Book Read Free

Blue Love

Page 20

by Mj Fields

  “What’s so funny,” Landon asked smiling.

  “Nothing” they both said at the same time.

  Audrianna got the girls ready for bed, they had decided to camp in his room. He grabbed the tent from his garage and set it up for them. He gave them each one of his Jersey’s and told them Tessa had said they were armor against evil Princes. The three sat in the small tent and Audri took their picture with the same camera she had snapped hundreds of photos with all day. Luke gave her his phone and she took one for him.


  Her phoned Chimed and she woke up

  -Day 8 without Tessa Ross has been interesting, the whole meeting the family thing was different, lol, my sisters love you and that makes me happy, Audri adores you and has threatened me with my manhood not to screw you up, and thanks to the gifts God gave you up front, I think you may have won my dad over, regardless of all the amazing events of today it is you I find myself still in awe of, btw no pressure but you could start your pills Sunday,……LYA Luke

  Attached was a picture of him and the girls in his room in a tent, so cute she thought. She wondered how his Mom was taking that.

  -Hey how is your Mom doing? Is she okay with them staying there? …YB Tessa

  -She’s away, get some sleep baby, we need to talk tomorrow…LYA Luke

  -I am spending tomorrow with Mom and the kids and tomorrow night is Girls night bud, I don’t feel well, I will talk to you tomorrow at some point, going to sleep now, great game today! ENJOY YOUR FAMILY!!!...Tessa

  Tessa had no idea how Luke could say the things to her that he did trying to make her feel loved, having done all that behind her back. The way he touched her, looked at her, and made her feel was all an act for what she didn’t know but tomorrow it ended. She started to cry and Chewy whined. Tessa took him out for a walk.

  Tessa walked into the apartment and her mom was standing there, “Tessa, please know you can talk to me about anything, whatever it is that’s going on I want to help you through,” Maggie said.

  Tessa cried, “It’s just a mess Mom,” she sobbed. Maggie hugged her and let her talk. “He says all the right things and he has changed Mom, I mean his heart has changed, he loves those little girls and he loves me, but look,” she showed her the pictures and then went through and showed her again pointing out the reflections,” she played her the massage and cried. Her Mom cried too.

  “Tessa, have you…” Maggie started.

  “No Mom I haven’t, and I am so glad, but you need to know I have thrown myself at him, the night I saw you at dinner, I got wasted right in the restaurant while I watched Dr. Feelgood rub your hand,” she told her about what she had done.

  Maggie felt her blood boiling and was angry at Tessa and herself at the same time. “Mom have you slept with him?” she asked.

  “Of course not Tessa, dating him is bad enough, I feel horrible, it’s just that your father and I,” she stopped, “we will talk someday about that, for now it’s about you Tessa, and I am sorry you have been hurt. And I am proud of you,” they fell asleep on the couch, Tessa’s head on her lap.

  Chapter 17

  In the morning Lucas, Alexandra and Ally woke up and headed to the pool. The girls loved that it was heated and they could swim in upstate New York in October. They splashed and swam and laughed. Landon was cooking breakfast when Audrianna came down the stairs.

  Landon smiled at her, “Good Morning Audri, you look beautiful.”

  “I feel great, the first time in almost four years that I have slept for eight hours straight, and look at you who knew you could cook,” she said laughing and finally looked at him.

  “I miss you Audri,” slipped out of his mouth.

  Audri looked confused. “I am going out to take some pictures, when do you want them out for breakfast?’ she asked quietly.

  “I’ll bring it out beautiful,” Landon said smiling.

  Audri took tons of pictures. “Hey Audri can you grab my ...”

  She already had his phone in her hand, “Got it Lucas,” she said laughing.

  Landon brought out breakfast, and the kids got out and dried off, Audrianna gave them each a robe to keep warm. Luke could see how his Dad looked at Audri, he grinned and looked down and glanced at Audrianna, she smirked and shook her head and he laughed. “What’s so funny?” Ally asked. His dad looked at him and he winked, his dad turned red. Luke laughed again, he had never seen him blush and Audrianna laughed too, in seconds they all laughed. What a perfect morning, Luke thought.

  Luke was cleaning up the mess in his room while his father was helping the girls shower for the first time. “Audri, make him work for it, he loves you but make him earn it, he will be yours forever,” he said.

  “I don’t know Lucas, I can’t fall apart, I have them and now I think I have you too,” Audri smiled and hugged Luke.

  “Whatever you do Audri I want to be part of their lives, thank you for bringing them into my life,” Luke said softy.

  They heard the girls streaking down the hall laughing. Landon was following them with towels. He was soaked and laughing. Audri laughed and he tossed her a towel, she had them both wrapped up and headed to the room to change.

  “What are you thinking Dad?” Luke asked.

  “I am thinking I screwed up Lucas,” he said still laughing.

  “Then fix it,” he said, “and give her time.”

  “My son giving me better advice on women than even my father gave me, how did that happen?” Landon asked.

  “Tessa Dad, it was Tessa,” Luke said smiling.

  Luke helped them load the car and they pulled away waving. They would be seeing each other again soon. He walked into the kitchen and he had cleaned it all up. He went to shower and get ready to go see his mom.


  Tessa pushed her breakfast around her plate and dreaded the conversation she would be having later. Her mom told her to, “get showered we are going shopping”.

  Maggie and the kids pulled into the mall and they went to Abercrombie and Finch. They walked in and it smelled like Luke. Tessa got a pair of jeans and a couple sweaters. Maggie grabbed Alex two new pair of jeans. They crossed the hall and went to Victoria Secrets, Jake laughed and turned red when they walked in.

  “Kendall is getting her first Victoria Secret bra today Tessa,” Maggie said smiling.

  “I am?” Kendal asked grinning.

  “Absolutely,” Maggie said.

  Kendall was measured and fitted with the sweetest little pink bra; her mom grabbed one in white as well. She was beaming.

  Next they went to Gap, “I want some clothes like Luke’s,” Jake said.

  They went by the video game store and picked up a new X box game for the kids to play tonight with her.

  They ate a small lunch and headed home.

  Tessa had left her phone in the car and had a missed call from Luke and a message.

  -Hey baby when can you squeeze me in, I need Tessa time?...LYA Luke

  He attached the picture of them all jumping in the pool.

  -Leaving the mall now, will text you in a bit…Tessa

  Tessa got out of the car after hugging her family, “Have fun with the girls tonight, call me if you need anything.”

  Tessa was glad her Dad didn’t tell her he and Alex would be making a delivery tonight, she wanted to be crazy with her girls. She took a deep breath; she couldn’t believe this was it.

  -So I love the way you are with them and I know they love you. Your stepmother is very sweet. And you are a rock star on the field. SU? Great job! I am on fire right now, I don’t know how to say this, because it’s not like we are dating but we need a break Luke. I have been holding this together for two days for you because regardless of what has happened I need you to be okay. I ask, no beg you Luke to be ok. You Lucas Links have come a long way from the obnoxious ass that I met two months ago. Please please give me some space, let me be strong, if you ever loved me, let me heal so that someday we can be friends…Tessa

  She cr
ied after she sent the message and her phone rang, it was him, she ignored his call.

  She received a text

  -Tessa Ross what is going on? I thought things were going well, I am very confused baby, especially after being reimbursed for Chewy, he was a gift, is this a female thing? Please call me….LYA Luke

  -Please Luke I don’t have it in me today, and I don’t even have my period, please let it be…Tessa.

  -Fuck that Tessa I have changed for you, what kind of games are you playing with me now? The Tessa I fell head up my ass in love with would not be so cold, is it GI Joe? Come on Tessa give me something….LYA Luke

  -Nothing to do with Toby, look at the pictures you sent me, who was she um I think the call I have on my voice mail said Leah? She had on your shirt and nothing else in the bed picture and was in the mirror of the first, I assume she took the hot tub shot. Look at them LUCAS? I have for three fucking days now. I respected you enough to make sure you got through your game, and your family. I kissed you for crying out loud, for you, even though it tore me apart knowing what you did. Because Luke I do care, but I need you to give me the same respect I have given you. I am begging you. Let me heal. In case you don’t remember eight days ago I found Sadi in your hot tub, and now Leah? That’s two, I won’t give you three.

  She pushed send and sent the voice mail as well.

  -hey everyone I am turning off the cell for a much needed break from reality, it’s girls night, if you need me call the home phone….Tessa

  Tess looked at her phone and took a deep breath, send all.


  Jade pulled in fifteen minutes later; Uncle Jack let her out and waved to Tessa as he pulled out. Tessa ran out and hugged her crying. She told her all about what had happened and showed her the pictures and let her listen to the voice mail. “Okay Tessa, you are going to be fine. I am here and we will keep very busy.”

  Becca and Phoebe walked in and saw Tessa; Jade told them and showed them the pictures, “Road trip?” Phoebe asked.

  They all laughed, “No but Becca you’ll have to excuse me I am going to drink my face off tonight,” Tessa said and finally smiled.

  “Tessa, that’s not a good idea” Becca said.

  “Well I think it is,” Jade said, “anything Tessa needs, and hey we have the house to ourselves and a hot tub and music.”

  “Ya, lets rock this joint,” Phoebe yelled.

  They all laughed and Tessa grabbed two bottles of wine out of the cupboard, one went in the fridge.


  Luke listened to the voice mail, “Damn it,” he yelled.

  He looked at the pictures and could absolutely understand how she would think that, he had so much to tell her, it could all be easily explained if she would just listen. He started to think about his mother and how much of a mess she was when he took her to Tully Hill rehabilitation center today, and how she cried and begged him not to leave her there for three months, and then about the holidays, it was all too much. He opened the top drawer of his dresser and grabbed his trusty little pipe. It was already packed and he lit it and breathed deeply in. He sat on his bed and finished it up and passed out.


  The girls were dancing and acting silly and decided to hit the hot tub. Tessa was the first to take off her suit and toss it on the ground, “Tessa that is sinful,” Becca gasped.

  “Why Becca Brooks, I don’t think God would think so, I was not born with my clothes on,” Jade said stripping down, they all joined in and laughed.


  Luke woke and took another hit, he wasn’t going to let this go, he went and showered and changed, brushed his teeth and threw on some clothes. He took a couple more hits and put his bowl under his sink. He grabbed his white hat and threw it on his head and walked out the door.

  Luke hit a tree a mile down the road; he was taken in the ambulance to the hospital. He was given a breathalyzer and passed. The police officer asked him if he was the quarterback from the newspaper, he showed Luke the picture, he was passing the ball, “Ya that’s me” he said and smiled.

  “You have someone to call?” he asked, “An adult, I need to talk to someone, do you understand Mr. Links?”

  He called Tommy and asked if he could talk his parents into it, again. Tommy remembered last time and decided to call Alex. Alex and his father had left last night instead of this morning and where about thirty minutes away. John agreed to stop and get Luke.

  When John and Alex arrived at the hospital Tommy was walking in too. They talked to the nurse at the desk and she showed them to Luke’s room. They walked in and Luke pulled his hat down over his eyes, shit Luke thought.

  “John,” the sheriff said and they shook hands.

  “Mr. Links was in a bit of an accident and has a concussion; he needs an adult to take him home.”

  “Alright we can do that” John said, “You alright son?” he asked.

  “Yes sir,” Luke said.

  “Well not exactly, he passed the breathalyzer but I am not convinced, however when I talked to the judge he would rather not come in and deal with this, he wants Luke to kick ass in sectionals. Our problem lies here. His mother is in rehab for the next three months, and he needs supervision until he is nineteen. You willing to take him on John?”

  “Yes I am,” John said, “He can stay with us.”

  “Mr. Ross I appreciate it but your daughter is going to be pissed off,” Luke said laughing.

  “Never mind Tessa, I will deal with it, let’s go,” John said.


  The girls were laughing as they saw Chewy taking their swim suits, they had not noticed until he had the last one. They saw headlights pulling in the driveway.

  “Oh shit, get out and run, someone is pulling in.” They all jumped out laughing hysterically as they streaked across the yard.

  “Damn it, it’s my dad!” Tessa yelled and laughed.

  “Oh boy, Tommy is behind him,” Jade smiled and waved laughing her fool head off as she went in the house.

  The girls ran upstairs.

  “What the hell was that all about?” John asked Alex.

  “Dad I have no idea,” he said and started to laugh. Damn Phoebe is fine he thought.

  “Holy shit Luke did you see that?” Tommy asked.

  “Hell yes,” Luke said laughing, “it’s going to be an interesting night,” he laughed until he saw John’s face in the window.

  “You boys forget what you saw,” John said sternly.

  “Yes sir,” Luke said trying not to laugh. He looked at Alex who was looking down trying to keep a straight face. They both started laughing. John looked at them sternly and they stopped.


  They walked in the kitchen and saw two empty bottles of wine. John shook his head, “Tessa Ross, you get your ass dressed and get down here now, the rest of you too!” he yelled.

  The boys were sitting at the table looking down with big smirks on their faces, when the girls walked in in their pajamas.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Tessa looked at her father and put her hands on her hips.

  “Tessa sit your ass down and keep your mouth shut,” John snapped.

  “No,” Tessa said giving him a superior look, “Why are you home and why is he here?” she said and stomped her foot.

  The boys all giggled and Tessa gave them a dirty look. “Tessa you are to sit now,” John yelled, “I am going to talk, and you my dear have a lot of explaining to do so I certainly wouldn’t start sassing me young lady.”

  Tessa scowled and looked down. She sat on Jade’s lap, and they started giggling. “Jade should I call my brother,” John asked.

  “No Uncle John please don’t,” Jade said quietly.

  “First of all Luke will be staying with us for awhile, possibly for three months until his mother is out of rehab. He was in an accident and was released with conditions that being one of them. Tessa will have to deal with it, I have already given my word,” John said.

  “I don’t think th
at’s a good idea Daddy,” she said. “I might kill him in his sleep, and speaking of sleep daddy, what kind of sleeping arrangements will we have here? You shouldn’t want him under the same roof as me Daddy,” she snapped.

  “Tessa shut up,” Alex said warning her.

  “NO!” Tessa yelled.

  “Tessa enough,” John said.

  “No Daddy,” she said and started to cry.

  “I need to make a phone call, Luke you do too,” John walked into the back room and started to dial Maggie. He decided he would talk to her in the morning now wouldn’t be a good time.

  “Hey Audrianna this is Luke, you still with Dad, oh ok…can you do me a favor? Thanks I kind of got in an accident tonight, no I am fine, I already went to the hospital and everything was fine. No Tessa’s father came and picked me up. Well the cop and the judge both are football fans so I got out of a lot of trouble. No it wasn’t alcohol… you really want to know? Okay good, can you call dad in the morning before the insurance company does? Thanks so much. One more thing could you call Tessa in an hour and let her know what I told you about Leah, yes everything, well she is avoiding me I will explain, later. Ok thanks are the girls awake? Ok can I talk to them in the morning? Thanks Audri, you too.”

  John came back in the room, “Now what the hell are you four thinking tonight?”

  Tessa said, “Daddy sit I will tell you everything,” Oh shit Luke thought. “Well I thought I was in love with that boy over there, I forgot his name but the one right there,” she slurred pointing and scowling , “and the night I saw mom at dinner I got drunk on our date, it wasn’t the stomach bug, I showed him my boobs and asked him to bite them.”

  “Tessa enough,” Alex said. She smiled at him.

  “Luke is that true,” John asked.

  “Yes sir but I didn’t, I got her home to Alex,” Luke said and gave her a look trying to get her to shut up.

  “Tessa is that true?” John asked.


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