was all her.

  She stopped and straightened, adding extra pressure against his erection. He groaned and reached for her, but she batted his hands away.

  “Not yet,” she whispered, pressing him back into the pillows. “Not too fast.”

  “Want you.”

  Darren let her lead, knowing she needed to feel in control, at least for now, even though it made him ache like a sonovabitch. She dipped her head, and brushed a light kiss over the corner of his lips.

  He tried to turn, to capture her lips, but she evaded him, and started leaving a wandering trail across his jaw, down his neck, over to his shoulder. The way she moved, seductively dropping light kisses all over his body… It was downright slower than molasses on a cold day when he was aching for her.

  Darren groaned and let his hands explore her body, running along her sides, her curves. Her hands burrowed in his hair and tightened. He didn’t usually get turned on by hair pulling, but the way she did it pushed every button he had. Hell, she pushed every button he had and they were all in the “on” position.

  He’d gone from soft to hardcore in seconds when she’d straddled him, but when her lips touched his in a gentle caress, his cock jerked, growing uncomfortably harder as Valerie took her sweet time, nipping playfully at his mouth.

  He liked this side of her, this playful tease. The other times they’d been together, he’d taken the reins. Now, he let her crawl all over him, torturing him with the feel of her body brushing against his, rubbing against his when she moved.


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