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My Broken Angel

Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  I was torn as I stood there. I didn’t know what had happened with Angela, and the fact that she wouldn’t answer my texts had me ready to run after her. I didn’t want to tip Cole off that something was going on with us, so reluctantly I gave in and we spent the night getting drunk out our minds and celebrating my signing with Stephens, Inc. I didn’t know it then, but it would take years to recover from the mistakes I made that day. Victoria Stephens was a serpent in sheep’s clothing, and a simple misunderstanding had completely wrecked the best thing that had ever happened to me.


  Angela- Age 18

  When I left the gym, I was so amped up over spending the evening with Wes that I knew I needed to go out and do something. Sitting at home and waiting for the evening to come was going to drive me crazy.

  As I made my way home, I called Ally and convinced her to come shopping with me. I hadn’t bought anything new for myself in months, and the idea of getting something special for my night with Wes had me giddy with excitement.

  “So, he finally gave in an admitted that he wants you, huh?” She giggled as she held open the door to Macy’s.

  “Yeah. We’ve still gotta get past my brother though.” I rolled my eyes. “He’s worried Cole’s going to flip out.”

  “He will, you know?” Ally smirked. “They’ve been best friends since they were little kids. You coming between them was inevitable, but not planned on their part.”

  “Why does it have to be that way? Wes is a nice guy,” I groaned as I tipped my head back.

  “No one will ever be good enough for Cole. He treats you like you’re his daughter, not his sister. He’s spent years scaring guys off. Remember Mason?” she grinned at me.

  “Oh yeah. He tried to hold my hand in the eighth grade, and Cole told him in no uncertain terms that if he wanted to keep all his fingers, he wouldn’t touch me again,” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think it’ll come to that.”

  “We’ll see,” Ally teased. “I wanna be there when it does if he flips out,” she giggled. “I can calm him down.”

  “Sure, you can,” I shook my head at her as I directed us toward the lingerie. “I need something special for tonight,” I murmured as I began thumbing through the racks.

  “Gonna give up the V card huh?” she teased.

  “Ally,” I hissed. “Can you say that just a little louder? I don’t think everyone heard you.”

  “Oh, stop!” she swatted my arm. “No one is paying us any attention,” she chided. “Here. You want special? Buy something like this,” she shoved a black lacy bra and panties set that looked small enough to fit a toddler toward me.

  “That doesn’t look very comfortable.” my eyes widened as I took it in.

  “With any luck, you won’t be wearing it that long.” She turned, grabbed my arm, and hauled me behind her to get in the checkout line.

  After leaving the store, we decided to go get a bite to eat. There was a new pub down the street that both of us had been dying to try, and today seemed like the perfect chance. Suds hadn’t been open very long and the lines had been terrible to get in the door, but when we reached it today, it wasn’t bad.

  “Let’s go in here,” Ally bounced on her feet. “We might be able to get a table today.”

  “Sure,” I shrugged as I heaved open the heavy door. As soon as I stepped inside, I stumbled to a stop. Ally crashed into my back and shrieked, as she caught herself right before slipping to the ground.

  “What the hell, Angie?” she pushed me playfully, but I just stood there staring at the scene in front of me.

  There was my brother and Wes laughing at the bar. They were deep in conversation with some blonde, and she seemed way too comfortable hanging all over the man I thought wanted me.

  Wes was engaged in what looked to be deep conversation with the woman as she slid her hand on his thigh. He didn’t attempt to move it, but leaned closer into her and offered her one of his panty-dropping smiles. “We need to go,” I blurted as I turned and pulled Ally out the door after me.

  “What’s wrong?” she gasped for breath as she attempted to keep up with me and I rushed down the street.

  “Did you see them?” I stopped and flung my arm in the direction of the bar. “He let her touch him, Ally. He was laughing and smiling, and acting like he was on a date. I’m just a joke to him. I’m the little sister that always followed him around pining over him. He thinks he can do whatever he wants, and I’m always going to be there waiting. I’m tired of this. I’m tired of wondering when he’s gonna wake up and see me like he sees them.” Tears streamed down my face at this point, smearing my makeup. I was so angry and tired of the back forth that Wes had put me through over the years. I had thought when he’d finally given in on New Year’s that it meant we were finally going to get our chance, but I guess I was wrong again.

  “I gotta go,” I shook my head.

  “Ok,” Ally looked at me, confused.

  “No, I mean really go. I’m going back to school tonight,” I turned and began walking toward my house. It was a twelve block walk, but I didn’t care. I needed the freezing air to remind me why I was upset. If I let everything sink in, I was sure to break down again. I needed to escape before Cole or anyone else tried to stop me.

  “Angie, no one’s at school right now. It’s still break time,” Ally tried to reason with me.

  “I can get in the dorms. There’s students that don’t go home over break,” I mumbled as I picked up the pace. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t stay here and watch him treat me like that. I’m done!” I shouted angrily.


  We walked around aimlessly for at least two hours before I was calm enough to go home. I didn’t feel like dealing with my mother or anyone else at the moment, but I knew I needed to get my things if I was going the leave.

  Once I got home, Ally left and I rushed up to my room to pack. I tossed my phone on the bed as I began throwing clothes into my suitcase. Midway through my internal rant, my cell vibrated signaling I had a text.

  Wes: Getting lonely here. You still coming?

  I growled at the phone as I read the words. “No, I’m not fucking coming.” I fisted my hands to keep from texting back. I knew if I answered, he’d eventually come over here, and my resolve to stop this would fade away with a few words and a sexy smile. I zipped my suitcase shut just as another text buzzed through.

  Wes: Got us some wine

  “Maybe you should drink it with that slut you were letting hang all over you at the bar,” I mocked as I shoved my phone in my purse, grabbed my things, and made my way downstairs. Cole was coming in the door when I rounded the corner, and I wiped at my eyes hoping he wouldn’t notice I’d been crying.

  “Hey,” he smiled. “Where are you going?”

  “Back to school,” I grumbled. “I forgot that I have this huge project that I’m supposed to be working on over break. I left everything at school and my partner is going to be super pissed if I don’t get it done.” It was a lame excuse, but I didn’t care as long as he believed me.

  “Classes haven’t started yet,” he wrinkled his forehead. “How can you have work already?”

  “This is for part two of a two part class I’m taking. We got the assignment before break,” I shrugged as I maneuvered past him. “I’ll call you when I get in, ok?”

  “Sure, Ang. Be safe. See you for Spring Break, right?” he smiled as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I whispered before pulling away. “I’m gonna be really busy, Cole. I don’t know when I’ll be back,” I offered a small smile before slipping out the door, and heading to my car. He stood there watching me until I climbed in and cranked it up.

  As I blasted the heat, I heard my phone vibrate again. I took it out, and saw I had three missed texts all from Wes.

  Wes: Did your brother stop you?

  Wes: This isn’t funny Angel. Message me back, I’m starting to worry.

; Wes: I’m coming over

  As the anger and hurt bubbled back up, I powered down my cell and rushed to leave before he showed up. I did not want to see him tonight, if ever again. Wes McKay had controlled my feelings long enough. I needed to stay away from him, and find someone who truly wanted me, and wasn’t afraid to hide from it. He would not break me again.

  Chapter 10

  Angela- Age 19

  It’s been almost a year since Wes and I imploded, if that’s what you want to call it. It took me weeks to move past it, but I did. Once I realized that he never really cared, it was easy. I’d thought that maybe he’d fight for us, that the words he’d whispered that night in the dark meant something, but I was wrong. All I was to him was a dumb girl that he wanted to add to his list. I’d fallen hook, line, and sinker for the sweet words, hard body, and crooked smile. I felt so stupid for thinking that he could ever see me as anything but Cole’s little sister.

  Now in my second year of school, I’d completely changed my outlook on life. I hadn’t been home since that Christmas, with the exception of a one-day visit with my mom, and I didn’t plan to any time soon. Cole had come to visit me here at school as had Ally, and I’d found a job off campus over the summer. I moved into a small one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend, Alex. We’d been together for a little over ten months, and were totally in love. When I’d moved off campus, Cole had flipped out. He came and gave Alex the third degree, but after that little interrogation, they seemed to become friends.

  He confided in me then that Wes was dating the woman I’d caught him with. I tried not to let the hurt show, but I couldn’t help the anger I felt. I spent days at the gym beating the hell out of a heavy bag. Alex came with me a few times, but didn’t say anything. I think he knew I had issues, but wasn’t really sure how to deal with them. Ally, on the other hand, had become the biggest supporter I could have asked for. She came to our apartment regularly and we’d binge on ice cream while we watched the fights on TV. It was like having a bug zapper in the room. I knew I shouldn’t watch, but I was drawn to it. I wanted him to succeed even if I had to see her hang all over him while he did it.

  Cole never questioned my desire to stay away, and the more time I spent on my own, the stronger the desire to never go back got. My mother pretty much wrote me off, and Alex became my world. We’d even had several conversations about what we’d do after college. His family was in California, and he wanted to move home. He constantly brought up the idea of us going back there, and I was starting to believe it was a good idea.


  “I’m gonna work on this paper at the library tonight so you guys can have the place to yourselves,” Alex grabbed his messenger bag and laptop from where he’d left it by the door before stepping around the corner and kissing me goodbye.

  “All right babe. Ally will be here soon. Can you just leave the door unlocked?” I smiled as I grabbed the tub of Rocky Road from the freezer, a couple of spoons, and the bottle of tequila.

  “Sure thing,” his voice faded as he left, and the door clicked shut behind him.

  I smiled as I grabbed everything and began carrying it into the living room. I set it all out on the coffee table and flicked on the TV. Ally and I had been having fight night at the house for as long as Wes had been on TV. I know it seemed odd that two girls would do this, and honestly, if it weren’t someone we knew, we probably wouldn’t be doing it.

  “Knock, knock,” Ally called as she opened the door and grinned at me.

  “Hey,” I smiled back as she bounced into the room.

  She glanced around before flopping down on the couch, “Where’s the other half?”

  “Library,” I muttered. “He needs to finish a paper, and we do get pretty loud at these things.”

  “Guess you’re right,” Ally shrugged. “Have a seat. It’s getting ready to start.” She grabbed a spoon, and began digging into the ice cream. “You know, I really should start going to the gym with you if we’re going to keep eating like this.”

  “You can’t get up that early,” I teased.

  “Oh, shut up,” she pushed me lightly, but we both abandoned our ribbing just as the lights on the TV began to dance around and the fighters were announced.

  When the blue robed figure appeared in the spotlight, his head bent as he strode to the cage, I slid to the edge of my seat. Wes always looked so humble. It was like he didn’t really want the spotlight on him, but was forced to be in. He was two fights away from qualifying for a title fight, and the closer he got to stardom, the more he seemed to want to disappear. I’d never seen the look he held as he glared at his opponent.

  The camera panned over the crowd sitting ring side, and I sucked in a breath when she came into view. Rumors had been proven true six months after I shut him out of my life. Even though Cole had told me, I still didn’t want to believe it. Victoria Stephens, it made my lips curl just saying her name, had become Wes’ publicist/ girlfriend. They’d been seen all over town together, and she seemed to really like the attention. Every photo of them had her clinging to him like a life raft. In the beginning, he seemed distant, like he really wasn’t that into her, but the longer they were together the more he seemed to come around. Now when you saw them, he had that look in his eyes. It was as if she’d hung the moon in his world, and he’d do anything for her.

  “Ugh, I really don’t see what he sees in her,” Ally shook her head. “She’s so fake.”

  “He’s happy,” I shrugged, “That’s all that matters.”

  “He seems nervous,” she nodded at the TV. “He never gets nervous,” she mused.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” the announcer’s voice boomed. “We have a special request tonight by one of our fighters,” the audience oohed and ahhed as Wes grabbed a mic from someone near the corner, and climbed down to the floor level.

  He moved to stand in front of a small group, and all of a sudden the cameras had him up on the jumbotron. He was grinning as he shuffled on his feet before his deep voice sounded over the sound system.

  “Vicki?” he chuckled. “I know I’m gonna screw this up, but you’re used to that.” The camera switched views and you could see the two of them. Victoria’s mouth was gaping open as tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Oh god. I can’t watch this,” I groaned as my heart raced, and my stomach knotted more. I covered my face with my hands and peered through my fingers like a small child does when they’re watching a scary movie.

  “We’ve been together through a lot lately. You’ve been there for me since I started this journey to the top, and I’d like to be able to stand there with you by my side when I reach the peak.” He dropped down on one knee as he reached to the side to take something from his trainer. “Victoria Stephens, will you marry me?” His eyes were blinking up at her as he nervously held the ring up for her viewing. You could see on her face that he’d caught her off guard, but she nodded nonetheless.

  “Yes, yes I’ll marry you,” she bit her bottom lip, and the camera zoomed in on the two of them lip locked on national TV.

  “Holy shit!” Ally gasped. “I can’t believe he’s gonna marry that bitch.” I felt her shift on the couch to face me, and she grabbed my arm tugging my hand away from my face, “Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine,” I reached for my own spoon and shoveled in my own bite of ice cream right before grabbing the tequila and taking a shot.


  That night was the beginning of what would be one of the biggest winning streaks Wes would ever go on. He’d taken out his opponent in the second round, and had his new fiancé smiling on his arm when he did his press conference after the fight. It was also the last time I watched him. Something about knowing it was truly over between us took away all the good memories. All I remembered from that point on was that he’d asked another woman to marry him.

  So much had changed for me over the last year. I’d finally given up the V-card to Alex on one drunken night that I don’t really remember. It took ge
tting completely trashed for me not to stop him. I’d stopped him so many times before that I was surprised that he’d stuck around. I knew it was because I was holding out hope for Wes, but the more photos I saw of him with Vicki, the more that dream died.

  I was no longer trying to get along with my mother. She’d been dating several losers just like my dad. After going to visit her once, and having them take a swing at me, I vowed to never put myself in that situation again.

  Ally had moved closer to me, and was attending community college twenty minutes away. She was no longer obsessed with my brother, but now seeing someone she’d met at school.

  The universe seemed to be throwing me curveballs constantly, but I was fighting right back. I had everything working for me, and suddenly moving to California with Alex didn’t seem so scary. Graduation was a mere two years away, and by then I was hoping to leave Boston in the distance as only a memory.

  Chapter 11

  Wes- Age 24

  I had been on a tear for the last six months. It seemed like nothing was going to stop me. Vicki and I had gotten engaged, I still couldn’t believe that she’d said yes, and I was looking at buying a house. Cole had come to the gym a couple of times to work out, but most of my practices were closed. According to Vicki, I needed to keep it that way. She claimed that now that I was on top, people were all going to want a piece of me. She was right, too. My dad bugged me constantly. His latest issue was a prenup. I’d told him that Vicki wasn’t like that. We weren’t going to get one, and he practically blew steam out his ears. I was well off before I started fighting thanks to my trust fund, but now I was set for life.

  It was hard to go anywhere without someone following me and asking for an autograph. I’d learned how to avoid most of the crowds, but Vicki seemed to crave them. Sometimes, I wondered if she tipped them off on where we were going to be. It would be quiet out, and then we’d go to leave from wherever we’d spent the afternoon, and there’d be a large group waiting on us. The next morning we’d be in the paper. I was always shielding my face, but Vicki would be all smiles.


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