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A Surprise Reunion (The Surprise Series Book 2)

Page 13

by C. C. Morian

  Polite. She’d had enough of polite. The last thing she needed right now was polite.

  She smiled as sexily as she knew how. “I’m sorry, I don’t think that would be fair. You might get some ideas, and I don’t want to lead you on. You see, I’m rushing to meet my ex boyfriend from college. He’s a big strong black man and I’m hoping he wants to fuck my brains out.”

  The guy stared at her, shocked, not sure if she was joking, not sure of anything, and Melissa pulled the door shut, laughing, knowing she had been mean, but not able to control herself, so relieved that she might be getting her second chance.

  “Let’s go,” she said to the driver, wondering what he was thinking.

  They drove off, Melissa resisting the urge to turn and see what the guy she had dropped off was doing. At least he would have a good story to tell his friends.

  Melissa’s class dinner was being held in what everyone referred to as Tara. It was a huge building with faux columns in front, high ceilings, and chandeliers, someone’s perverted idea of a transplanted and updated Southern plantation. It was mostly used for recitals and presentations.

  Tonight it actually looked pretty good, someone had gone to a lot of work to give it a more festive feel. Melissa took a few minutes to compose herself in the lobby, working through a few things she might say to Marcus, not wanting to repeat her tongue tied fiasco from the night before. A lot of people were coming in, it was going to be crowded. Would they have any privacy? Why had Marcus decided to meet her here?

  Or had he even wanted to meet her? She still hadn’t heard from him directly.

  Fuck it. Melissa pulled open the door, and the wave of the party hit her, in full swing. Loud conversation virtually drowned out the string trio to her left. The room was huge, hundreds of tables, mostly filled, people in line at the bars, the dance floor empty.

  Melissa took a few steps inside, immediately caught up in the swarm of people, table jumping, chatting in the aisles. She was focused on looking for Marcus, but in this crowd even his 6 foot 3 was lost.

  She was just about to pull out her phone when she felt a hand on her back and spun around. Julie.

  “I’ve been watching the door for you!” Julie’s voice was a little loud, either because of the noise or maybe the result of a few drinks. “This way!”

  Melissa nodded and followed, her eyes still searching for Marcus.

  Julie led her to a table along the side wall, away from the band and the bar. “I got you some wine,” said Julie. “It might be a little warm, but the lines are terrible.”

  The table was set for eight. A man’s jacket and a shawl hung on two of the chairs, but all the seats were empty. Julie sat against the wall, facing out into the crowd. Melissa leaned over to her and said in her ear, “You said Marcus was here?”

  “Yes! I thought maybe you’d be with him!” Julie searched Melissa’s face. “What happened last night?”

  Melissa suddenly couldn’t decide what to tell her. “I’m a little embarrassed to say.”

  Julie’s face broke into a broad smile. “You don’t have to now. Just that tells me everything. But of course I want details.”

  “You’ll get them. Most of them anyway, but not now. I need to see Marcus. Things didn’t end so well.”

  Julie’s eyes flashed. “What did he do?”

  “It’s nothing like that. It’s more what I didn’t do. Or didn’t say.”

  “Oh, Melissa. Are you going to leave Richard?” Julie grabbed Melissa’s hand.

  Melissa sighed. “I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. And I won’t until I get a chance to talk to Marcus.”

  Julie pointed to her right. “I saw him over there when I was getting drinks.”

  Melissa scanned the room. She couldn’t see him, there were too many people milling about. But she didn’t want to go roaming through the tables, afraid she’d run into Marcus and appear like she was desperately trying to find him.

  Which she was, but that didn’t mean she had to broadcast it.

  “I’ll get us another round of drinks,” said Melissa. “Can you wait here and scope things out? Give me the high sign if you see anything.”

  “Anything?” Julie teased.

  Melissa rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.” She got up and headed across the room to one of the bars. The line was long, which served her purpose, she’d be able to check out the room and anyone who walked by without being obvious.

  She stood behind two women, neither of whom she recognized. One of them was a bit overdressed, in more of a cocktail gown, but pulling it off because she had a good figure. The other one had a nice outfit but was a little too made up. Both had diamond rings that put Melissa’s to shame.

  They were also checking out the room, pointing out people they knew, a little catty, but not really terrible. Something Melissa might have done with Julie.

  A brightly dressed woman at the far side of the room walked over to the musicians and they stopped playing. She stood behind the microphone and tapped it a few times. “Can I have everyone’s attention?” There was a series of groans, and the woman quickly added, “Just a brief announcement before dinner!”

  The noise level died down, not to silence, scattered conversations still ongoing. The woman with the microphone said, “Thank you. I’ll make this very brief. I just wanted to announce that our attendance exceeded our wildest expectations and has set a record for a ten year reunion!” This brought some applause and a few enthusiastic whistles.

  Melissa half listened, her focus on the crowd. People had stopped milling during the announcement and she was able to see everyone better. And then she saw Marcus.

  He was diagonally across the room from her, back by the entry doors, Melissa might have even passed him on the way in, but to see him she would have had to turn hard to her left. Or maybe he had just come in. Everyone in that direction was facing her way, because the speaker was behind her.

  Marcus was with a tall black woman, and even from across the room Melissa could see how beautiful she was. Melissa’s first thought: That must be his wife. The woman smiled, perhaps at something Marcus had said, and the woman put her hand to her mouth to hide her laughter.

  Melissa’s heart sank. Marcus was here, but with his wife.

  He looked good, more than good, as always. He stood tall without being stiff, erect yet at ease. He wore a black sport coat over a silk shirt, no tie, towering over everyone around him.

  Someone in front of him moved, revealing another woman, also standing near Marcus. This one was short, petite, a too bright blonde, her hair bleached shiny platinum. Two men next to her were ignoring the speaker and staring, giving Melissa the impression that she must be hot.

  The platinum blonde turned to Marcus and said something, having to look up at him, and Marcus nodded, like he was very interested.

  Was he with two women?

  Melissa realized she was staring, everyone on that side of the room could see her looking away from the speaker. She didn’t care, she was fuming now, the black woman probably wasn’t Marcus’s wife, he had brought two women here, or met two women, and he was showing them off.

  Because he expected Melissa would be here looking for him.

  Marcus looked away from the blonde and right at Melissa. She froze, then turned away, but not before she saw him smile, just a flicker, knowing he had caught her, probably what he had planned all along.

  The speaker went on. “We got so many requests from people to do something different, to make it possible for us to get together a little more often, not waiting for the big reunions every five years.”

  Melissa fought the urge to look back toward Marcus. The richly dressed woman in front of Melissa muttered, “So much for making it short.” She turned to resume her people watching. “Oh my God, look who’s here!”

  The one with too much makeup spun around, looking toward the back of the room. “Who?”

  “It’s that stud, Marcus. Remember him?”

��How could I forget? Damn, he looks good. I never expected to see him here.”

  “I’m glad he is.”

  “This is one of the times I wish I wasn’t married.”

  The other woman sighed. “Screw that. I just wish my husband wasn’t here.”

  They went on like that for a while, drooling over Marcus, not seeming to care if anyone overheard. Melissa couldn’t resist any longer and turned to look.

  The blonde had moved closer to Marcus, and the black woman was a little farther away than before. Like they were in a battle to claim him. It looked like the blonde was winning, at least for now.

  Melissa’s stomach lurched, watching the little dance that was going on. Marcus had spotted her, any time he glanced up he would see that Melissa was staring, and yet he gave no real indication that he had noticed her.

  The speaker droned on. “So the reunion committee wants to let you know that there will be a series of mini reunions, once a year, with planned activities, a casual dinner, and of course, lots of alcoholic refreshments!”

  There was a loud cheer, people began stomping the floor and clapping. The music started back up, a dj taking over. The crowd began moving around again.

  Melissa looked back and for a minute lost sight of Marcus as people walked in front of her. When she could see him again, he was crossing the room, heading toward the doors, the blonde a half step behind.

  Who was that bitch?

  Without thinking Melissa left the line and headed across the room, dodging people. She had no idea what she was going to do, but that didn’t stop her. She caught sight of Marcus again just as he and the blonde left the room.

  Melissa muttered, “Shit,” and kept going. She was almost to the door when someone grabbed her arm.

  Melissa spun to face Julie. “Melissa! What are you doing?”

  Melissa turned back toward the door. “Marcus,” was all she said.

  “I know, I saw him.” Julie’s voice softened. “He seems to be with someone.”

  “Not after I get through with her,” Melissa gritted through her clenched teeth.

  Julie still held her arm. “What are you going to do? Make a scene?”

  Melissa deflated, feeling foolish. Just what was she going to do? Fight the blonde? Scream at Marcus? Or just get in front of him, to make him choose?

  What if he didn’t choose her?

  She shook her head and blew out a breath. “You’re right.” But she couldn’t take her eyes off the door. “Why did he do this to me?”

  “He’s an asshole,” said Julie, putting her arm around Melissa. “Come on, let’s get a drink.”

  Melissa allowed Julie to guide her back to the table. “Promise you’ll wait here,” said Julie. “I see a bartender I know and I’ll try to skip the line.”

  Melissa nodded dumbly, sitting at the empty table. She didn’t care anymore. All her plans, all the possibilities, gone. This was the real Marcus, a ladies man, never content with one woman.

  Fuck him, she said to herself. But it was half hearted, she was forcing herself to be mad at him. She was more mad at herself for letting herself be used and humiliated.

  She looked around the room, distracted, nothing really registering. Melissa lost track of time. Julie still hadn’t returned and Melissa couldn’t see her anywhere. She thought about leaving, she’d just wait for Julie to come back first. Her eyes glazed, the buzz of the room fading into the background.

  This had all been a huge mistake. She had come to see Marcus, and the spark had been rekindled, at least sexually, and now it was worse than a flameout, she was going to explode, but without him.

  How could she have thought this might work? This one in a million shot?

  Time to cut her losses. She wanted nothing more than to get out of there. She scanned the room for Julie. Something clicked, like she had been poked, and she focused her attention.


  There, in the corner, almost where she had seen him before. Still with the platinum blonde. They had come back into the room.

  Where had they gone? For a quickie?

  The blonde looked vibrant, animated, her shoulders back, her chest stuck out, highlighting her tits, her hand on Marcus’s arm. They were heading across the length of the room, which would bring them close to Melissa.

  They stopped at the bar, the same one where Melissa had stood in line. She could see them clearly, although they were now turned away from her. The blonde wore a tight knit sleeveless dress, showing off her amazing body. Melissa couldn’t help notice her ass, delicate, tight. Melissa hated her immediately. And her perfect ass.

  From behind, Marcus was almost as good looking as from the front. His waist looked almost as small as the blonde’s, because his shoulders were so wide in comparison. The jacket covered part of his ass, the very ass Melissa had grasped not twenty four hours ago.

  The blonde pulled at Marcus’s arm, and he bent down so she could whisper in his ear. When she finished she turned slightly, looking up at Marcus expectantly, and Melissa had a good look at her. She was gorgeous, an angelic face with a killer body. Marcus must have said something, because she smiled, her eyes bright, enticing.

  Melissa wanted to jump up and slap her silly.

  Now Marcus bent down to the blonde and whispered something back to her. At first she seemed elated, and then her smile froze. The blonde turned so red Melissa could see it from where she sat. Marcus stood up, watching the blonde, waiting. The blonde nodded, but she didn’t seem so sure of herself now.

  Marcus jerked his head toward the door. The blonde hesitated, uncertain, and Marcus jerked his head again, a little more forcefully. The blonde took one last plaintive look at him and then walked away, drawing her arms around her breasts protectively.

  Melissa couldn’t help but watch the petite woman walk away. What had just happened? The blonde was almost running as she disappeared through the exit door, her long hair blowing out a frantic wave back to the room.

  When Melissa looked back up, Marcus was talking to Julie. Melissa frowned, deciding whether to get up, when a man blocked her view. She tried to see past him but he stood right in front of her.

  Frustrated, she looked up, ready to demand that he move, but instead fell prey to the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, a remarkable gray hazel mix. She was so taken that for just a moment she even forgot about Marcus.

  Melissa realized she was staring and tried to refocus on the man’s face, and as it came into view it struck her as being as alluring as his eyes. His entire face seemed to be made for his eyes, his high cheekbones, the lilt in his eyebrows. His lips were moving, Melissa was so enthralled she missed the first few words.

  “. . . on my way to the bar and wondered if you needed a drink?”

  Melissa skidded back into the present. The man moved a little, and Melissa saw Marcus and Julie, still together across the room. Julie was handing him two drinks.

  Melissa was about to tell the hazel eyed man no, but instead she held out her hand. “I’m Melissa. I’m sorry, I don’t do name tags.”

  The man laughed and shook her hand. “I hate the things. They do come in handy at something like this. Although if I had met you before I wouldn’t have forgotten you name. I’m Doug.”

  Melissa smiled up at him, praying that Marcus was watching. “I wouldn’t forget yours, either. I’m surprised we never met.”

  Doug shrugged. “Big class. I lived off campus.”

  Melissa glanced over at Marcus. He was standing next to Julie, watching Melissa. Melissa was hoping he’d be pissed, that he’d feel the same way she had felt when Marcus had been showing off the platinum blonde. But if anything, Marcus seemed intrigued. Julie stood next to him, her head going back and froth from Marcus to Melissa.

  This wasn’t the reaction Melissa wanted. “I’m waiting for my friend,” she said, purposely not saying whether it was man or a woman, but making it clear it wasn’t her husband, either. “Maybe you could keep me company?”

� Doug sat down next to her.

  Perfect. Over Doug’s shoulder, Melissa could still see Marcus watching her.

  “Are you alone here?” Melissa asked sweetly. She didn’t quite have to pretend she was interested, he was that good looking. Not the hard body that Marcus had, and nothing like the broody intensity of Richard. But Doug was like a warm bath on a cold day, approachable. Melissa thought he’d be easy to hang out with.

  “Unfortunately. I was supposed to be with my girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend, I mean. We broke up last month.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It was coming for a long time. Better we made a clean split.” Every time Doug blinked it was as if his eyes were brand new. Melissa was trying to keep watch on Marcus but she kept getting drawn back in to Doug’s eyes. “How about you?” he asked. “Are you alone?”

  Melissa couldn’t help it, the thrill of the chase and the game she was playing with both Marcus and Doug so tempting. “So far,” she said, letting it hang for just a minute, a tease, a challenge. Then, to confuse Doug a little more, she added, with a little sigh, as if it was so sad for her, “My husband doesn’t like these kind of events.”

  Doug hesitated, thinking it over, obviously wondering if Melissa was giving him a shot here, and if she was, whether he should take it.

  She glanced back at Marcus, and now he looked more intent, maybe just a hint of a frown. Melissa had got his attention.

  Not exactly sure what she wanted, but feeling driven to let it play out, Melissa added, “Which is too bad, I bet reunions can turn out to be kind of exciting. You never know who you might meet.”

  Doug smiled, maybe not sure what to say, but Melissa was no longer paying attention, because Marcus was coming their way.

  Ignoring Doug totally, Marcus placed a glass of wine before Melissa. “Sorry for the wait,” he said, his voice calm and controlled. “Bitch of a line.” He put just the slightest emphasis on the word bitch, a shift in tone that only someone who knew him as well as Melissa would notice.

  Marcus sat down next to Melissa, like he belonged there, like he belonged anywhere he wanted. Then he slowly let his eyes drift to Doug, not saying a word.


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