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Harker's Penchant (A Count Series Novel Book 1)

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by Peyton Meri

  What she planned to offer might seem a bit unorthodox but a sound arrangement all the same. After all, her brother had made the arrangements already had he not? All she had to do was show up and pretend to be the one the count wanted. She just needed to suffer the indignities for one night.

  a liveried footman approached A silver-haired, tall, broad-shouldered man with a surprisingly strong build opened the wide door. He glared down at her with a dour expression upon his face. He wore no livery so she was unsure if he was a servant or not. His thick voice asked her to state her business.

  “I say, sir, a Miss Ledi Barrton here to see you. Sir.”

  Harker Benning, the count, woke with a start and bellowed an oath at the loud intrusion from his butler. He groaned into his pillow.

  What in the deuces was a Ledi? Ledi Barrton? He’d never heard of such an odd name. But, why did that last name have a familiar ring to it? What could the lady want? Harker opened the eye not covered by the pillow he’d bunched under his head and looked toward his bedroom door.

  Chayton stood just barely inside the room under the arch, a lantern in his hand, his tall frame looming there like a feral beacon of light that Harker wanted to smash out. The light was more than just an annoyance to his tired eyes.

  “Siiirr?” Chayton’s drawl in addressing him was no better. Why he let the old coot about he would have to mull it over later he reminded himself, when his head was in a better state. For now, he grumbled up a response.

  “Send her away, Chayton. Any lady calling unescorted and not at my request upon a man after midnight can only mean she is someone of ill-repute. Something, after last night, I’ve had enough of for the time-being.”

  “That would be a first, sir.”

  Harker shook his head. Bad move. Oh, someone had let loose a relentless hammer inside his skull. “What’s that?” he mumbled, then goraned.

  There was a clearing of throat from the doorway. “Nothing, sir. I said, the young lady said that you sent for her. Once you met her you would see for yourself and remember or some nonsense to that effect.”

  “Nonsense, indeed,” Harker grumbled, wiping a hand down over his face. I sent for her? What in the blazes? Again, that Barrton surname tugged at his foggy memory. He was not of the mind at the moment to attempt to figure out why. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to fall backwards onto the bed and sleep himself into the next day. The past few weeks had been full, very active and quite strenuous, to say the least. He’d not sent for anyone.

  Harker bellowed another oath or thought he did as he shot up and swung his bare legs over the side of the bed, his back still to the door. Hearing it close firmly behind his butler told him he had indeed bellowed. Chayton had been successful, he’d gotten up.

  Harker stumbled his naked frame about the room, trampling over discarded clothing from the evening before. The heavy scent of the past two night’s thorough debauchery of great sex permeated the room, still clung to the air.

  The widow Tambers had been quite insatiable at first. However, after a few dedicated rounds by him, the stunning red-haired widow had to be escorted out, whimpering with satisfaction, nigh faint, and placed safely into a carriage by Chayton sometime and hied away into the night in secret back to her London town home.

  Harker looked in the mirror sitting atop the table above his washstand and groaned. With a splash of water onto his face, a quick run of his wet fingers through his wavy hair, he ran a hand across his unshaven jaw. Damn, he reeked of the smell in his room and that foul sherry widow Tambers liked to drink.

  The poor thing was not dressed properly for the temperature inside the castle.

  She probably had worn her best gown, frayed, a year or two out of fashion snug in all the improper and intimate places. Blonde hair in a loose chignon, he imagined under that ugly bonnet.

  He took a swift single sweep from the top of the ruffled bonnet to the tips of the scuffed shoes she’d tried to shine.

  Even with all that, as he approached. Her allure could not be denied. Rosy-colored plump bottom lip, big dark eyes, a walnut-colored brown, surprisingly so considering the golden smoky tresses on her head. Curves, not hefty but thicker than most in some areas, especially on top. Her ample assets strained against the low bodice peeking out from the gaping shawl. The gown favored her not at all. Not in size. Not in color.

  He wondered what would happen if he took a pair of shears and cut down that low bodice to the top of her womanhood. What would pop out? Harker imagined the full globes spilling out into his hands. If her nipples and areolas were the color of that sweet plump enchanting mouth…Good god! He’d be beyond excited.

  The stirring of his cock at the thought surprised him, especially after the two days he’d just had.

  Clearing his throat, he swept his gaze back up over every rounded curve to her wide eyes. Some color had begun to creep back into her cheeks.

  “Lord Benning, I do appreciate a measure of decorum, even if it’s not true from the heart when I speak. To be outright aloof when a person is speaking to you is beyond rude.”

  Harker shook his head. It ached. Nonetheless, he could not help but cover a starting smile with a put out smirk. The chit gave a good sting.

  Ledi could smell the sex and alcohol on him. Forbidden was the word that came to her mind. It left her wanting to taste his nice lips. A bit of forbidden fruit, like Eve. A strange and surprising impulse.

  As much as her hands and knees shook standing before him, Ledi could not deny the strong attraction she felt toward this man. Was it the idea of what sort of wicked and dirty things she had dragged him from? Things another might be yet waiting back in his bedroom to continue.

  By the look of him, ruffled, unshaven, and reeking of the remnants of spent passion and a woman’s faint hint of lily perfume swirling about his person, Ledi was almost sure of it.

  She found it quite intriguing, alluring at best. A mouth made for many many wicked things.

  Ledi blinked three times to push away the shocking and surprising direction of her wicked, wicked and inappropriate thoughts. God, she had left her senses at the door. What in the blazes was she thinking? He was easily the kind of man used to diddling everything that walked over his threshold.

  Then in the next breath as she stared at his dark handsome face and sucked in a harsh breath, she remembered her purpose.

  Ledi gasped as he closed the gap between them, a stormy look in his eyes. Had she called him monster out loud in her mind ramblings?

  Hadn’t she come here to offer herself for such wicked and inappropriate pleasures?

  The count’s deep, almost lyrical baritone mesmerized her.

  Eyes the color of honey-walnut gazed up at him as he backed her up against the settee.

  She moved, unaware and trancelike under his gentle guidance, though his hands remained at his side. Harker was just as enthralled, held captive by the strong attraction he felt. Until those lovely breasts pressed against his ribs and her ruffled skirts brushed over his naked toes.

  A jolt of desire, hot and fiery, lit up his veins and the muscles in his thighs clenched.

  “You took a grave risk entering this monster’s lair. What?” he asked, a brow rose at her shocked expression over his words. “That is what I am called, is it not? Monster, Miss Barrton?”

  Her perfectly shaped coral lips parted, the warmth of her sweet breath fanned his throat. The long column of her neck stretched back to keep her eyes locked on his, begged one to kiss the rapid pulse that beat there. Instead, Harker lightly brushed his middle finger against the hollow of her throat. Soft. Delicate.

  He felt her tremble beneath his touch. Yet she did not move away.

  “One must always be on one’s toes. Pleasure, though fleeting, the aftermath can last much longer. What one must go through to arrive to that point…to snatch something so precious and rare shared between two people…well—the journey is like nothing else in this world.”

  That seemed to shake her out of her stun
ned state. She arched her body back. Not that she had room to go anywhere for he had her cornered.

  Harker clenched his right fist against his brown trousers so hard, his knuckles cracked. He did so to steel himself against the surprising and unexpected reaction to her. Especially one not under his sheets.

  The fevered rush of desire that raced inside him made him quiver and his knees weak. What the bloody hell?

  “This might be the start of one of those rare journeys.” He arched a dark brow realizing how honest and true his words were as he spoke them.

  The need to have at her was not only primal, but shockingly overwhelming. He was stunned by it and at this sudden lack of control. A true first for him in thirty years.

  Carnal hunger wove its ferocious grip around him like a live being within itself. Powerful. He shook with his need, chest heaving, and deep breaths as blood rushed to his cock.


  Harker did not miss the quaver and wariness in her tone. He dropped his gaze. Her expression was one of concern as she stood fidgeting.

  “Tell me, what can I do for you, Miss Barrton?”

  The story rushed out of her so quickly it left his head spinning to keep up, but he’d gotten the gist of it. Now the Barrton name made sense. Evann Barrton, the thieving rogue bastard’s ridiculous bargain that Harker had found amusing at the time just to get the fool away from him had called in his chip.

  Harker inhaled slowly. She and her bloke of a brother, thought to make a fool out of him. But ah, he had just turned their game on them. He now held the winning hand.

  He was glad to see her complexion had returned back to its earlier flush. He was surprised to find himself relieved over it. Why? He had no answer. Intriguing to say the least. “Are you sure you’re up to this. Do you understand what will happen here if you agree, Miss Barrton?”

  Her dark honey-walnut eyes widened a fraction and he watched her throat as she swallowed. “Ye-Yes. I believe I do.”

  “You agree to be mine for the timeframe I select?”

  Harker watched her hard to catch even the slightest doubt and to put an end to this charade. He would not be made a fool of by her or her brother. Would the lady reveal her cards as easily as her brother had?

  She called her hand without hesitation. “I understand that. I’ve but one question.”

  Ah, there it was. Emotion welled up in him and Harker didn’t know whether it was disappointment or gratification that she was going to back out.

  “Will there be pain? That, I’m afraid is something that I cannot agree to.” She shook her head to further the conviction in her tone.

  Ledi kept her eyes on him. He looked insulted for a moment. Then his dark eyes dropped to her mouth then back up to meet her eyes. She caught her breath at his intense stare. The unreadable gleam she saw there unsettled her as much as it excited her.


  “Pain of too much pleasure is all you’ll suffer at my hands, Miss Barrton. I will not do anything you find too abhorrent or uncomfortable. Shall we agree to that?”

  He had not said no outright to any pain. Ledi did not know how to respond. She was new to such things decisions that clandestine lovers made. She almost giggled at using the words clandestine lovers.

  This was far from it. It was more like a sacrificial lamb to a hungry wolf, she thought. All the same, she did her best to control the urge to shake her head over the mess she had thrown herself into.

  The notion was an understatement at best. For she had truly thrown herself into the monster’s lair. But by god!

  The man before her was the furthest thing from a monster. The furthest thing from what she had expected, if she had to give an opinion on looks alone.

  Heat and her weak knees were proof enough of that. She was ever grateful for the settee at her back. It muffled the sound of her knocking knees.

  Harker stifled his grin at the distracted shake of her head. Her perplexed expression told him she was not even aware she was doing it. He could only imagine the things that were darting through her pretty little mind.

  And he had a good idea by the telling myriad of emotions that flitted across her face.

  Her expressive eyes, nice teeth chewing at her bottom lip told him of her indecisiveness. The stunning chit had no clue of the consequences to the bargain she’d just agreed to.

  How innocent she truly was, he knew not. Pure, he doubted.

  A stab of staggering jealousy welled up inside him at the thought. Imagining her luscious curves under another man driving himself into her and finding pleasure, angered him. The mere thought, not only unsettled him, it aggravated him, all in one breath, that he would even feel such a thing.

  Harker took another step back, putting a foot of space between them. His beautiful soon-to-be lover woke at his abrupt move, those captivating eyes ensnaring his again. Harker inhaled deeply.

  He should cast her out. Send her back to her lying, thieving, cheating bastard of a brother.

  Ledi panicked by the look in the Count’s eyes. He was going to back out. He was going to send her packing. His expression bode it just so. She wet her lips. She could not let him. She had come here. She had done a lot to get here. She had come this far. She could not turn back. Besides, she had no choice. “And you will pay off all our notes of debt?

  Those sharp piercing slate-blue eyes burned a path to her belly. Did he plan to deny her still? Desperation pushed her. She would drop to her knees and beg if she had to. Pray heavens she hoped it did not come to that.

  Well, that was not to be, for his words rang like a church bell inside her head.

  “Before I agree to save your brother’s neck from the noose, we need to settle a few particulars of the agreement. Once we come to terms, my solicitor will draw up the necessary paperwork of a final agreement, then I will add in the weight of your debt to my ledgers,” he said. His tone had lost its earlier burr of warmth. “Unlike your brother, you care about your family.”

  Ledi paled. “Wh-what particulars?” His use of the word noose made her gloss over his latter words in reference to her family. She swallowed the bitter lump in her throat. Evann had not lied about his life hanging in the balance. What had he truly done that had pushed him to offer Rena in turn? Evann had been desperate that night when he’d argued with Rena.

  The whole stinking matter was an insult and it pricked deep. It roused her anger at her both her siblings for forcing her to such desperate matters.

  Ledi blinked back the rush of burning tears over the unfairness of it all. Shame and the weight of her family’s debt hung like a throttling noose around own her throat. But it was too late to shed tears now.

  Mustering up a layer of grit, she met the count’s gaze and stuck out her hand.

  “It’s a deal then?”

  A devilish glint entered his eyes, the corner of one side of his mouth edged into a smile that sent an excitable pulse followed by a wary chill flush down her spine. The devil had clipped the angel’s wings. Ledi squared her shoulders back.

  He clasped her hand firmly in his large one. Warmth spread instantly through the softness of her gloves to her skin. Searing her. Sealing her fate.

  And as if to confirm she had just made a bargain with the devil, his words cinched it.


  A deep flush crept up her lovely neck and Harker released her hand. “I think the intimacy of the deal we’ve just struck affords us the liberties to do away with such titles and other formalities. All proprieties were foregone when you stepped over my threshold. Call me by my Christian name, Harker, please.”

  Her eyes widened. “Ha-Harker. Well then, I suppose you can call me Ledi.”

  “I plan to,” he stated.

  Her sharp intake of breath had him arch a brow. Her chin lifted. Harker admired her quick agitation. The chit had a feisty spirit in her yet to be unleashed. He carried on before she could cast a retort. By the set of her lips, he could tell she had planned to. He bit back a smile. “Is t
hat all of it? Just Ledi?” he asked her.

  Her bemused expression had him unable to turn away. God! The woman was too attractive for her own blasted good.

  “Yes. That’s it. Ledi, plainly,” she offered with a sad lilt in her tone though she smiled half-heartedly. All the while, her fingers twiddled at the sides of her faded gown. Harker’s gaze rested there a moment wondering if a moth might float up, then he lifted his eyes back to hers.

  “Ledi it is then.” He nodded.

  “Once my man of affairs draws up the documents we will apply our signatures to confirm our verbal agreement. Then all should be settled, almost.”

  Ledi licked her lips. “Almost?”

  He looked her over with a heated glance. “Yes. A meeting with Mrs. Beatrice is in order.”

  Ledi frowned, confused, still trying to digest what she’d just done. “Wh-who?” she inquired quietly.

  He gave her a slow full body perusal. “She takes care of certain matters for me.”

  Ledi did not like the look in his eyes. She narrowed her gaze on him. “What sort of matters?”

  He gave a flippant wave. “The feminine sort.”

  “Oh!” Ledi exclaimed, her eyes widening. Before she could utter another reply, he spoke again.

  “Just a moment.” He turned and called over his left shoulder. “Chayton!”

  Like a wraith, the silver-haired man who had led her inside moved out of the shadows just a few feet away from them.

  Ledi’s cheeks burned red hot. Had the man been lurking there all the while? Oh god, she wanted to run and hide.

  “Fetch Mrs. Beatrice and tell her to meet us in the room, please. A spot of tea and some biscuits should suffice,” the count said to the man.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Ledi’s gaze shot back to the terse interaction between the two. She knew without a doubt the man must be his footman, yet the odd behavior between master and servant told her there was something more. The man melted back into the shadows. The count met her gaze and Ledi flushed anew at being caught staring. What was the room?


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