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Quarterback Baby Daddy (A Secret Baby Sports Romance)

Page 78

by Claire Adams

  “Okay, but maybe he will still want to hang out? Maybe invite you to some of his fights?” I understood that she was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn’t working.

  “You weren’t there Ally. It felt pretty final.” I cringed thinking about how things ended that day.

  There was an awkward silence for a moment before she asked, “How’s the rest of your business going?” I felt like she had something else she wanted to say to me, but was trying to hide it. I hated when she did that.

  “Good. I’ve been getting more clients each week. It seems my popularity is growing quite a bit,” I said. Work had been the upside of things for me this past week. My advertisements in the local papers were working. I even had a couple clients that were referred to me by other clients.

  “So,” she began. I knew something was coming and that I probably didn’t want to hear it. “Have you talked to mom recently?”

  “Not for a few days, why?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.

  “Because they are coming to town to visit.” She cringed, as if waiting for me to freak out.

  I groaned. Great. Just want I needed. I already knew what to expect from them. They were going to sit there and bug me about why I didn’t have a serious boyfriend yet. I could already hear my mother’s voice. “Anna, I was already married and had you by the time I was your age. You aren’t getting any younger,” and, “Before you know it, you’re going to be in your thirties and it’s going to be very hard to find a man to settle down with and have a baby.”

  I hated when she said things like this to me. It wasn’t fair. I was my own person. I didn’t know why she wanted me to follow in her footsteps. She expected me to live my life the same way she lived hers. It was ridiculous. I loved her and my father more than anything, and they were great parents, but it irked me when she treated me like I was still a child living under her roof.

  “I really don’t want to deal with this right now,” I said to Ally as I cleaned the trash out in the waiting room. It wasn’t much, just a couple of papers and a tissue, but I made sure to clean it every day. I wanted to present myself and my business as very clean and orderly. Who wanted to get a massage in a dirty place?

  “I know!” Ally said suddenly. “Why can’t you just pretend to be settled down with Justin?”

  I was shocked she would even suggest that. “I don’t know. Won’t they wonder why I never told them about him?”

  “You could just say that you didn’t want to mention him until they met him in person.”

  I nodded, slowly. “Yeah, but he made it pretty clear he didn’t want to see me anymore.”

  “Stop. You don’t know that. He just said he couldn’t pay for massages anymore. Did he actually say he didn’t want anything to do with you?”

  She was right. “No, I guess he didn’t. I’ll talk to him. I hope it works. As crazy as it sounds, I miss him so much already.”

  “It’ll work. Trust me, I sense these things, and I’m never wrong.”

  She was right about that.

  I finished cleaning up the studio. “Do you want to grab some pizza?” I asked Ally. For once, I was excited by what she said instead of feeling irritated.

  “Sure,” she said.

  I grabbed my purse and made sure to lock the front door. I closed at six, and it was seven now. I was glad we were missing the dinner rush as we made our way to my car. I drove the six blocks south to the pizzeria.

  It was a pay by the slice place, so we went right up to the counter. Ally and I both ordered two slices of pepperoni and a medium drink. I paid for our meal when they rang us up, and Ally grabbed the table number. We stopped by the soda fountain and filled up our cups. I led her to a table by the entrance.

  It was quiet, as most people had probably already eaten dinner at that point. It was a Thursday night, and they seemed to be a little slow on Thursdays, which is why it was my favorite time of the week to eat there.

  We sat and played on our phones while we waited for them to bring out our pizza. I was starving. Between work and worrying about everything with Justin, I hadn’t eaten much the last week.

  I looked through my emails. Sometimes I had questions from potential clients, but most of the time, I received emails telling me when someone booked or canceled a session through my website.

  Today I had two requests for new clients and one email indicating a regular had canceled her morning session the following day.

  “You should call him now,” Ally said as we ate our pizza a few minutes later.

  “While I’m eating? Yeah, that’s going to be so attractive. Every guy wants to hear a girl chew pizza in their ear.”

  “You don’t have to talk to him for an hour. You can call him really quick and then get off the phone and eat your pizza,” she explained.

  She was right. I knew she just wanted to hear what he would say and how he would react. Ally loved playing matchmaker, especially for me. I didn’t know whether to be thankful or disgusted.

  “Fine,” I said. I put down the slice of pizza I was eating. I was only three bites in, and it was so good, but this was Justin we were talking about. I had to scroll through my contacts to find his number. I was so nervous when I pushed dial. I felt like a high school girl calling her boyfriend for the first time.

  It only rang twice before he picked up. “Hello, Anna,” he said. He sounded like he was happy to hear from me, which helped me relax a little bit.

  “Hi, Justin. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  Ally held up a thumbs-up sign.

  “No, no. Not at all. What’s going on?”

  “This is going to sound a little random because I know you don’t want to come by anymore, but do you think maybe you can stop by my studio tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I just have something I wanted to discuss with you.”

  He laughed, “It can’t be over the phone?”

  “No. I’d rather do it in person. If you’re free. I mean, if not, it’s okay. We can figure out another time or something.”

  “Anna,” he said with another laugh, I assumed to stop my rambling. “It’s fine. Tomorrow works out great for me.”

  I smiled. “Okay, good. Thank you.”

  “What time?”

  “Whatever time works for you?”

  “Is ten okay?” he asked.

  I smiled because that was his normal appointment time.

  “Ten is perfect,” I said.

  “Alright, I’ll see you then.

  “Okay, bye,” I said and hung up the phone as soon as he said bye.

  Ally laughed. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  I laughed and shook my head at her. “Just eat your pizza.”

  I was glad it had been so easy to ask him. I was starting to feel better after everything that happened on Monday, but I couldn’t help how nervous I was already beginning to feel. I still had almost a full day to get through.

  I only had one client the next day, and I figured I would just cancel with her. She had been a regular for quite some time and wasn’t going to miss a session. I’d give her a discount to make up for it.

  Ally looked at me like she was waiting for something.

  “What?” I asked her.

  “Shouldn’t you be thanking me? I told you he had a thing for you. My signs are never wrong, sis. When are you going to realize that?” she said.

  “Thanks. But um. No. Nothing has happened yet. What if he thinks I’m crazy?”

  Ally rolled her eyes. “He isn’t going to. He’s going to agree to it because he can’t stand to be away from you, and this is a chance to be your fake boyfriend, which will possibly turn into a chance to be your real boyfriend.”

  She sounded sure of herself, but I didn’t want to jump in and believe her again. I didn’t want to be let down if he didn’t really feel that way.

  After I took Ally back to her car by my studio and went home, I couldn’t
help but think about what might come of this arrangement. I didn’t really think we would start dating for real, but I did let my fantasies run wild when I took my shower.

  I pictured us kissing. We would realize instantly that there was an undeniable connection between us. I pictured my parents leaving and him ripping my clothes off and ravaging my body in ways I never thought possible. I went to bed with my vibrator in hand and slept peacefully through the night.

  Chapter Seven


  I had mixed emotions the next morning when I woke up. I took Margie to preschool and went back home to get ready for my meeting with Anna. She called me the night before asking if I wanted to come see her at her studio because she had something she wanted to ask me. My mind was racing all night with the possibilities. I was a little nervous about what exactly it might be. I had to admit I was really excited to see Anna. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  She didn’t explain what she wanted to talk about; she was being pretty cryptic. I was curious. Intrigued. And nervous. After the way I left on Monday, I didn’t think I would ever hear from her again. And now I was going to see her.

  She picked the perfect time. Margie was in preschool and would be there for a few more hours. I would have to pick her up later in the afternoon, but at least I could have a conversation with Anna without worrying about Margie running all over the place. I didn’t mind her tagging along with me, but sometimes it was just easier to go to places alone.

  I walked into Anna’s studio, and she was standing at her white checkout counter. She was on the phone looking at an open appointment book, so I figured she was making an appointment. She looked at me and held up her pointer finger to tell me she would be with me in just a minute.

  I nodded my head and sat in one of the waiting chairs. There were a few magazines on the table. I picked up a “People” magazine just for shits and giggles. I wasn’t the kind to care about celebrities, but I needed something to do while I waited.

  “Okay, Becca. Sounds good. I’ll see you Monday at three,” I heard Anna say before she hung up the phone.

  “Hey. Thank you for coming,” she said as she walked over to me. She seemed nervous, and it made her even more adorable. I loved when she got nervous around me. It made me think there was a chance for us, that maybe she had feelings for me too.

  “You’re welcome. Is everything okay?” I asked.

  She laughed, and I realized how much I missed her laugh. From the time we met, it was my favorite thing about her.

  “Yeah. Now, please hear me out before you freak out. This is going to sound super weird.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly. Now I was even more intrigued than before.

  She sat down in the chair next to me. It seemed like she was getting more and more nervous. She took a breath and said, “So, I just found out my parents are coming to town.”

  “That’s cool.” I didn’t know if this had to do with what she wanted to talk to me about or if she was trying to make small talk.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she said. Her leg bounced as she spoke.

  “Something tells me you aren’t happy about this news,” I said.

  She shook her head and grimaced, “So, they have this thing. Well, it’s mostly my mother. She has this thing she does… where she bugs me about why I’m not settled down yet.” Anna looked at me nervously. “I’m sorry this is so weird.”

  I placed my hand on her leg to let her know that I wasn’t bothered. I smiled and said, “It’s okay. Just tell me.”

  She closed her eyes as she said, “Will you pretend to be my boyfriend while they are in town?” Then she opened her eyes again and continued, “I was thinking in return, I could give you free massages. As many as you want, each week.”

  “You don’t look like the type of girl that would have to pretend to have a boyfriend,” I said.

  She blushed. “I know this is really awkward, and I’m sorry for springing this on you like this.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’ll do it. I was just making an observation,” I said with a smile. I wanted her to be less nervous.

  A big smile spread across her face. “Really?” she asked with excitement in her eyes.

  “Yeah, it sounds like it could be fun,” I said with a wink.

  “Thank you, Justin. You won’t regret saying yes. I promise.”

  She looked so gorgeous when she got excited. It reminded me of the way she looked at me before my fight last weekend. When I looked up in the stands and made eye contact with her, she was just as excited. She really was an amazing woman. I was excited to help her with her parents. Pretending to be her boyfriend would allow me to spend more time with her. Plus, I couldn’t help but think something more might come of it.

  “And I promise you won’t regret asking me. I feel pretty honored actually,” I said with a laugh.

  “Well good because I don’t ask just anyone to play my fake boyfriend,” she said.

  We sat quietly for a moment. It didn’t feel awkward. It was a comfortable silence before she asked, “How was your fight?”

  I took a deep breath. “I lost.” I wasn’t about to go into detail with her about the bet I made, especially not after the favor she just asked me. I didn’t want to ruin anything that might happen between us.

  “You look tense,” she said. “Do you want a massage now? I don’t have any more clients today. I cleared my schedule so I could talk to you.” Her smile was a little shy, yet I could sense her confidence.

  “That would be amazing,” I said as I followed her into the massage room.

  I couldn’t help the excitement that was flooding through my body. After my big loss the other night, I needed a massage. I couldn’t wait to feel Anna’s hands against my skin again.

  I stripped down to my boxers. I did it every time in front of her. For some reason, it never made me nervous. Maybe it was because I was sexually attracted to her, and it just added to the atmosphere.

  We almost kissed on Monday. I had wanted to kiss her for quite some time. I wanted to kiss her last Saturday night after my fight, but I had to fight the urge. Then, on Monday, it took all my strength not to lean in and press my lips against hers. It wouldn’t have felt right to kiss her and then say, “Oh, by the way, I can’t come back.”

  I laid on the table. First on my stomach, and as per usual, she went slow and hard. It felt so good. I tried to close my eyes and enjoy the relaxing feeling that came with getting a massage, but for some reason, it was hard today. I couldn’t block out how much Anna was turning me on.

  I moaned. I didn’t mean for it to sound so sexual, but I couldn’t help it. The way she touched me was so sensual, and it just felt so good. “I knew I kept coming back to you for a reason.”

  I heard her laugh. “Good to know I’m good at this. It is my career after all.”

  She moved her hands down to my lower back and moved her thumbs in a circular motion on each side of my spine. I felt all my problems from the last week just melt away. At that moment, it was just her and I. Everything else melted away.

  I laughed. “You really are though. I’ve missed this a lot.”

  “I thought maybe you found a new massage therapist.” She sounded like she was messing around, but I could sense that the thought had crossed her mind.

  “Never. There’s no one better than Anna Winters,” I said.

  She laughed again. “Oh please, how would you know? Have you been to other massage places?” I loved the playfulness in her voice, but it wasn’t helping the sexual tension between us.

  “No. But I already know there is no one out there like you.” I was flirting hard, but so was she, so I didn’t bother trying to stop.

  After ten minutes on my stomach, she asked, “Want me to do the front again?”

  “That’s my favorite part.” I was so turned on. I couldn’t hide it.

  I rolled onto my back and watched as she got the hot oil and poured some onto my chest. She started massaging my arms, and then my chest goi
ng in slow movements. It was this moment that I wished I would have kissed her the other day.

  “Mmm. That feels so fucking good,” I said, my voice was full of lust. I hoped it wasn’t scaring her off. When I opened my eyes, she looked at me and bit her lip. It made the whole thing even hotter.

  “You like?” she said. I could sense that she was getting turned on as well.

  I nodded my head, “So much.” She moved down my abs and then back up. Her movements were torturously slow. I was looking forward to getting massages from her on a regular basis again. I had only missed a few at this point, but until today, I didn’t think I was going to get anymore again.

  I tried not to let my sexual thoughts get the better of me, but it was hard. She was so good with her hands. There had only been one time that I only partially got turned on, and that was on Monday. I was turned on then, but not as bad as other times because I knew I had to tell her I wouldn’t be coming back. It kind of put a damper on the whole thing.

  Even just looking at her turned me on. It caused me to have a massive hard-on. She didn’t even have to touch me for my body to ignite with desire.

  “You’re so hard,” she said as she massaged my tense arm muscles. She had turned it into a double entendre, and it was so fucking hot.

  “That’s why I come here,” I said with a wink.

  She blushed and bit her lip again. I wanted to be the one to bite that lip.

  I wondered if Anna had ever been turned on by me. I had to assume that she had, especially the way she was massaging me on Monday. But I couldn’t be sure.

  She moved down to my abs and the way she was touching me this time was completely different from the times before this. I could tell it was meant to be sensual, sexual. She was naughty, and it made me wonder if sex might be included in this new arrangement of ours.

  At this point, it was taking everything in me not to start touching her. I didn’t want to push my luck even though I had a feeling her panties were probably a little wet already.

  “You’re so hot,” I said, testing the waters.


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