Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 4

by Mj Fields

  Tessa and Luke heard someone clear their throat and they looked up to find Jade and Tommy standing there shocked. Jade saw Tessa’s face was beet red, “You ready to go?” Jade said with her eyes wide.

  “Hey Tessa,” Luke smiled, “see you tonight birthday girl,” he winked at her and went to his car.

  She climbed in the truck and wondered what he meant as she waited for Jade. She saw his sweatshirt sitting on the seat and smiled.

  “Hey pretty girl, what are you thinking?” Tommy asked.

  “I was wondering what the heck happened to Tessa. I mean did you see that kiss, holy cow!” Jade smiled.

  “A little soon huh?” Tommy said testing the water.

  “I think so, do you?” Jade asked smiling at the ground wondering if he really thought so.

  “Well would it be alright if I kissed you like that?” he said.

  “Are you asking nicely?” she said.

  “Not yet, but I will be,” he said as he kissed her hand and ran to Luke’s car.


  Jade got in, and Tessa pulled up beside Luke, “Hey this is yours. I washed it,” she said as she threw it to him. He looked confused as she pulled out. She put on her sunglasses and drove towards home.

  Tessa pulled in her driveway just as her phone chimed, and she picked it up and read.

  -why did you give it back?...Luke

  -what back ….Tessa

  - The sweatshirt...Luke

  -it didn’t smell like you…Tessa

  I actually sent it. What the heck possessed me to do that? Am I losing my mind? I must be.

  -good to know…Luke

  “Did Luke tell you your brother invited him and Tommy to tent camp with them tonight?” Jade asked.

  “WHAT! You’re kidding me!” Tessa replied.

  “Oh that’s right, he wouldn’t have had a chance to with his tongue lodged down your throat!” Jade said laughing.

  “Jade, seriously, why? Did he say why?” Tessa pleaded.

  “Nope, all I know is they had to agree to go to church in the morning with us,” she laughed.

  “And they did?” Tessa asked.

  “Yes, Tommy had to call his parents to make sure it was alright to miss church with them, and they said yes,” Jade beamed.

  Tessa shook her head; they got everything ready for their overnight and loaded them in the truck. Tessa grabbed a bottle out of the liquor cabinet. Jade looked at her, “What are you doing Tessa?” Jade gasped.

  “It’s my birthday party, and I may want a drink. I may also want my favorite cousin to have a drink with me,” Tessa laughed.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea Tessa,” Jade said.

  Chapter 4

  Tessa and Jade got to the pond and the boys had set tents up already. It wasn’t as warm today as yesterday but still good enough to swim. Tessa waved at Alex, Tommy, and Luke as she drove down the driveway to the camp. They were unloading the truck when Alex, Tommy, and Luke walked in with their arms full. They were talking about the game and going over it play by play. Tessa grabbed a white cardboard box and carefully broke it flat. She grabbed some markers out of the drawer and wrote in big block letters, coloring in each as she drew it, “DOE CAMP.” She set it up on the counter and cleared her throat loudly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Alex asked laughing.

  Becca and Phoebe came in so Tessa smiled at them.

  Tessa replied matter of factly, “My dearest brother we watched an almost three hour game. As a matter of fact I believe your mother videoed it. I have to suffer having a chaperone that is just a year older than I am, who invited friends to join him. While you are in here for the next eighteen hours it’s Doe Camp, not testosterone driven kill stories, farting, burping, and no more football today. As a matter of fact, I have decided you’re not my chaperone; you’re my servant tonight, and you may find yourself painting our toenails,” she said.

  “I am absolutely positive that’s the most I have ever heard you say,” Luke said laughing.

  “If you would keep your tongue out of her mouth long enough she may be able to talk,” Jade joked laughing.

  Alex turned red, and he covered his ears saying, “I don’t want to hear anymore, but it best not go any further than that.”

  “Seriously,” Tessa gasped, her face turning red.

  She felt Luke looking at her, and she looked up at him, smiled, and shook her head.

  “Alright boys the princess has spoken so let’s go cook some grub,” Alex said.

  “What’s for dinner?” Tessa asked.

  “It’s a surprise,” Alex said as they followed him out.

  “What’s this about a tongue down your throat Tessa?” Phoebe asked after the boys left the camp.

  Tessa turned red and shook her head, “Let me give you the details because I had front row seats to the second act,” Jade said.

  Jade told them what happened to her and Tessa after the game. She talked forever about how much of a gentleman Tommy was unlike the way Luke acted with Tessa.

  Phoebe was very interested in the details asking, “Did you like it Tessa? I mean did he taste nasty, and did you want to push him off you?” she asked.

  “No Phoebe, he tasted hot and sweet, a little like cinnamon. To be honest I did not want him to stop kissing me; I wished it could have lasted forever,” she spoke innocently like a child.


  Luke cleared his throat from the door, “Dinner is ready ladies.”

  They started filing out as he held the door for them. He put his arm in front of Tessa before she could walk out.

  “Luke please let me pass. I am too embarrassed to look at you right now,” she said in a shaky quiet whisper.

  “I don’t want you to be embarrassed; I want you to be able to tell me things like that. Look at me please,” Luke begged as she looked up at him, and he tried to hold back his amusement, “You are so cute right now, so incredibly innocent. Can I ask you a question?” he asked.

  “If you let me look away so I do not throw up on your feet,” she said as he started laughing. “You’re an ass,” she said trying to duck under his arm.

  He grabbed her and spun her around so her back was to him, “Is that better?” she shook her head yes. “Okay, now my question. How many guys have been lucky enough to kiss you?” he asked.

  “Five,” Tessa said, and he laughed out loud. She elbowed him hard in the stomach.

  “Tessa, don’t be angry with me,” he responded. How could I not be, you ass, she thought, “How many were not related to you?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  “Is it any of your business?” she asked coldly trying to pull away from him.

  “I want to know,” he said gently.

  “Fine, none that was my first real kiss Luke. Are you happy? My first kiss,” she said.

  “I am so glad,” he said his breath hot against her neck, “It was the most amazing kiss I have ever had. Tessa I have kissed a lot of girls, and you are by far my favorite: so curious, so receptive, and so incredibly hot. Thank you for answering my question. Will you look at me now?” Luke asked and let go of her.

  “I don’t know,” she said seriously.

  “Can I take your hand and walk with you to dinner?” Luke asked.

  “No, you can race me,” she said and took off running while he followed.


  When they got to the table Tessa sat and Luke joined her sitting right next to her. When a dish was passed Luke asked her if she wanted it, and if she said yes, he put it on her plate for her. They ate crab legs, Tessa’s favorite, with corn on the cob and a various assortment of salads.

  Becca and Phoebe grabbed blankets and laid them on the ground near the bonfire. They turned the radio on. Tessa sat with them and Jade with Tommy. Alex and Luke stood by the fire.

  “Are you having fun?” Jade asked Tommy, “What do you usually do on a Saturday night?”

  “I am with you; of course I am having fun, a normal Saturda
y night? I don’t know, last weekend we had a bunch of people over to Luke’s pool for an end of summer bash I guess. What would you normally do?” He repeated back to her.

  “This pretty much, hang out with family and just, hang out,” Jade said. “How many girlfriends have you had?” Uh oh, she thought, did she really want to know.

  “Three,” he said.

  “How long was your longest relationship?” Jade continued.

  “Six months,” Tommy said never loosing eye contact.

  “Would you tell me about it?” she asked.

  “Sure, she was in my grade at our old school, and we broke up at the end of school last year. She goes to a different school now,” Tommy said.

  “Did you love her?” she asked.

  “I thought I did,” he admitted, “but I don’t think so,” he answered honestly.

  “Oh,” Jade said and sat quietly.

  “Is that it for the questioning”, he asked quietly. She shook her head yes. “Can I ask you a question then?” he said. She shook her head yes. “Can I take you for a walk and kiss you Jade? I mean really kiss you, please?” His eyes were intense. She looked around and everyone’s back was to them except Tessa’s, but she was busy talking to the girls so she shook her head yes.

  He stood and pulled her up; they walked behind the storage shed. “Jade, one more thing, have you had many boyfriends?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said, confirming what he had already guessed.

  “It would not matter to me if you have had none or one hundred Jade,” he said taking her face in his hands, “I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you walking out of the water over there.” He kissed her neck slowly down one side and then up the other side of her face slowly. As he kissed her face he ran his finger across her lips and traced the imaginary line with his tongue. He kissed her lightly then pulled away gazing at her. He continued again with another slow kiss; one hand tangled in her long black hair, the other pulling her body close to him. He opened his mouth then closed it pulling on her lips. While his tongue rubbed her lips she opened them slightly allowing him to move it further into her mouth, as she pulled back she let out a breath and he put his mouth around hers. Their tongues danced and caressed each other. His hands lowered to her butt, but she quickly moved it up to her lower back. As he kissed her deeper and harder, she fell into him taking his assault willingly. He pulled her head to the left and kissed her neck down to her shoulder. He leaned up and kissed her lips hard again. She opened her mouth and grabbed his head as they kissed hard and deep until their lips hurt and they couldn’t breathe. Jade pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder taking deep breaths as he rubbed her back.

  “Thank you Jade,” he said breathing deeply as he went on, “I want you to know that was amazing, and I hope you understand I may not ask next time I kiss you because I don’t think I will be able to help myself.” They walked back to the fire hand in hand. Tommy kissed her hand as he walked towards the guys and her towards the girls.

  “And then there were four,” Tessa said. “Where did you two disappear to?”

  “Heaven,” Jade said falling into them.

  They all laughed.

  “Speaking of heaven we brought a cake,” Phoebe said. “Do you guys want to go back and have some?”

  “Hey Alex, we are going back down to have cake if you guys would like to join us,” Tessa yelled behind her as they skipped arm in arm down to Doe Camp.”


  The guys put the fire out and walked to meet up with the girls. They had started a fire in the fireplace and changed into pajamas. The girls insisted on singing Happy Birthday and put eighteen candles on it.

  “Present time,” Jade announced.

  “Jade I’m not twelve, not necessary,” Tessa said annoyed.

  Luke smiled as he watched her face turn red. She was not like any other girl he had ever been attracted to. She was smart and kind and feisty, he liked her, a lot.

  Everyone set their gifts on the table. Jade gave her a Pearl Jam CD from the concert they attended the past summer in Albany and a gift card to the movies. Becca and Phoebe gave a gift card to a movie as well; they all knew that was her favorite escape. There were two other packages; one containing a ski pass to a nearby ski resort from Tommy, and the last package was from Luke, a Vera Bradley book bag containing a teddy bear that smelled like him, his sweatshirt she had given back, and a note that said READ ME LATER.

  “Thank you all,” she said and took a deep breath, “It was not necessary.”

  Jade saw she was uncomfortable and broke the silence yelling, “Group Hug,” Tessa finally let out a breath as they all hugged.

  They played cards and laughed; they listened to music and laughed some more as they all took turns changing the words to the songs. It was a perfect night, a welcome distraction from the tension going on in her life.


  Finally, the guys went out the front door heading to their tents. It was midnight. Alex and Tommy fell asleep, but Luke could not. He watched the girls’ shadows dancing in the cabin being silly. When things finally settled down and the cabin appeared quiet he texted Tessa.

  -So? Did you read my letter…Luke

  He saw a light glowing from the back porch as he received a response

  -doing it now…Tessa

  He walked out back and stood about ten feet from her as she read; he watched her smile and bite her lip.

  -you look happy, why can’t you look that way when I am looking in your eyes?

  She read the text and replied

  -I don’t know

  “It’s not that hard Tessa,” he said now standing next to her.

  She jumped then started to laugh. Luke quickly put his hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t wake anyone.

  “Sorry,” she whispered smiling.

  “I love your smile Tessa,” Luke whispered, and she looked away.

  He picked up the note. “So can you answer me or do you need time?” He looked at her pulling her to sit in front of him, knee to knee. He held her face in his hands, “Please don’t look away.”

  “OK, “she said her eyes widening and displaying obvious nervousness.

  “Tessa Ross, will you date me exclusively?” he asked.

  “There are a lot of crazy things going on in my life right now,” Tessa said, “I don’t want to jump into a relationship that is going to fail or that I cannot give one hundred percent to.”

  “Then don’t,” Luke said smiling, “Don’t let it fail Tessa. I see what’s going on in your life and it sucks. I get it, but we could be very good together. I have very strong feelings for you that I don’t want to push under the rug until a better time that may not come. But, if I am reading you wrong let me know, and I will stop pressuring you. This can be a good thing; I think we both know it,” he pushed her hair away from her face, “What do you say Tessa?”

  “Ok, let’s try it,” Tessa said looking down.

  He grabbed her face and kissed her lips, again he tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth, she responded by opening and letting his hot sweet tongue in her mouth again. She willingly let him explore. He put his hands in her hair and gently lifted her so they were on their knees. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. They heard rain drops lightly hit the tin roof of the cabin. She gently pulled away, and Luke put her head to his chest, she could hear his heart thumping as she tried to catch her breath. He lifted her chin and their eyes met, they smiled at each other and the rain started coming down harder. “I better get back to the tent before your brother wakes up,” he said smiling and then he kissed her and pulled her up and ran for the tent.


  She smiled and hugged herself as she looked at her phone, its 12:15, her birthday and she has a boyfriend. It’s going to be okay, going to be okay, not as bad a year as anticipated. She walked into the cabin and Jade was creeping in the front door, they both started laughing.
br />   “What’s going on?” Becca asked sitting up rubbing her eyes.

  “It’s raining out,” Tessa said quickly.

  “Oh no, the boys are in the tent,” Phoebe said rubbing her sleepy eyes.

  Jade and Tessa laughed again, “Why is that funny?” Becca asked as they continued laughing.

  Just then, the boys stumbled in, “Looks like we are crashing in here,” Alex announced.

  The girls took the downstairs and the boys went up in the loft.

  They packed up camp at eight o’clock and all left at nine in the morning.

  Once in the truck Jade and Tessa laughed as they looked at each other. “How was your night?” Tessa asked Jade.

  “It was amazing Tessa, he is amazing, he’s funny too and we kissed a lot. I swear my head is spinning,” Jade said beaming from ear to ear. “He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I of course said yes. I mean, why wouldn’t I? By the way, how was yours?”

  “Pretty much the same,” she said smiling.

  “Tessa, are you and Luke going out?” Jade asked excitedly.

  “Yes, I think so, dating exclusively, that’s the same thing isn’t it?” Tessa asked.

  “Yes, of course,” Jade said laughing.


  The boys walked into the church with Tessa’s father. Tommy wondered where Jade was. They sat in the third pew on the left next to Tessa’s mom and younger brother and sister. Becca and her family sat behind them. The chorus walked in and Luke smiled when he saw Tessa in the long green robe.

  The Pastor asked for announcements and John announced Tessa’s eighteenth birthday causing her to blush and look at Jade who sat next to her. The sermon was on adultery. This is lovely Tessa thought, Luke and Tommy won’t ever want to come again. Today youth choir would be singing, they did this once a month. Tessa, Jade, and three others stood and walked to the front of the church. Jade’s stomach flipped remembering Tommy was there and she had her very first solo. She knew Tessa would be nervous as well. Jade grabbed her hand and smiled as the pianist began to play.


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