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My Broken Angel

Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

“I’m not saying we can’t talk about the past, but I don’t want to dwell on something that I can’t change. I’d rather concentrate on the things I can.” His lips curved up on one side as he bumped his shoulder against mine.

  “And what’s that?” I smiled.

  “Us,” he shrugged as he leaned into me and pressed a light kiss to my lips. I was taken off guard at first. This was still new to me, and I wasn’t used to the public affection. In the past, the few stolen moments we’d shared had always been in secret. Having him do things like kiss me, or hold my hand in public was throwing me for a loop.

  I pulled back and gave him a quizzical look before lifting my fingers to brush them across my lips. “What was that for?”

  “I felt like it,” he lifted a shoulder. “I feel like a lot of things, and now I don’t have to stop myself,” he grinned before lifting his arm and wrapping it around my shoulders.

  I smiled as I leaned into his side and let my head rest against his chest, “What about Cole?”

  “I still plan to talk to him, but there are other things I’m ok with us doing,” his voice lowered as his hand drifted downward.

  “Like what?” I shivered as his fingers brushed against the soft skin of my arm.

  “Like kiss you,” he murmured as his lips ran along the spot below my ear. His breath blew across my neck causing me to shiver against him. “Fuck, Angel,” he hissed as his other hand slid into my hair and tipped my head where he wanted it. His lips skimmed across my jaw until he reached my mouth. He only paused for a second before he connected our lips and slipped his tongue inside. I moaned as I felt his grip tighten on my hair. I slid impossibly closer, practically climbing on top of him as the world around us melted away.

  Wes growled as he shifted in his seat. I could tell by the way he was leading the kiss that he was hanging on by a thread. His body shook with restraint as he pulled back, trying to break our connection, only I wasn’t having it. My mouth followed his retreat like a magnet seeking steel. “Nuh uh,” I mumbled against his mouth as I lifted both hands to grasp his head.

  As the soft hair threaded through my fingers, I whimpered and pressed my thighs together. All the things I’d read about being horny during pregnancy were true. I hadn’t had sex in over two months, and with Alex no less. I wanted Wes so badly and he was right in front of me. All I needed to do was convince him that Cole didn’t need to know right now.

  “Flight 2126 with service to San Diego is now boarding out of gate C 23,” the attendant’s voice sounded, causing our connection to break. Wes pulled back, and cleared his throat as I covered my eyes in embarrassment. I’d been so lost in that kiss that I’d forgotten we were sitting in the middle of the airport terminal.

  “I remember those days,” an older woman sitting a few seats away smiled as she watched me sitting there blushing. “You’ve got a fine looking young man there, Missy,” she nodded at Wes who had stood up and was gathering our carry-ons.

  “Thanks,” I grinned back. “I think so, too.”

  Wes held out his hand for me as we made our way to board the plane. It felt nice, doing simple things like holding hands. It was surreal and long overdue.

  Once we were seated and buckled up, I glanced over at Wes. “You wanna join the Mile High Club?” I tried with everything in me to keep a stoic face.

  Wes’s eyes bugged out as he swallowed and wiped his hands down his thighs, “Um.”

  “I’m kidding,” I giggled. “I don’t want our first time to be in a cramped airplane bathroom,” I turned my head to look out the window as I felt the plane begin to back away from the gate. “I want it to mean something,” I mumbled. “I’ve waited too long for it not to,” I lowered my voice to a whisper, not intending him to hear me.

  “It will,” he murmured from right beside me causing me to jump slightly. I slowly turned my head to face him and blinked a few times as I watched him. “When we go there, it will,” he firmed his voice as his eyes darted back-and-forth. “I promise.”

  As the plane turned onto the runway, I flattened my back against the seat and squeezed my eyes shut. I hated this part of flying. Once we were in the air I’d be fine, but the takeoff and landing terrified me.

  “You ok?” Wes’ voice held concern, and I felt him cover my hand with his.

  “I will be,” I paused. “In a minute.” I grimaced as I felt the plane begin to speed up as it hurdled down the runway. “I hate this part,” I hissed and before I knew what was happening, Wes had tipped my head in his direction and pressed his lips to mine.

  This kiss wasn’t sweet at all. It was hot, and demanding. He forced his way into my mouth and took complete control; my fear receded, making way for the surge of desire that he’d coaxed out of me earlier. As the plane climbed higher, so did my heartrate. The rush of emotions battling inside me seemed no match for Wes’ when he pulled back. His eyes were wide as he took in my appearance. I’m sure I was a mess. His hands had been in my hair several times over the course of the day, and I could feel that my lips were swollen. The excitement of experiencing the real Weston McKay doused any fear that I’d had left. We were finally here, and he was mine, and at that moment, my broken angel didn’t seem so broken anymore.

  Chapter 17


  When we landed in San Diego, I was hit with a wave of memories. Wes had led us to the baggage claim, and as he waited for our luggage, I couldn’t help but look around. It felt like it had been forever and yesterday all at the same time. Not much had changed since I left. Nameless faceless people bustled around gathering their belongings as I fidgeted behind Wes. Happiness at being here alone with him caused me to relax, but the worry of what would happen when I saw Alex wasn’t far from my mind. I secretly hoped that we could get my car and leave without even seeing him. After the way I’d ended things, I didn’t want to have any contact with him whatsoever.

  “You ready?” Wes smiled as he held out his hand for me. I nodded as I clasped it and threaded our fingers together. “I was thinking we could just take a cab to your place, and get your car now then we won’t need a rental. We can get the rest tomorrow, or whatever,” he shrugged. “Angel?”

  “Yeah, sorry,” I shook my head.

  “Something wrong?” his brow furrowed as he stared at me.

  “No,” I sighed. “Just thinking about the last time I was here.”

  “You ok with that plan?” he paused as he watched me waiting for an answer.

  “Sure,” I shrugged. “Alex is still at work, or he should be,” I mumbled. “It’ll make things easier.”

  “Alex isn’t going to make this hard,” Wes straightened his shoulder. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Easy, tough guy,” I laughed humorlessly as I patted his chest. “I don’t want to fix anymore of your injuries,” I glanced up at where his cheek was still slightly bruised from his brawl with Richard. “We don’t need any more of this,” I touched it lightly with my fingertips.

  “I’m not going to hurt him,” Wes chuckled. “Maybe just scare him a little,” he snickered as he began leading us out to the curb where several cabs were waiting to collect fares.

  After loading our luggage into the trunk, Wes slid in the back beside me and tugged me to his side. “Where to?” the cabbie glanced over his shoulder at us.

  “128 Woodside,” I rambled off as I sagged against Wes. The cabbie gave a quick nod before pulling away from the curb and leaving the airport behind us.

  “What’s wrong?” Wes nudged me. “And don’t say ‘nothing’ because I know something’s bothering you.”

  “He doesn’t know,” I murmured. “Alex doesn’t know about the baby,” I nibbled on my lip before glancing up at Wes. When I saw the scowl on his face, I pushed on. “I was going to tell him the day I left. I had it all worked out, but then I walked in on him…and HER!” I growled. “I was so mad, and I just wanted to get away,” I fisted my hands in my lap as I thought about that day, and all the feelings came rushing back. The fear of telli
ng him I was pregnant. The worry that we wouldn’t make it, and finally, the disgust at finding him in our bed screwing another woman. “I don’t want him to know. He doesn’t deserve this baby.”

  “Angel,” Wes groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut. “As much of a douche as this guy sounds like, you need to tell him. Gah, I can’t believe I’m saying this.”

  “He won’t believe me,” I muttered. “He accused me of cheating before. He’ll think it’s someone else’s.”

  “Then he’s dumber than I give him credit for,” Wes scoffed. “Let’s just get your things, and then we’ll figure the rest out.”

  By this point, we’d pulled into to the driveway of the house that Alex and I had shared for the last two years. Wes paid the cab driver, and unloaded our things as I stood there staring. My car was in the driveway, but Alex’s was missing. A small sigh of relief escaped me as I made my way up the front steps.

  Wes followed, but reached for my elbow to halt me as I pushed open the door. “You sure we’re alone?”

  “No car, no Alex,” I shrugged as I stepped over the threshold. “Help me grab my things; I want away from here as fast as possible.”

  “Lead the way,” Wes held his arm out in front of us motioning for me to direct him.

  “Just leave the bags there. We’ll get them on the way out,” I motioned to the same spot that I’d left my luggage in when I’d planned my trip to Boston. I began moving toward the bedroom that I’d once shared with Alex. When I stepped through the door, everything came rushing back about that day. The smell of that whore’s perfume still permeated the air, and I assumed that she’d taken my place. “What a lying sack,” I muttered. “One time thing my ass,” I pushed into the closet, and began tossing clothes onto the bed. “Take this out to the car,” I handed Wes an armful of stuff. “Here’s my keys.”

  We went back and forth like this for over an hour as I took the things I wanted. I didn’t worry about the mess I was making, and when we finished, Wes laughed at me. “What?” I crossed my arms as I tapped my foot at him.

  “Remind me to never piss you off,” he snickered. “You’ve made a huge mess,” he motioned to all the things strewn around the bedroom.

  “That asshole slept with another woman in our bed, and then tried to make it my fault. If you think that I’m being hard on him, maybe you need to find your own way back.”

  “Whoa!” He stepped closer with his hands out as if he was trying to soothe me. “You have every right to be mad. I’m just making an observation.” He glanced around again, “Did you need to get anything else?”

  “I’m good. Let’s get out of here. I don’t want to run into either one of them,” I tossed my hand in the air as I kicked things out of the way heading back toward the front door. I quickly scribbled a note about picking up the car, and tacked it to the microwave before locking the front door for the last time. The last thing I wanted was for him to report my car stolen or some shit. I was lucky he even picked it up from the airport after I’d left.

  “After we check in to our hotel, you wanna get some dinner,” Wes smiled at me over the top of the car as we began to climb in.

  “Sure. I know some great places, but it’s not dinner time yet. You’re on California time now, not Boston time,” I grinned.

  “Tell that to my stomach. I need to eat,” he chuckled as he rubbed his abs.

  “I’m sure we can work something out,” I giggled as I climbed in, and smiled over at him. “Let’s go, Champ.”

  Wes tipped his head toward the sky as he released a deep sigh, “You are trouble, woman.” He slowly folded his lean body into the driver’s seat before we both burst out laughing. “Damn,” he chuckled “this is like climbing into a clown car.” His six foot two inch frame was crumpled behind the wheel as he floundered to find the lever to adjust the seat. “How tall is Alex?” he turned his head to face me.

  “Five nine,” I shrugged. “He usually doesn’t move the seat though. I yelled at him the last time he did because I couldn’t get it back where I wanted it. I’m short,” I shrugged again “you know that.”

  “Geez, Angel,” his knees pressed against the dash when he finally found the lever, and shoved the seat back.

  “What if I want to drive later?” I teased, but tried to keep a scowl in place.

  “I’m driving,” he lifted his chin. “I’m not going through that again.”

  “But,” I tried to interrupt him, but he shook his head as he cranked the engine.

  “You can sit on my lap,” he grinned. “I’ll push the pedals, and you can steer.”

  “I bet you’d like that,” I giggled as I reached across the center console and squeezed his thigh. He sucked in a breath, and jumped slightly as he narrowed his eyes on where my hand gripped him.

  “I’m hanging on by a thread here, Angel,” he hissed.

  “Un huh,” I grazed my fingers up his leg, going from his knee to his hip. It was warm out, and the shorts he’d worn rode up slightly as he sat. He coughed and shifted in his seat like a teenager on his first date. “Am I bothering you?” I grinned as I let my hand drift inward to try and brush against my ultimate goal. As soon as I felt the firm ridge against my fingertips, he grabbed my wrist.

  “Angel,” it came out strangled. “You’re killing me,” he put the car in reverse, and backed out of the driveway as he released my hand. “Fuck!” he grumbled as I continued to torture him.

  “Are you in pain?” I bit my lip and batted my eyelashes at him teasingly.

  “You have no idea,” he muttered.

  “Want me to kiss it better?” I leaned closer and tried to get to his zipper.

  His head slammed back against the headrest as he jerked one hand off the wheel to grip my wrist once again, “No!”

  “You’re no fun,” I pouted as I crossed my arms over my chest and turned my body to face the door.

  “Oh I can be fun, but you sucking me off in the car is not how I want this to start,” he shook his head slowly as we continued our journey to our hotel in downtown. “What the fuck is wrong me?” he muttered under his breath.

  I giggled as I listened to his one-sided conversation. Apparently he was having just as much trouble resisting me as I was him.

  After a short fifteen minute drive, we arrived at the Garden Inn. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it wasn’t a dump either. I was impressed that with all the money Wes had, he still managed to live humbly. His parents had always been that way, too, never taking more than they needed.

  He checked us in, and as we made our way to the elevator he glanced over his shoulder at me, “If you want your own room, I can get you one.”

  “One room’s fine,” I mumbled dejectedly as I stared at my feet. I was more than frustrated that he kept pushing me away.

  “What’s wrong, Angel?” Wes leaned closer and bumped my shoulder.

  “Nothing,” I whispered as I shifted on my feet.

  When the elevator stopped, he led us down to our room, and slipped the key card in place letting us in. It was a simple room, but we were only staying one night. In the morning, we’d be making our way back to Boston. With the amount of sexual tension between us, I wasn’t sure I’d survive the trip.

  I sighed as I made my way over to the bed, and slowly sat down. Wes tossed our bags to the side, locked the door, and then moved to kneel in front of me. “What’s going on there?” he pointed to my head. “You’re mood swings are killing me, Angel. One minute you’re all over me and the next you don’t even want to talk.”

  “Maybe I feel like it’s a waste of my time,” I murmured, anger seeping into my voice, and watched him furrow his brow. “You won’t touch me,” I shrugged. “I’m still not sure why. I’m an adult. You’re an adult. We like each other. I don’t care if my brother is okay with this or not. I get that he’s your friend, but I’m your friend, too,” I looked up quickly before turning away from him to stare across the room.

  “He’s my best friend, Angel. I feel like I’m betrayin
g him. He wants me to help you,” Wes stood and began pacing in front of the bed.

  “He’s not here,” I sprung from where I was sitting and marched to stand in front of him. “He’s not here, and you still keep putting this space between us! Why? Don’t you want me?” I was yelling now, and it felt good. “What is it about me that causes men to push me away?” I slammed both my palms against his chest as tears began to form in my eyes.

  I watched the tick in his jaw as he fought to hang on to what little control he had left before I saw him finally break. “We are talking to Cole the minute we get back,” he muttered as he ground his teeth together. “You hear me? If we’re going to do this, we’re telling him as soon as possible, no more pussy footing around.”

  “As soon as we get back,” I nodded vigorously at the same time he rushed forward.

  His mouth crashed down on mine at the same time as he lifted me into his arms. He spun, and pressed my back into the wall as his fingers gripped my thighs. “Fuck!” he hissed when I rocked my hips forward against him. “I didn’t want it to be this way,” he murmured against my lips as he tugged at my shirt.

  “Please, don’t stop,” I panted as I clawed at his back, trying to get his t-shirt up and over his head.

  “Never,” he growled before connecting our mouths once again. His tongue dipped in and began stroking softly against mine as his hands roamed up my body. He started at my hips and finally stopped to cup my cheeks. “I’ve wanted this for so long, Angel. You don’t even know how badly,” he groaned as his lips left mine and began sliding up my jaw.

  “Me, too,” I panted when he connected with the shell of my ear and licked it. I whimpered and clawed at his back as I felt his cock press against my center.

  “Relax,” he chuckled as he gripped my thighs once again, and turned us away from the wall. He began moving toward what I figured was the bed; this was confirmed when my back hit the soft mattress. I reached for him when he pulled away slightly to finish removing his shirt. When his chest came into view, I licked my lips and he chuckled.


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