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Focus of Desire

Page 14

by Kim Baldwin

  “And no wedding ring,” Clifton observed. “Such a beautiful woman like you is not married? How is this possible?”

  Kash thought the faint blush of color that appeared on Isabel’s cheek more appealing than any painted by mere cosmetics.

  “Not happened upon Ms. Right yet.” Isabel grinned shyly. “But it’ll happen.”

  “Of course it will. You are a lovely girl. So full of life.” Clifton checked her hair, then put his hands on her shoulders and smiled at their reflection. “You must go out tonight and let the world see how beautiful you are. Romance is everywhere in Roma.” He lowered the chair she was perched in. “If you’ll follow me?”

  After a rinse and an absolutely divine scalp massage that almost put her to sleep, Isabel was back in Clifton’s chair, but this time she faced away from the mirror.

  “Will you indulge my wish that you not get a glimpse until I’m done?” Clifton gave her puppy-dog eyes, well practiced.

  Isabel laughed. “Sure. Why not?”

  “So I understand you will be on Sophisticated Women.” Clifton selected his razor and glanced at Kash, who was changing lenses. “When will you be taking the cover photographs?”

  “I’ve got some space in a studio here to take some later today,” Kash said. “And I can take additional shots back in New York if I need to.”

  “Oh, you won’t need to. You’ll adore what you’ll get today.” He started to cut, using his razor with delicate precision, like a sculpting tool, taking only small bits at a time. “Isabel, you are in excellent hands with Kash.”

  Isabel and Kash looked at each other. Isabel smiled first, but Kash wasn’t far behind. What most surprised Clifton, who missed nothing, was that his comment made both of them blush profusely.

  “Kash will capture you in a way that will make everyone who sees that cover want to know more about you,” Clifton continued, but he knew at once he’d said something wrong. Most women adored attention, but Isabel cringed at his words. And Kash? Kash couldn’t take her eyes off Isabel. I don’t think she has even realized she has stopped taking pictures and is staring at her. “Have I said something wrong?”

  Isabel shook her head. “No, not at all. It’s only that—that’s so not me. No offense to Kash. She takes amazing photographs.”

  “But it will be splendid!” Clifton paused to study what he had cut so far. “A cover is a taste of appreciation, that’s all. A little stroking is good for the soul.”

  “Hear, hear!” Gillian said. “It’s nice when good things happen to worthy people, Izzy. No one is more deserving of winning that contest and being pampered than you.”

  “Hardly,” Isabel protested.

  “Well, maybe the no one is a slight exaggeration,” Gillian said, “but you deserve it more than anyone I know. All those weeks you were down in Louisiana, helping out after Katrina. And that work you do every year with the AIDS/HIV awareness group.”

  “Hush, Gillian,” Isabel said.

  “And the senior swim classes,” Gillian continued. “And how many times have you cooked a meal for someone who—”

  “Enough!” Isabel’s tone was firm.

  Kash had captured the entire sequence of Isabel getting redder and redder from embarrassment. She really doesn’t want this cover. And she’s humble about her altruism as well. She had so rarely come across a truly selfless individual that the experience was wonderfully refreshing. There’s some substance to this one.

  “You must have faith in Kash’s ability to represent you well, bella,” Clifton told Isabel. “She captures the essence of someone, so that you feel you understand them, somehow—what they are thinking and feeling, or what kind of people they are at their core.”

  “I’m not paying you nearly enough, Clifton,” Kash deadpanned.

  “So have you had some fun photo sessions together so far?” he asked.

  Kash feigned horror and stepped between her tripod and Isabel protectively, which made Gillian snort with laughter.

  “Comedians,” Isabel complained good-naturedly.

  Clifton chuckled, too. “So you are the type with two left feet?”

  “Not on the dance floor,” Kash supplied.

  Isabel’s cheeks warmed as she glanced at Kash. Click. The photographer circled her, snapping several shots in quick succession. I wish she’d put that camera down more often so I could see her face, tell what she’s thinking.

  Kash was absolutely mesmerized by how much a simple haircut could change Isabel’s appearance. Click. Clifton was a perfectionist, so he was still taking tiny bits here and there, studying her hair from all angles. Roughing it up to make it playful and sexy. Click. It was truly a masterpiece; the added shades of caramel and blond added a wonderful depth and shine to Isabel’s hair and complemented her complexion perfectly. The cut was modern and chic but suited her personality well and made her deep blue eyes really stand out. She was more woman than girl now. Click.

  Kash zoomed in on Isabel’s face. You’ve got that expression in your eyes again. Hungry. Like you’re imagining me with my clothes off. It made her feel both exhilarated and somehow also kind of…nervous? Women never make me nervous.

  “Kash? Everything all right?” Clifton’s amused tone snapped her out of her thoughts. His simple question contained undertones of Oh yes, you’re not fooling me. You really like this one, don’t you?

  She realized she hadn’t snapped a picture in quite a long while. “Yes, fine,” she said, depressing the shutter only so she could hide behind the camera. Click. It wasn’t easy for her to regain her equilibrium with Isabel staring at her like that. Damn. How can I go another two weeks with her?

  Gillian had been so busy watching Isabel’s transformation that she didn’t immediately see the sparks flying between her friend and Kash. But Clifton’s tone alerted her, and then she felt like slapping herself. Something has certainly happened between these two. Something great, it would appear, from the way they can’t keep their eyes off each other. But there’s a problem, too. And that’s why Izzy has been acting so weird. Perhaps these two need a little help to get past whatever is keeping them apart.

  “My part is done and I will now turn you over to Cosma.” Clifton put his hands on Isabel’s shoulders. “But you are not to see yourself…and neither are they…until she finishes your brows and makeup. I have also arranged to have one of your new outfits delivered here. We’ll have a big unveiling.”

  “Is this really necessary?” Kash complained.

  “Yeah,” Gillian said. “It’s fun watching the whole transformation.”

  “Call it my flair for the dramatic. Come on, ladies. Indulge my one request.” Clifton wouldn’t budge.

  “You’re going to flip, Izzy.” Gillian shook her head in wonder. “It’s incredible. Amazing. Don’t you agree, Kash?”

  “Clifton, as usual…you’re the man.”

  Gillian noticed that Kash seemed to have missed the nuance that suggested she was clued in to the attraction between her and Isabel.

  “Now you’re really making me want to see it,” Isabel griped as Clifton lowered her salon chair. “Come on. Let me peek?”

  “Patience. I promised you would be thrilled, and thrilled you will be. Trust me.”

  Chapter Ten

  Isabel knew from the looks on their faces that she was going to see a dramatic difference. Clifton was supremely self-satisfied. Gillian let out a low whistle of approval, and Kash was…well, Kash was staring at her in a way that made her pulse race.

  “I don’t know that I would have recognized you, Izzy,” Gillian said finally. “It’s awesome. You rock.”

  Kash still hadn’t said anything. But Isabel was quite enjoying the smoldering expression on her face. I’d say it definitely meets with her approval. Perhaps there’s a chance for more between us, after all. She’s got that same intensity about her she had right before she pulled me into her suite, only more so. Oh yes. I think a door has definitely opened.

  “Ready?” Clifton asked.
  “As I’ll ever be.” Isabel faced the mirror, her heart fluttering with anticipation. She knew the clothes themselves would make a big difference. She had arrived in sneakers, jeans, and a polo shirt, but now wore black heels and a simple black dress, cut to mid-thigh, with a plunging back and a front that exposed the valley between her breasts. It was far more provocative than anything she had ever put on before, so she imagined it was more the dress than anything else that had put that glassy-eyed expression on Kash’s face.

  But when she faced the mirror, she gaped at the image that stared back at her. Jesus. I’m not sure I would have recognized myself, either. The overall effect was astonishing. Her makeup was understated and elegant, perfect for her coloring, the smoky tones befitting an evening out on the town. Her lips shone with a bronzed lip gloss, and her eyebrows had been shaped and dyed to match the new dark honey hues in her hair. The haircut itself was stylish and modern, and greatly contributed to an overall effect of sexy sophistication.

  “Thrilled, eh?” Clifton asked with a complacent nonchalance.

  “Way beyond thrilled,” Isabel managed. “It’s truly mind-boggling.”

  Kash tried to will herself to stop staring and say something. She knew she was gawking like a pubescent boy with his first copy of Playboy, but damned if she could do anything but drink in the decidedly sexy splendor that was the new Isabel. Christ, she was driving me crazy before. But now…

  Her eyes met Isabel’s, and Isabel winked at her. Oh, great. She can see exactly what she’s doing to me. Arousal twisted in her groin.

  Isabel embraced Clifton. “‘Thank you’ comes nowhere near being enough. It’s totally unbelievable. What a difference!” Not to mention the fact that it appears to be exactly what I needed to get Kash’s undivided attention again.

  “I only enhanced what is already there,” Clifton responded warmly, hugging her back. “As I said earlier, you are a very beautiful woman, Isabel. We have merely showcased you in a new way.” He spoke to Kash. “You see why I know you will take some wonderful photographs today.”

  “No doubt,” Kash managed. If I can keep my hands from shaking long enough to shoot them. Christ, Isabel. How will I ever keep my promise to myself not to touch you again?

  While Isabel excused herself to retrieve the clothes she had come in with and Gillian went out to find their driver, Kash packed up her cameras and equipment under Clifton’s watchful eye.

  “Kash, I have seen you in the company of models, actresses, many of the world’s most beautiful women,” Clifton commented. “But I don’t think I have ever seen you quite so taken with someone as you obviously are with this one.”

  Kash straightened and glared at him. “What? What are you talking about? That’s nonsense.”

  “It could not be more obvious, my friend. That surrender in your eyes when you saw her? Priceless. Don’t tell me someone has finally captured the heart of the world’s most confirmed playgirl?”

  “Captured my heart?” Kash snorted dismissively. “You sound like some drippy romance novel, Clifton. Okay, I admit Isabel is positively stunning in that dress, and I certainly can appreciate a sexy, beautiful woman. That’s all.”

  “Whatever you say, Kash. Whatever you say.”


  Massimo had been idly chatting with Gillian when Isabel and Kash emerged from the salon and slid into the backseat of the Fiat. When he spotted Isabel, he stopped in mid-sentence and muttered something that sounded like a prayer under his breath.

  “Sembrate incredibili,” he concluded, staring at her in the rearview mirror. “You are very, very beautiful, Isabel.”

  “Thank you, Massimo.” Though Isabel had based her whole life on the concept of not judging people by appearances, the reaction to her new look excited her nearly as much as the makeover itself. Especially Kash’s. Kash kept glancing surreptitiously in her direction, most frequently at her breasts or her legs. Their thighs were almost touching. I can tell she likes what she sees, but she hasn’t said one word to me directly. I wonder why? Still determined to resist this attraction between us?

  Gillian swiveled around in the front passenger seat. “I have to say I feel woefully underdressed now, next to you two. Why don’t you drop me at the hotel so I can change, and pick me up when you’re done with your shoot? Then we can all go out to dinner and find a place to show you off.”

  “Sure, fine with me,” Isabel answered. She didn’t think it really necessary. Gillian was always more than presentable, and her beige linen pants and matching shell were every bit as dressy as the classic black trousers and black silk shirt that Kash wore. But she was beginning to understand that the right outfit could make all the difference.

  After the detour to drop Gillian, they continued to the photo studio where Kash had rented space for the day. Somewhat to Isabel’s surprise, once they arrived, Kash dismissed Massimo and told him to pick them up for dinner in ninety minutes.

  There had been the occasional bit of small talk in the car, but Kash still had avoided commenting directly about her transformation, which was making Isabel nuts. Why the heck isn’t she saying anything?

  Kash couldn’t comment on Isabel’s transformation because everything she thought to say sounded far too obsequious. She had used or heard every line imaginable, and now that she had met a woman truly worthy of a few superlatives, they all sounded hollow and overused. And what good would it do anyway? She can tell what she’s doing to you. To compliment her will only make her think there can be more between you, and you can’t let that happen. Not only because you have to work with her for the next couple of weeks, but also because she’ll make everything much too complicated. She’s not like you are. You have to remember that.

  But Kash certainly couldn’t ignore the incredibly sexy allure of the new Isabel in that little black dress. It was a damn good thing she could take photographs in her sleep, because she was too distracted for anything too demanding. That dress should come with one of those warning labels. Do not operate heavy machinery when Isabel is barely wearing this.

  “Why don’t you relax while I set up,” she told Isabel in a more businesslike tone than she’d intended, gesturing toward a couple of couches in one corner. She was grateful for the familiarity of the studio routine, because Isabel was making her feel entirely too self-conscious. Every time she met Isabel’s eyes, the fire of arousal flared hot, low in her belly, and she had to glance away. If she didn’t, she might have to acknowledge and answer the yearning she saw in Isabel’s eyes.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet,” Isabel said as she settled onto one of the couches and crossed her legs. “Everything all right, Kash?”

  Oh, I don’t like that tone at all. Not at all. She’s trying to push my buttons, and she’s succeeding all too well. “Fine,” she answered, trying to calm the drumming of her heart with deep, even breathing. Her strategy wasn’t working very well, and her hands were trembling as she set up her tripod and lights. Come on, what gives? Women simply don’t have this effect on me.

  “You sure?” Isabel pressed, amusement in her voice. She got up and ambled slowly toward Kash. “You seem kind of…distracted.”

  Yup. She knows exactly what she’s doing. Kash fought to keep her mind on her work, but it was increasingly difficult. She could feel Isabel behind her. Unnerved, she fumbled for one of the light stands but missed, and the stand toppled over with a crash.

  “Watch out!” Kash instinctively reached out to block Isabel from the spray of glass. When the noise subsided, she looked over, chagrined, to confirm what she already knew. Yes, she had indeed just placed her hand rather perfectly on Isabel’s left breast.

  She snatched it back as though burned, but not before memorizing the sensation of the soft swell beneath her fingers. “S…sorry.”

  Isabel laughed. “For which? Being clumsy? Or feeling me up?”

  “Uh…for…” Kash felt completely flustered and she didn’t like it one bit. “Hey, let’s get to work, huh? Want to take a seat
, please?” She tilted her head toward a stool she’d placed against a plain background, as she got her camera ready.

  “Sure, sure,” Isabel said smugly. She perched on the stool, then shifted forward, and Kash could see maximum cleavage. “I’ll sit, I’ll stand. Whatever you want. Do with me what you will.”

  Oh, Christ. The invitation and her provocative pose conjured up the vivid memory of Isabel’s satin skin, and how she sounded when she came. I know what I’d like to do with you in that dress. And out of that dress. She raised the camera, grateful to escape behind her viewfinder for a while. Click. Click.

  One thing she knew for damn sure. Click. Click. One of these photos was going to burn up the cover of Sophisticated Women. Isabel would get her fifteen minutes of fame, and then some. Whether she wanted it or not.

  “Can you give me three-quarters, please,” she asked in her most professional manner, but not to give her a perfect perspective for pictures. She had to force Isabel to stop teasing her with her cleavage, because that’s all she could focus on. Click.

  “Sure thing.” Isabel crossed her legs, hiking her skirt up to an almost obscene height.

  That’s not helping. Kash kept snapping away, humming absentmindedly. Her body sang with desire. If she dances in that dress tonight like she did the other night…shaking her ass that way. Man, oh, man.

  Isabel had been relatively certain of the effect she was having on Kash, and when she started humming, her suspicions were verified. Kash’s behavior and body language suggested that she was entirely unaware that she was humming and that her tune of choice might reveal what was going on behind her neutral façade.

  Isabel tingled with excitement when she recognized Kash’s current selection: “I’ve Got You under My Skin.”

  When Clifton had introduced her to that stranger in the mirror earlier that day, all of the changes that had been taking place in her on this trip had blossomed fully. The wild child Isa, fully realized. Sexier, more impulsive, and far hornier than the Isabel of old ever remembered being. An intensely sexual part of her had evidently been patiently dormant all these years, but now that Kash had awakened it, it was screaming to be heard.


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