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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 11

by Daniel Fife

  Alonso glared at Danny one last time before flopping down onto his cot and facing toward the wall.

  An excited, uncomfortable silence settled over them. Questioning what was to come to themselves, but exhausted from the events of the day, all five boys changed into their sleepwear and fell fast asleep.

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  Chapter 10 - The Forces of the Grey

  anny woke up to the familiar aroma of frying bacon. Prying his eyes halfway open, he noticed that he was the third one up; Doug and Matt still slumbered in their cots; Chris and Alonso lingered wide-eyed and lazy in their make shift beds. Stretching, letting out a soft yawn, Danny changed out of the clothes he'd slept in and slipped on his sneakers. "Morning," he said as he exited the room.

  Entering the kitchen, he found Mick fast at work, preparing a hearty breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, French toast and muffins. Danny's eyes gravitated to the jade-hilted blade strapped across Mick's back.

  "Good morning," said Mick, without turning.

  Danny was sure that he had not made a sound but even while concentrating on his cooking, Mick had sensed his presence. "Good morning," said Danny with a yawn.

  "You are just in time to help out," said Mick in the midst of turning and revealing a wide smile. "Come and stir the eggs, lad."

  With nothing else to do, feeling obligated, Danny stepped forward. The eggs rested in a large pot, steaming from the open flame beneath them. Untrained in the art of cooking, but content to help, Danny gripped the handle of a long wooden spoon and began to stir.

  "So, how do you know Tyramear?" Danny felt somewhat self-conscious, the kitchen was too quiet for him.

  "He was a professor during my time at the Academy of Illumination. He taught techniques, now taught by Sir Syndil, you will soon become well-acquainted with him."

  "I've already met him."


  "Yes, he administered the trials of my acceptance test for the Academy."

  "Peculiar," said Mick, he stopped what he was doing, his eyes peered beyond the window, focusing on something far away. He stroked his pointed goatee.

  "What did I say… is there something wrong?"

  "No, lad, it's just that Sir Syndil Sartak Tribolari doesn't usually leave the Academy, not unless he takes a particular interest in something."

  "Is that so?" Danny inquired, becoming quite interested in this particular conversation and where it was going.

  "Well, you see, Sir Syndil has always been quite interested in the Eye, as well as the Shadows. He has studied both for some time. In addition to being one of the greatest swordmasters of all time, he is one of the leading experts on the Shadows."

  "Do you mean the Eye of Darkness?"

  "The very one," said Mick, a little surprised. "You're rather knowledgeable for a novice squire."

  "Tyramear told me."

  "I see," said Mick, once again looking distant. "But, still, I wonder what caught the swordmaster's attention so much that he would venture beyond the borders of White Rock."

  Danny began to wonder about the real reason for Syndil’s visit as well. He recalled that Sabrina had seemed quite surprised when she'd learned that Alonso had the gift of sight, was amazed outright when Chris had proved to have the ability as well, and completely floored when Matt and Doug had presented with the same capability. Could that have been the reason for his visit?

  Still, Syndil had seemed quite interested in the incident with Steven Rooney and his talent for predicting Steven’s movements, a feat that he hadn't been able to replicate. Danny decided that perhaps he should share this information with Mick. However, Syndil had said that he shouldn't talk about it with anyone else.

  Before Danny could make up his mind, Mick broke his concentration and said, "You're going to want to stir that again."

  Danny looked down. The eggs were beginning to darken, clumping together at the bottom.

  "They will burn if you do not stir them, Danny," Mick smiled.

  Danny returned the smile and whipped the wooden spoon in the pot with a quickened pace, causing the clump of eggs to break apart as they melded into the fluffy form with which he was familiar.

  "Something smells good," said Alonso as he entered the kitchen, followed by Chris, Doug, and Matt.

  "Have a seat, boys," said Mick, as he motioned toward a large oval table in the corner, complete with eight wooden chairs. "Thank you, Danny, you did a most excellent job with the eggs. Go and join your friends."

  Danny found a seat next to Chris, still caught up in the mystery of his thoughts.

  Moments later, Tyramear and Sabrina appeared, just in time to help Mick place breakfast upon the table. Once Mick took his place at the head of the table, they began eating.

  Danny allowed the fork to fall from his fingers and clang on the plate in front of him. Sitting back in his chair, he rubbed his distended stomach.

  "Well, I suppose we should be on our way, then," said Mick, scooting his chair away from the table, standing up. "We have a decent drive ahead of us. Wouldn't want any of you to miss the cast off, now would we? Get your things and meet me downstairs by the truck in ten minutes." Mick began clearing the table.

  Chris, who'd already eaten almost twice as much as anyone else at the table, leaned forward and snatched the last muffin before Mick could remove the plate.

  "What?" he asked everyone as he crammed the last chocolate muffin into his mouth. "I was hungry," he added with his mouth full, his words were muffled, making them almost incomprehensible.

  Excusing himself with a soft chuckle, Danny walked back to the room and gathered his belongings. Fumbling with his backpack, a slim metallic object fell from the side pocket, the phone his mother had given him.

  "I almost forgot," he said to himself, reaching down and retrieving the item.

  Searching for privacy, he left the room, exited the house, and descended the steps to the sandy ground below. Walking a short distance from the house, he noticed the difference in temperature as a drop of sweat began to bead on his brow. Moments later, a slight breeze swept over the distant sand dunes, carrying with it cool air and the scent of the salty sea.

  After dialing his number, he pressed the phone to his ear and waited for his mother to answer it. After three rings, the phone clicked.


  "I'm okay, Mom. We made it okay."

  "You're there already?"

  "Yeah, we traveled through the night," not really the truth, but not altogether a lie.

  "That must have been a long drive."

  "Not really," with a smile his mother couldn't see.

  "So, when are you leaving for the school?"

  "Come on, Danny," Alonso yelled from behind him.

  Danny turned to find all four boys and Mick waiting by the truck. "Well, Mom, I guess we're leaving right now," ignoring Alonso's insistent waves.

  "Okay, Danny, have fun," she finished with, "I love you."

  "I love you, too, Mom—bye." He clicked the phone off as he made his way over to the truck.

  "You're going to have to leave that with me, Danny," said Mick, extending his hand, palm up.

  "…My phone?"

  "Such devices aren't allowed on White Rock."

  Although Danny knew this to be true from the pamphlet Syndil had given him, he felt the need to ask, "…Why not?"

  "You are familiar with the game of Knights, yes?"

  "…Of course."

  "Then you are also familiar with the forces of the Grey?"

  "I play with the Light, but I've faced some Grey decks before, mainly Matt's."

  Hearing his name, Matt turned and forced his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

  Danny suddenly noticed that all eyes were on him, their interest piqued by the current conversation.

  Without missing a beat, Mick continued, "Well, as you know, the Grey are characterized by rogue knights and technology, correct?"

  Danny nodded.

  "There is some fact to that, but
mainly the Grey represents certain governments that are interested in our organization, the Order of the Light, and the power of the Shadows as well. You see, much like the Dark, some seek to use the Shadows as a weapon against their enemies. Others seem to understand the evil the Shadows represent and have, at times, worked alongside of us. Lastly, there are those that desire both. The overall truth is that most of these governments operate in a grey area where their intentions are often difficult to determine, hence the title, Grey."

  "…And the phone?" Danny asked, presenting it in the palm of his hand.

  "Can be traced and monitored, Danny. The Grey live in what you see around you, an age of technology, while we, the Order of the Light, still operate based on centuries of tradition, devoid of modern-day conveniences," said Mick, taking the phone from Danny, placing it in his pocket. "Had you taken this phone to the Academy of Light, you would've run the risk of giving the Grey information that we prefer to keep secret. Do you understand?"


  "No, not yet, you don't, Danny," said Tyramear, descending the steps of the house with Sabrina behind him. "None of you quite understand yet—not fully, anyway," he finished, stopping in front of Danny. After looking at each boy individually, he continued, "All of you are about to enter into a world of war. Seeing dragons, Elves, and magical swords is only the beginning, boys. True dangers await you, dangers that must be seen to be believed. One of you has already borne witness to the enemy." Tyramear looked down at Danny. "He understands more than the rest of you do. At the end of your first year, you will have a choice to make, you will be asked to continue your training or to quit. Many choose to continue, but there are those without the stomach to face the darkness you will soon know."

  Danny looked to Sabrina, as she stood at her father's side, a small comfort compared to Tyramear's intimidating voice.

  After waiting for a moment, in order to allow his words to sink in, Tyramear continued, "So, I will ask you all one last time, are you prepared for what is to come? Are you willing to give everything you have to work against the darkness that stands at your door? Do you want to become Knights of the Light?"

  Danny turned to regard his friends. They all locked eyes one at a time and measured the underlying confidence of the others. Then, in unison, they turned and gave up a resounding, "Yes!"

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  Chapter 11 - Casting Off on the Radiance

  he trip to the dock was a quiet one, everyone seemed lost in their own thoughts, Danny was no different.

  Until this point, Danny had been sure he knew what was to come; now his confidence wavered. The Shadows were immensely strong, he was a mere teenager. What could he really do in a one-on-one battle? Right now, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against one. Danny turned to Sabrina, who sat in the middle between Danny and Chris.

  Sabrina was focused forward, looking ahead with a confident air. For an instant, Danny thought she might return his gaze, yet she never did. He wondered how she could remain so calm and confident. Then again, she had showed the same poise in her struggle with the Shadow.

  Sabrina Drake was a mystery to Danny, one that he desperately wanted to figure out.

  "We are almost there," said Mick.

  Danny peered beyond the window of the truck. "Where is it?"

  "There," said Mick, pointing down the distant two-lane road and across a wide, arching bridge.

  Danny followed the line of Mick's finger to a large, oval-shaped island, a collection of cruise liners were docked on the left-hand side. The sheer size of the ships rivaled some of the towering buildings of downtown Miami. Halfway atop the bridge that stretched over the ocean beneath him, Danny was presented with a sweeping view of Dodge Island.

  "Which one is our ship?" he asked.

  "The Radiance," said Mick, "the third one on the left."

  Danny glanced at the ship Mick was talking about. He noted that the third ship in line was a massive twelve-deck cruise liner.

  "We're going on a cruise ship?" Alonso asked, with wide-eyed excitement.

  "No," said Mick with a slight chuckle. Tyramear joined him in the merriment. "Look just beyond the bow of the second ship and you will see her."

  Danny leaned forward and squinted as he searched. He saw what looked like the masts of a galleon, the kind of ship he'd read about in history class that had been used in the late sixteenth century. However, before Danny was certain of his observation, the bridge began its descent, cutting off his view of the mysterious ship.

  "Did you see her?" Mick asked as he slowed for traffic.

  "I think so," said Danny, still a little confused.

  "Well, you will soon get a much better view," said Mick, turning the car to the left. "Take another look." He pointed straight ahead.

  Danny gasped. Before him floated a four-masted galleon, resembling something he might have seen in an old pirate movie. The hull of the ship, painted bright white, had the name Radiance on the bow, printed in bold black lettering. The bow, or front of the ship, had an elongated beak with a level perch. The aft, or back, was shaped in a squared tuck stern.

  "That's the ship that's going to take us across the ocean, into the Bermuda Triangle, and to White Rock Island?" Alonso questioned in disbelief, putting words to everyone's thoughts.

  "Indeed it is," said Mick matter-of-factly.

  "Great," said Alonso, throwing his hands up for affect, "we're all gonna die!"

  "She may be old, but she is just as sound as any other vessel you see around you, perhaps more so," put in Tyramear. "You will soon find out that the Radiance is truly one of a kind."

  "That's what I'm afraid of," added Alonso.

  Mick pulled into a parking place and switched the ignition off. He swiveled in his seat. "Go or stay—it's still your decision," he said, directing his comment toward everyone.

  "I'm going. I didn't come all this way just to stay in the car," said Chris, opening the door, stepping outside.

  "Me, too," said Danny, getting out on the opposite side of the vehicle. Sabrina followed behind, it went without saying that she'd be going.

  "Don't forget me," said Matt, retrieving his bag, getting out on the same side as Danny had.

  "I wouldn't miss this for the world," said Doug, exiting the truck with his bag in hand.

  "Whatever," added Alonso, he followed his friends.

  Standing next to Mick, Danny peered out toward the Radiance and noticed a wide gangplank secured to the side, a group was beginning to gather there for boarding. Looking closer, he noticed that all of them were either his age or older, most carried the hilt of a Bonded.

  "Are those Knights of the Light?"

  Mick followed Danny's gaze, "No, lad. Squires, like yourself, returning to the Academy to continue their training. Those with a Bonded are either third-year squires or above." Seeing Danny's confused expression, he added, "You won't be coupled with a Bonded until you return for your second year."

  "So I won't receive a Bonded right away?"

  "No, lad, the training is tough enough without trying to fiddle with a blade in your brain."

  Again, Danny looked at him with confusion.

  "Sorry, lad, I'll not spoil that surprise," Mick said with a smile. "Besides, as Tyramear already explained, there are those that choose not to continue their training. What good would it do to waste a Bonded on someone who would never use it?"

  "I suppose I see your point."

  "You mean, I came all this way and I'm not even gonna get a sword?" Alonso asked, apparently listening in on the conversation.

  Mick produced a wide smile. "Don't worry, boy, by the time you're done, you won't want to see another sword ever again."

  "This is as far as I go," said Tyramear from behind them.

  Danny turned to see Sabrina standing in front of her father, Tyramear cradling her head in his hands.

  "I am proud of you, my daughter," Tyramear said to Sabrina.

  Danny felt a slight pressure on his shoulder and turned to find
Mick's left hand resting on him, his right hand extended for a handshake. Danny obliged him and once again felt the power in the man's grip.

  "Any friend of Tyramear is a friend of mine," said Mick. "I wish you the best of luck."

  "Thank you, Mick."

  Mick released his grip with a smile and then moved on to Chris, shaking his arm at the wrist, wishing him luck.

  Danny watched as Mick went through the ritual three more times.


  Danny turned at the sound of his name, finding Tyramear standing before him with Sabrina by his side.

  "You are brave, Danny, to have stood before a Shadow in an attempt to defend my daughter. Forgive me, but I never thanked you for your actions that night."

  "I didn't really do anything."

  "But, you did," replied Tyramear, placing a sturdy hand on Danny's shoulder. "You stood up to evil incarnate. You put yourself in harm's way without any thought to your own safety, for Sabrina's sake. Unknown were the odds against you, but still you did what you considered was right. Such is a display of incredible courage. I look forward to learning of your progress at the Academy of Illumination. I shall watch you closely, Danny Firoth."

  Danny didn't know what to say except, "Thank you," the short affirmation stuttered from his stunned lips. Swiveling toward Sabrina, he noticed an approving smile stretch across her mouth.

  "You are welcome," said Tyramear, extending his hand. "And thank you again," he added as Danny met him in a shake, gripping his forearm. "Now, I believe you all have a ship to catch."

  With that said, Sabrina moved off toward the towering masts of the Radiance. Danny followed behind, catching up quickly. Doug, Matt, Chris, and Alonso joined them; together they began the short trip toward the boat.

  "Sabrina," yelled someone, causing the group to look to the right, a boy of similar age with long blond hair waved with vigorous energy.

  Sabrina waved back as the blond-haired boy closed the distance at a jog, carrying a brown backpack.

  "Hey, Rogen," she said, once the boy stopped in front of her.


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