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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 25

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The sound of some kind of engine roared just yards from where she stood.

  “Help!” she screamed as the headlights of multiple vehicles illuminated the woods.

  “You stupid bitch!” Gutry yelled then tackled her to the ground, knocking the breath from her. She gasped for air as he ripped her dress and pressed his forearm over her throat. She was never so scared in her entire life. Then suddenly lights and the sound of an engine passed by her head just as a body flew through the air, rolling Gutry off of her. Her chest heaved forward as she attempted to breathe while choking for air.

  * * * *

  Max was stunned as he drove the ATV over the hill and saw Stacy stumbling then Gutry tackle her. His arm lay across her throat as he hit her and ripped her dress. Max saw red and didn’t think twice as he revved the engine and dove off the ATV while it was still in motion. He tackled Gutry to the ground and beat him until someone grabbed his hands to stop him.

  “That’s enough, Max, or you’re going to kill him!” Wyatt yelled, and Max was so upset and so enraged he felt himself gasping for air and practically drooling. He never wanted to kill anyone in his life, but when he saw Gutry on top of Stacy, he lost all self-control.

  He swung his head around to see Eric, Charlie, and Ben surrounding Stacy.

  “Lay still, honey. Let Charlie check your injuries over,” Eric told her, his voice sounding as if it rattled. Max approached and fell to his knees between Charlie and Ben on her other side.

  “Is she okay?” Max asked as he saw her ripped dress, her bloody and bruised cheeks and body. She was a mess. Plus, she was having difficulty breathing as she cried hysterically.

  “Is she okay?” Max asked again.

  “I can’t tell with it being this dark. Let’s take it slowly and get her out of here,” Charlie stated. Both Max and Eric reached for her.

  “You pick her up and I’ll drive,” Eric stated, but Max shook his head as he reached for her.

  “I’ll drive and you carry her. I’m just too wound up right now,” Max added.

  Stacy moaned as they moved her.

  “You’re gonna be okay, baby. Everything is going to be just fine,” Eric whispered then kissed her forehead.

  * * * *

  It was a long, slow ride back to the Triple C. But they didn’t want to move too quickly as Stacy kept moaning with every bump. They wanted to bring her to the hospital, but she refused to go, and instead they radioed into town to Deputy Kenny Jones so he could get his father, Dr. Jones, to meet them at the house.

  They arrived at the ranch to find it surrounded by unmarked police cruisers, K-9 units, and state police vehicles. Wyatt and the agents from New York had everyone out looking for Gutry and Stacy. Max could see the relieved expressions on his fellow officers’ faces as he nodded and thanked them for all their help. Wyatt remained back in the fields where Gutry lay seriously injured, and Ben would lead the rest of the investigators to the cave.

  Eric laid Stacy carefully down on the bed in the guest room as she scolded him for even thinking about placing her dirty, blood-stricken body on their new comforter set.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Eric stated as he laid her on the quilt.

  Max stood beside Eric as Doc Jones began to ask her what hurt the most and where her injuries were. From Max’s view, she looked pretty beat up and there was a lot of blood. He was mostly concerned about her temple and the large lump near there as well as her cheeks and knees.

  “I think she may need some stitches on that one cut by her knee. I’ll need to clean it out first. Can you two get me some supplies?” Doc Jones asked then gave them orders as to what he needed. Charlie entered the room and smiled.

  “I brought a bunch of things with me if you wanted to stitch her up here instead of at your office,” he offered.

  “Do I really need stitches?” Stacy asked as her voice shook.

  Dr. Jones patted her hand.

  “You won’t feel a thing. I’m going to clean it out and see how it looks. Tell me about what happened and how you got that bump on your head,” he asked as Max and Eric returned carrying a tub of clean water, some soft cloth, and soap.

  “Charlie, you start on that knee and I’ll check over her head before we work on her other knee,” Doc Jones said then looked at Stacy, waiting for her to explain what happened.

  * * * *

  With every detail, Max and Eric appeared to grow more and more upset. However, Stacy was a rock. She didn’t cry or carry on. She just explained exactly how Gutry abducted her and what he tried to do to her. She wanted to appear brave.

  A good two hours later and after giving her statement to Wyatt and the investigators from New York, Doc Jones said Stacy could take a quick shower, being sure not to get her stitches wet.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and felt exhausted but she was in need of a shower. Glancing down, she watched as Eric covered her stitches and entire knee with plastic then taped it. When she looked up Max smiled at her.

  “This should work. We’ll be sure to make it a quick shower,” Eric stated.

  She closed her eyes and absorbed the feel of his hands on her skin. Thoughts of how harsh and disgusting Gutry’s fingers felt against her flesh flashed through her mind. Max began to stand up, and she stopped both of them. She looked them in the eyes and whispered as the tears filled them.

  “Touch me,” she stated.

  They both raised their eyebrows as she took their hands and placed them under her dress and over her inner thighs, one hand on each.

  “Right there please,” she whispered then closed her eyes. The feel of their thumbs slowly moving back and forth against her sensitive skin brought happiness to her heart.

  “Stacy, honey, are you okay?” Max asked, and she nodded her head. She was afraid to speak and to open her mouth. She knew she would start to cry. Both men continued to caress her inner thighs then move over her mound. When they both touched a finger to the damp panties covering her pussy, a sob escaped her mouth.

  “Aw, baby, you’re breakin’ my heart,” Eric whispered then leaned forward and kissed her lips. They began to pull their hands away, and she frantically grabbed them to keep them in place.

  “No. Don’t stop. Please…I need to feel your touch. I need to.” The tears rolled down her cheeks, and both men held her to their shoulders.

  “Baby, it’s okay. You’re safe now and he can’t hurt you,” Eric whispered against her ear.

  “Touch me. Make me come please. I want to feel your fingers inside of me,” she pleaded, and although they hesitated, she felt them pull back then lay her gently on the bed. Her legs hung over the edge, and slowly, carefully they removed her panties then spread her thighs. Then Stacy inhaled and exhaled as she held on to the quilt.

  Their fingers were warm, thick, and hard as they glided against her delicate flesh until they each met her wet pussy. The moment their fingers each pressed against her pussy lips, she tightened up and grabbed their heads. “You both feel so good,” she stated, and they began to draw tiny imaginary circles around and over the delicate flesh. Max pressed a finger into her then pulled out. Then Eric pressed a finger into her wet pussy then pulled out. Her pussy throbbed and leaked more fluid, lubricating her.

  She felt the sensations as her body continued to elevate higher and higher, and she anticipated the eruption she craved and so badly needed.

  “Please,” she barely whispered when Max leaned down and licked her pussy.

  She moaned and thrust her hips as she exploded against his mouth. The sound of fireworks echoed around her. She never felt anything so amazing in her life.

  “Oh God, I hear explosions and everything.”

  Eric leaned over her and kissed her lips before he spoke to her.

  “Those are the fireworks, baby. The town council held off until you were found safe and sound.”

  Max leaned next to her, licked her lower lip, then kissed her softly.

  “But I promise more fireworks once you’re fully healed.”r />
  She smiled then wrapped her arms around each of their shoulders and hugged them to her breasts.

  “I love you both so much.”

  “We love you, too,” they both responded, and she smiled.

  “Let’s help you take a shower and get cleaned up. Then we’ll hold you in our arms all night long and touch you anywhere you want us to,” Max told her then lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom.


  The following morning, Stacy awoke wedged between Max and Eric, feeling content and warm. That was until she moved. Her body ached, and instantly the tears reached her eyes. She took a deep breath and calmed herself before the men noticed. Max’s phone rang for the third time this morning, and he slowly rose from the bed, letting his hand glide across her belly. She held her breath.

  He got up, and she could hear him whispering into the phone.

  “You’re hurting, aren’t you?” Eric whispered and slowly moved away from her.

  She shook her head, and he raised his eyebrows at her in warning to not lie to him.

  “I’ll be okay,” she whispered, and her head began to throb. She clenched her eyes closed and again tried to calm her breathing.

  “Head hurts, huh?” he asked, and she nodded slowly.

  “I’ll go get you something for that. Rest and don’t move,” he ordered as he slowly rose from the bed. She could barely take in the sight of his sexy, naked body, muscles and all. He returned quickly, helping her sit up just enough to swallow the pills and sip the water. He stared at her, and she knew he was still pretty upset about yesterday.

  “I’ll be fine as soon as these kick in.”

  “That’s a pretty bad bump you got, and the stitches on your knee must hurt, too,” he stated.

  “I’ll be fine,” she whispered then closed her eyes.

  He lay there next to her, watching her. She could sense him, and she could hear his breathing.

  “You don’t have to stay in bed with me. Just give me twenty minutes and I’ll be down for breakfast. Oh crap! I can’t make breakfast for the guys,” she stated then cringed when she opened her eyes and lifted her head. Eric placed his hand over her belly then eased her head back down.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. The guys are taking care of meals for the next few weeks while you recover.”

  “I won’t need a few weeks, just maybe a day,” she added with an attitude.

  “Right, babe. Just a day.”

  “The investigators from New York are going to be here in thirty minutes. Wyatt will be here, too. They just need to go over your statement, honey, and then we can put this behind us. Also, Anna and Millie called. They’re really worried about you.”

  “Thanks, Max. I’ll call them in a little bit.”

  “She’s sore and her head hurts,” Eric added as he caressed Stacy’s belly.

  Max walked closer to the bed and knelt down. He looked very concerned.

  “Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?” he asked. It had only been about the hundredth time throughout the night that he woke her up to ask her. He finally stopped asking when she threw a pillow at his head and mimicked his every word.

  “I thought we were over that?” she asked.

  “Doc Jones said to keep an eye on that head of yours.”

  “Doc Jones, Doc Jones! Just stop making me talk and let the pills kick in and I’ll be okay,” she stated with her voice starting off strong then ending in a whisper.

  “Damn stubborn woman,” Max stated then leaned down and kissed her collarbone.

  “But she’s our woman, and we wouldn’t want her any other way,” Eric added then leaned down and kissed her neck. She smiled as she lay there with her eyes closed.

  Later in the day, after she spoke with Anna and Millie about what happened and she gave her statements to the investigators from New York, Stacy sat on the porch swing with Max and Eric. They looked out toward the wooded area and a stream the men told her led to a private swimming hole. “We’ll take you there when you’re all healed up,” Max told her as they swung together.

  “But I don’t have a bathing suit,” she replied as she felt Eric’s hand caress her thigh and move under her skirt.

  “Ya won’t need one darling,” he teased, and she felt her cheeks warm and her heart pound inside of her chest. She was in love with two sexy, irresistible men. A city girl like her from New York living in a fantasy come true. The town of Pearl was her new home, just like the Triple C ranch. Her cottage would be rented out by Marie until she and Ron moved out of Texas, as they planned on getting married. It brought a smile to her face knowing that Ron and Marie finally entertained the attraction they had for one another all these years and gave in to retiring together. Marie had told Stacy that it was her fault. Ron had gone into protective mode and wouldn’t leave her alone for a minute. He kissed her, and the rest was history. Stacy laughed about that. Marie was one tough cookie, and boy, did Ron have his work cut out for him.

  Stacy thought about Anna and Millie and hoped that one day they could join her here in Pearl and be part of a great community and perhaps find true love just as she had. Of course, when she suggested they visit, they were filled with excuses, and Anna sounded downright scared out of her mind. She had an unsettled feeling about that, but both Eric and Max had told her that she couldn’t force Anna to leave New York. Anna had to be ready for change just as Stacy was. She reached for her men’s hands and placed them on her belly. One day they would get married and start a family. Max and Eric talked about it and made her see that here in the town of Pearl, anything was possible. She found love here. She found safety and security here, and ultimately, she found herself.

  “I love it here,” she whispered.

  “We love that you’re here, Stacy. This is only the beginning,” Eric replied then touched her cheek, causing her to turn toward him. He kissed her softly, released her lips, then smiled. Max touched her next, and she kissed him softly then looked back out toward the Cantrell land. She was in love for the first and the last time in her life.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendents of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Also by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Ménage Amour: Were Trilogy 1: Were She Belongs

  Ménage Amour: Were Trilogy 2: Were Love Found Her

  Ménage Everlasting: Were Trilogy 3: Were Love Conquers All

  Siren LoveXtreme Forever: The Men of Five-O #1:

  SWAT Team One and the Social Worker

  Siren LoveXtreme Forever: The Men of Five-O #2:

  SWAT Team Two and Miss Robin Hood

  Ménage Amour: The Town of Pearl 1: For the Love of Anna

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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