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Thirst [All-American Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Bree Younger

  Tatiana looked alarmed when Claire had first risen, but now she also stood and tentatively wrapped her arms around Claire’s shoulders. Claire accepted the hug of the young girl, struck by how generous she’d been.

  After a quick squeeze, Claire stepped back and wiped the tears that had risen in her eyes again. “Good grief. I’ve never cried so much in my life.”

  Eloise rose and said, “I think that’s enough excitement for one night, don’t you? Darren, will you take the girls back to the game room?”

  In short order the girls and Darren had left the room, leaving Eloise, Hawk, and Claire alone.

  “Well, that went better than I had feared. The girls have been so anxious about Tatiana. They all seem to look on her as a younger sister, and I think they were afraid that she would not handle this well.”

  “She did wonderfully, and we are so grateful,” Claire reassured her.

  Eloise shook her head. “I don’t know if you two have plans for where to spend the day, but I wanted to offer you a room. We have a basement area that is set up for any vampires who come to help with the therapies.”

  To Claire’s surprise, Hawk accepted, though they had previously discussed finding a hotel room for the day. “That’s very kind, thank you, Eloise. I know you prefer to limit the paranormal presence here as much as possible.”

  “I think the girls will be comfortable enough with you here. I also wanted to offer to donate for you if you need to feed. I was a donor before, as you know, and don’t mind at all.”

  “Thank you, Eloise. I do need to feed and didn’t really want to have to go out to search for a donor. I’m certain Claire is in the same predicament.”

  Not looking at Hawk, Claire demurred. “That’s very kind, Eloise, but I don’t want to abuse your hospitality. You’ve already done more than enough. I’ll be fine with just the bottled blood we brought with us.”

  She knew that Hawk had turned to her in surprise, but she kept her gaze focused on Eloise, who said, “Well, if you’re sure…”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Claire. I know it’s been a while since you fed from a live donor. You’ll make yourself sick.” Hawk’s brow furrowed in a frown.

  “I’m not being ridiculous, Hawk. I’m fine, like I said.”

  “Will you excuse us for a moment, Eloise?” He took Claire’s arm and led her across the room. Stopping next to the long table, he glowered down at her. “I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn, but I can tell from looking at you that you’re blood weak. When is the last time that you fed from a live donor and not a bottle?”

  She shrugged. “It’s none of your business, Hawk.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. Right now, you’re my responsibility. We’re in the middle of something that could turn dangerous at any moment. We don’t know whose feet we might be stepping on in this search. I seriously doubt that whoever has Cassidy is going to feel like just handing her over when we find her. Don’t forget the kind of people we’re dealing with here. Simone is insane, and whoever she’s dealing with is probably just like her. I need you to be strong and alert at all times, and we both know that you can’t go more than a few days without seeking out a live donor. Bottled blood just will not cut it as your only source of nourishment. So you need to get past whatever it is that is preventing you from feeding properly and just do it. Eloise has generously offered her blood. On top of everything else, it is unbelievably rude to refuse her.”

  She knew she was not going to win this battle, so she gave in. It was a ridiculous quirk to have anyway. Who ever heard of a vampire who hated to drink blood?

  * * * *

  Hawk watched as Claire tentatively accepted Eloise’s wrist, bending her head to sink her teeth into the rich vein. Eloise’s eyes almost closed in the pleasure of the bite. After only a few sips, Claire stopped and licked the wound closed with her powerful saliva. Hawk was tempted to insist she take more, sure that the fool woman hadn’t gotten near enough. But he refrained, although he certainly planned to broach the subject with her when they were alone. What the hell was her problem?

  Eloise turned to him and offered him her other wrist. Hawk drank quickly but efficiently. By the time he had finished, it was obvious that Eloise was very aroused.

  After sealing the wound, he grabbed her shoulders. “Are you going to be all right?” he asked, studying the flush on her cheeks and her dilated pupils.

  She nodded. “Yes. My partner is waiting for me in our apartment above the garage. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the effects of your bite.”

  Hawk grinned appreciatively. “Good. I’m glad someone will reap the benefits.”

  Eloise headed to the door. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”

  They followed her down the hall to the large kitchen at the back of the house. She pulled open a door to a darkened staircase that led down. After reaching out to turn on the light, she told them, “Once you are in, just turn the lock on this door. Straight down the stairs you’ll find a couple of bedrooms with a bathroom between them.” She glanced at them speculatively. “You can use one or both rooms. There are no windows at all, so you don’t have to worry about sunlight. No one will enter the basement while you’re down here.”

  “Thanks.” Hawk indicated for Claire to move down the staircase. “I need to run to the SUV and get our bags and my laptop. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  He watched her nod her head and then move down the staircase. It didn’t take him long to retrieve their suitcases. When he joined Claire, she was sitting on the bed in one of the bedrooms. She looked at him as he entered, and he could see the uncertainty on her face.

  He set her bag down at the foot of the bed but kept his own in his hand. “I’m giving you the choice, Claire. I can use the other bedroom if you’d prefer, or I can stay in here with you. But I want to warn you, if I stay, it won’t be just as a bedmate. It will be as your lover. So you need to decide if you meant what you said earlier. Do you want me in here with you or not?”

  Hawk knew he was taking a chance here. She’d already agreed to be his lover, but he didn’t want to give her any chance to say that she’d felt forced or coerced to take him to her bed. He knew she was feeling raw emotionally, and he was sorry he was causing her more anxiety, but it would be better in the long run if this wasn’t hanging over their heads the whole time.

  He saw her bite her lip, but she met his gaze firmly. “I want you in here with me, Hawk.”

  He allowed his mouth to tip up in a slight smile. “You don’t look like you want me in here.” Her arms were clasped defensively across her middle, and her feet were firmly on the floor with her legs held tightly together as though she were afraid he might jump on her at any moment.

  He dropped his suitcase and walked over to her. Reaching down, he pulled her to her feet and up against him. She was very still against him, neither rejecting him nor encouraging him, almost like a small animal afraid that if it moved it would attract the attention of something dangerous. Too late, he thought to himself. She already had.

  He bent and dropped a soft kiss on her head. “Why don’t you take a shower and get ready for bed. I need to check some e-mails on my computer.”

  She looked relieved at his statement. He hid his smile as she got her things from her bag and quickly went into the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind her. He heard the lock click and almost laughed. She was an unexpected surprise, and the more he was around her, the more she delighted him with her shy yet passionate nature.

  Turning his computer on, he brought up his e-mail program and quickly scanned through for anything he needed to attend to before he could get back home. He opened a couple from Kirby and fired back the answers to her inquiries. Seeing nothing else that couldn’t wait, he began composing a note to Quinn, relating to him what he and Claire had been doing and what they had discovered. As he’d hoped, Quinn was online and immediately opened up his IM program.

  Q: Sounds like you are m
aking progress. Think you can find this “Hunnerson” person?

  H: Hope so. I’m taking her to Gia’s tomorrow. See if she can find a location for us.

  Q: This could be a good lead to Simone.

  H: My thoughts exactly. This man is bound to at least know how to contact her.

  Q: Might be possible to set up a trap. Any ideas?

  H: Not sure. Need more info. Don’t want to do anything that might endanger Cassidy and any other bloodslaves.

  Q: I agree. Just keep me updated.

  H: Will do. How are things in Chi-town?

  Q: Interesting. We’ll talk when I get back.

  H: Problems?

  Q: Let’s just say that things have taken an unexpected turn.

  H: Sounds like you’re seriously considering taking the job.

  Q: Haven’t made up my mind yet. Need to talk to you and Ty before I decide anything.

  H: Have you heard from Ty? Is he still on his honeymoon?

  Q: I talked to him earlier. He and Libby are on their way home from Alaska.

  H: Still seems like a damn odd place for a honeymoon to me.

  Q: I know what you mean. Different strokes for different folks. They’ll be home day after tomorrow.

  H: Good. I’ll let you go now. I’ll get in touch when I have more info.

  Q: Okay. Later.

  Hawk closed the program and then stood, crossing to his suitcase. He laid it on the floor and opened it. Kneeling down, he began pulling out some clean clothes for the next day. He didn’t bother with anything to wear to bed as he didn’t plan on needing anything.

  He heard the shower turn off and tried to block out the vision of a wet and naked Claire stepping out of the tub. Pushing the picture aside, he pulled out his Glock and checked to make sure it was fully loaded before he set it on the table beside the bed. He’d just closed his suitcase and set it against the wall when the bathroom door opened. Claire walked hesitantly into the room, covered from neck to toe. She had on a thick bathrobe over what appeared to be man-style pajamas. Her hair was damp and slicked back from her face, which had been scrubbed clean of any makeup. He thought she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  He walked toward where she stood, hovering just outside the bathroom door. She quickly slid to the side. “It’s all yours.”

  Hawk narrowed his eyes at her but nodded his head. Grabbing his toiletries kit he’d tossed onto the bed, he stepped into the bathroom. After the shortest shower he’d ever taken, he brushed his teeth and shaved, not wanting to scratch her soft skin with his rough stubble. Wearing nothing more than a towel wrapped around his hips, he turned out the bathroom light and opened the door. The bedroom was dark, with only a small bit of light coming from a night-light in the far corner. Luckily, with his paranormal eyesight, he could clearly see the room before him.

  Claire had gotten into the bed and had the covers pulled up to her chin. Hawk was pleased to note that at least she had taken off the robe, because it was draped over the chair beside the bed. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she peered at him over the sheets. He hoped that she liked what she saw. Holding her gaze, he reached behind him to pull the leather tie from his ponytail. His hair fell around his shoulders and down his back. He could see her eyes widen a bit at his action, then they began traveling down across his chest and lower. When her gaze hit the towel that he had tied loosely around himself, her eyes got so big he thought they’d pop out of her head.

  He was hard, and he wasn’t a small man. His erection tented the front of the towel. She licked her lips, and he got even harder.

  “Push the covers off, Claire.”

  She blinked, as if surprised by the sound of his voice, and her gaze shot up to meet his. He knew she had to be blushing. Even though he couldn’t make out the pink color on her face in the dim light of the room, he could sense her nervousness. After a brief hesitation, she did as he asked, shoving the covers down to the bottom of the bed.

  He nodded in approval. “Now lie back down, baby.”

  When she did so, he admired her as she lay there. The robe was gone, and he could see a little of her body, even covered as it was by her pajamas. The pointed peaks of her breasts pushed against the thin fabric with each rise and fall of her breath. Her legs were long and slender, and he couldn’t wait to feel them tighten around his hips as he thrust into her.

  He moved forward and knelt on the bed beside her. Reaching out, he ran one finger down her cheek and across her mouth. Her lips parted, and he pressed his finger inside, feeling the damp heat of her. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  She smiled slightly, and he could see the spark of determination mixed with anxiety in her eyes. “You are, too.”

  She held up a trembling hand and touched his chest, lightly stroking the skin that was stretched smooth and taut. When her hands began to travel lower, he grabbed them and shook his head. He could only take so much. “Not yet, baby. I don’t have the control for that. Not this first time.”

  “But I want to touch you.”

  “And you’ll get the chance. I promise. Later. Once I’ve taken the edge off, you can explore to your heart’s content.”

  She pouted slightly but subsided, lifting her hands from his skin.

  He looked around and spotted her robe. Leaning over, he snagged the garment and pulled the soft tie belt out of the loops. Then he moved to straddle her. Holding her wide gaze, he commanded, “Raise your hands over your head.”

  She hesitated, her eyes both worried and excited.

  “You don’t ever have to be afraid of me, Claire. Anytime I make you too uncomfortable, just let me know, and I’ll stop. All right?”

  She nodded.

  “But,” he added, “I want you to give me a chance first. Don’t just automatically stop me because you’re nervous or embarrassed. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Her soft whisper was music to his ears.

  “Good. Now”—he lifted the belt—“put your hands above your head.”

  Chapter Seven

  Claire eyed the belt for a moment and then nodded. Lifting her arms over her head, she watched the pleased expression that appeared on Hawk’s face as she did as he had told her.

  “Reach back and grab the headboard,” he said before leaning forward.

  Claire gulped. Was she really ready for this? She wasn’t sure, but she pushed her doubts aside and obeyed, clasping the slats in her hands. Hawk leaned forward, and she felt the soft cotton of the robe as it was wrapped around her wrists and then was secured to the wooden rungs. Her heart pounded in her chest with the building excitement of the moment. His long hair fell forward and brushed over her face as he moved back, his hands trailing down her arms and over her shoulders.

  She watched as Hawk studied her, seeing his eyes darken with pleasure at her submissive posture. He took his time looking, not missing a single thing, building the need she was beginning to feel to a fever pitch. She shivered and tugged at her bonds, but he shook his head, a stern look on his face. “Stay still. Don’t move.”

  Claire froze.

  “How does that feel? Is the knot too tight?”

  “No.” She barely whispered her answer, and he smiled.

  “Good.” He moved his hands to the front of her shirt. “I’m going to unbutton your shirt now and look at you. I want to see your breasts and your sweet little nipples.”

  She bit her bottom lip and barely stopped herself from squirming in anticipation. Her lashes drifted down.

  “Don’t close your eyes. I want you to watch me.”

  She obeyed, opening her eyes wide. One by one he released the buttons, and the fabric parted. His eyes widened in appreciation as more and more of her skin was revealed to him. She couldn’t hold back a blush as he finished with the buttons and spread the two sides of the shirt apart, revealing her naked body to him. He licked his lips, and it sent another tingle of desire through her. How was he able to produce such a reaction in her with nothing more than a look? She tried to rem
ember when she had ever reacted so strongly to another individual. Then his hands cupped her breasts, kneading them softly with his skillful fingers, and she forgot everything but the pleasure he was giving her. She loved the feel of his skin on hers and rose slightly, pressing more of herself into his hands.

  He stopped touching her, and she arched slightly, hoping to bring his hands back to her. “Don’t move. Remember?”

  She nodded, settling back down, willing to agree to anything for him to touch her some more. He reached out again, using only his fingers this time, to twirl around and around over her breasts in decreasing circles. Her nipples tightened to hard points, practically begging for his touch. Finally he squeezed them in his fingers, not hard but not soft either, and she had to bite back a moan of pleasure.

  “You like that.”

  It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway. “Yes.”

  He leaned down to take the point of one breast in his mouth, and she couldn’t stop from arching against him again. He didn’t scold her this time though, just pulled harder on her nipple, using his teeth and tongue to drive her crazy. He continued to squeeze and release the other breast in time with his mouth’s suction. Before long she was writing against him, shamelessly begging him for more.

  He rose slightly to look down at his handiwork. She wanted to pull him back, but the bonds on her wrists prevented it.

  “Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous,” he said. Then he blew softly on the wet nipple, and her entire body jerked.

  “Please, Hawk. I need more.”

  “Shh, sweetheart. Have patience. I promise you, I will give you everything that you need before we are done here. But remember that I am in charge. I decide when. Not you. You just lie back and enjoy.”

  He rose slightly and drew off the towel which he still wore around his hips, letting it fall to the floor. She could see his erection. It stood high against his body, the large purplish head oozing drops of pre-cum. He was large, very large, and she worried for a moment that they wouldn’t fit together. She had never taken such a large cock into her body. He must have read her thoughts on her face, because he just smiled.


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