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Quarterback Baby Daddy (A Secret Baby Sports Romance)

Page 9

by Claire Adams

  My talk with Liza hadn’t been quite as fruitful as I’d hoped, but at least it was a step in the right direction. Hopefully, she wasn’t just buying herself time to get her own lawyer and fight my request. I didn’t think she was quite that spiteful, but hey, she had kept my kid from me for years.

  “Hey, Milo,” Luke said, waiting for me outside the sports complex.

  It had become our routine to show up about an hour early. It was our time to practice and warm up without the scrutiny of the other players.

  “Hey, Luke,” I greeted him.

  We walked in together, chatting about the upcoming game.

  “You seem different,” he pointed out as we went through our warm-up exercises.

  I shrugged one shoulder. “I feel different—settled.”

  “What changed?”

  I liked the kid, but I wasn’t about to confide in him. I had to bide my time. Hopefully, Liza would talk to her dad soon. I had a vision of my little girl running up to me on the field after we won the game on Sunday.

  “Nothing changed. I just feel better about things in general,” I said, hoping that would be enough to appease him.

  “Hmm, cool. Alright, now let me show you how fast a running back can run. Try not to get lost in my dust,” he teased.

  It wasn’t long before the rest of the team was on the field. I felt like I was on fire. That sizzle of adrenaline that had been missing since I’d first taken the field in Miami was back. I’d had it in college, but it had fizzled out somehow, and no matter how hard I’d tried to get it back, it was gone. But not today. I felt better than I had in a very long time.

  “Feeling good today?” Coach Summers asked.

  “I am. I’m feeling really good and ready to show what I can do,” I said with enthusiasm.

  “Well, hells-bells, it’s about damn time,” he said with a smile.

  “Sorry about the past couple weeks. I swear I was trying, but I couldn’t find my groove, but I got it now.”

  “Get your ass out there then. Let’s see what you got.”

  With that, I ran out onto the field, prepared to show my coach and team why I was hired. The next three hours was amazing. I was throwing tight passes and kicking some serious ass. By the time practice was over, I could feel the icy demeanor of the team thawing a bit.

  A couple of the guys walked by and slapped my shoulder, offering congratulations for a job well done. It felt good. I knew I had done well, but it was good to hear it, especially from my colleagues. I had to keep my head from completely inflating, though. I couldn’t let the accolades get to me and give me fat-headed ego. I didn’t want to be that arrogant asshole anymore.

  The locker room was a lot less frosty, and I didn’t feel like I had to keep my back to the wall.


  It was the coach. He sounded angry, but I didn’t understand why. I had a great practice. Unless—

  “Yeah, Coach?”

  “My office, now!”

  Oh shit. What’s going on? She said she didn’t want to tell him ‘til after Sunday’s game. Did she change her mind? Shit, shit, shit!

  I grabbed my bag and headed to his office, feeling like a man headed for his execution. I knew Coach and his daughter had a close relationship, and I knew he wouldn’t take the news well, but I had hoped we could keep our personal issues out of the locker room. I would tell him that, I decided, before quickly changing my mind. He had every right to be mad.

  “Did you need something Coach?” I asked, my voice cracking like a nervous teenaged boy.

  “Yes. Sit.”

  I sat and prepared for what would come next.

  “You did a great job, today. Absolutely fantastic. What you did out there today is why I brought you in. I want to see that on Sunday. Was today a fluke or is this what I can expect from now on?”

  “I hope it’s not a fluke. It didn’t feel like a fluke,” I protested. “I just needed to get my bearings. I think I’ve done that now.”

  He was nodding his head as he talked. “Good. What about Dawson?”

  “What about him?”

  “You two seem to have developed a friendship on and off the field. What do you think about him?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t really know him all that well. I know he’s eager and is willing to put in the work. He’s fast too.”

  “I’ve been watching the two of you. I may have him start on Sunday.”

  “Wow. I know he’d be thrilled.”

  “I’m thinking about it. Don’t say anything yet, but I need this team to gel. I see some of the guys were a little more willing to accept your direction out there today, but I need more. Dawson seems to take direction from you very well.”

  “Yeah, he does. He’s green and he hasn’t developed a chip on his shoulder or an over-inflated ego like the rest of us,” I grinned.

  Coach scoffed. “Thanks for the tip. I’ll think it over. Good job and keep it up. Don’t let today be a one-time thing. I want to see that intensity and sharp play from you every practice and every game.”

  “Got it.”

  I stood to leave, feeling good about everything. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw I had several text messages. I scanned through them and rolled my eyes. My number had gotten passed around, and the groupies were swarming.

  I had met a woman for coffee a couple days back. Completely innocent, and before I knew for sure about Ainsley. But the woman was clearly hoping for more. We exchanged numbers, and I had been getting invitations from women all week. I just wasn’t interested. The only female I was interested in at the moment was my little girl. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the chance to get to know her. If Liza saw me hanging out with random women and getting into the party scene, she would never let me near Ainsley. Hell, I wouldn’t let me near her either.

  “Wait up!” Dawson called from behind me.

  I paused and waited for him. “What’s up?”

  “Got any plans?” he asked, somewhat sheepishly.

  I thought about it. The empty hotel room was my big plan. “Nope.”

  “You ever been to any of the beaches around here?” he asked.

  I grinned. “Boy, I grew up here. I’ve been to every beach on the map and plenty more that aren’t.”

  “Oh, wow. That must have been awesome.”

  “It was.”

  “You want to hang out at the beach for a bit? I’d really appreciate it if you could show me one of the best ones. I’ve only seen the ocean a handful of times. Growing up in Kansas didn’t give me a lot of beach exposure,” he joked.

  “Hell, yeah. Want to go now?”

  “Sure. You drive?”

  “Yep. Let’s go.”

  We were both already in shorts and had ball caps on. It was really all you needed to spend a peaceful day at the beach in my opinion. I could really use some relaxation anyway, I decided. I loved to listen to the ocean and all the sounds that went with it. I knew a beach that wasn’t too touristy and would hopefully give us some peace and quiet.

  “Can we grab a snack before we go? I’m starving,” Luke asked.

  “Sure. Will this mini-mart up here work?”


  We pulled in, and both of us headed inside. I saw an older gentleman watching us, and it was making me a little uncomfortable. We grabbed our snacks and big bottles of water, then headed up to pay for our goods when the guy stopped me.

  “Glad you’re back, but you better get your ass in gear if you want to stay around,” he said, in a gruff voice.

  “Thank you, and I definitely will. You going to watch the game Sunday?”

  He eyed me up and down as if he was deciding right then whether or not he would tune in. “I may.”

  I gave him my most charming smile. “You should. I think you’ll enjoy it. Me and the boys have found our stride.”

  He chuckled. “Well, hell then, in that case, I better. I’d hate to miss your big comeback. I have been watching you since you were younger th
an him,” he nodded to Luke.

  “Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it,” I said with sincerity.

  “Keep your dick in your pants and your head in the game, and this could be your year,” he said in a fatherly tone.

  I burst into laughter, and poor Luke nearly dropped everything in his hands.

  “Good advice and I plan to do just that.”

  We bought our snacks and headed for a beach that was a little off the beaten path. Neither of us needed blankets or chairs. The sun and the sand were all I needed. The moment I smelled the sea air, I felt home. Really home.

  We found a place somewhat out of the way of the other beachgoers and stripped off our shirts and shoes. I kept my hat pulled low. The red hair was good and bad. It was great when I wanted to be recognized, but days like this when I wanted to be alone, it could be a curse.

  “Damn, this is nice,” Luke said, beside me. “I can’t believe I’ve been here for three months and never made it down here.”

  “It’s good for the body and soul,” I murmured.

  We lay there a bit in silence before I felt a shadow over my body. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a few ladies standing there.

  “Hi,” I said, not exactly thrilled to be bothered.

  Luke pulled back his hat and smiled when he saw our little entourage.

  “Well hello, ladies.”

  I grimaced. I didn’t want to hang out and flirt with women.

  “Are you guys football players?” one of the women asked.

  I looked over at Luke, who was grinning and nodding like an idiot. We did our duty, posed for a couple of pictures, signed a few body parts, and the ladies left us alone, but our presence was known. After a series of pictures with families, ladies, and some young college football players, I pulled Luke away. I was ready to go back to the solace of my hotel room. It had been nice while it lasted.

  “That was awesome,” Luke exclaimed after we’d made it back to the rental car. “Does that happen to you all the time?”

  I shrugged. “Not all the time, but enough.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I don’t mind usually, but sometimes I’d rather just chill and be anonymous.”

  “Not me. I can’t wait until people know my name.”

  I laughed. “Careful what you wish for. It can cause some minor complications in your personal life. As in, you won’t have one.”

  He shrugged, “I don’t care. Did you see the way those women were all over us? I could get used to that.”

  “I’m sure you could but let me give you some advice. Always, always, always wear a condom. Make sure they’re legal and keep it low-key. You don’t want to get a party-boy rep, trust me.”

  He laughed. “Got it.”

  I dropped him at his car and headed back to the hotel and walked into the stark room. It was supposed to be warm and welcoming, but no matter how it was dressed up, it was still a hotel. I had to find a place of my own, and soon. If I really wanted a relationship with my daughter, I needed to put down roots.

  Chapter 15


  “Mom, how come we didn’t go to the game?” Ainsley asked. “We always go to Papa’s games.”

  The girl had been a football junkie since the day she was born. She understood football better than most grown adults. Despite her protests at times, I knew she loved going to the games. We were treated like royalty most of the time, too, which always made her very happy.

  “It was too far away. We both have school in the morning.”

  She stomped her little foot. “I want to see Papa!”

  “You’ll see him tomorrow. We’ll go over to his house right after school. For now, we can watch him on the TV. I know it’s not the same, but it will still be fun. I’ll make some fun snacks, and we can have our own little football party,” I promised her.

  She eyed me for a few minutes but finally softened. “Fine. I’m going to get all my friends ready to watch the game with us.”

  “Good. You do that and let me see what I can find in the kitchen. I’ll order a pizza, too.”

  “Yeah!” she hooted.

  I was feeling horribly guilty about my dad still being in the dark. I had tried to talk to him yesterday before he left, but the man was in no mood for that kind of news. His mind was focused on the game. I knew how important this game was to him and to Milo. The few times I had talked to my dad over the past few days, it had always been about how much Milo had improved.

  He was excited, and I didn’t want to risk taking that away. He and Milo both deserved the chance to enjoy this moment.

  I scoured the kitchen for snacks and managed to put together a cheese and cracker tray, some mozzarella cheese sticks and some fresh veggies. Thankfully, Ainsley loved raw veggies. It helped balance out the many pizza nights we tended to have.

  The pizza and breadsticks were on the way as well as some soda. I flipped on the TV, turned on the surround sound and got ready to watch Milo and Dad kick some ass. The pregame show wasn’t kind at all, and I knew my dad would be raging when he heard the dire predictions from the commentators. They were already declaring the season a bust.

  “Ainsley, the game’s going to start in about ten minutes,” I hollered, muting the man who was going over the stats.

  A knock on the door drew my attention. I was expecting pizza, but it was Vanessa.

  “Yeah! You came!” I said, hugging her briefly.

  “I did, and I brought libations,” she winked.

  She handed me the bottle of wine and a six-pack of beer, which I took gratefully, and put in the kitchen. “Pizza should be here any minute.”

  The game turned out to be a nail-biter. I found myself standing, pacing the sidelines right along with my dad from the comfort of my living room. I cheered, I booed and most of all, I smiled.

  A picture of Milo popped onto the screen, with all of his stats listed along the side.

  “Hey, that’s the man!” Ainsley said, clearly very excited to see her redheaded counterpart.

  “Yes, it is,” I said, wondering what she would think when she learned he was her father.

  “They won!” Ainsley shouted, dancing around the living room. “Papa won!”

  Giddy was the best way to describe how I felt. Absolutely giddy. The first half was a little shaky, but I could literally see the team pulling together and working as a cohesive unit. Milo had shone as a leader. He was on fire, and I was extremely proud to know him. Though I couldn’t quite come out and brag that he was the father of my child, it did give me some bragging rights as far as I was concerned.

  Vanessa helped me clean up while Ainsley played in her room. “Hmm, baby daddy is a bit of a stud, isn’t he?” she grinned.

  I laughed. “I have to say; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him play like that. He and my dad have always clicked. I wasn’t thrilled to have him come back into town and play for my dad, but I know it was the right choice. My dad has a real knack for knowing what a team needs.”

  “He’s very handsome,” Vanessa said, with a knowing smile.

  “My dad?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Your baby daddy. You have to admit he’s a very good-looking guy.”

  I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. I didn’t want to admit he had a funny way of making my heart speed up when he looked at me with those stunning blue eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul or picturing me naked. He was an intense man.

  “You can play coy, but there is a reason that little girl is in the other room and it wasn’t because you weren’t attracted to him.”

  “I was. It was a crush. It was me, the nerdy, quiet girl, crushing on the popular quarterback. The very fact that Ainsley is here is a bit of a miracle. I never actually thought he would, you know,” I said, gesturing my hands wildly.

  Vanessa was giggling, incredulous.

  “Liza, you’re a gorgeous woman. And I saw the way he looked at you. It wasn’t a miracle. The real miracle is that he
didn’t go after you sooner.”

  “I went after him. I practically jumped him that night,” I said, my face turning red. “Trust me; he’d never noticed me before that night. I always dressed like a nun and rarely wore makeup. I had a boyfriend in college for a year or so, but it was a weird thing. We had sex like once a month. I don’t think either of us was all that into each other, but we just kind of stuck together and then one day I realized he hadn’t called me for a week and I hadn’t called him.”

  She laughed. “That has to be the world’s easiest breakup.”

  I laughed along with her. “You’re right, it was. My dad never even asked about him. The guy was completely forgettable.”

  “So, what about you and the QB? Any chance you guys may get back together?”

  “We were never together to begin with. Seriously, it was one night. I went back a couple weeks later to tell him about the pregnancy and found him with a woman in his bed. We are two very different people moving in two very different worlds. We share a daughter, and we’ll have to figure all that out, but as for a relationship between us, that’s never going to happen,” I stated firmly.

  Her expression told me exactly what her opinion was. “I think doth protest too much.”

  “I think I protest just enough.”

  We both laughed and thankfully, moved on to other topics. I texted my dad a quick message, telling him congratulations and promising to see him at dinner tomorrow. It was our thing. Every Monday, we had dinner together, if he didn’t have a game that night.

  Vanessa and I chatted a bit more before she headed out. Thankfully, she only lived a couple blocks away and was able to walk home after we had shared the bottle of wine she brought over. It was late by the time I got to bed. I was elated for my dad and couldn’t wait to celebrate the first win of the season with him. I was truly happy for him and his quarterback.

  I drifted off to sleep thinking about my conversation with Vanessa, the game, and my little girl. Those thoughts led me into a dream—with Milo as the star. My mind went back to the first time I kissed him. I had been tipsy, but I still remembered every detail of that night. His body had been hard and chiseled. That shy, nervous part of me that feared he would reject me evaporated the moment we got into his room. He wanted me. That feeling alone had made me braver than I’d ever felt in my life.


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