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A Witch to Live

Page 22

by Glenn Bullion

  “Please,” he said, holding out his hand.

  She said nothing as she walked back to her car and reached inside. Trying to hold in tears, she pulled the rock from her purse. It was silly, she knew, but the rocks they both had were a connection between them, literally. Kevin didn't have a cell phone, so she enjoyed talking to him late at night through magic.

  Kevin took the rock from her and touched it to his own. There was a quick flash of light.

  “This is just a rock now,” he said, tossing it behind him.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. The pendant was a beautiful amethyst.

  Rachel's eyes lit up.

  “A little upgrade,” he said. “It's a little silly to carry a rock around in your purse.”

  He touched the pendant to his own rock, and there was a glow. She lifted her hair as he clasped the necklace behind her neck. The amethyst fell against her chest.

  “There. Much better.”

  She nearly tossed herself at Kevin, standing on her toes to meet his lips. He laughed as they kissed, putting his hands on her hips.

  “It's just a necklace. It cost ten dollars.”

  “Thank you. It's beautiful. I had fun tonight. And I think my parents love you.”

  “Yeah, they're cool. Smart, too, if they love me,” he joked. “I have some plans with Kristin tomorrow, but I'll call you when I get home.”

  She nodded. “I'll be out running looking for a dress for Homecoming.”

  He kissed her on the neck, and felt goosebumps ripple across her skin.

  “I have the hottest girlfriend,” he whispered. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

  Kevin gave Rachel another glance as he went into his apartment building. She leaned on her Mustang, watching him. He gave her a wave, and she responded by blowing him a kiss.

  Life was good.

  Chapter 23

  Kristin shook her head as she slid the driver's seat forward and set the cooler in the back. She pulled her hair in a ponytail and watched Kevin as he left the apartment building.

  “I get two days off a week,” she said. “And I'm spending one of them on a mysterious day trip with my brother. Something is very wrong with this picture.”

  “Which part? The two-day-off part?”

  “I thought you'd find a nice little corner somewhere and feel up your girlfriend all day.”

  “You're one to talk. I always have to crack the door open now cause I'm afraid I'll see you and your guy on the couch, which is where I sleep, in case you forgot.”

  “Yeah, right. Where are we going, anyway? And what are you up to?”

  He looked at her as he double-checked the cooler. “Why do you have to say it like that? When was the last time you and I did anything together?”

  “I know, it's been a long time. Which makes me think something is on your mind. Come on, a few hours in the car?”

  Kevin frowned slightly. “There's someone you need to meet. And we've got a lot of things to talk about.”

  “You didn't get Rachel pregnant, did you?”

  “No, Kristin! We haven't even...done that yet.”

  “Why not?”

  Kevin rolled his eyes.

  “Are you moving out?” she asked.


  “Well, you've got me stumped.”

  He took a breath, not looking forward to the conversation that was just over the horizon.

  She gave him a look as he shoved his backpack next to the cooler.

  “Why are you bringing that with you? We've got school today?”

  “No. I always carry my bag with me now.”

  “You've got condoms in there, don't you? That's my brother, always prepared.”

  “You are insane. Come on, let's get moving. I'll drive first.”

  “No, I will. It's my car. We'll get some lunch, then we'll switch.”

  The first hour of the drive was quiet. Kevin almost went into his rehearsed lines a few times, but Kristin looked like she was deep in thought, so he let her be. They drank a few sodas, and he reclined in his seat.

  As the drive went on, Kevin grew more nervous. He thought there were only so many ways he could say I am a witch, but it turned out those words weren't as easy to say as he thought.

  “I'm sorry, Kevin,” Kristin said, breaking the silence.

  “Huh? For what?”

  She was quiet for a moment, and Kevin's jaw nearly dropped when he watched her dab a tear from her eye.

  “I'm really sorry you have to sleep on the couch. You should have your own room, your own things.”

  “Kristin, our parents died. You've been watching out for me for years. We're doing the best we can.”

  “I barely have any money saved up. I can't help you with college. I can't even help myself with college.”

  “I'm not worried about college. After graduation I'll get a job. That will make the bills easier to handle. Or I can move out, and then you won't have to worry about me.”

  “Don't move out right away,” she said. “I'm sad and pathetic, I know. But just don't move out right away.”

  “Sisters aren't supposed to be guardians to their brothers.”

  “I'm not your guardian. We're just...roommates. Except one of us doesn't have a room.”

  Kevin laughed.

  “Life changes fast, doesn't it?” Kristin said. “A few months ago we were both hermits. Now we're actually dating people.”

  “Yeah. We can go on double dates.”

  “Now that's an idea. Give me a water. And don't touch it. I'm not in the mood for your blue water.”

  He took a breath. “Speaking of blue water, we have to talk about all of that.”

  “About what?”

  “My little magic powers.”

  “You're not gonna start obsessing about all of that again, are you? You used to drive me nuts, all that time on the computer researching.”

  “No, but you'd better brace yourself.”


  Rachel felt for the pendant around her neck as she dressed in her room. She slipped on a pair of sandals, nearly tripping over the bed, and grabbed her keys and purse from her desk.

  Rubbing her pendant, she nearly spoke into it, wanting to wish Kevin a good afternoon, but managed to contain herself. It was bad enough she thought about Kevin as much as she did. There was no need to stalk him through the magical necklace he gave her.

  “Mom!” she called as she ran down the stairs. “I'm heading out.”

  “Okay, dear. Give me a hug.”

  Rachel stopped at the front door and rolled her eyes.

  “I don't know how many seventeen-year-olds hug their mothers for no reason.”

  Mom walked from the kitchen to meet her in the living room.

  “I don't really care. I have ten years of stand-up hugs to catch up on.”

  Rachel laughed as she hugged her mother.

  “Getting a dress for Homecoming?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah. Just something simple.”

  “Kevin's really brought you out of your shell. I've never seen you so happy.”

  Rachel simply nodded, and let a picture of her boyfriend roll through her mind. He would be special even if he wasn't a witch.

  “I've got my cell phone with me,” she said. “Call if you need anything.”

  “Okay. You might want to call before you come home, in case me and your father-”

  “Mom, please don't finish that.”

  Mom laughed. “You have a good day, dear. I want to be the first person who sees the dress.”

  Rachel climbed in her Mustang and headed to the mall on the other side of town. It was a week away from Homecoming. Some couples already had their plans in place months ahead of time. Kevin had only asked her a week ago. She hoped it wasn't impossible to get a dress.

  It was a slow day at the mall. She smiled at the kids playing in the middle court, and stopped in her tracks as she passed the Halloween store.

  Her eyes fell on a slinky witch cos
tume, complete with a fake black cat and a broomstick. She'd never been to a costume party. Until she met Kevin, she never went to any party at all.

  She had the feeling she'd attend a few this year.

  Perhaps it was a silly costume to buy, but she couldn't help herself. The cashier smiled as Rachel set it on the counter.

  “The nurse costume was big for a few weeks, and of course, the French maid. Now everyone wants to be a witch.”

  Rachel laughed. “I'm dating one. We have our own black cat.”

  “Yeah, I'll bet. I'm actually dating an asshole, no costume required.”

  Rachel's good mood lasted all the way to the dress shop. She munched on a soft pretzel, and her face fell as she browsed through the store.

  She didn't think of herself as picky, but nothing in the store caught her eye. Most of the pretty dresses were probably taken weeks ago.

  There were a few other dress shops in town. She didn't want to spend the entire day shopping for a dress, but that's exactly what she would do.

  The sun had already set long before she left store number four. Her good mood was gone, replaced by disappointment. If only she had kept the dress she bought last year, but she never thought she would go to Homecoming. Now, it was a week away, and she had nothing to wear.

  The only dress that caught her attention was back in store number three, and it was nearly two hundred dollars. That was simply way too much.

  Rachel stopped on the sidewalk as the doors closed behind her.

  Melissa Johnson and two of her friends, Stacy and Tara, leaned against Rachel's Mustang. They talked to each other, and lit up when they saw Rachel.

  “There you are,” Melissa said, and looked at her friends. “See? I told you she came in here.”

  Stacy shook her head. “I don't believe it.”

  “Are you shopping for a dress?” Melissa asked. “Why would you shop for a dress? I know you don't plan on wearing it.”

  Melissa uncrossed her lean, tan legs and pushed herself away from Rachel's car. Stacy and Tara stayed where they were.

  For years, Rachel was the school's punching bag. Everyone made fun of her, played jokes on her. Girls like Melissa and Tessa Hayes did everything they could to make her feel terrible. She felt small once again as déjà vu washed over her.

  But only for a moment.

  “Would you mind telling your shadows there to get off my car?”

  Melissa laughed, and her friends didn't move.

  “Whoa! Look who has a mouth now. I guess you think because Kevin's taking pity on you that makes you somebody?”

  “I was somebody before Kevin. Now excuse me.”

  Rachel went to move past, but Melissa stopped her with a hand to her shoulder.

  “Hold on. We're not done talking yet.”

  “Hey, Melissa, look at this,” Tara said, reaching inside the open Mustang window. She pulled out Rachel's witch costume. “Looks like Rachel found a dress after all.”

  “Put that back,” Rachel said, balling her fists.

  Tara tossed the costume to Melissa.

  “Wow. It's sexy, too. I always wanted a witch outfit. Can I have this?” She noticed Rachel's fists. “Are you gonna punch me, like a little kid?”

  A new voice, off to Rachel's right.

  “Rachel? Is that you?”

  Everyone turned, and even Rachel's jaw dropped.

  Victoria had parked her Porsche on the corner of the street, and jogged down the sidewalk. She looked absolutely stunning. Tights jeans and a short white tee shirt that showed off a figure aided by the supernatural. Rachel could almost sense the jealousy surrounding her, and had to fight it off herself.

  Victoria wrapped her arms around Rachel and gave her a big hug.

  “How have you been? I haven't seen you in forever.”

  “Uh, hi, Victoria.”

  “You shopping for a Homecoming dress? Is Kevin still taking you?”

  Rachel smiled as she looked at Melissa and her friends. She could see them shrinking within themselves, like they made her feel over the years.

  “Yeah, we're still going together.”

  Victoria grabbed the Halloween costume from Melissa's hands.

  “You'll look so hot in this. We'll hit up some parties this year. I think I might go as a vampire this year.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?”

  Victoria gave a disapproving look to Melissa and her shadows.

  “Are these...your friends?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “I didn't think so. Why are they leaning on your car? If someone leaned on my Porsche, I'd rip their throats out.”

  Melissa gestured to Tara and Stacy. “Come on, let's go.”

  Rachel and Victoria watched as the trio crossed the street to get to their car. Victoria handed Rachel the costume as they drove away. The high energy vanished, and Victoria again assumed her serious look.

  “I tried to piss them off and make them jealous. You think it worked?”

  “I'd say so.”

  “I thought so, too. Teens aren't exactly great at hiding their body language.”

  “I didn't even know you were still in town.”

  “Yeah, just a while longer. Try not to look so disappointed.”

  “Well, you did-”

  “I know, I know. I tried to kill your boyfriend. Let's go to a restaurant.”

  Rachel crossed her arms. “You're that bored?”

  “Stop being such a hard-ass, Rachel. We can be friends. Come on.”

  She hesitated, then locked her Mustang and followed Victoria to her Porsche. Rachel kept an eye on the vampire every step of the way. Rachel didn't want to admit it, but her Porsche was amazing.

  Victoria quickly pulled out into traffic.

  “Uh, thanks for helping me back there,” Rachel said.

  “No problem. I was serious when I said you'd look good in that costume. You got the figure for it. You'd be a nerdy, hot witch.”

  “Uh, thanks.”

  “Sure. So, where's your guy? Every time I get that witch scent in my nose, you're not usually too far behind.”

  “He's with his sister. Guys are so lucky. All he has to do is get a nice shirt and pants and he's ready for Homecoming. I've been shopping all day, and no luck.”

  “Check behind the seat.”

  Rachel narrowed her eyes at the vampire, then turned and felt behind her seat. She grabbed a dress wrapped in plastic, the same expensive one she saw before.

  “I saw you checking that out earlier,” Victoria explained. “It's yours. I'm quite sure it'll fit you.”

  “Victoria, that's way too expensive.”

  “Call it a peace offering.”

  Rachel thought a moment. “That means you've been following me.”

  Victoria leaned her head back and laughed. “Your suspicion is annoying, but it's not a terrible trait to have. You're a great match for Kevin. And yeah, after the sun went down, I figured I'd see what you were up to.”

  Rachel stared at Victoria. The beautiful redhead was surprisingly charming. It was strange to think she had fangs and drank the blood of humans.

  “Thank you for the dress.”

  “You're quite welcome.”

  Victoria pulled into the parking lot of a burger joint, and gave Rachel a smile before opening her door.

  “Can you eat?” Rachel asked as they approached the door.

  “No. But I love the scent of food. I like what I am, but there are many times I envy you.”

  The pair sat at a booth and talked while Rachel ate a sandwich and fries. She found herself relaxing in the presence of Victoria, which bothered her slightly. It was hard to believe Victoria and Kevin had two intense fights, both leaving scars on the other.

  “So, how is your teacher doing? Mister Hawkins?”

  “He's doing fine. Happy, even. He was always a cool teacher, but now he's actually smiling and laughing.”

  “Rachel, you wouldn't believe the things I've seen in my life. But w
hat Kevin did, I don't think anyone has ever done before.”

  Rachel smiled proudly. “Kevin is special.”

  “Yes, he is. He'll need a strong support system. I'll be around when I can, but you and Kristin will have to be there for him.”

  “I will. You know, I was wrong about you. You're okay.”

  “It happens all the time. The guy I'm seeing now tried to kill me for twenty years. Now we're dating. Or at least, I think so.”

  “Now that's just weird.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. What do you want to do after you eat? Catch a movie?”

  Rachel laughed. Never did she think she would hang out socially with a vampire.

  “You're very...normal for a vampire.”

  “I'm on vacation from saving the world.”

  Victoria treated for the meal, and the odd pair left the restaurant and crossed the parking lot. Rachel had one hand on the Porsche door handle, and Victoria was circling around to the driver's side.

  Rachel never even saw them coming.

  The van screeched to a halt only a few feet away. Four men jumped out from the side, each wearing masks. Rachel was surprised at first, then grew terrified when two of them pounced on Victoria, pinning her against her Porsche. Rachel didn't even have time to wonder how that was possible before the other two men tackled her to the ground.

  She tried to scream, but a rag was held to her face. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Victoria being carried into the van, kicking and fighting.

  Chapter 24

  Kevin was quiet as Kristin parked the car across from Martha's house. Kristin hadn't said a word for the past hour, ever since Kevin broke the truth to her. She killed the engine, not bothering to remove her keys, and leaned back in her seat.

  “Well,” Kevin said with a bright smile. “We're here. We made it.”

  “So, this is your witch teacher's house?”

  “Witch teacher, that's funny. Don't worry, you'll like Martha.”

  “Martha the witch.”

  “Look, Kristin, I'm sorry. I had to tell you, and I figured you might as well meet Martha. I want you involved in all of this. You're family.”

  “A damn witch,” she said, not able to stop saying the word. “I don't want any nasty smelling crap in the apartment. Any witch crap you do, do it outside on the patio.”


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