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Façade: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 15

by J. J. Bella

  “I know how you feel. I was worried about that, too. I thought, my picture is all over the news, all these people know I have all these millions. I’ve had to change my phone number a few times because I got so many calls from people wanting me to donate or help out. Did you know I gained seven long lost cousins when I won the lottery?”

  He laughed. “People.”

  “I thought I’d never find anyone who would see the real me. My plan was to make an online profile and not use photos so people would talk to me without knowing. But I guess guys don’t talk to people with no photos. It didn’t go well.”

  “Too risky, I guess,” he said. “Someone who hides their face obviously has something to hide.”

  “Right, I get that. I’d have the same reaction. Just happens that what I wanted to hide was millions of dollars, not some growth on my forehead. Someone actually asked me if that was why.”

  He shook his head. “I know why I’m still single. I’m a jerk and I’m selfish. But why the hell are you still single? You didn’t meet someone in college?”

  “I didn’t go to college. There were some guys. But they were mostly losers. That’s why I picked this neighborhood. I thought if I could meet someone here, I wouldn’t have to worry about him wanting me for my money.”

  “It’s a good plan.”

  She chuckled. “Obviously not. I made zero friends here and now I have to move because I don’t have any money anymore.”

  “Zero? What about me?” he asked.

  “Are you my friend?” She took a sip of her water, but he didn’t respond, so she went on. “I can’t tell with you sometimes. You don’t answer texts, you go weeks without talking to me, when I do see you, you tell me I’m an idiot. Not exactly features I usually look for in a friend.”

  “I didn’t respond to you or talk to you because I was ashamed. I didn’t want to admit that I was drinking again. I wanted to clean myself up first. And I’m sorry about being an ass. I guess I just…”


  “I wanted to push you away. I wanted you to leave and not be in my life anymore.”

  His words stung. Why was he saying this now? “You’re getting what you want.”

  “But it’s not what I really want.”

  “Now who’s playing games?”

  “I’m not trying to.” He dropped his head into hands. “I’m surprisingly bad at this. Usually, women come on to me and all I have to do is respond.”

  His words confused her. What was he getting at? “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Molly.” He looked at her again, tears lying low in his eyes. “You did find a friend here. And you found someone who wants you for you and not your money. I have plenty of my own.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I have plenty of money.”

  “Not that part.” She shoved his shoulder playfully. “You want me?”

  He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. “Don’t make it sound so cheesy. You’re good. A truly good person who helps others and doesn’t think about herself all the time. You’re not after me for my money, and you didn’t turn against me when you found out I’m a drunk—”

  “Used to be a drunk. You’ll get your sobriety back.”

  “See.” He took her face into his hands. “You say things that make me feel good. All my exes did were look at me like I was pathetic when I struggled. But not you. You look like you like me better when I show you my flaws.”

  She let out a laugh. “I do. It’s the Mr. Perfect mask I hate. When I see the real you, it lets me know it’s okay to be the real me. Isn’t that what we all want? To be accepted for who we are?”

  “Yes.” He moved closer to her and rested the tip of his nose against hers. “And you do that for me. And I love you for it.”

  She gasped, but didn’t have time to respond. He pressed his lips to hers again and this time she didn’t push him away. She let herself be kissed and kissed him back. His lips were soft and sweet and the kiss was perfect. When it ended, he pressed his forehead to hers.

  “I can’t believe I actually said that out loud.”

  “You can take it back if you need to.”

  “Not a chance. I meant it. I’ve been falling for you from the start. From the first day you tried to chase me down just because you wanted a friend.”

  “Don’t make it sound so cheesy,” she mimicked.

  “It was pure. You didn’t want my photo or some investing tip or even a donation to some event or organization. That’s what I thought you were at first. A solicitor. When I looked you up and saw who you were, it softened me. I started to think that someone like you could be good for me. Then I got scared and acted like a jerk. And to be honest, when you lost all your money, my first thought was, so much for that. I assumed you’d come begging me for money and then it would turn into every relationship I’ve ever had. But you didn’t. When I offered, you still didn’t. Multiple times. That proved what I already knew about you. You’re one of the rare people who didn’t let money change you.”

  “To be fair, I didn’t have it long enough to know. And it did change me. Don’t you remember my makeover?”

  “I remember. It was hot.” He winked.

  “I was trying to be someone else when I did that. I was trying to be someone you would want.”

  “But I already did want you.”

  “I didn’t know that at the time. I saw the women you dated, and I saw that I didn’t measure up.”

  He kissed her again, briefly. “You’re right. You don’t measure up. You’d have to measure down to reach those women. Anyone can put on a designer dress. But it’s what they’re like when they take it off that matters.”

  “So, it’s all about sex, then.”

  “No.” He rolled his eyes. “You know what I meant.”

  She gave him a half smile. “I know.”

  “Though, I wouldn’t mind that part, either.”

  He leaned forward again and kissed her. As they continued to make out, he reached over and trailed his fingers along her skin. When he moved under her shirt and caressed her breast, she sat back.

  “Gavin, you’re still drunk.”

  He stared at her blankly.

  “I’m not going to sleep with you when you’re drunk. I need to know it’s for real. That all of this was for real.”

  “You think I’m saying all this because I’m drunk? You think I’m kissing you because I’m drunk?”

  “I sure hope not, but I also want you to remember it all. Do you really want to look back on this night and remember nothing except how drunk you were and how bad you felt?”

  “Fine.” He stood up. “I’ll just go then.”

  “No.” She grabbed his shirt and tugged him back. “Don’t go. Please. Let’s go lie down and try to sleep.”

  It wasn’t long after he peeled off his shoes and pants and wrapped his arms around her that he fell into a deep sleep.


  Molly woke to an empty bed. When she went downstairs, she heard Gavin talking, then turned the corner and saw him in her kitchen, on his phone. Papers were strewn out over her kitchen table. Coffee was made and he had a half cup sitting with the papers.

  He hung up and took her into his arms. “Morning.”

  “Morning. How do you feel?”

  “Like shit and amazing.”

  She laughed. “Good combination.”

  “It’s done.”

  “What is?”

  “I’ve started the lawsuit against TechWise for your family. They’ve been settling quietly to avoid further scandal, so my lawyer thinks he’ll have an offer in less than a week.”

  Her mouth popped open. “But I told you.”

  “I know. But I’m not going let you be broke. I’ve also got some solid investments here for you to look at once you settle. You can make it back quickly.”

  “Gavin…” After everything he’d said the night before and all he’d done, she didn’t have a reason to hide her own vulnera
bility anymore. She felt safe with him. “Thank you. I love you.”

  His mouth broke into a huge grin. “I’ve been wondering if you were going to say it back.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her. She felt his dick get hard fast and her throat thickened at the feel of it pressing against her. It had been hard last night to turn him down after she’d spent so much time wanting him. Part of her was afraid it would all be like a dream. But here he was, kissing her, loving her, and clearly wanting her.

  “You’re not drunk anymore,” she breathed into his ear.

  “I’m certainly not.”

  He didn’t wait for her to say more. He picked her up and carried her into the living room, where he laid her down on the soft plush rug by the fireplace.

  He took his time undressing her and made a show of taking off his own clothes. By the time he lay over her, naked, she was wet with desire.

  He dipped a finger inside her and slid it in and out a few times. He kissed down her chest, stopping to suck on her nipples and run his tongue around her belly button. Then he kissed and sucked her clit as he continued to move his finger in and out.

  She gripped his hair and wound in her fingers as he ate her out, almost pulling chunks of hair out with the intense pleasure of it.

  “Gavin, stop,” she said.

  He looked up at her, confused. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong is, you’re not inside me.”

  “I can fix that.”

  He kissed along her neck as he spread her legs. He slid into her wetness and paused when he was fully inside her.

  “Are you trying to torture me?” she asked.

  He pinched her nipples and held her hips so she couldn’t move.

  “Just a little,” he said.

  When he slid back, almost to the point of pulling out of her, her mind spun with the sensation. He thrust in hard and she came as he did, screaming out loudly and gripping his back and he pounded into her.

  After she came, he moved in and out slowly, moving in circles inside her and flicking her nipple. She’d never come twice before, but as he sped up his thrusts, she felt the next orgasm build.

  He slowed down, then sped back up, still teasing her and keeping her just on the edge. “You ready?”

  She bit her lip and nodded, unable to speak.

  He pinned one of her legs up to her chest and pushed inside her even deeper. He didn’t hold back now. He slammed into her hard and deep. Just as he groaned and sped up, the orgasm tipped over the edge and sent her with it. She felt dizzy by the time he stopped.

  “I’m glad we waited,” he said. “I wouldn’t have wanted to forget one second of that.” He lay beside her, panting.

  “Me either.” She curled against his chest and took in the smell and feel of him close to her. She never wanted this feeling to end.


  Molly sat beside her father at the table, looking up at Gavin as he stood to speak.

  “Thank you so much for being here tonight,” Gavin said. “This last year has not been easy, but with your help, I’ve made it. Today, I celebrate one year of sobriety. I could not have done it without each of you.”

  He raised his glass of sparkling cider.

  “Here’s to the most amazing woman in the world, incredibly friends, and great family.”

  They all sipped their cider and clinked glasses.

  “There’s one more thing.” The room went quiet again and the group looked back to him.

  “One of the reasons I wanted to have Molly’s family here and mine, is that I have a confession to make. This past year has cost me a lot of money. My bottom line has taken a severe hit, and it all had Molly’s name on it.”

  She rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

  “With her beside me as my charitable giving coordinator, I have given away more money this year than in the previous several years combined. And I’ve never felt better for it. The scholarship funds we started for underprivileged students, the kid’s investing club that Mr. Newton heads up, and the countless events to bring awareness to whatever thing my lovely girlfriend has recently discovered. This has been the most amazing year of my life. And I plan to make every year for the rest of my life even better. But I can only do that with you by my side, Molly. Marry me and be mine forever.”

  She squealed in delight as he got down on one knee and took out a huge diamond ring.


  He put the ring on her finger and kissed her as everyone in the room cheered them on.

  “I love you,” he said. “I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. You’ve made me a better person.”

  “You made yourself a better person. I just helped.”

  He laughed and kissed her again. “You did. And I know you’ll keep helping me for the rest of our lives.”

  “I will. Together, we’ll change the world, just like you changed mine.”

  “Together,” he agreed.


  Dirty Business

  My goal is to win. Being a woman in a man’s world isn’t easy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  But then there’s Dalton….

  He thinks he can steal my business, and get into my pants. I won’t be giving up anything to that jerk.


  Sierra Saunders sat in traffic, enjoying the warm summer day. The weekend was shaping up already. She’d managed to get out of the office early, and tonight would be the start of a few days of relaxation. She loved her job, but the high-powered position of CEO, combined with long hours, made for a high-stress job. Having a whole weekend off was rare, and she was going to enjoy it.

  She pulled up to a stop sign, so close to the edge of the city, she could taste freedom in the sunny air. Her phone rang. It was one of her employees. She almost didn’t answer it, but she didn’t want to be thinking about this call all weekend, either, and letting it tempt her to work. Whatever it was, she’d take care of it quick and then she’d refuse to answer any more calls.

  “Yes, Jeffrey,” she said.

  “Hey.” He spoke in a hushed whisper that alerted her immediately. “I’m at the meeting with Jack Goods. It’s not going well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  This was to be a simple meeting to sign the contract in which RS Company—the company she co-owned with Tom Reynolds—bought out Jack Goods, a local company going under. This was what her company did. They came in when things looked bad, bought off companies, then either sold them off or took them over. The deal had been previously agreed upon and this was meant to be a simple signing of contracts.

  “Well…” Jeffrey sucked in a breath. “Dalton Tate showed up. He made them a better offer. And they’re considering it.”

  “What! This was a done deal! How can they be considering it?!” She put her foot on the brake and turned hard at the next light.

  “I know. That’s why I’m calling you.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Sierra’s knuckles tightened on the wheel. Her light mood faded and now all she wanted to do was fight this traffic to get to the Jack Goods’ building where the meeting was taking place.

  Since she got into this business, one name was her biggest enemy. That jerk, Dalton Tate. He stole business out from under her, and he was known for being ruthless with his deals. He had money to lose. He’d be the type to steal a deal from her even if it meant losing money, just so she couldn’t have it. He was not going to win this time.

  She turned down an empty street and floored it. The Jack Goods’ building came into view. As soon as she pulled into a spot, she threw the car into park and stormed inside the building. A woman sat at the front desk.

  “I’m Sierra Saunders with RS Company. We’re in a meeting currently. Where’s the room?”

  The receptionist smiled back. “Third floor, turn right out of the elevator. It’s the big room at the end of the hall.”


  She pressed the button for the elevator, bu
t when it didn’t come after a few seconds, she dashed into the stairwell beside it and hopped up three flights in her heels. In the hall, she smoothed her pencil skirt and button-down blouse, took a deep breath, and charged to the door.

  She pushed it open and saw Dalton immediately. His eyebrow raised when she entered, and a faint smirk crossed his face.

  “William, Henry,” Sierra said, shaking each man’s hand as she made her way over to Jeffrey and her other employees who’d come to sign the deal. “I came as soon as I heard there might be something getting in the way of the deal we’d already made. Catch me up on the details. What happened since we last talked and created this contract?” She pointed to the paper on the table in front of Jeffrey, then sat beside him.

  “It’s simple,” William said. “Tate Enterprises has offered us more money, and at this point in the game, we have to consider it. We have to do the best we can for our share holders and employees.”

  “Of course I understand that,” Sierra said. “And that’s why our deal included keeping you both in charge. As the owners, you’re able to make the best decisions for your employees and investors.”

  “Are they though?” Dalton cut in. Her gave her a big smile, then turned to William and Henry. “As we were saying before you burst in, if they’d made the best decisions, they wouldn’t be in this trouble. Why not sit back and let someone else run things while collecting the profits. I know that fishing boat is calling your name, Henry.”

  Henry chuckled. “Sure is, Dalt.”

  Dalt? They were on nickname basis now? When had all this happened? What had gone so wrong?

  “Of course, with RS Company, if that’s the way you wanted it, we’d be happy to bring in management,” Sierra said.

  Dalton stretched and yawned. “Sure, but who wants a company with less experience? Tate Enterprises has a much better reputation and much more experience at this. Why don’t you let the big boys handle it, sweetheart?”


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