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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 7

by Daniel Fife

  Sabrina took a single step back and dropped her head as if in thought. "Three in such a short amount of time and all in the same area," she whispered to herself.

  "What is it?"

  Sabrina's head snapped up and looked around to make sure that she wouldn't be overheard. Taking a step back toward Danny, she said, "Those with the gift of sight are rare enough, but to find three at the same time, within such a small area… It has never happened."

  "What's that mean?"

  "I don't know, perhaps Father will know."

  Before Danny could say anything else, the warning bell rang. "We should get to class."

  Sabrina nodded, both hurried to science class. The tardy bell rang just as they passed through the threshold of the science lab.

  "Just in time," said Mrs. Turner from behind her black desk.

  Danny faked a smile, made his way to his assigned seat and dropped his book bag down on top of his desk.

  "You barely made it," whispered Matt, as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

  "Yeah," said Danny, digging through his bag, pulling out his science book. Something shiny caught on the edge of the book, causing it to fall to the floor in front of Matt's desk. Danny's heart almost stopped as he watched the dagger bounce once before coming to a stop beside his friend's left shoe.

  "Wow," said Matt as he reached down and retrieved the blade. "Where did you get this dagger?" holding it up parallel to his eyes for a better look.

  "Do you have a question, Mr. Mickler?" Mrs. Turner asked before Danny could say anything.

  Shocked, Matt's eyes went wide with surprise as he held the dagger up before him. "Um, no?" said Matt with a squint, as if he was unsure of the answer.

  "Then why are you holding your pen up?"

  Matt's right eyebrow lifted as he looked at the dagger in his hand, "What pen?"

  "…The pen in your hand, Mr. Mickler. Are you feeling all right?"

  The exchange caused a sudden swell of giggling from the other students.

  "It's not a pen," said Alonso, his voice unable to carry past the rising laughter.

  Reaching forward, Danny punched Alonso in the back in an attempt to quiet him.

  Not taking kindly to the gesture, Alonso angled his fist behind him, pencil in hand, and connected with Danny's lower left leg.

  A sharp pain spread up Danny's shin, causing him to glance at Sabrina.

  "Do something," she mouthed.

  She was right. He had to do something. "It's my pen," said Danny, turning, and snatching the dagger from Matt's hand. "He was just giving it back to me."

  Confused, Matt simply nodded and adjusted his glasses once again.

  "Alright, settle down, class," said Mrs. Turner, buying the excuse. "Today, we are going to learn about mitochondria," regaining control, turning back toward the black board.

  As soon as he felt it was safe, Matt leaned over and whispered, "What's going on?"

  "I'll explain everything after class," whispered Danny, stuffing the dagger back into his pack.

  "We're meeting at the library after school," said Alonso, matching the hushed tones of both boys.

  "Shut up," said Danny, slapping Alonso on the back of the head with the tips of his fingers.

  The encouragement caused Alonso to reach behind him once again in an attempt at retaliation. Danny moved his leg just in time, causing Alonso to hit the steel bar of the desk instead. Alonso winced from the pain of the impact. Turning, he eyed Danny with a look of revenge.

  "Is there a problem, Mr. Martinez?"

  Danny smiled, Alonso had no choice but to turn back to the front of the class and say, "No, Mrs. Turner."

  After class, Danny, Alonso, Sabrina, and Matt met up at the back of the science labs, where they were unlikely to be overheard.

  "What does she have to do with this?" Alonso asked, pointing at Sabrina.

  If looks could kill, Sabrina would have slain Alonso on the spot.

  "More than you know," said Danny, intervening before Sabrina could retaliate. "But now isn't the time or the place to discuss it."

  Alonso crossed his arms, shrugged, and said, "Whatever."

  Turning toward Matt, Danny continued, "Meet us in front of the library after school, and I'll explain everything."

  "Told you so," said Alonso with a smug smile on his face.

  Both Danny and Sabrina glared at Alonso this time, if it had any effect, Alonso did not show it.

  "Alright," said Matt, "but this better be good."

  "Yeah," agreed Alonso.

  Danny smiled, "Oh, you two have no idea."

  Before anything else was said, the warning bell rang, forcing all four to fret about being tardy, rather than about the events of the day. With little time to spare, all four made a beeline for their individual lockers.

  To Danny's relief, the rest of his classes passed without any more surprises. Sitting in English class, he watched the clock with a mesmerized focus and sighed with a sense of liberation as the big hand clunked over the designated number. The final bell rang through the school speakers, marking the end of the last period. He had already gathered his belongings in his book bag so he raced through the door almost before the bell stopped ringing. He walked quickly to his locker, secured his belongings and headed straight for the front entrance of the library. Waiting just outside the double glass doors, Danny scanned the crowd of students as they darted through the halls. A familiar face caught his eye; he turned to see Chris Greene.

  "Alright, I have about ten minutes before practice starts," said Chris, stopping before Danny. "What's this all about?"

  "We have to wait for Matt Mickler, Alonso Martinez and Sabrina Drake."


  "I'll explain everything when they get here."

  "Well, at least let me see that dagger of yours," Chris said, holding out his hand.

  "Okay," said Danny, digging through the contents of his bag, pulling out the dragon-hilted dagger. Danny hesitated for a moment and handed it over.

  Taking the blade, Chris turned it end over end in his hands, admiring the intricate artisanship. "It's beautiful." He pulled the brand free of the sheath with a subtle ring of steel. Greeted with the sudden halo of soft white light, Chris gasped in amazement. "Where'd you get this?"

  "Wow, you didn't say that it glowed," Alonso said before Danny could respond.

  "Does it use batteries?" Matt asked, standing beside Alonso.

  Looking past Matt and Alonso, Danny spotted Sabrina rounding the corner of the hall.

  "Let me see it," said Alonso, reaching out in an attempt to snatch the blade from Chris's hand.

  "What's your problem, man, just wait," said Chris, pulling the dagger closer to his chest, smacking Alonso's hand away.

  Danny suddenly realized that he'd created a mess. "Here, give it back to me," he said, knowing that taking the dagger out in the first place had been a mistake. He knew that if Sabrina saw this, she would be upset. Her father might even take back his gift.

  "I wanna see it, too," said Matt in a whiny voice while pushing his glasses further up the slope of his nose.

  "Just give it back, for now," argued Danny, but he was too late. Sabrina had entered the circle.

  "What is going on here?" she asked, glaring at Danny.

  "I, uh…" said Danny, trying to think of a valid excuse.

  He failed.

  "This is not the time or place for this," scolded Sabrina. "Give it…"

  "Epic looking dagger," said a voice from beyond the group, interrupting Sabrina.

  All five turned to regard the new arrival with confusion and curiosity.

  Confronted with their attention, Doug Garrett smiled.

  "You can see the dagger?" Danny asked.

  Doug's face contorted with confusion, "Of course I can. Why wouldn't I be able to see it?"

  Taking advantage of the focused attention, Danny seized the blade and scabbard from Chris's hands, sheathed it and placed it back in his bag. "Come
on, we need a place to talk."

  "Can I come, too?" Doug asked.

  "Yes, Doug, you, too," said Danny, turning and walking into the library without waiting to see if he was being followed.

  They found a circular table in the back, it was secluded behind two shelves stacked with books.

  Danny positioned the dagger in the middle of the table. Once everyone was seated, he began. He told them what happened the night following his fight with Steven Rooney. He described the event, how Sabrina fought the Shadow, as best he could. Then he explained his second encounter with the Shadow, his discussion with Sabrina's father and his choice to become a Knight of the Light. During the explanation, Sabrina filled in with things that Danny had trouble remembering.

  As soon as Danny and Sabrina were finished, all four boys stared with wide-eyed amazement, switching their gazes from Sabrina to Danny and then back to Sabrina.

  Alonso, as was common to his nature, was the first to speak. "You're a terrible liar," looking back at Danny.

  "That's a good one, coming from you," said Danny, his voice hinted of anger.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "You know exactly what it means."

  "I have never…"

  "That's enough, Alonso," interrupted Chris.

  Alonso crossed his arms, "Whatever."

  Danny guessed that Alonso's sudden submission was because Chris knew him better than anyone else sitting at the table. Both were on the football team as well as the wrestling team. Danny had always thought that Alonso looked up to Chris because most of his lies tended to coincide with whatever endeavor Chris was currently chasing.

  "Are you telling the truth, Danny?" Chris asked softly.

  "Of course I am. Why would I lie about his? All of you have seen the proof with your own eyes," he said, pointing at the dagger in the center of the table. "Everyone else saw a pen while you saw a dagger. How could I make such a thing happen?"

  "Okay, now what?" Chris asked.

  Before Danny could answer, Matt raised his hand in question.

  "What?" Danny asked. "You don't have to raise your hand," he added.

  Matt put his hand down. "Can I look at it now?"


  Matt took up the blade and unsheathed it, bathing the corner of the library in a soft white light. "Is it really magical?"

  "You tell me."

  Motivated by Danny's comment, Matt placed the sheath tip-first on the tabletop, pushed his glasses up, and held the glowing brand before his eyes for a closer inspection. Flicking the edge, causing the steel to sing from the vibration, he said, "It's definitely made of metal." Touching the tip with his finger, he added, "Sharp, too." Then, after attempting to twist the hilt, he said, "Well, there's no place to put batteries." Matt sheathed the dagger, placed it back in the middle of the table and said, "It seems real to me."

  "…So, what now?" Chris asked once again.

  "You must all decide," said Danny, looking from face to face, meeting the eyes of each friend in turn. "Whether you believe me or not, all of you have the gift of sight. So you can either choose to live a normal life or be tested to become a Knight of the Light just as I have chosen."

  "I believe you, Danny," said Chris with a steady tone. "I choose to be tested."

  "Me, too," said Matt.

  "Count me in," said Doug.

  All eyes locked on Alonso, awaiting an answer.

  "Give me a minute," the black-haired boy said. Silence passed as Alonso looked at the dagger, Danny, Sabrina, and then finally, Chris.

  "Well?" Danny asked.

  "Whatever… fine… yes."

  "I shall let my father know," Sabrina said with finality.

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  Chapter 7 - The Trials of a Knight

  all soon turned into winter, blanketing the ground with fluffy snow, which then melted away and gave way to spring. Six months passed without any sign of the Shadows. Even Steven Rooney kept his distance. Sabrina and Danny became fast friends. Anticipating the upcoming examination of the Light, Danny spent the majority of his time studying the only thing he knew, Knights.

  On the first day of spring break, marked by a lazy morning without school, there was a soft knock at Danny's front door.

  "Danny, get the door!"

  Danny dropped his spoon in his half-eaten bowl of cereal and walked to the front door. Beyond the warped glass, he saw the dark silhouette of a tall man. Opening the door, the stranger greeted him with a brimming smile and golden eyes.

  "Salutations, young Danny Firoth," said the man, dipping his head downward in greeting. His facial features were sharp, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. He wore a silver business suit with matching dress shoes, golden cufflinks and a brass-colored tie. His long hair was a glossy black, it drooped down the slope of his shoulders. In his right hand, he held a black briefcase. However, what truly caught Danny's attention was the gold-hilted longsword braced in his left hand, the base of the pommel was shaped in the form of a half-moon.

  "You're a Knight of the Light," said Danny in absolute awe.

  "Well, it seems you have passed the first test, Mr. Firoth," the man said in a musical voice.

  "Well, who is it?" Danny's mother asked, rounding the corner, coming to a stop as she spotted the visitor.

  "Ah, you must be, Ms. Patricia Firoth. I am afraid your son has yet to invite me in," he finished, widening his mesmerizing smile.

  "That's because I taught him not to invite strange men into the house," said Patricia, coming to stand next to Danny. "You seem to know my name but I am afraid I don't know yours."

  "Professor Syndil Sartak Tribolari, at your service," said the tall man, bowing elegantly.

  "My, that is a mouthful, is it Italian? And aren't you a little young to be a professor?"

  "I am named for a distant ancestor, Ms. Firoth," regaining his rigid stature, "I am afraid my lineage is quite complicated. Furthermore, to answer your second question, I was always taught that you should never judge a person by their appearance."

  "What can I do for you, Mr. Syndil?"

  "I am here to administer a test to your son, Ms. Firoth. Your son has taken an interest in a special summer school for talented youth."

  Danny noticed his mother staring at him curiously. "And what is the name of this school you represent?" she asked, looking back toward the professor.

  "The White Rock Academy of Illumination."

  "I'm afraid I have never heard of it."

  "Nor would I expect you to, Ms. Firoth. The school I represent is not interested in recognition. However, I can assure you that our alumni have gone on to accomplish some amazing feats."

  "And how much will this summer school cost?"

  "The White Rock Academy is a not-for-profit organization, its expenses are reimbursed by its predecessors, Ms. Firoth. Should your son pass the test I am going to administer to him, his enrollment will be paid in full by the school."

  "Sabrina is going this summer too," said Danny.

  "Yes, young Sabrina Drake has already been accepted for the coming semester."

  "So that's what this is about," said Danny's mother, looking over at him.

  It was true; Sabrina was a contributing factor. However, even without her presence, he would've chosen to become a Knight of the Light.

  "I'm glad that she is going, Mom, but even if she wasn't, this is still something that I'd like to do," said Danny, making his thoughts verbal.

  "You're sure about this?"

  Danny nodded, "Yes."

  "Then come in, Mr. Syndil."

  The professor complied, stepping into the house.

  "Would you like me to take your umbrella, Mr. Syndil?" Danny's mother asked, gesturing toward the long object in his left hand, which Danny clearly saw as a sword.

  "No, Ms. Firoth, I am quite comfortable carrying it," he said with a smile. "You never know when a storm might pop up."

  Danny's mother responded with a strange look as she closed the front door
. "I'll be outside if you need me."

  "Thank you, Ms. Firoth," said Syndil, before turning back to Danny. "Please, lead on, young Firoth."

  Danny walked through the short hall, went past the kitchen and gestured toward an oval-shaped table surrounded by green-upholstered chairs.

  Professor Syndil eased himself into the seat, placed his briefcase on the table, and rested his long sword on his lap.

  Danny found a seat next to him and sat down.

  Unlatching the case, Syndil opened it away from Danny so he couldn't see the contents.

  "Well, you obviously have the gift of sight, young Firoth, or you would not have been able to see my Bonded."

  "I know you," Danny said, his eyes grew wide and his voice jumped up several octaves.

  "Really," said Syndil matter-of-factly.

  Danny pulled a glossy piece of folded paper out of his pocket. There was an assortment of cards pictured on it. Pointing to the one in the middle of the page, he held it up for both to see.

  "There, Sir Syndil Sartak Tribolari," reading the bold print off the depicted card. "Your card is one of the rarest in the series. I have been trying to get it for some time now." Danny dropped his head and stared at the piece of paper. "It says that you're the greatest swordsman ever."

  "If I was a man, then perhaps so," said Syndil with a chuckle. "But, alas, I am an Elf, not a man." Pulling his long black hair aside, he revealed his ears, distinguished from the traditional by a flat stretch of skin where his earlobes should have been, and triangular-shaped arches.

  Danny's jaw dropped in surprise. Dragons were one thing, but Elves. "You're an Elf?" Danny asked, stating the obvious.

  "I have just announced that I am, young Firoth," said Syndil with a sympathetic smile. "However, I am not here to talk about me. It is you who requested testing for knighthood, yes?"

  "Um… yes," regaining his wits, "I'd like to become a Knight of the Light."

  "Good," fluttering his hair back around his shoulders so that it covered the most marked feature of his race. "Let’s get started, I would like to ask you a few questions."

  Danny nodded.

  "Obviously, you are familiar with Knights, correct?


  "May I ask what faction you play, the Light, the Grey, or the Dark?"


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