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Page 27

by Heather Atkinson

It took three of them - Shane, Mark and Mikey - to drag Malc out the back way while Jez held the doors open for them.

  “How come you get the easy job?” said Mikey, panting for air as they dragged Malc outside.

  “Because my back’s a bit twingy, you know how it gets,” replied Jez, making a show of putting a hand to his lower back and doubling over.

  “Don’t give me that old fanny. Since you’ve done sod all you can help us get him in the cab.” He stared with dismay into the cab of the fire truck, which was quite a leap up. “We didn’t think this bit through.”

  Mark and Mikey, who were the bigger of the two, jumped into the cab and pulled Malc up by his arms while Jez and Shane pushed him up.

  “Jesus, this guy’s heavy,” grumbled Shane. “Argh, help,” he exclaimed when Mikey and Mark’s grip slipped and Malc slid back out of the truck, his backside landing on top of his head.

  With one last heave Mikey and Mark managed to pull Malc inside, freeing Shane, who took in a few deep breaths. Jez slammed the rear cab door shut, blocking out the sight of Mikey and Mark with their unconscious captive.

  Jez clapped Shane on the shoulder. “You did well in there.”

  “Thanks,” he breathed, sweat standing out on his brow.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I feel violated after having that fat bastard’s arse on my head.”

  Jez’s lips twitched. “Get up front. We need to get the hell out of here.”

  “Can I drive?” he said hopefully.

  “Nope,” said Jez, jumping into the driver’s seat.

  Shane sighed before climbing into the front passenger seat. Then they were off, moving at a steady pace, no light or siren, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, which was difficult enough in a fire engine.

  Toni was waiting for them at her warehouse with Caesar and the six men in the family who were still loyal to her. She strode up to the fire engine when it rolled to a halt, Caesar closing the warehouse doors behind it.

  “Well, I feel like I’ve walked straight into one of my fantasies,” she smiled when the four men jumped out still in their firefighter uniforms. They’d removed the helmets and outer jackets and were just wearing the blue t-shirts and trousers, red braces hanging by their sides. “If two of you could turn into women it would be perfect.”

  “Well,” said Mikey, opening the back door of the cab. “We did bring a big girl with us.”

  Toni looked inside the cab and her smile widened. “Oh it’s what I’ve always wanted.” She turned to her men. “Get that fat bastard out of there.”

  Mikey and the others were relieved when Toni’s men stepped up and together heaved Malc out of the cab, dragging him none too gently down the steps and onto the cold concrete floor. They watched as Malc was tied to a chair, eyes closed, head lolling, mouth hanging open.

  “What did you do to him?” said Caesar. “He’s out cold.”

  “He took some subduing,” said Jez.

  “It’s that thick melon heid of his,” said Toni. “Nothing gets through.” She knocked on his head with her knuckles. “Wakey wakey twat features.”

  Malc didn’t stir.

  “Wake him up boys,” she ordered.

  One of her men threw a bucket of cold water over him, manky water that had accumulated over a number of weeks thanks to a leak in the roof. Malc heaved in a breath and his eyes snapped open. “What the fuck are you doing?” When he saw Toni standing over him he wilted.

  “You’ve been a naughty boy Malc,” she said.

  “Hey, it was nothing serious. I was just having a joke, that’s all,” he said, following it up with a nervous laugh.

  “So you were just playing?” she said, a gentle smile, as though she was joining in the fun.

  “Yeah, you know me Toni. I love a good laugh.”

  “You certainly do.” She ran her hand down his cheek. “So you just cut the toes off two of my cousins, why? Because you thought they’d appreciate the joke? Or did they tell you they didn’t like their toes and that they’d be better off without them?”

  “No but they knew I was only messing about,” he said with a daft grin.

  “Oh I see. So they’re amused about being left crippled?”

  “Well, they can always get new toes, can’t they? You know, on the NHS and that?”

  “Yes they can get false toes but it’s hardly a substitute for the real thing.” Toni’s eyes were as black as pitch, her voice practically a hiss but it was clear Malc thought he could talk his way out of what was about to happen to him. “So, who else was part of this joke? Was Tam in on it too?”

  “Tam?” he said, eyes widening before he recovered himself. “Nah, he knows nothing about it. I did it all. He wouldn’t have wanted me snipping toes off your cousins.”

  Toni produced a glasses case from the pocket of her fur coat and caressed it in her hands. Malc appeared terrified at the sight, writhing in his bonds, attempting to escape.

  “You see Malc,” she began, voice soft and husky. “I know you’re a lying bastard. You and Tam have been running round behind my back playing havoc, snipping off toes, messing with my businesses and generally getting on my tits. And all the time you thought I didn’t have a clue, which is most insulting. Now I’ve got bored of your antics and I’m putting a stop to them.” She nodded at Caesar, who thrust a phone out at Malc, making him jump. “Call Tam.”

  “W…why?” said Malc, breathless with fear.

  “Because I want to punish you both together. Call him. Now.”

  Malc recovered his bravado. “Go fuck yourself Toni. You’re not going to do anything to me and Tam, we’ve got too much back-up.”

  “And who would that be exactly?”

  “Most of the family are for us. They don’t want a woman running things.”

  “Do you mean this family here?” she said, gesturing to the men behind her.

  “Not those treacherous pricks,” he yelled at them.

  Toni pressed the tips of her fingers against his lower left eyelid. Malc went rigid in his seat, attempting to lean backwards to escape her but there was nowhere for him to go.

  “If you don’t want me to pluck those eyes out of your head right now you will call him.”

  Malc’s huge chest heaved, sweat popping out on every part of his body. “Alright Toni, I’ll call him.”

  “Good boy,” she purred. “You will tell him you’re in trouble and you need him to come out here.”

  “Where am I?”

  “Greenpark Industrial Estate. Drumfrochar Road. He’ll be able to find it. Caesar will dial for you seeing how your arms are preoccupied.”

  Caesar dialled, looking amused and put it on speakerphone so they could all hear.

  “Tam,” Malc burst out the second he answered the phone. “You’ve got to help me.”

  “Alright, calm yer jets,” said Tam’s voice. “What’s happened?”

  “I…I was attacked.”

  “Attacked? It wasn’t that mad bitch Toni, was it?”

  Malc’s panicked eyes flicked to Toni, who looked like she wanted to lop someone’s head off. “No, not her, it was…” He looked around the room for inspiration before his eyes settled on Mikey and Jez. “Some English bastards, they called me a jock prick and attacked me.”


  “They were pissed and I was on my own. There were four…no six of them. I managed to beat them off but they’ve left me in a bad way. I need your help Tam.”


  This annoyed Malc. “Aye now if it’s not too much bloody trouble.”

  “Fine. Where are you?”

  “Greenpark Industrial Estate. Drumfrochar Road.”

  “That shite hole. What are you doing there?”

  “I…fancied a walk.”

  “You, a walk?” Tam was suspicious. “What were you really doing there?”

  Malc looked up at Toni, real fear in his eyes when she glared back at him, hand on her hip. “I…I met up with a woman. She’s ma
rried. We shagged in my motor.”

  Tam’s laugh, very rarely heard, echoed through the speaker. “You’re a fucking hound Malc, you’ll do anything for your hole, including meeting up with tarts on manky estates. Give me half an hour.” With that he hung up.

  Malc looked up at Toni, eyes pleading, desperately seeking her approval.

  “You did well,” she said.

  He sighed and closed his eyes. “Thank you. So, what now?”

  She perched on the edge of an upturned crate, Caesar placing a large white handkerchief on it before she sat down. “Now we need to make it look like you’ve been beaten up.”

  “What?” Malc managed to exclaim before two of Toni’s men stepped up and started hitting him.

  “Alright, that’s enough,” said Toni after they’d had a go at him for a couple of minutes. “He looks the part. Tie him up and drag him outside.”

  As they untied his bonds Malc fell forward onto the concrete floor with a groan. The two men hauled him up by the armpits and began dragging him to the door.

  Suddenly Malc shot to his feet, knocked the two men over and made a dash for the door.

  “Stop him,” screeched Toni.

  Shane stuck out his leg and Malc toppled back to the ground, the rest of Toni’s men hurling themselves on top of him as he attempted to push himself back up.

  “Good work,” said Toni, addressing Shane. She sashayed up to him, tenderly taking his chin between her thumb and forefinger. “You’re really going to be something when you’re all grown up sweetie.” With that she took his face between both hands and kissed him hard, thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

  When she finally relinquished Shane he staggered back, cheeks bright red, looking dazed.

  “Mmm,” said Toni, licking her lips. “You taste like sugar.”

  “I…I had a donut in the truck,” he murmured.

  She smiled and gave him a wink before following her men as they continued to drag Malc outside, barking orders at them as she went.

  “Good job,” Mikey told Shane.

  “Thanks,” he said quietly, still dazed.

  “Uh oh, he’s been Tonied,” said Jez. “Was that your first kiss mate?”

  The insult snapped Shane out of his fugue. “No way, I’ve kissed loads of girls.”

  “Alright, scratch that. Was that your first kiss with a murdering, psychopathic gangster?”

  “No. Jules already kissed me.”

  Jez threw back his head and laughed while Mikey glowered.


  Tam got out of his car and stood staring down at Malc, who was lying on the pavement.

  “You alive then?” said Tam, nudging his leg with his foot.

  Malc’s eyes flickered open and he squinted up at him. “I’m sorry Tam.”

  “What for? Dragging me out to the arse end of nowhere?”


  Tam jumped back when Toni’s men popped out of the surrounding undergrowth, brandishing guns.

  “What the fuck is this?” bellowed Tam, looking furious but not in the least bit afraid. “You set me up Malc?”

  “I had no choice. Toni made me do it.”

  “Where are you Toni?” yelled Tam, throwing his arms wide and turning in a mad circle, searching for her. “Getting the men to do your dirty work as usual?”

  There was the click of high heels and Toni emerged from inside the warehouse. “Not at all Tam,” she said with a smirk. “I’m perfectly capable of being extremely dirty all on my own.”

  When Tam drew the machete from inside his jacket they all leapt back, even the men with guns while Malc scrabbled closer to him, sitting on the floor at his feet like a dog.

  When Jez, Mikey, Shane and Mark exited the warehouse to watch, Tam’s lip curled with disgust. “You had to bring in your English sheep-shagging friends.”

  “We’re not sheep-shaggers, are we Mikey?” said Jez pleasantly. “I can safely say that’s something I’ve never done. Now my sister on the other hand, who knows?”

  Tam gave them a contemptuous look before turning his attention back to his niece. “Come on then Toni, why don’t you show your men that you’re just capable as them? Take me on.”

  “Pleasure,” she smiled, removing her fur coat and tossing it to Caesar, who caught it with one hand and folded it neatly over his arm.

  “Aren’t you going to step in?” Mikey whispered to him.

  Caesar shook his head. “No need.”

  “But she’s not a fighter.”

  Caesar’s gaze hardened. “Says who?”

  They all watched as Toni approached Tam in her high heels, carrying no weapon while he swung the machete through the air with an expertise that was frightening.

  Toni just stood there, regarding him with amusement in her eyes before reaching into her cleavage. She pulled out a flick knife, extending the blade with a click.

  “I’m warning you Tam,” she said. “Last chance.”

  His eyes widened, jaw sliding to the side as the red mist descended. With a roar he charged at her.

  “Caesar,” said Mikey, seriously concerned.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he replied casually.

  But Mikey was worried, very worried. If Toni was killed everyone would side with Tam and they’d be seriously outnumbered and no doubt slaughtered.

  He watched with baited breath as Toni calmly drew back the knife and sent it spinning through the air, embedding it perfectly in Tam’s right shoulder.

  He stopped in his tracks, face twisting with rage. “You fucking bitch, you went through the nerve.” He tried to lower his arm but was unable to.

  Toni laughed with delight. “Frankie taught me well. Get this wank inside,” she ordered her men. “Don’t forget this one too,” she added, kicking Malc in the back, who yelped.

  Tam was hastily disarmed and shoved face down on the ground, screeching in pain when his injured arm was forced down by his side. As both men were hauled back into the warehouse Caesar turned to Mikey with a smug smile. “Told you she’d be fine.”

  “You weren’t wrong.”

  The four of them followed the others back inside, watching as Malc was tied back to the chair and a second one was pulled up alongside it for Tam.

  Toni stood over them both, arms folded under her bosom, blatantly smirking.

  “What are you looking so fucking pleased with yourself for?” Tam barked up at her.

  “Because you two are tied to chairs and I’m not.” Her eyes narrowed. “You thought you were being so fucking clever but I’ve known what you’ve been up to for a while. Did you actually think it was going to work, scrabbling about behind my back like a couple of escaped scrotums…”

  Everyone glanced at Shane when he sniggered.

  “…thinking you were capable of taking me on,” she continued, pointing at herself. “I’ve been laughing myself rigid watching you run around cutting off people’s toes and thinking I didn’t have a clue.”

  “Couldn’t stop us yourself though, could you?” snarled Tam. “Needed this bunch of English fannies to sort it out for you.”

  “I didn’t need them Tam. I wanted them here to show you who has the contacts. My allies are the most powerful criminal family in England.”

  “Never could fight your own battles,” Tam went on. “You had to call in that shower because you’re a weak, helpless wee woman and you’re not fit to be in charge of this family.”

  “Wrong you fucking dick. I brought them here to show you all that I am the one who brings in the big cash for this family, not you and not this thick prick,” she said, gesturing at Malc.

  “Frankie set that deal up, not you,” came back Tam.

  “Oh yes, Saint Frankie,” sighed Toni. “You really worshipped him, didn’t you? God knows why, he was a loon.”

  “Because he got things done,” he bellowed at her, straining at his bonds. “I saw him cut off his mentor’s head and take over the whole of Glasgow. Everything you’ve got you inherited, you didn
’t work for it.”

  “Oh didn’t I?”

  “No you fucking didn’t,” he yelled, spittle flying from his lips.

  “Shows what you know you fat little haemorrhoid.”

  Another snigger from Shane.

  “Who do you think Frankie was taking advice from all those years?” said Toni. “I was the one he turned to first. I was the one who told him to take out his mentor. At first he couldn’t believe he was capable of running everything but I convinced him he was. You always thought you were the one he went to but you were always second best Tam. I got the best schooling possible at the feet of Frankie McVay, talking over strategies, planning jobs, networking. That’s why you’re royally fucked.”

  Tam looked to the men gathered around them. “You don’t want this mad cow running things. Kill her then you can work for me, like you’ve always wanted to.” He appeared outraged when none of them moved.

  “Oh dear,” commented Jez, lips twitching.

  “What the fuck’s wrong with you jessies?” Tam yelled at them. “Do it.”

  It was Toni who replied. “They don’t want to work for you Tam because basically, they think you’re a dick.”

  “What?” he demanded, eyes bulging.

  “You assumed they’d all be panting to work for you just because you’re a man. Well they’re not because they think you’re weird.”

  “I’m weird?” he spat, glaring at them all.

  “You’re an ugly little tub of lard who can only string a sentence together when he’s angry and who threatens to hack anyone to bits with his machete if they piss him off. Not the best work ethic Tam.”

  “I’ve got plenty of men behind me, the streets will run red with all your blood if you kill me.”

  “And me,” piped up Malc, who had wisely decided to remain silent up until then.

  Toni looked to Caesar, who nodded back, making her smile. “I see. Do you mean these men?”

  The doors were pulled open and in marched three men carrying guns, pushing along five men who all looked like they’d taken a beating, hands tied behind their backs.

  Tam threw himself back and forth in his chair, rocking dementedly, lips twisted. “Bitch.”

  “Oh please, is that all you’ve got? I used to look up to you Uncle Tam but now I see you’re just a fat old man way past his prime and you’re dead weight.” Toni started to breathe harder as she slid her hand into her coat pocket to produce two glasses cases. “Now I want my eyes.”


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