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Blue Love

Page 9

by Mj Fields

  “Please slow down,” Tessa asked. And he didn’t, “Please Lucas, you’re scaring me,” she said. He turned a corner and the car skid on some loose gravel and they did a three hundred and sixty degree turn. The car came to a stop and she jumped out and started walking.

  “Tessa come back here,” Luke yelled after her, she kept walking. He ran up behind her and grabbed her and carried her back to the car, she was kicking and trying to wiggle out of his arms. He sat her firmly on the hood of his car.

  “Let me go now,” she screamed at him trying to catch her breath. He didn’t let go. “What the fuck, you are scaring me let me go,” she said and pushed him away. She began shaking partly because she was almost in an accident, and because she still wore her suit under his sweatshirt. He pulled her into him, “Luke let me go,” he let go of her and she got up and reached in the car and grabbed her pants and put them on. She grabbed her bag and started walking home.

  “Tessa you’re five miles away from home, get in the car I will drive slow I promise,” he called after her.

  She ignored him and threw her backpack on her back and began to run. He followed her all the way home. She walked in and he saw her bedroom light turn on.


  He drove home and tried to call her, he heard a phone ringing and looked around his car, it was on the floor. He would give it to her tomorrow. He read through her messages, she hadn’t deleted any from him. He took her phone inside with him, he was sure he could get it charged.

  He walked into the house and his Mom was sitting on the stool at the counter. “Lucas, come in here please,” she said, “Are you angry with me?”

  “Yes I am, why did you have to say that about me being happy again, why Mom?” Luke asked.

  “Because I am Luke. She cares about you very much I can tell,” she said, “And for that I am grateful.”

  “Well pissed off Luke is back so enjoy, her and I are through,” he said as he stormed upstairs. He slammed his door behind him and started lifting some weights, when he was done he showered and got pajama pants on. He pulled her phone out of his gym bag and took a picture of himself and set it as her ID when he called. He punched in his credit card information and bought the song In Your Eyes and set it as his ringtone. He fell asleep.

  Chapter 8

  Luke walked into school that day looking hot, his light blue baggy jeans hung on his hips and his Navy polo shirt touched his body perfectly. He ran upstairs to her locker and she heard the whispers as he got closer. She knew he was coming and she grabbed her books and walked fast in the opposite direction.

  Tessa started down the back stairs and he yelled for her, she stopped and turned around, he looked so good and she could smell his cologne. His eyes were guarded and jaw set, she couldn’t tell which Luke she was getting. “You left your phone in my car,” he said as he tossed it to her. He grabbed her hand and walked her to class; she was so mad at him and even madder at herself for not dropping his hand and telling him to pound salt. At the door of her first class he went to kiss her and she turned so he kissed her cheek. She was pissed and he was fucking clueless.

  Her phone chimed loudly and music came from it, she quickly turned down the volume and saw his picture staring at her, wet hair, shirtless and that look that makes her want to jump out of her skin

  - that was embarrassing Tessa…Luke

  -well let me apologize Luke…Tessa

  - we need to talk…Luke

  She didn’t respond

  - see you at lunch Tessa…Luke

  She ignored him again. The day went slowly and at lunch she chose to go to the library.

  - Cute move Tessa, see you after practice, please…Luke

  - don’t count on it…Tessa

  Tessa walked out to practice and he was watching her, she looked the other way. When they returned he was getting an ass chewing from his coach and she looked in his direction and quickly away.

  - Tessa I am asking nicely please come out I want to talk to you…Luke

  - not today Luke….Tessa

  - Not cool Tessa…Luke


  Tessa went home and did her homework. She made dinner and ate with her family. She and the kids went to the park to play at the playground, she was hanging upside down making silly faces at Kendall when she saw him standing there. She jumped and almost fell off and he grabbed her.

  “Put me down please,” Tessa asked, “hey Kendall will you go push Jake on the swing please I will be over in a couple minutes. What are you doing here?”

  “I needed to see you Tessa, to tell you I’m sorry,” Luke said softly.

  “Sorry for what Luke, sorry for making me completely uncomfortable in front of your mother, for almost killing us in your car, for not letting me go when I asked you to, for tormenting me every time we are alone, sorry for not answering me when I ask what’s wrong? Sorry for what!” she asked

  “Tessa I don’t know?” he answered.

  “Well when you figure it out let me know!” she said and stormed away, she grabbed the kids and left. He stood there a long time asking himself the same question.


  Tessa tucked the kids into bed and went out on the deck, it was a chilly night. She went in and grabbed his sweatshirt out of the dirty clothes basket and smelled it, it smelled so good, almost as good as he looked at any moment of any day. She wondered if he weren’t so perfect would this be so hard. She walked back outside and sat with his shirt on. Alex came out, “What are you doing out here?” he asked.

  “Just sitting,” she said.

  “Tessa what’s up with you and Luke?” he asked, “He was playing like shit at practice today, got yelled at by the coach.”

  “The coach yelled at him for having an off day?” she asked.

  “Yep” he said, “So what’s going on?”

  “He makes my head spin Alex and I act horribly around him, I am scared that’s all” she confessed.

  “Do you love him?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I do know there isn’t an in between, either I can’t get enough of him or I am furious at him, it scares me.”

  “Have you told him that Tessa?” he asked

  “No,” she said.

  “Well I think you should,” he said “And preferable before game Saturday,” he said and laughed.

  Her phone chimed, it was him.

  -I am sorry Tessa for all of it, not just one thing, all of them…Luke

  - I accept your apology….Tessa

  -are we okay then…Luke

  -I don’t know this is crazy for me…Tessa

  - I want to come see you now, to talk...Luke

  -I have a busy day tomorrow and I need to stay focused, I want this to slow down, it’s all moved crazy fast…Tessa

  -I don’t want it to Tessa, I need you…Luke

  - And I need to slow down, if we are going to work, it needs to slow down…Tessa

  -Good night Tessa…Luke



  She got to school early, half because she wanted to see him but the other more sensible half wanted to see if he would respect her wishes. Her sensible side won out. She walked to class alone, and everyone seemed to notice. Her phone chimed.

  -Good morning baby, you look gorgeous today....Luke

  Her heart sank and she smiled. She shoved her phone in her bag and went to class. She spent lunch again in study hall today out of necessity, she had a test tomorrow and wanted to study knowing she wouldn’t be able to tonight after the game.

  -Lonely at lunch without you…Luke

  -Sorry have to study, game tonight, it’s away so we will be home late, test Thursday morning…Tessa

  -Want some help?...Luke

  -No, got to go…Tessa

  After school they loaded the bus for their away game, the football team stood outside the bus, he stood arms across his chest scowling. He was so cute pouting. She jumped off the bus and ran up to him, “Wish me luck?” she said.<
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  He smiled and hugged her, “Good luck baby”

  Alex smiled at her, “Wish I could be there today Tessa, win okay?”

  “Of course,” Tessa smiled.

  She ran on the bus and went to the window, “Thank you,” he mouthed and smiled. She beamed back at him. He was hers she thought, for now.

  “You look better now,” Jade said.

  “I feel better now, ready to kick ass,” she said smiling.

  Becca sat with her and Jade and Phoebe across from them, “Anyone else nervous?” Phoebe asked.

  “Nope,” Tessa and Jade said at the same time. They all laughed.

  They braided each other’s hair and chatted on their way. They arrived at the school and piled out of the bus. This school was bigger than theirs and after the different schools merged they were reclassified and where now in a harder division.


  They went into the locker room and changed, Phoebe was nervous and they cranked up the music and danced to Every Morning by Sugar Raye. Some girls where whispering as they laughed mockingly at the four girls. Jade looked at them and rolled her eyes. She saw Kate standing with them and waved and smiled. Kate raised her eyebrow and turned to walk away.

  “Who was that?” Tessa asked.

  “Tommy’s ex Kate, you met her on Saturday night,” Jade laughed, “You may not remember her though, anyway she was sweet and kind and well that was either an act or she is super competitive,” they all laughed.

  “Well now we have to serve them girls, in a bowl with a spoon,” Phoebe said all ghettos.

  The girls laughed and walked out. “Hey are you two dating Luke and Tommy,” a blonde girl asked.

  “Yes why?” Tessa asked.

  “How long?” another girl asked.

  “A few weeks, but I am sorry I am not sure why that’s any of your business,” Tessa answered giving a confused look.

  “Been there,” blonde one said.

  “Done that,” another said laughing.

  “Three of us on the team have. Good luck,” she said and they all laughed and turned and walked away.

  “Why is it that skanky bitches want to tell people when they have been used up,” Phoebe asked and they all laughed.


  Tessa was covering blonde number one. “Has he showed you the trick with his tongue yet,” she asked.

  They ball was coming towards them and Tessa darted past her and ran the entire field dodging players and dribbling the ball. Kate was goalie and Tessa got it past her and scored the first goal.

  “Oh apparently not,” blonde number one said, “full of frustration are you?” She was passed the ball again and this time blonde one purposely pushed her with her hip, and was given a green card by the umpire. Tessa was able to pass to Becca and she almost made the second goal. The rest of the period went the same, Tessa and Becca almost scored several goals, Phoebe played middy and stopped almost all the back shots from receiving the opposing players. Jade was bored in the goal.

  The last period Jade saw Luke pull in, he and Tommy got out of the car and sat in the bleachers behind them, “Tessa look who’s here to see us,” Jade yelled smiling.

  Tessa turned around and saw Luke, he grinned at her and she smiled. Great now I am going to be distracted, she thought. She saw the three blondes looking up at him and gushing. Yep distracted she thought.

  They went back on the field and blonde number one smiled, “So is he here to see you or one of us?” she sneered at Tessa, Tessa ignored her and again scored a goal. She was on fire, the next play started and blonde one had the ball, Tessa quickly closed her down. “Bitch,” blonde one yelled.

  “Good at it,” Tessa replied, taking the ball downfield and passing it back to Phoebe.

  Luke watched as Madison taunted Tessa and it made him angry, but Tessa was holding her own. Tessa had the ball again and Madison tripped her with her stick. Tessa fell hard and the wind was knocked out of her. Phoebe ran over to see if she was alright, Jade followed. Tessa stood up and glared at Madison. The umpire stopped the game and issued her a yellow card and sent her to the sin box. “SO worth It,” Madison yelled.

  “You are going to sit out Tessa,” Coach V said, “We need to fix that.”

  “Wrap it, I want back out there,” Tessa insisted. Coach shook his head allowing it.

  She looked up at Luke, his eyes were narrowed and she smiled at him. He shook his head and looked down.

  She laughed out loud when she was paired with blonde two. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “You and I paired up, are you as nasty as blonde one,” Tessa asked.

  “Worse,” she said.

  “Perfect,” Tessa said laughing, the ball came and Tessa snagged it, blonde two hit her in the same spot on the leg as the first one and laughed in her face. Phoebe came running over and knocked her down to the ground and Tessa grabbed her and pulled her back. “So not worth it,” she yelled in her face. Phoebe and blonde two both were in the box.

  Tessa set up for her penalty shot and she made it. She smirked as she walked away.

  “Ross get in here,” Coach V yelled.

  She shook her head no and blonde three was next. Tessa could not believe the luck and again started laughing, “You as crazy as the other two,” she asked. Blonde three smirked. “Bring it bitch,” she yelled.

  “Tessa,” Luke yelled standing on the sidelines, “Enough get your ass in here,” he yelled.

  She smiled and shook her head no. The ball came to her again and blonde three swung with all her might and Tessa jumped and cleared her stick and got the ball and was bringing it down the field when she was hit in the back. The horn sounded and Tessa turned and threw her stick on the ground and went after blonde three. She started running and fell, she let out a pain filled moan. Luke ran and picked her up.

  “Put me down Luke please,” Tessa said “I want to walk off the field,” and he understood.

  She sat on the bench and coach V yelled at her, “Ross next time I tell you to come off the field you better damn well listen to me,” he yelled.

  “Yes sir,” she said, “But check out the score, we kicked their butts,” she said and flashed him a big grin.

  “Ya we did,” he laughed as he lifted her leg on the bench. “Tessa that has got to hurt,” he grabbed some ice and set it on her leg, she winced. “Let me see that back he said and lifted her shirt.

  Luke did not like him touching her and his eyes gave it away. Tessa looked at him and laughed “Seriously?” she shook her head. He looked away and pouted, she laughed even harder and then “Ouch, Ouch, Ouch,” escaped her mouth.

  Luke looked and saw a huge bruise across her back, “Are you fucking kidding me!” he yelled, “Those bitches.”

  “Luke you mind your mouth, got it,” Coach V yelled at him.

  She looked at him and giggled, his eyes where a cross between hurt and angry. “You sure know how to pick them,” she said laughing.

  “Are they ex-girlfriends Mr. Links?” Coach asked.

  “Well sort of,” he said in a boyish tone looking down.

  “Anymore we need to know about for the rest of the season?” he asked laughing.

  “Several Coach V,” Tessa laughed, “I have met four and all of them have touched me in some way,” she said laughing and touched her heart.

  “Links are they all field hockey players,” he said slightly amused.

  “No, I don’t think so, they were all cheerleaders,” Luke said, “They never played field hockey.”

  “They still don’t, all that well,” Tessa said smugly.

  “Alright Tessa,” Coach V said, “I am not going to kid you, this is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow and if it gets red and puffy I want you to go to the emergency room. Links can you see that Miss Ross gets to the bus without getting jumped by your fan club?”

  “I want to drive her home,” Luke said insistently staring into her eyes.

  “Not happening,” Coach V said as he walked away.

sp; “Thank God, I am really not fond of your driving,” she said and laughed.

  “I am so sorry this happened to you Tessa, I can’t believe…,” Luke’s eyes were angry and wild.

  “Lucas Links, you didn’t hurt me they did,” she said glancing over to the three girls still sitting on the bench getting their butts chewed by their coach, glaring in their directions. She couldn’t stand to see him hurting, “Now I am still pissed at you about the other day, but oddly not about this,” she smiled looking in his steaming eyes, “so this will definitely not be for us it’ll be for them,” she raised her eyebrows and winked at him, “kiss me, please.”

  Luke stood up and took the ice off her ankle, he picked her up and cradled her in his arms and kissed her. She grabbed is face and pulled it deeper into hers and opened her mouth for him, he sat down on the bench and swung her around so that she was facing him. Luke took her face in his hands and explored her hot mouth, she started pulling away and he pushed her head back towards him. One hand on the back of her head and the other he started rubbing her back, she winced and he released her, “Baby I am sorry,’” he said. She felt pressure underneath her.

  “Wow,” she said, “That for them too?”

  “Never again Tessa that’s all for you,” he said and he started to smile.

  “Can we go to the bus now please?” she asked.

  He looked down, “Can we wait a couple minutes? And maybe you should get off my lap, that may help the uh, issue.”

  “Think of something disgusting maybe that will help?” Tessa offered.

  He laughed, “You Tessa, amuse me.”

  “Well I hope that’s a good thing,” she said and smiled.

  “Please don’t smile at me that’s not helping either,” Luke said clearly uncomfortable.

  The three girls started doing laps, they ran past them and blonde one said, “Hey Luke, we are just trying to toughen her up for you, we know you like it rough,” she said.

  “Shut up Madison,” he yelled at her.

  “So blonde one is Madison, good to know, how long did you date her?” she asked.

  “We didn’t date we just had sex,” he said

  “And you like it rough?” she asked inquisitively.

  “Tessa you can’t say that right now,” he pleaded with her.


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