Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 3

by Mj Fields

  Luke watched as Tessa handed out cups of water finally bringing him one. He had taken off his shirt as well, and he was just as hot as Tommy. “Thanks Tessa,” he smiled.

  “Thank you for your help Luke, it was very nice of you,” Tessa smiled shyly at him.

  “And she can smile,” he joked. “All I have to do is sweat my ass off throwing hay. Good to know.”

  “Tessa, Tessa, we have the corn. Can we help you make dinner for all the boys?” Kendall and Jake asked.

  “Sure,” Tessa said smiling like a child as she rubbed her brother’s head, “Can you start husking the corn? I will be over in a minute.”

  “Tessa, you are making me dinner?” Luke smirked. “Our first date,” he smiled, drank down his water, and jumped up nose to nose with her. She stopped breathing as he stood there for a moment looking her directly in the eyes before he scaled the elevator up to the mow.

  The last load was done two hours later; it was eight but still light out. John invited the boys to the pond, where Tessa, Jade, and the two little ones had gone up an hour ago with coolers and their suits. The boys all followed John. They parked their cars at the top of the driveway and hopped in the back of the pickup.


  They drove down the long dirt driveway until they reached it. “Man it’s beautiful down here Ross,” Tommy said.

  They all jumped out and ran to the dock jumping in with their jeans on. Jade and Tessa laughed, they set the two picnic tables. Kendall and Jake were on the floating dock and the boys joined them. They rocked it back and forth and took turns launching them into the water. Tessa rang the big bell, and they all started swimming in. Tessa and Jade just stood and watched. They had brought a couple towels for the kids and they dried off. They made a plate for Jake, Kendall, and themselves and sat at the opposite table with the kids and John.

  She saw her mom’s car pulling down the driveway. It was Friday night and the little two were going with Maggie for the weekend. Tessa’s eyes narrowed as she saw her mother, and her father saw this and kicked her under the table. “She’s your mom Kiddo. Go say hi,” she looked at him and scowled. “Now,” he insisted and she stomped her feet as she walked to meet her. The kids hugged her and jumped in the car, excited to see mom’s new place.

  “When will you two be stopping down?” Maggie asked after she had hugged them each.

  “When will you be coming home?” Tessa asked with a nasty tone.

  She turned and started walking away her mother calling after her. “Mom, give her time,” Alex said, “This isn’t cool at all for us ya know. We need time,” he kissed her and opened the car door for her, “See you at my game in the morning,” he said.

  Jade watched as Tessa ran to the dock and dove into the pond. She walked to the dock watching her surface, then ran and did a cannon ball right next to her. They both laughed as they swam to the floating dock pulling themselves up and sitting cross legged, “You alright Tessa?” Jade asked.

  “Yep, just pissed,” she said.

  Jade shook her head yes and put her arm around Tessa. They heard a large splash from the dock and looked up; Ryan and Frankie were swimming towards them. They stood up as the boys pulled themselves up on the raft. Ryan grabbed Jade while Frankie grabbed Tessa and tossed them in. They all laughed and suddenly the girls remembered they had company. They looked at each other and giggled.

  Alex went to get some wood, and Luke and Tommy followed them to help. They saw the cabin sitting in a clearing, “Nice,” Tommy said, “Is this your place Alex?”

  “It’s our families,” he said “deer camp.”

  “Very cool,” Luke said.

  They all walked back to the pond and started a bonfire, “Hey boys,” John said, “Thanks for your help, I am going to head back home, anyone need a lift up the hill?” no one accepted, “Alright then you have two hours tops, you need to get to bed, big game tomorrow.”

  “Alright Dad, could you call Uncle Jack and let him know where we are?” Alex asked wanting to be sure Jack knew where Jade was. He shook his head and waved as he walked to the truck and got in and drove away.

  The four finally got out of the pond and Alex tossed them towels.

  The fire had died down and they started to put it out. They walked towards the trucks parked at the edge of the field. “Tommy and Luke ride with us,” Jade yelled as she and Tessa jumped in the front, they jumped in the back and followed Alex, Ben, Ryan, and Frankie up the hill.

  Tessa and Jade pulled over to let them out at Luke’s car. The boys jumped out of the back, and Alex pulled out of the driveway with a wave. Luke walked over to the car and grabbed his and Tommy’s sweatshirts off the seat where he saw an envelope with money for each of them, and he grabbed them. The girls were standing outside the truck talking to Tommy. Luke walked over, “Hey Tessa could you give this back to your Dad, and let him know that we offered and had a great time.”

  He took Tommy’s shirt and threw it to him. At the same time they placed them over the girl’s heads as they smiled and put them on.

  “Great first date,” Luke said to Tessa.

  She immediately looked at the ground, “Thanks for your help.”

  “Pizza and a movie tomorrow night?” Tommy asked Jade.

  “Well we will see. I think it’ll take a lot more free help than that to win Alex over,” Jade smiled.

  “We shall see,” he said and they started to leave. “See ya at the game pretty girl,” Tommy said as he hopped in the car.

  The girls jumped in the truck and laughed as they followed them down the road.

  Tessa and Jade pulled in the driveway and saw Alex standing next to the truck waiting. Ryan and Frankie were pulling out and waved. They both hopped out and walked up to Alex.

  “Nice sweatshirts,” Alex said rolling his eyes.

  “I think it was nice of them,” Jade said smiling.

  Tessa handed her brother the envelopes, “Yes it was,” she agreed, “See you tomorrow,” she said as she walked in the house.

  Jade jumped in the truck, and Alex took her home, “Do you like them now?”

  “Too early to tell,” Alex answered.

  They pulled in the driveway. Jade jumped out and walked into the house. Jade went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She took off her clothes and put the sweatshirt back on and walked to her room. She sat on her bed and smelled the shirt as she giggled and texted Tessa.

  -does your new sweatshirt smell as good as mine?!?!?!...J

  -yes it does, goodnight… sweatshirt dreams…I mean sweet dream, lol…T

  Chapter 3

  Jade woke up and smiled as she smelled her new favorite shirt. It was cleaning day, she thought which took the cheesy grin off her face. She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and pulled her hair up in a bun. She went back into her room and took off the sweatshirt and laid it on her pillow. She threw on a tee-shirt and shorts, getting ready to clean the house.

  She grabbed her phone to send a text.

  -Good luck today…J

  -Wow good morning pretty girl, that’s the first time you have texted me first, I like it…T


  - My sweatshirt keep you warm last night…T

  - Actually it did, just took it off…J

  - I don’t know which part I like the best….T

  -?????? J

  -my shirt keeping you warm all night, or the part about you taking it off …T


  -too much??...T


  -Sorry pretty girl, just being honest…T

  - Like honestly…but slow down boy…J

  -Got it…see you later pretty girl…T


  Tessa woke up and smelled her shirt smiling faintly. Her dad knocked on the door, “Tessa you up?” he asked as he walked in.

  “Yep,” she said, “It’s quiet here today.”

  “Too quiet,” he said sadly. “So tomorrow is your birthday and I thought maybe tonight you’d want to invite
some friends up and stay at the Camp. The only thing is Alex and a couple of friends will be in tents outside to chaperone, and I have to deliver a load of hay to New Jersey. Your mom will be stopping up to check on you.”

  “Forget it then, I don’t want to see her. Alex will be there, Dad I don’t want to see her, especially with my friends around,” Tessa grumbled.

  “Okay I will see what I can do, but tomorrow we are all going to have dinner together for your birthday. Tessa, she is your Mother and regardless of what’s going on with us she does love you, no arguments, got it!” he said sternly.

  “Fine,” she said and grabbed her phone and texted the girls.

  -So Dad just said we could use the camp tonight to sleepover for my birthday, so here’s your invitation, Becca please invite Phoebe, I don’t have her number.

  She pushed send.

  They all responded that they were coming. Tessa smiled.

  Tessa got up and decided to clean. She started with her bedroom. While cleaning her room she looked in the mirror, she was still wearing his sweatshirt, and it stilled smelled like his cologne. She cleaned the entire house wearing his shirt; she laughed as she slid across the wood floor in her socks like the scene in one of her mom’s favorite movies. Her mom she thought, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. She cranked up the music and danced around to Pearl Jam. She finished cleaning and headed to the shower.

  Tessa texted her mother

  -I am going to Alex’s game; can I pick up the kids and take them with me?...Tessa

  -We will meet you there…Mom

  -Can’t wait!...Tessa, She typed rolling her eyes

  -I love you Tessa…Mom

  She threw her phone on the bed and threw in a load of laundry. She cringed as she saw his sweatshirt soaking into the wash, “Damn IT!” she said.


  Tessa pulled into the parking lot and looked around for her friends. She saw Jade, Phoebe, and Becca sitting on the bleachers a few rows behind the cheerleaders. She rolled her eyes as she walked up.

  “Nice seats,” she said as she sat.

  The game started, and the Saints were ahead. Luke could not throw a bad pass if he wanted to today, and between Tommy and Alex, they caught every one. With each touchdown Tommy made he would hold up his “J” and smile at Jade. Alex returned a punt and ran eighty yards to score a touchdown too. He held up his hand in a “J” and looked at her shaking his head no. Jade laughed as she saw Tommy look down shaking his head. Busted, she thought, oh great.

  Tessa’s mom and the kids sat behind the girls. Jake and Kendall came to sit next to her. Sadi threw nasty looks at them whenever she could. Phoebe finally looked at her and said, “Your face is going to freeze like that girl,” they all laughed. Sadi was an implant just like Luke and Tommy, and a world class snob.

  The game ended and they won by twenty one points. It was their first game, and they could not have done any better. Everyone rushed the field including Jade who ran onto the field scanning the crowd for Tommy. He saw her and ran up to her, but he stopped as he saw her cousin. He started to turn around, Alex grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, “You wanna hug, Tommy boy?” he teased nodding towards Jade.

  “Dude, sorry but I so do,” Tommy said and looked like he was in pain. Jade laughed as her cousin jumped up and wrapped his arms and legs around him and hugged him knocking them both to the ground. The boys laughed and Ryan reached out his hand and pulled them both up. They could not help but like Tommy, he was an all-around nice guy.

  “We are going to walk away now Tommy Boy, but we will look back in ten seconds,” Alex said.

  Tommy smiled and ran to grab Jade. He picked her up and hugged her while he twirled her around. “Pretty girl, I think you’re a good luck charm. Can I kiss you before your cousin turns around. Please?” he asked.

  “Since you asked so nice,” she said before kissing him first.

  They walked off the field holding hands and smiling at each other as Alex tried to keep it together.

  Tessa, Kendall, and Jake looked for Alex. “Hey Tessa that’s the boy that was at our house last night,” Kendall said as they walked by Luke.

  “Hey, haymow boy,” Jake yelled to Luke who stood in a crowd of cheerleaders. “You played awesome,” he yelled.

  Tessa looked down feeling her face turn red as she saw him laugh and smile at her. He walked towards them receiving Jake’s hi five. “Thanks little man,” he said, “Do you think your sister liked the game?”

  “You bet she did. She smiled a lot more today than usual,” her eyes widened as she continued looking at the ground.

  Alex came up smiling and Tessa spoke, “Great game, you guys played well together,” she said.

  Alex smiled, “We did,” he patted Luke’s shoulder.

  “What’s this haymow boy shit Luke?” Sadi yelled from behind Tessa as she shoved her causing her to fall into Luke.

  Luke caught her, “Back off Sadi. I told you two weeks ago that we are done.” He looked down at Tessa who was still in his arms, “You okay?”

  Her eyes narrowed, “I’m fine,” she turned around and looked at Sadi, “You need to watch your mouth in front of kids, especially these ones.”

  “Kiss my ass farm girl,” retorted Sadi, and she reached out to shove her again.

  Luke caught her hand, “Back off Sadi,” and slowly released it.

  “You boys enjoying the homegrown Prosti tots now?” Sadi hissed.

  Alex grabbed the kid’s hands and took Tessa’s arm. “I will catch up in a minute,” she said to him through her teeth.

  Alex smiled at her and walked away shaking his head.

  “Now that the kids are gone, Barbie gone badly, I am only going to tell you this once. If you ever put your hands on me again I will kick your ass all over my town,” Tessa growled and looked at Luke asking, “You done with this trash now?” He smiled and shook his head yes. “Alright then,” Tessa said.

  “Your threats don’t scare me bitch,” Sadi yelled.

  Tessa smiled at her and walked into Luke. She looked at him and he could sense she was nervous.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” she whispered.

  “And I am going to enjoy it,” he whispered back.

  Tessa took Luke’s face and he lifted her up as they kissed. Luke pulled at her lip with his teeth, and she opened her mouth slowly while he gently explored her mouth with his tongue. Tessa smoothly pulled away and he let her down.

  Luke took her hand and they walked off the field. Alex looked angry and stood as they walked towards Jade and Tommy who smiled.

  Maggie stood with the kids, clearly annoyed, she turned and said something to Alex and stormed towards Tessa, “What are you thinking young lady, that is not the way I raised you!” she yelled.

  Luke started to pull away and Tessa pulled him closer. “That’s right Mom, it wasn’t,” she said as she walked by, her mother grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

  “Tessa Ross don’t you walk away from me!” she snapped.

  “I may not have been raised to kiss a boy in public, but it was only to prove a point to some stupid girl Mom!” she yelled tearing up. “But as far as how I was raised,” she continued to yell, “Actions speak louder than words, and YOU taught me how to walk away!” she turned to Luke who stood looking down, and grabbed his hand walking away.

  Maggie stood speechless and Alex walked up and hugged her, “None of us like this Mom, but you’re going to need to give Tessa time, she is hurting pretty bad.” He walked her and the kids to the car.

  Jade ran towards Tessa and hugged her, Tessa smiled reassuringly, “I am fine.”

  “We are going to shower; will you be here when we get done?” Tommy asked Jade.

  “Yes” she said, “We will.”

  The boys followed the rest of the team in and Tessa saw Kendall and Jake crying as they walked to the car. Luke stopped and looked at Tessa as she ran up to the kids and hugged them, “Don’t cry,” she said as she kissed their heads, “I
am ok, you’re both ok, and Alex kicked butt today,” she said grinning at them, “have fun with Mom tonight I will see you all in the morning!”

  “For your birthday,” Alex said.

  “Oh yes and I want chocolate cake, got it” she stood up and looked at her mom, “See ya Mom.”

  “Have fun tonight Tessa, I love you,” Maggie said.

  She was going to walk away and she saw them watching her, “Love you too,” she said and walked away.


  Tommy and Luke walked out. Jade smiled at Tommy and he picked her up and twirled her around.

  Luke walked up to Tessa, “You okay?”

  She looked down, “I’m fine,” she said and the butterflies began dancing in her belly, “Sorry about all that it’s just…”

  Luke took her hands and she stopped talking, “Not that your point proving kiss wasn’t great, it was,” holy shit this is awkward she thought, “I really would like to try it again, you know a kiss for us, not for the hundred people who were standing around.”

  Her eyes widened as he lifted her chin, she quickly closed her eyes; she could not look at him. He kissed her lips gently. She gasped, and he moved to her cheek then back to her lips. He gently sucked her bottom lip pulling it lower, and her mouth opened, while his covered hers. Her head was spinning. This is nice she thought. His tongue began to explore her mouth as she started to pull back. He gently put his hand behind her head holding it to his, and her tongue met his. They kissed deeply, Luke slowly pulling his head away from hers lightly dragging his teeth down her tongue. He let go and kissed her again, this time without the tongue, parting his lips slightly so they covered hers once more and then over and over again. She wanted his tongue again, she needed his tongue again. She bit on his lip, and he opened his mouth for her to slide her tongue in slowly and cautiously explore his mouth for what seemed like ever. Luke pulled away, and Tessa slowly opened her eyes staring at his heat filled eyes. She felt her body coming back to reality, and her face burned bright red. She closed her eyes and looked down. “Damn Tessa you are so hot,” he whispered in her ear. She said nothing in return; she was still basking in the glory of her first kiss. She was pretty sure she did well. He certainly did. Luke pulled her close to his body.


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