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Lesbians Love Licking: 10 Story Lesbian Erotic Collection W/ BONUS! (Lesbian Erotic Romance)

Page 16

by Nicolette Dane

  She was silent for a moment, but for a few sobbing whimpers.

  “I’m positive you’ll bounce back,” I said. “You’ll be ready for next season and you’ll blow us all away, just as you always do.”

  “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  “But I’m still in the position of needing to fill your role,” I said, changing ears with the phone and picking up my glass of wine. “And I feel it would be a mistake to not get your input as to which member of the corps should take over.”

  “That’s sweet of you, Mish,” said Maura, taking a deep breath. “It means a lot that you think so highly of me.”

  “Can you give me a recommendation of who you think might do the best job?” I asked. “We want to promote the junior dancer with the most promise, just as we did for you not long ago.”

  “Dinah,” she said unequivocally. “I think it should be Dinah.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “That’s also what Charles thinks.”

  “She is an exceptionally driven dancer,” Maura said. “I love all the girls, of course, but I can think of no one else that is better suited.”

  “I appreciate this insight,” I said. “Thank you, Maura. If there’s anything we can do to help your healing process, please just let me know.”

  “Thank you, Mish,” she said.

  After a couple more pleasantries, we both hung up. Setting my phone on my bedside table, I didn’t feel my job had gotten any easier. I downed the rest of my wine and felt subtly buzzed. A single glass of wine will do that to me. The curse and benefit of being a lifelong teetotaler.

  I meditated on Dinah for a while as I lay there in my bed. While I admit that I have had my romances in the ballet world, there was something special about her. Something I hadn’t seen before. I was falling for this lovely little creature, with her pale complexion, delicate features, naïve attitude. In a way, she reminded me of myself a decade ago. Although I was never as good as she was. I had never achieved what she had at such a young age. At 20 she had made it into the corps whereas my opportunity didn’t come until 25. And here I was, almost 30, drinking wine, abusing my power to romance a young protégé, and finding my entire career on the line because of it all.

  Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this world.

  As was my habit when feeling depressed, I tried to kick myself out of the funk by thinking sexual thoughts. I remembered back to my and Dinah’s encounter just nights before. After our time on the couch, we headed into my bedroom, lying together on this very bed, continuing our lusty touching. As we grew more heated, Dinah admitted to me that she liked to have her asshole rubbed and I obliged, something I secretly find sexy as well. Using the wetness dripping from her pussy, I massaged her tight little puckered hole in small circles and as I did this Dinah arched her back and purred, loving the attention from behind. I wanted so badly to penetrate her as well, but I hesitated because of the newness of it all and soon after I went down on her to lick her once more to completion.

  As these thoughts replayed in my brain, I suddenly found my hand down my own shorts, rubbing my pussy through the soft fabric of my panties. I massaged myself deeply and firmly, coaxing the wetness to ooze through my panties and gently coat the tips of my fingers. My mind focused on Dinah, on picturing her naked, her small frame light and sweaty, grinding up against me as we made love.

  Quickly heating up to these lusty reflections, I slid my shorts down my legs and kicked them off my feet, letting them fall to the side of my bed. I snaked my fingers down the elastic band of my panties and touched myself, caressing my aching lips, manipulating the wetness emanating from my pussy up my slit and focusing in on my clit. I diddled in short, fast circles, thinking of Dinah, thinking of her small chest, each breast punctuated with a tiny, poky nipple. I imagined Dinah pulling the tie of out her hair, letting her usual tight bun fall out and her long tresses tumble down over her pale shoulders, shoulders that were both dotted with the minutest and infrequent freckles.

  “Oh,” I softly moaned as I pleasured myself. My hand grew damp and humid within the confines of my panties, and I turned over to lay on my side, pressing my hand between my legs, flicking and rubbing and massaging myself, working myself up into a fervor.

  I imagined myself licking Dinah’s slit, lapping up her juicy pussy as my wet fingertip slowly kneaded her crinkled and hairless ass. It was heaven for me, exactly what I needed. I plunged my fingers into my own pussy and thrust them back and forth a couple of times, submerging them in my own wetness before I returned my attention to my clit and speedily thumped it.

  I could feel those familiar sensations building inside of me, the subtle tingles, the weird energy coursing through my limbs, little prickly pokes all over my body. My brain went cloudy, perhaps from the wine but most certainly it was mixed with the feeling of testing that edge of the orgasmic cliff.

  This all caused me to fondle myself harder, steadily, methodically. It felt incredible and I felt happy, lost, distant from my troubles. My hand beat against my pussy, entrapped by my stretchy panties, damp from its self-stimulating duties.

  Suddenly the loud ringing of my phone interrupted it all. It chimed its little tune, buzzing hard on my nightstand.

  “Gah!” I exclaimed, calming my breathing and opening my eyes. With one hand still down my panties, I reached with the other to grab my phone and see who was calling.

  It was the front desk of my building.

  “Hello?” I said somewhat irritably into the phone.

  “Ma’am, this is the front desk,” said the voice on the other end. “Dinah is here to see you.”

  “Dinah?” I said with surprise.

  “She said that she is unexpected but must speak to you in person,” said the doorman.

  “Please send her up,” I said.

  Looking down at myself, I pulled my hand out of my panties and wiped the wetness from my fingers onto my bed sheets. I hopped out of bed quickly, scurried over to where my lounging shorts lay on the floor, and hiked them up my legs. Rushing out my bedroom, I quickly turned to the wall and checked myself out in the mirror. My dirty blonde hair was a bit of a mess, but a few passes through with my fingers straightened and untangled it.

  “Dinah?” I said aloud to myself. I was in disbelief but the surprise excitement made me feel a youthful delight, love and lust melding together for someone who gave me a great sense of exhilaration.

  It wasn’t too much longer until I was opening my door to a timid seeming Dinah on the other side. She smiled sheepishly at me, almost guiltily, as I beckoned her to come inside.

  Once I shut the door behind her, Dinah leapt out and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me close. Her fingers lingered along the elastic band of my loose cotton shorts.

  “Mish,” she said. “I’m sorry I’m here so late.”

  “That’s okay,” I said, pushing a dark tress of hair out of her face. I was so absorbed in her, happy to see her any time she would let me. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’ve been thinking,” she said, stepping back from our embrace and looking down toward her feet. Silence hung in the air as she gathered her words. I just simply adored her, her prettiness, her style. She wore a somewhat tattered thin athletic grey hoodie over a black tank top and frayed jean shorts.

  “You can tell me,” I said. “Don’t worry.”

  “I just—“ she began. “I just care about you and I’m sorry that we’re wrapped up in all this.”

  “Me too,” I said. “It’s not how I envisioned my life going,” I said with a soft, melancholic chuckle.

  “I think you should recommend Lacy take the role,” she said firmly, obviously having practiced this in her head. I could see sadness in her face as she said this. This was not what she really wanted, but she was throwing herself on the sword to save me.

  “What?” I said. “I know you don’t really feel that way.”

  “I just don’t want you to lose your career because of me,” she said. “I’ll get another chan
ce in a year or two. I can wait.”

  “You know what you’re giving up, right?” I said. “Greater exposure, greater responsibility, a larger paycheck. That’s what you want to do?”

  “I believe so,” she said.

  “Oh Dinah,” I said. Reaching out, I pulled her in for another hug, gripping tightly to her. She eagerly returned my advance, cradling into me and resting her head on my shoulder. I couldn’t stop myself and kissed her on the side of her head, prompting her to let loose a few soft sobs.

  After a moment Dinah lifted her head up and looked at me. Without another word, I leaned in toward her and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. She eagerly returned my advance, kissing me gingerly as we maintained our embrace there in the entryway to my condo. I could feel her shaking gently in my arms.

  Our kissing went on for a few sensual beats, holding onto to one another securely, our lips melding in an erotic intertwining. Dinah slowly slipped a couple of fingers into the back of my shorts, caressing me at the small of my back, her hand warm and inviting. I let my hands hang loosely around her hips, pushing into her, wanting her to be even closer to me than she already was.

  Dinah then pulled her lips back and broke our embrace, stepping backwards as I watched her movements in silence. She slowly unzipped her hoodie and tossed it to the floor. Turning from me now, Dinah stepped out of her flip-flops and leisurely sashayed her way across my condo and toward the bedroom. I followed.

  As Dinah approached the door to my bedroom she unbuttoned her jean shorts and let them fall to the ground, gracefully stepping out of the crumbled heap of them at her feet, and continued on. Underneath she wore a pale pink thong, displaying her muscled cheeks as she made her way toward my bed. Once she arrived at the foot of my bed, she crawled up onto it and slithered up toward the top, finally falling into the pillows.

  I, too, flopped into bed and eagerly snuggled up next to her. Once more we held each other, our lips locking, our legs interweaving, and our hands explored. I let my palm drift down to her ass, tenderly cradling her bare cheek and giving it a soft squeeze. When I did this, Dinah let out a contented sigh against my lips.

  “Make me feel happy again,” she murmured between kisses.

  The light in the bedroom was dim, the only source a small lamp on my bedside table emitting a dull orange hue. A gentle breeze swooped in through an open window, cool end of summer New York City air fluttering in and persuading us to press tighter into one another for warmth. I could feel my body tingling, that draft mixing with the sensual scene we were building together. I was still damp between my legs from before Dinah had arrived and now that she was here I was growing ever more so at the thought of being so close to her.

  Gradually moving her hands down, Dinah took hold of my shorts and pushed them over my hips and down as far as she could. I then grabbed them with one hand and shimmied them down further until they hung just below my knees. Dinah lifted her leg up and positioned her foot between my legs, pushing my shorts the rest of the way down until together got them off of my feet.

  “You’re wet,” she said, her palm pressed between my legs and clasping my pussy through the fabric of my panties. She pumped her hand a couple of times to fondle me.

  “I know,” I said half-embarrassed. “Let me get these off.” With Dinah’s help, we took down my panties. Once my panties were around my ankles, I struggled to get them off and we both laughed at my tussle with them.

  Dinah broke from me and sat up on the bed. She leaned down the length of my body and removed the panties from my feet. Holding on to them, she inspected them and saw the creamy wetness that had coated the insides. She stuck her hand inside of them and ran a finger along the milky moisture.

  “Really wet,” she said, quite surprised at how juicy my panties were.

  “Oh jeez,” I said, blushing. She giggled happily.

  Letting my panties drop to the bed, Dinah then lifted her tank top up over her head and pitched it, her small breasts giving the faintest of bounces as she did this.

  “Let’s just get naked,” she said.

  “Okay,” I eagerly agreed, feeling my pulse quicken in time with my breath. I loved gazing upon her bare chest, her tiny tits appearing to me as though they both needed kisses right on the nipple.

  Dinah watched me as I removed my shirt, absentmindedly pushing the gooey wetness from my panties around between her fingertips. After a moment, Dinah brought a finger to her lips and tasted my cream. Watching her do this drove me insane.

  “What about you?” I said, pointing to the pink thong she still had on. I fell back down on the bed on my side, propping my head up with my hand.

  “Oh,” she said as she looked down at herself. Getting up on her knees, she charmingly slipped out of her panties, then sat back down just as quickly as she’d gotten up so that she could remove them from her legs.

  I motioned for her to come nearer to me and she obeyed, sliding up against me, our very similar naked bodies both muscled and shapely from years of dancing coalesced into a heated marriage of flesh.

  We kissed for a few, sultry moments, touching each other all over, letting our hands demonstrate our affections for one another. My head was swimming in lust, drunk off of desire, running my fingers down her back and to her ass. I was frenzied and ready, having been so close to orgasm not too long before and now disposed to achieve it with the object of my cravings.

  Dinah touched me once again between my legs, her small and slender hand massaging my womanhood and its ensuing wetness. Her palm ran over the soft fur covering my mound and her fingers snaked between my lips, back to my taint and even further on occasion, coming back out of the crevasse and gracing over my clit delicately.

  “Remember when you kissed me,” Dinah started and then paused with slight embarrassment. “You know… down there… the other night?”

  “Yes,” I cooed into her lips, kissing her through her speech.

  “Can I try that on you?” she asked, a question that instantly made my head spin with amorous thirst.

  “I would love that,” I said. We stopped kissing and I rolled over onto my back while Dinah sat up and repositioned herself. Inviting her in, I spread my legs wider, feeling my pussy ache and pulse in anticipation.

  Dinah lowered her head in closer toward my womanhood, inspecting it for a moment. She traced her finger through its wetness, causing a shiver to shake up my spine. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so turned on, so eager, so desirous. Without much thought, my hands came to my own chest and lightly pinched my nipples as my enthusiasm grew.

  Then she licked me. She was very slow and cautious at first, her tongue lapping with trepidation as it moved upwards against my moist slit. I moaned on a reflexive “Oh God” as she did this, watching Dinah attend to my pussy and my pleasure.

  With a single finger, Dinah probed my pussy lips, running down my slit, and then settling in my hole, which she slowly penetrated back and forth. Her mouth steadied on my clit, kissing it, lapping at it, manipulating that little nub of flesh with the tip of her tongue.

  “That’s really nice,” I groaned, trying to watch her as she went down on me but the pleasure becoming too much and coaxing me to close my eyes.

  “I like how you taste,” she said softly, returning to her licking and fingering.

  All the nerves in my pussy were standing on end, aroused and awakened as Dinah sensually examined me. I could hear the understated sounds of moistness as her tongue licked on me, the wetness of her mouth meshing with that of my pussy.

  Removing her finger slowly from inside of me, Dinah trailed the wetness down my taint and toward my ass. Sticking her tongue out further, she gave my entire slit another measured, firm lick before she touched my crinkled knot with her juicy finger.

  “Do you like this?” she asked, gently running her fingertip over my asshole. “I like doing it to myself and thought maybe you’d like it too.”

  “Mm hmm,” I agreed, a little nervous myself in spite of the sexin
ess I ascribed to the act, and interested nonetheless when Dinah was involved.

  Dinah’s finger prodded softly at my ass while her lips slipped around my clit and suckled. As she slurped, I could feel my clit being taken into her mouth, lifted up out of its home from the suction of Dinah’s lips. I was so happy, so enraptured, that I almost felt like crying. Instead, I took a deep breath and steadied myself, giving myself fully to this beautiful little ballerina.

  I was drenched and oozing, and I could feel a trickle of my juices slipping from me and slime down below my pussy. Dinah’s finger rubbed against my moisture and used it to massage my rumpled backside, manipulating the wetness around the rim. My hips began to progressively thrust upwards and with each breath inwards I could feel my holes loosen, tightening again on the outbreath.

  On one particular breath, loosening up, Dinah’s fingertip slid just slightly inside of my ass. She continued to massage me down there in slow, steady circles, while she lapped at my pussy lips and suckled on my clit.

  I knew I couldn’t handle it much longer. With each panting breath a moan was not far behind. Dinah was performing dutifully, focused on pleasuring me, her fingers flicking and her lips buried into mine. Reaching over, I gripped onto the bed sheets and held tightly. My hips lifted up once more and I could myself become rigid, my body battening down for the impending lustful seizure it could feel approaching.

  My free hand instinctively moved down and rested atop Dinah’s head as she ate me out. I was bracing myself. Dinah was wetly slurping. My head was woozy. It was coming. My skin grew prickly, tingly, and a light coat of sweat graced my brow.

  “Oh God!” I exclaimed, sitting up slightly and bending at my waist. I held to Dinah’s head and onto the sheets, squeezing as I trembled into my orgasm. With Dinah’s fingertip still inside me just the smallest length, my ass tightened around her digit and I brought my rear up off of the bed.

  Intense warmth flowed through me, humidity rising off of my skin, and dampness lingered between my thighs. Dinah pulled her head back, ceasing her attentions, and watched happily as I quaked there on the bed. She carefully removed her finger from my backside and in my heightened state of sensitivity, I felt as though I could feel every millimeter of her finger exit me.


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