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Harker's Penchant (A Count Series Novel Book 1)

Page 4

by Peyton Meri

  “Hold on. Wait…I got you. Just…” he pulled her back toward him, against his chest. The position sent her further down his hard shaft. Harker shuddered and clasped her to him, one arm thrust out to brace them against the wall as his hot release poured out of him,

  Breathing was difficult at first

  All of her sweetness. Wet. Hot and quivering in his face

  He teased the hairs of her mons with the tip of his nose, then he spread the lips of her sex wide and breathed in her scent.

  - hands gripped her derriere. Up and down, he guided her, the grunts and gasps that came from him drowned out her moans of ecstasy. Slicked in sweat, his hair drenched on his forehead and at the nape of his neck.

  He could not tear his gaze from the sight of her taking every inch of his shaft inside her. She tightened. Her wetness glistened on his engorged member. It was too much.

  He begin to shake, his hands begin to slip, he dug his fingers deeper into her hips. The feel of her, the pleasure was out of this world. He had thought he could wait, hold on. Last longer. For the first time he could not. For the first time, he had no control over it. Nor did he care.

  Harker trembled like a green lad and the groan tore up and out of his chest as he released her and cried out her name.

  “Ledi!” he gasped out a breath and looked up at her. Her hair, damp from her own sweat stuck to her rosy cheeks. She trembled above him. “Damnit…” Harker hissed between clenched teeth as he reached for her, his hand going behind her neck to pull her forward.

  That was all it took. Mouths fused, seeking. His hot seed squirted up inside her, his throbbing cock thumped at the entrance to her womb and she responded. Crying out into his mouth and convulsing around him, flooding him with hard contractions that milked him for what seemed endless moments.


  Brodric comes to the castle.

  Brodric stifled the urge to lick his chops in anticipation.

  The maze gave them the cover they needed. Shelter and privacy from any guests about. He could not take his eyes from the lady.

  Hismena of Groverr. An heiress to one of the wealthiest gaming clubs on this side of The River Thames.

  Brodric cared not about the money. He’d plenty. Business dealings, numerous ones, with the count. Newspaper mills and shipyards, had ensured that.

  Lady Hismena drew Brodric’s attention back to something she was saying.

  “Oh my, Mr. Brodric. I must say, I am quite embarrassed to be caught without my own handkerchief. Thank you so much for offering your fine linen to catch my sniffles. Though this maze is quite lovely, I’m afraid lilies must be hidden about somewhere. My lord, those lovely flowers and I simply do not suit. Allergies, you see.”

  Her melodic voice sounded hoarse and breathless with each word.

  “Lady Hismena. My apologies. Had I an inkling, I would have never suggested a walk around the garden,” Brodric said flirtatiously, grinning.

  “Well…” she paused with a dramatic breath that pushed her inviting bosom to swell up nicely against her low bodice. “Mr. Brodric. My dear mother would have one of her fits if she knew I accompanied you here. Alone.”

  “Ah-ah. Then perhaps we should see you back to her side,” Brodric suggested the lie. He was not yet ready to set the sweet morsel free. The urge to save her from what he intended washed over him. Her smitten look wavered the thought.

  Brodric knew he was not the most handsome of men. Far from the enigmatic count’s league. Blessed with dark looks, Harker was an attractive figure to behold and exceedingly wealthy to boot. His perfect features turned every debutante’s head and their chaperones too, despite the faux rumors. Women not only admired him, they wanted him. Wanted to taste the forbidden.

  Brodric felt like a new man tonight.

  He’d been sober since the night he’d pleaded with Harker to come here and assist him in catching this beautiful damsel’s eye. That had been a week ago. He’d kept his promise to his friend. Now—with this exquisite opportunity in front of him, if all worked in his favor, he’d remain that way.

  That Hismena was settling for his affections this evening told him it was going to happen. Usually, taking Harker’s seconds had never bothered him, until now.

  Brodric just hoped if she went as far as to let him slip himself inside her, well…he prayed fervently that he would not come quickly. It had been weeks since he’d lain with a fine titled woman. A real woman. Not a prostitute or a fast side catch whilst visiting the rookeries.

  Tonight was the best gift he’d ever received. This time, he’d the opportunity to stick his pecker into a wet bluestocking.

  He’d always had a sincere fancy for Lady Hismena. Just having her sweet smelling body this close to his made him feel like some young lovesick pup.

  He’d always thought a love of a lifetime was not his to have. But tonight it could be. This very moment with the sweet spinster Lady Hismena. He just had to do everything right.

  Dare he freely indulge? Carry out the impassioned plight of tempting this wallflower.

  She’d been in the spinster cluster, pushed all the way to the corner of the room, cast off. As if, the stain of their unmarried life was etched into their foreheads in scarlet. Surrounded by others more attractive, more appealing than she, Lady Hismena had done something that none of the others had.

  All the ladies had cast admiring glances upon Harker as usual. Crestfallen faces quickly covered up by their fans raised to their faces once they got a gander at his lovely companion. Ledi Barrton.

  It was only Lady Hismena who had set her eyes upon Brodric instead, even before Harker had approached her.

  That look, Brodric had not been able to ignore. Had he not wished on numerous occasions, attended hundreds of balls, for just that one breath-stopping sweep of eyelashes fluttering in his direction? Yes!

  “Mr. Brodric.”

  Her rich sweet voice shook him. “Please, my lady, just Brodric. I crave to hear it,” he confessed.

  The vibrant green, looming, meticulously-trimmed hedges would hide any dalliance they engaged in. Night was falling deeper around them, yet lampposts littered throughout the maze shone brightly enough in the other areas.

  She took his hand and placed it to her bosom. “Brodric, the beats of my heart are genuine and pure. They beat for you.”

  Brodric heard himself repeating her words in a hushed tone. “A genuine and pure heart.” Hope, expectancy burned in his tone and in his gaze as it remained on the wide-eyed ladybird. Dare he trust her? Believe she’d spoken the truth?

  Deep affection, trust blazed inside her eyes. “Truly?” he asked, his breaths racing as fast as his heart. She stood before him, trancelike. Her slender arms, white gloves up to her elbows, pressed his hand more firmly against her, even though he felt her slight tremors. Brodric knew in that moment, that whatever he chose to do to her, he would be successful.

  The pulse in her neck beckoned his gaze there. She squeezed his hand over one ripe breasts, a hardened peak pressed into his palm. He almost came in his pants.

  Brodric swallowed and rubbed the tips of his chilled fingers along the exposed flesh of the firm white globe. Her heart beat in rhythm in the tips of his fingers and warmth spread down his arm. The beat of her life woke something deep, even more carnal inside of him. Her breath hitched, her white bosom, full, inviting against the tight seams of her bodice.

  He lifted his gaze back to hers and licked his lips. “How can I be sure?” he asked, unable to tear his gaze away from the beautiful, flushed woman before him. Her lovely light brows dipped and she drew his other hand forward to cover her other breast. He was close to panting like a bad wolf.

  “That’s the beauty of it all. You don’t. You must trust me completely, Brodric. Tonight I give you a glimpse into the wonders of what is possible between us. You must promise to do all I ask, right now, if you choose to take this path, my new friend.”

  He squeezed her globes, pinched her nipples through the gown. Her eyes
widened a fraction and a small giggle of pleasure escaped her.

  “Oh my.” She sounded like she’d just run a long distance. “Oh dear. Oh my. Nice. Just like that. Don’t be afraid to hurt me a little.” her voice trailed off into throaty sighs of pleasure.

  Brodric made his decision. “I will do all you ask of me, my lady.” then he happily tweaked her nipples again, hard.


  The path to the maze was free of guests. The sounds of a new waltz played off in the distance inside the ballroom.

  Harker halted. Listened. A cough. Faint. Nevertheless, a cough. He rounded the path that lead to a gazebo.

  Ledi whirled about, a startled look upon her face as he approached. She had disappeared whilst he’d been busy with the removal of Lord Fremont. When he’d turned his back and found her gone, Duchess Oakes had told him what direction she’d gone.

  “Ledi. Are you all right?” he asked her, his hands still clasped behind his back.

  The lovely darling rose from the stone bench, swayed a little as she backed away, putting distance between them. It did her no good. The entrance had been on his side. White trellis covered in healthy ivy vines and flowers stood as walls around the rest of the stone and wood structure.

  “I—I am fine—I mean, no,” she corrected nervously. Harker did not miss the upset lacing her tone. Her sweet voice caused his chest to ache.

  “Why did you not wait for me?” Harker felt a rush in his blood and advanced two steps, but kept the entrance blocked with his large presence.

  “I—these people…” Her chest rose and fell with her rapid breathing as her eyes darted somewhere over his right shoulder. “That man, he—I can’t. I’m not cut out for this. The other night—widow Tambers was bad enough. Now that woman? You ask too much of me. I told you I could not do this.”

  Panic, hurt laced her tone. A visible shudder made her shoulders shake, her fingers pressed to her parted lips as if to stop more words from tumbling out of her mouth.

  Harker felt his skin heating, tightening. He tilted his head, maintaining eye contact. “I think you are right. I am sorry for that fracas with Lord Fremont. He was way out of line. We should have stayed home this lovely night.”

  She shook her head. “Lovely night?” she scoffed, mockingly

  The emotions she had him feeling nigh consumed him and Harker grabbed onto the gazebo railing to control his limbs and to steady himself.

  What the hell was she doing to him? Making him feel things he’d thought he couldn’t feel. Things he had steeled himself against. Hell’s damnation! This bargain they’d struck was having an unfamiliar effect on him. Then she turned those wide walnut colored eyes on him and Harker was lost.

  “Ledi,” he choked, then clamped his damn lips shut. Shocked himself at all the husky emotion in his voice.

  Her long silky lashes fluttered, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I want to leave. Now. Please.”

  God, her hurt and pain shredded a path through his chest. Harker swallowed and opened his arms.

  His crushing embrace made her tears spill over. Ledi knew she was behaving like a fool. He’d promised her nothing outside of their contracted time. And here she was weeping over stung feelings. Jealousy. She gripped the edges of his waistcoat.

  “I will take you home. My intention tonight in bringing you here was not to hurt you. By god, Ledi. I am sorry.”

  He wanted to take her right here. Show her how much he wanted her and not the widow Wisette or hell, any other woman for that matter.

  He’d thought he’d proven to her how much being with her meant to him when he’d made love to her after the foolish stunt he’d pulled with the widow Tambers. Apparently, it had not been enough. Hurting her to keep his feelings and her at bay had been the wrong direction, Harker knew now, and he silently cursed his own dim-witted arse.

  He called for his carriage at the front. The footman did as instructed.

  On the other hand, it’d been worth coming out tonight, Harker thought, rocking back on his booted heels. Thunder rolled across the starlit skies above. A lot had come to the surface.

  Tomorrow, he would act on his thoughts. Put them into action. By the morning or tomorrow evening at this time, he hoped the two of them would be sitting down for a celebratory supper over his offer to becoming his mistress.

  He would not be so alone during the winter months in his drafty castle this year. He would have another soul to communicate with and share adventures.

  Oh, the delights that awaited them, Harker smiled, his chin resting atop her head, a lightness lit inside his chest he’d not felt in years.

  He crossed his legs and shut his eyes as he sat back against the velvet cushions inside his carriage, and pulled the woman who was behind his thoughts more snugly against his side.

  If she ate one more morsel, she would be bursting her stays. Heavens! She was in desperate need of a new gown. Reluctantly, Ledi stared down at her bowl of soup and gave considerable thought to his offer of new clothes.

  A decided twitch teased at the corners of that sweet mouth of hers. With a grunt and Harker looked away. He’d fucked her long and hard, the second time. To slide his cock into her again, despite how hungry they both were, would surely cause her problems walking around tomorrow. Harker rolled over onto his belly and slid down the bed.

  She tried to sit up, propped up by her elbows. “What are you do—oh!”

  Exclaims of ecstasy

  licked her sweetness.

  Ledi’s aches woke her. She turned and a surprise groan escaped her lips. Then she sat up and slowly climbed out of bed.

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Good,” he responded and gave a gesture with his finger. “Now, shall we try this again?”

  She bit her bottom lip, kept her gaze on his. His slate-blue eyes burned with an intensity that fed her strength. The ball moved up her swollen slit.

  Ledi could not hold her mouth closed. An uncontrollable moan erupted from her. She grasped the ropes and held on as the ball was stroked slowly over her sensitive flesh with a light pressure. It vibrated a little. She shook, unable to stop herself from blinking.

  It was exquisite. Every nerve ending seemed to be on fire experiencing this wonderful sensation he was delivering. Something white-hot clenched in her gut, tightness. Things she never knew existed moved and swelled on her body below. Contracting. Craving…Ledi tried to hold her tongue. His dark concentrated gaze sent her a warning. She was losing control.

  Everything Rena had said about the count was coming true. He was a monster to be so cruel in what he was doing to her without relief. He had shown her he was a man with distinctive tastes. Tastes some might not find proper or agreeable.

  At the moment, Ledi found them most disagreeable for the position he had her in and for the pleasure she felt.

  Her body was wound so tight she felt as though it would splinter into a million pieces.

  He reached with his other hand to stroke her breast. “You’re learning.”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded hoarse, strained and like a hissing snake. It was getting harder to breathe normally.

  “I think you have learned your first lesson.” He cracked a smile and set his leather strap on the side table.

  “Open wider.”

  Shaking, whimpering in excitement and fear, her knees bent back and slowly parted. He released a long drawn out sigh when her hairy mound of blonde curls came into view. Harker swallowed, his own breath coming faster. “Wider,” he commanded.

  Another muffled whimper but she obeyed. The sight of her pink charms below stirred fervor of intense lust inside him. He dredged up more control, shaky it was at best, but it came. Damn, he never felt so out of control like this before. Hell’s damnation, he was trembling almost as badly as she was.

  He slid one finger up the back of her left thigh. She trembled and jerked slightly under his touch. He added two fingers and went slowly down her shapely calf and back up again. Her breathing evened slightl
y and she licked her lips. “Stay with me, Ledi. Eyes on me. Understand?”

  She nodded because it was all she could manage. Wonder shone in her eyes as she watched his face. An innocent look but he would soon find out if all of her was just as innocent. “Do not look anywhere but right here.”

  He pointed to his eyes.

  Ledi nodded, a muffled moan lodged in her mouth as she watched the forefinger he tapped at his temple. Had she thought only moments before what a handsome man he was? Unbelievably, she had in her foolish innocence. His deep voice shattered her spinning mind.

  “I cannot hear you.”

  His strong voice cut through the grip of emotions sucking the tremulous breaths from her. “I-I understand,” she answered.

  “You will be a good lover, won’t you?”

  “Yes.” Ledi wanted to scream at him to just do what he needed and be done with it. She didn’t know how much more of this depraved game of madness he was playing she could take. Maybe that was it. He was toying with her, trying to break her. Test her endurance, her restraint. Well, she could do this. She would do this. She had no choice.

  Something cold touched her thigh, causing her to yank on the restraints. Her eyes went even wider. She had no idea what he was touching her with because she could not look down.

  She almost broke eye concentration with him just to see. The slight tilt of his head and intense scrutiny forced her to remember. Whatever it was, it was smooth and had a round surface or so it felt that way to her. It slid against her easily. She flushed at how wet she was down there.

  All she could see out of her peripheral was the end of the long black handle he held. He slid it from her clitoris up over her mons. Ledi gasped. Then gasped again when the sting came against her breast and nipple. She cried out in surprise and almost broke her concentration with him again from the natural urge to look down.

  “Eyes, Ledi. Right here. Did I not just instruct you on that?” he warned.


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