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Page 14

by Armstrong, J. A.

  Candace let her mouth surround Jameson’s nipple softly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the response her tender sucking elicited. Her hands dropped to Jameson’s hips. Jameson’s breath was coming in short, desperate pants. Candace moved one hand to tease Jameson’s other breast. She was rewarded with a gasp of surprise followed by a grateful moan. Tiny shock waves erupted over her skin, like static electricity in the winter. Her nipples tingled with desire and her core began to pound gently with need. She pushed Jameson back until Jameson fell softly onto the bed. Her hands trembled slightly as she pulled Jameson’s jeans down. More—she needed more. She needed all of Jameson. The sound of Jameson’s voice startled her.

  “Candace, please?”

  Candace looked up at Jameson. “Please? What do you want, love?”

  Jameson’s licked her lips. “I need to feel you against me,” she confessed. “Just against me, Candace. Please?”

  Candace stood. She smiled at Jameson and slowly undressed for her. Jameson’s eyes had glossed over. The air crackled with energy. She lowered herself and hovered above Jameson. “I love you,” she promised.

  Jameson’s hands drew Candace closer until no air existed between them, only two warm bodies pressed together, gliding sensually against one another. Her mouth claimed Candace’s with a possessive kiss. Closer. She needed to be closer. Jameson groaned when Candace’s thigh slid between her legs.

  “So perfect,” Candace whispered in Jameson’s ear. “So perfect against me.”

  Jameson tasted the flesh behind Candace’s ear, nipping and sucking until Candace began to moan constantly. She wanted to turn them in the bed, descend Candace’s body like a wolf stalking its prey. Her mind rolled through images of Candace’s face contorting with pleasure. She couldn’t tear herself away. More than release, she needed Candace near.

  Candace pressed her thigh against Jameson’s heated center. It nearly sent Jameson over the edge and into oblivion. How could she relinquish her hold? She could almost taste Jameson on her lips. God, she wanted to taste Jameson. The longer they continued to glide together, the more desperate Candace became. Her hand traced a line from Jameson’s shoulder to her hip and then tracked inward. “Yes,” she hissed.

  Jameson held onto Candace. She felt Candace slide two fingers inside her, softly at first, increasing in force with each thrust. She struggled to breathe, lost in the fantasies that unbridled sensation elicited. Her hips rose without her permission. Her head fell back, and she heard herself release a strangled cry of pleasure. Candace had control of her body. Candace commanded her heart, and she would gladly give it all to the woman she loved.

  The sight of Jameson in the throes of ecstasy eclipsed the majesty of any sunrise or sunset Candace had ever witnessed. There was no wonder in the world that compared to the view Candace had at the moment. Sublime, arousing, exciting, breathtaking—Jameson’s movements, the sounds escaping the back of her throat, the feel of Jameson’s fingertips pressing into Candace’s flesh—it heralded completion. Candace placed her lips a breath away from Jameson’s. “You are everything, Jameson—everything to me,” she said.

  Jameson fell away. Candace’s tongue brushed across her lips, seeking entrance. Jameson granted the request eagerly. Candace gentled their kiss immediately, tenderly inviting Jameson to search and explore. It was the softest kiss Jameson had ever experienced, as if Candace poured every memory they shared, each dream they dared dream, every word and touch that had passed between them into one kiss. She felt Candace’s thumb circle her center and press against her clit while she thrust deeply with her fingers. Jameson’s world exploded into an array of color and light. Her cries were swallowed by Candace’s lingering kiss. Her body rose from the bed, meeting Candace’s, pleading for more. God, she wanted more. Could there be more?

  Candace quivered at the power of Jameson’s release. Jameson was pulling her closer in desperation. She understood the silent request and moved to straddle Jameson’s hips. She smiled when Jameson opened her eyes.

  Jameson sucked in a ragged breath. Candace. “God, you are beautiful,” Jameson said. Her hands stretched to fondle Candace’s breasts as Candace brought them together intimately. The warmth of Candace’s arousal against her caused Jameson’s eyelids to flutter and close.

  “Jameson,” Candace called. “Stay with me.”

  Jameson forced her eyes to open. She sighed. She loved to watch Candace move with her. She licked her lips. Her thumbs brushed over Candace’s nipples.


  Jameson’s touch remained tender. She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth when Candace’s fingers covered her nipples. Together, they danced the most sensual dance two people can share. She held Candace’s gaze even as Candace’s body began to submit to the swell of sensations between them. Jameson pinched Candace’s nipples lightly.

  “Jameson!” Candace’s exploded in violent shudders, sending Jameson’s body into blissful quivering.

  “Candace,” Jameson spoke the name reverently. She pulled Candace close and held her as they both continued to tremble. She breathed Candace in.

  “Jameson.” Candace struggled to speak. She caressed Jameson’s face and kissed her on the forehead. “Nothing in this world could mean more to me than you. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Why are you thanking me?” Jameson asked.

  “For loving me; for letting me love you.”

  Jameson smiled. “I will always love you.”

  “You have no idea how much I needed this.”

  “Yes, I do,” Jameson said. “I needed to be close to you too.”

  Candace slipped into Jameson’s arms. “Tomorrow will change everything.”

  “No. It won’t change this,” Jameson said. “It won’t change how much I love you. No matter what you do, Candace, or where you go; no matter how many things people throw at us, there isn’t anything that will ever change how much I love you. That is one thing I can promise you.”

  Candace shifted to look at Jameson. She smiled lovingly. “Are you still hoping to get acquainted with all the fireplaces in the White House?”

  Jameson laughed. “More now than ever.”

  Candace closed her eyes and let Jameson hold her. For the first time in weeks, reality seemed to set in. Tomorrow, she would become the President of the United States. Many things would change. Jameson would remain both the wind and the anchor in her life. She took a deep breath and savored it.

  “See you in the morning, Madame President,” Jameson whispered.

  Candace held onto Jameson a little tighter. “Yes, you will.” She was ready.


  Inauguration Day

  The scent of Candace’s perfume hovered in the air. Jameson stepped out of the shower and inhaled deeply. Her body still tingled from their lovemaking the night before. She’d experienced nervousness, awe, even fear in the last week as this day approached. This morning, the only emotion that coursed through Jameson was love. She found herself anxiously awaiting the moment she would stand beside Candace as Candace took the Oath of Office. She couldn’t wait to listen as Candace stood before the world and delivered her speech. And, if there was anything Jameson looked forward to, it was holding Candace’s hand and taking her to the dance floor that evening. Last night had settled the rumblings of doubt that had been churning in her soul. Things would change; not what mattered most.

  “Good morning.”

  Jameson turned to the sound of Candace’s voice and was met with an appreciative stare. She smiled when Candace moved toward her seductively. “Aren’t we supposed to be heading to a prayer breakfast?”

  Candace shrugged. “Well, Shell always says we’re excellent students of the Bible.”

  Jameson accepted a sweet kiss from Candace and laughed. “How are you doing?”

  “Surprisingly well,” Candace said.


  “A little,” Candace confe
ssed. “Excited.”

  “Good. You should be.”

  “What about you?” Candace asked.

  “Me? I get to say I’m married to the president in a few hours. Who gets to do that?”

  Candace grinned. “You also get to be called The First Lady.”

  “Hey, if they want to call me a lady, that’s their problem.”

  Candace laughed. “Lunatic.” She placed another kiss on Jameson’s lips. “I’ll see you downstairs?”

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Candace winked and left the bathroom.

  “The First Lady,” Jameson mumbled. “I wonder how many of those had my tool belt?”


  “How’s Mom?” Michelle asked Marianne.

  Marianne glanced behind her as she held her phone. “Okay, I think. She seems calm.”

  “I’d shit my pants if I were her.”

  “Classy, Shell.”

  “How about JD?”

  “She seems happy this morning.”

  “They probably don’t need to go to church this morning then.”

  “Good Lord, Shell. Just because JD’s in a good mood doesn’t mean they were having sex last night.”


  “Well, good for them if they did. It relaxes me.”

  “Marianne! Gross!”

  “Because you are Mother Teresa.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  “Right.” Marianne shifted gears. “How is everyone there?”

  “Everyone is there,” Michelle replied. “It’s just me and Mel, and Jonah and Laura, and the kids.”

  “So? How is everyone?”

  “Brody can’t stop pooping. Hope that passes before we get in the car. Guess he’s doing the shitting for all of us.”

  Marianne laughed. Michelle was nervous. “I should go. I need to get Maddie ready.”

  “What about Spencer?”

  “Mom took Spencer and Cooper upstairs to get them ready a few minutes ago.”

  “Why is Mom doing that?”

  “Because she wanted to,” Marianne said. “I think she’s trying to keep things as normal as possible for as long as possible.”

  “For the boys?”

  “Oh, I think it’s for more than the boys,” Marianne replied. “I’ll see you in an hour.” She smiled at her mother when Candace strolled back into the room.



  “Tell Mom I…”

  Marianne smiled. “She’s right here. Tell her yourself.” She handed Candace her phone. “One guess.”

  Candace smiled. “Good morning, Shell.”

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “How is everything there?”

  “Poopy; if you want to know the truth.”

  Candace chuckled. “I’m not sure I want the details.”

  “Brody’s butt has its own personality this morning.”

  “I see.” Candace looked at Marianne and shook her head.

  “She’s nervous,” Marianne whispered.

  “How are you?” Michelle asked her mother.

  “Staying away from coffee,” Candace said.


  “Less than I expected. You?”

  “Me? I’m good, Mom.”

  “How about everyone else?”

  “They’re all in the kitchen having coffee. Well, except Mel. She’s having juice.”

  Candace forced herself not to laugh. “You should go join them. I’ll see you at the church in a bit.”



  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Shell. I’ll see you in a bit.” Candace handed the phone back to Marianne.

  “In case you wondered; I love you too,” Marianne said.

  Candace hugged her daughter. “I love you, Marianne.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” Marianne said. She struggled not to become emotional.

  Candace pulled back from their embrace and wiped a few falling tears from her daughter’s cheek. “I’ll miss you too, sweetheart.”

  Marianne nodded. She sniffled and tried to steady herself. “I’m sorry. I’m so proud to be your daughter.”

  “Not nearly as proud as I am to be your mother,” Candace said. She kissed Marianne’s forehead and took her hand. “Come on, let’s get Maddie ready.”

  “You don’t have to…”

  Candace smiled. “Let’s go.”

  “Nana!” Spencer came barreling into the room.


  “Maddie got gum in her hair!”

  Candace laughed. “Let’s hope we can find some scissors,” she told Marianne. It never changes.


  “Are you certain?” President Wallace asked.

  “As sure as we can be.”

  Wallace took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Where?”

  “We can’t say that yet.”


  “Soon,” Secretary of Defense Bryce replied.


  “Mr. President, what would you like us to do?”

  “Keep everyone on it.”

  “We have the means to hit one of the strongholds now if you give the order.”

  Wallace grimaced. “No. That’s not my decision to make.”

  “With due respect, Sir, it is.”

  “No,” Wallace disagreed. “In about three hours there will be a new person sitting here.”

  “Three hours is an eternity in these situations,” Bryce reminded the Commander in Chief.

  “I’m aware,” Wallace replied.

  “If you’re worried about optics…”

  “I’m not concerned with appearances, Jim. If we make the wrong move, we could set up Candace’s administration for a world of pain.”

  “And, if we don’t act, the same thing could happen.”

  Wallace sighed. He took another long breath and shook his head. “Give me a few minutes.”


  Candace laughed at her granddaughter. Maddie had discovered a pack of gum in Marianne’s bag. If the evidence was correct, she’d chewed every piece just long enough to get it all stuck in her hair.

  “Why did you put the gum in your hair?” Marianne asked. She scrambled to cut small pieces out without making her daughter’s head look like a patchwork quilt.

  “It’s pwetty.”

  “Trust me; it’s not pretty,” Marianne groaned.

  Candace snickered.

  “Candace?” Jameson stepped into the bathroom.

  “Hey, you.”

  “President Wallace called,” Jameson said. “I don’t think it can wait.”

  Candace nodded. “I’ll see you downstairs in a few,” she told Marianne. She followed Jameson from the room. “What did he say?”

  “Only that he needed to speak with you before we left.”

  “Thank you,” Candace said. She stepped into a private room and accepted her phone from Jameson. “I promise; I’ll be right there.” She waited for Jameson to leave and called the president’s private number.


  “Mr. President.”

  Wallace sighed. “I hate making this call.”

  “What’s going on, Don?”

  “I received some intelligence this morning.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “There seems to be some movement in Belgium.”

  “What kind of movement?” Candace inquired.

  “It would appear there is a plan to hit American targets in the region.”

  “What region?”


  Candace sighed heavily. “Any specifics?”

  “Jim seems to think the embassies in Brussels and Minsk are both vulnerable.”


  The president groaned.


  “I don’t believe so; no. We’re meant to think so.”

  Candace massaged her brow. “What do we know?”

��The best assessment we have is elements within the SVR are directing the efforts.”

  “Why would the SVR move on our embassies?”

  “You’ve seen the briefings.”

  Candace leaned against a large, wooden desk. She had reviewed the Intelligence community’s assessment of foreign threats. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service topped the list. All indications she had seen suggested that the SVR would launch white-collar attacks on databases, power grids, and media. She could not recall any piece of intelligence that had promoted the idea that Russian elements might launch a physical attack on American assets abroad. “This is drastically different than anything I’ve seen.”

  “I agree. That’s why I called. Jim and the Joint Chiefs have an ISIS stronghold in their sights.”

  “Are you telling me that they are recommending aggressive action against a group they don’t believe is behind this plot.”

  “They can’t be sure. The hope is to flush them out. It’s likely that the SVR is embedded there, directing efforts.”

  Candace took a breath and processed the information.

  “There’s a window, Candy.”

  “I understand that. You’ve been dealing with this for eight years, Don. Technically, it’s your call. What’s your position?”

  “Fifty-fifty,” he admitted.

  “That’s helpful.”

  President Wallace chuckled. “Most of the time I find myself hovering in that range. It could go either way, Candy. The people they are targeting are targeting us one way or another.”


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